Member Reviews
This is a well-research, well-written book that makes its case in a well-paced but well-organized way. Of course, the true feelings of the author are the elephant in the room throughout, but she does logically and, in as unbiased a way as she can, make her points about why we should vote, and why our voting will contribute to our democracy. She begins with a short but well-researched and organized section on lying, which she contends may well be the basis for everything else. She then follows covering the abuses that she demonstrates have occurred relating to immigrants, women, etc. As I read the book, I found her ideas well thought-out and expressed, though not too long-winded. Kelly Hyman has a varied resume, with experiences that go from life in the entertainment world, to that of a law student and prominent attorney in the Miami area, to life and a job in the past administration, to life as a TV legal analyst. I think her resume has provided her a wide berth from which to express her ideas, which are, as I said, quite interesting and well presented. Though many readers may not agree with her, I still feel the book was well worth the effort to read and hopefully better understand the interesting, well researched and organized expression of her thoughts, conclusions and feelings, and should be read by all with an open mind, since the content is important and can be helpful when deciding the vote. I received this from NetGalley to read and review.
Top Ten Reasons to Dump Trump in 2020 from Kelly Hyman is a wonderful book that has information everyone needs to know.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the books that are more hyperbolic in their trashing of the trashiest President we have ever had, Trump. Those books, however, usually don't serve much purpose beyond entertaining those who understand what a complete and utter waste of a person Trump is. Any useful facts are often obscured by the tone. This is not one of those books.
The premise is every bit as straightforward as the title implies. Ten reasons, any one of which would normally be enough to make a person unsuitable for another term (or to even finish out the first), why Trump should be defeated in 2020. Each reason is explained with facts, comparisons with previous administrations and/or Presidents, and a clear explanation about why each is important.
I said above that everyone needs to know these facts and assessments. For those of us trying to save this democracy, we need to have more than just an appeal based on Trump's immorality and cruelty, since those features are exactly what appeals to his heavily white Cult of Evangelicalism supporters. But by knowing these facts we can try to engage those who haven't already ODed on the Kool Aid. Those who might have supported Trump but claim to not really be a supporter, they need to read this and within their own minds and hearts come to terms with what they believe this country has been and could be. If nothing else, they will know specifically what unethical and cruel policies they are supporting and why (because they are also bigoted hateful faux-Christians on the whole).
Don't judge the book by my snarkiness, Hyman is far more clear and concise with valid historical and political reasons for why these reasons are important. The snark is all on me.
Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley.
Eek! Fantastic book that makes me squeal in delight! I must first say that any book that bashes Trump and his bigotry is a win in my book (pun intended). But this book really takes the cake! I love how the author wittingly and effortlessly bashes Trump and his minions to pieces. It leaves me wondering how their are still Trump lovers in the world today. Perhaps they need to read this book!
This is an intelligent and well-researched book highlighting why we need a new President in 2020. I found the author to be passionate about this, but the writing was done in a straightforward manner to really get the points across.