Member Reviews

Have not had a chance to read this yet, but will keep it on my list for a rainy day! Appreciate being offered the reading copy!

Was this predictable? Yes. Did it have some super-cliché moments? Also yes.
But I don't think it necessary detracts from the story. Overall, this is a solid addition to the dystopian genre and I feel like it has that lighter touch for those teens that were a bit over-whelmed by the high body count of Hunger Games. And it's a definite bonus that it is quite the quick and easy read.

This book was super interesting!!!!!! there were some parts that get pretty slow but the pay-off is amazing. I highly recommend sticking with it because *chef's kiss*!!!

Lora lives in a society that has been decimated by a deadly virus. As a result, 18-year-olds are paired with their future mates based on their immunity to the virus. When Lora meets the boy she has been paired with, her adventure begins. Conspiracies, lies, and evil people surround her. This book is full of action and adventure as Lora tries to escape and save herself and her friends while trying to find out what caused her mother’s suicide when Lora was young. I love the characters in this book and the story kept me glued to the book from start to finish!

this was a fun start to a series, the characters were great and I really enjoyed reading this book. Overall this was a great series beginning.

#arcreview #netgalley #spoilerwarning
The Pairings - Ramona Finn
This book 1 out of 3.
I had an rough start with reading this, it’s a lot of information that comes to you in the first chapters to let you figure out where this is going 😬
I liked reading it, it gave me an bit of divergent vibes but in an different way.
Lora is the main character and an important one.
She got paired with Jarid, but from the beginning she had an feeling that something was wrong...
And how further the story goes, how more intrigued I got.
I had to say that how cute Jarid is, I loved his twin brother Syeth more 🤗.
The secret is locked in her mind—and they’ll do anything to get it.
Generations ago, humanity was devastated by a virus that wiped billions from the planet. If not for AmeriGlobe’s Pairing programme to match immune survivors, and VaxWell’s immunity-boosting biomods, humans would’ve died out.
Lora Flannigan has sought to conform to the strict laws throughout her eighteen years, and after the Testing she now stands on the brink of a prestigious pairing with high-caste Jarid. Accepting the match will pull her and her family up from their low-caste existence.
But Lora never counted on the sparks that ignite when she meets her Pair’s striking brother: Syeth—dark, brooding and harbouring secrets. But before she’s managed to make sense of her feelings, he’s embroiled her in the rebellion underworld.
And when still darker truths come to light, Lora realizes the purpose behind not only her pairing… but her very existence.
Genre; dystopian, YA, adventure
Stars; ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I really liked reading it, it’s not an cliffhanger ending but you need the other two books to know how it will end.
#tbr #arc #creative #dystopian #ya #reading #honestreview #review #book #bookstagram #booksleeve #sparrow #doves #adventure #thepairings #ramonafinn

This book was surprisingly quite an enjoyable read. On bookstagram we mostly hear about only the highly popular books which everyone reads but occasionally there are these hidden gems that we discover along the way & this book was one of those. The theme of the story was quite similar to our current situation where a virus is eradicating the world's population so something we can all relate to a little. The characters were quite well written & chemistry between Lora & Syeth is good (could have been better) & the adventure & thrill aspect of the book was great. It got very exciting as the story progressed & I literally couldn't put down the book & stayed up all night reading it. The book is part of a triology & I am hoping the other two are as good as the 1st one. 🤞
Would definitely recommend this book to all dystopian & sci-fi lovers.

Thank you for a copy in exchange for an honest review!
I really liked the story, it was different and unique compared to what I've read before. It reminded me alot of the hunger games in the status and prefectures separating society. The characters were well written, although I would have liked to have seen a bit more emotional connection between the main characters at times. The idea that everyone can adjust their appearance and essentially modify themselves through machines around the area was an interesting aspect and I like how our main protagonist didn't get lost in the desire to be accepted in society, even when she was matched with someone of higher status than her.

I totally forgot to review this book which was a mistake because unfortunately I have forgotten any of my more nuanced feedback besides "I enjoyed it and honestly I think you will too!!!" This is going to be such a good ya handsell

Actual Rating: 2.5 out of 5 Stars
Honestly, I wanted to read this because it seemed like a light, easy read and I was completely right. The premise has been tried before (in some cases done better), so this was just a pretty fast, light read for me that didn't take must thought on my part when it came to plot. I give this book the rating I did mainly because I am not the target audience and I can see its target audience truly loving it, but for me the characters fell flat and the love story was kind of boring. Still, this was a pretty fun read.

