Member Reviews

I received this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
This book is dynamite! Packed to the gills with mythology, Warriors, Witches, Women explores legendary female figures.
For having so much information it's a surprisingly quick read!

I loved learing about mythological women and spirits from around the world. I wish it had gone more in depth about each one though. It was a good geeral overview however and I enjoyed it.
I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy free of charge. This is my honest and unbiased opinion of.

This book is a bit of a puzzler. I was incredibly excited to learn about a variety of female lore and whilst the list of them is sufficient, the explanation within is a bit of a letdown. If you're looking for rudimentary explanations of babba yaga, the furies, and pele with beautiful art then this book will serve your purpose. However, the writing itself leaves a bit to be desired. I didn't find the stories written in a compelling way which is so unfortunate given the vibrancy of these historical matriarchs. I wanted to love this book but it just left me wanting.

A truly gorgeous book (one perfect for a christmas gift or even just as a decorative piece to spruce up a coffee table!) that carefully and lovingly recounts tales of mythological women from cultures across the globe. It revels in their strength, their duality and their passion, and sheds far more light oft-overlooked figures of male-dominated mythologies. Brilliant just to flick through, or to spend an hour reading and researching.

I have been unable to download this book. It would be better for publishers to indicate that they are unable to provide a copy for Kindle as this can affect a readers feedback score.
In this case, I have rated three stars so my score is not affected.

This is a beautiful book - I thoroughly enjoyed it - for people wanting to get to know some female mythological characters, some of which are still revered today. Hodges brings up both more well-known goddesses, spirits and fairies, but also some that might not be that familiar to everyone, and she spans many different regions of the world., not just the Greco-Roman region, but also Basque, Hawaiian, Welsh, Lithuanian and Vietnamese deities, fairies and other characters are introduced for the reader. Their stories are presented and modern examples of their importance for everyday lives of people and popular culture are woven into the text.
The illustrations by Harriot Lee Merrion are beautiful and adds a lot to the overall appeal of the book.

What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? What do you want to be known for?
Warrior? Goddess? Monster? Witch? Queen?
Uh, I think you all know what I would choose.
Witchy Ghost Queen remixed with Goddess
This world is made of mythos. History is laced with fact and fiction and they intertwine. We have prayed to the Gods and Goddesses, sent our strongest soldiers off to wars, we dare not speak the name of certain spirits in fear of invoking their wrath.
We learn to not repeat mistakes but we also learn because it is fundamental to know and it is FASCINATING. History is rich and it is sordid and it is messy and I absolutely love it.
I don’t think I have to hide the fact that I loved this book and how it highlights women: good and bad, fact or fiction.
Warriors, Witches, Women is an illustrated book that showcases women from all around the world. These are the women made up up legends. The first chapter?
I’ve never heard of Morgan Le Fay but I learned that she is a British Fairy and Enchantress. The book also provides us with a really handy description and her history which I…am crying over.
Another favorite entry of mine is The White Buffalo Calf Woman, an Indigenous American/Lakaotan Spirit who taught the Lakota Sioux Tribe tribes their most precious ceremonies their most precious ceremonies and environmental practices.
It is books like this I love the most because they go into such careful detail into teaching us important history.
Growing up, we always got a very white washed version of mythology and it was frustrating as a black child. All of these great people and they’re all…white. It’s stinging. This book does a great job in showcasing various figures of color such as Mami Wata, Cihuateteo, Yennenga , Futakuchi-onna.
Of course, my creepy ass is also happy in the ghost section. I nearly wept. SO MANY GHOST FIGURES I KNEW NOTHING OR NEARLY NOTHING ABOUT? I’M…so happy you guys.
This is a gorgeous book. The writing is impeccable and the artwork is amazing. Each entry has its own art and a lot of effort and love was put into it. You can absolutely tell. I plan to buy this when it’s available because an ARC copy doesn’t do it justice and I need my daughter to read this as well.
Luckily we live in a time where she doesn’t have to go through what I did and doubt that just because her skin is dark doesn’t mean that her history isn’t rich in mythology.
Her background is full of goddesses, strategists, elementals. Strong women past and present. It all leads back to her and she too will be known as legendary.
Thank you very much to publisher and Netgalley for this copy of my ARC. All opinions are my own,.
I wish I could give more than 5 stars.

This book is DOPE. Such a cool concept, so well executed. I find it important to celebrate the female past and mythical, rather than only focusing on what we want to change in the future. This book does that and more. Not to be missed.

If you are interested in global mythology, this is a detailed and well researched coffee table book with beautifully drawn illustrations. I can think of many people who would absolutely love this and I think it would be suitable to people of many ages.

I adore this book! It is similar to Angel, Spirits and Goddesses by Susan Greg that I've also read and reviewed for Netgalley.
It is informative and the modern illustrations for each of the 50 women are gorgeous. I definitely want a hardcopy of this for my bookshelf.
I can highly recommend this as research material or as I'm using it for further study for my art.
Thank you so much Netgalley for granting a wish.

This was an interesting collection of tales that was well curated and explored. The art was beautiful and that was the strongest element of the book for me as the stories were okay but they were a bit meandry and some of them spent too long focusing on other topics that were not entirely relevant to their character's tale.