A fast paced, engaging take on a dystopian society with an interesting set of characters. I loved Lora and found myself more interested in her than the the other rebels. However the story was well written and kept my attention. Overall an entertaining read!

The Pairings was a light, dystopian, young adult (I'd say more young teen) read. The story was interesting and well conceived with a premise that should of blown my socks off. It didn't. There is a deficit in character development that greatly diminished the character connection required for me to love a story. The potential is there, it just needs the engagement factor.
I received this copy of The Pairings from Relay Publishing. This is my honest and voluntary review.

Sorry if this causes offence but I found this boring, packed full of cliches and really predictable. I really tried to persevere wit this title but eventually dnf'd due to the lack of originality, character building and obvious tropes

The Pairings
By Ramona Finn
Many apocalyptic stories start with what is normal and what goes wrong after. This book starts after they found a solution whether right or wrong the solution has a fix. The book looks into our need for self assurance and reliance that other people can be relied on. It asks you to question what is given and find a solution through honest vision and knowing your priorities. The given nature of a devastated world this book is dark. The idea that we can genetically change our own human nature is universal.
The strongest part of the story is the concept that media and public manipulation can make society that has questionable morality. The book teaches children to learn to evaluate what they are told on the fire of what is really good for them.
A great new series that may help students learn to seek answers when the questions become difficult.

I really like this author and the premise of this book is great. There a few things that would have made the book better. One is the way one chapter ends and the next begins. When the next chapter begins, it is as if you step back and repeat the end of the previous chapter with more detail. One chapter began with her 'holding the only piece of evidence', which she really couldn't know since she didn't know the piece's origin or if anything else excised since she was newly introduced to this environment. Another thought would be to make the fighting/fleeing scenes more realistic. It felt like she went from a normal almost paranoid teenage to a warrior ninja.
I really did like the book, I just felt it has some wrinkles to iron out.
I received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review. The opinions are my own.

I love a good dystopian novel and this book is just that, fast paced and addictive, this book will leave you wanting more. A really good story and well developed relatable characters, I loved the chemistry in this and the ideas in this book are not far off what could happen, highly recommended
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

<b> I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review</b>
I must say, this was kind of boring.
Many times I was tempted to DNF <i> The Pairings</i> but I forced my way through this book.
<img src="https://image.myanimelist.net/ui/OK6W_koKDTOqqqLDbIoPAsgY0HeDxGP50eIYHRcQIvg" width="300" height="250" alt="The torture......"/>
It's not that this book was horrible. I mean maybe some of you might love this series.
It's just that to me, I felt like there were so many cliche scenes that made me cringe.
Lora Flannigan is a girl who's applying for something called the Pairing, where of course people are paired together. She's paired with a boy, Jared, who also happens to have a twin brother and can you guess what happens?
Yep. Of course she falls in love with the twin brother, Syeth. Typical.
Oh! And of course, what's better is that Syeth happens to be the <b>dark and brooding</b> type compared to his brother Jared, who's all cheerful.
There were some cool scenes in this book like when she jumped off the building😂 (of course she didn't die).
I guess this wasn't just my type.
Others probably loved this and I'm just in the minority😅. Wouldn't be a first, lol.

When I first started reading this book, I was just like what is going on? Then it started talking about government control and I was like yes I am in. Books that have this type of situation, and a rebellion always pull me in. Red Queen is my favorite book so I was ready for some teenage uprising.
This gives me a lot of Matched vibed by Allie Condie with the whole matching and trying to be the best in the society. I did like that book, but not the rest of the series so going into this I was praying that it would stay strong and it did I was delighted. Though at some points I was confused because I felt like they are the same book , but just I was liking the book so much. Then I just felt that it just went downhill from there.

A novel set in the future where the government control everything is just my type of book. I had read a previous series by this author, and while it was my genre choice, I just really did not connect to much with it, so I went into this one, being unsure if that would change. It did. The world building in this as we follow Lora, Jarid and Syeth is full of suspense. As we delve into the pairings that are done with most citizens and the injections people can take to make their life "better" we uncover some deep and dark secrets. Will they make it out alive? What's next? Who is Lora really meant to be with? You have to read this to find out and I just cannot wait for the next book in this series.

An interesting read, a good dystopian story.
I really liked Lora and there was a very cute romance going on. It did sometimes feel as if we jumped too quickly in her development and a lot of the rebel types seemed very negligent (there won’t be a long rebellion if they keep on the way they are going.
But overall very entertaining and interesting read.