Member Reviews

THis book occupies a mid point between board book and interactive picture book. Its not really a plot. THe characters push a colored button and a thing happens. SOme of the thins are silly, some little more sweet. The good thing about these push button books for toddlers is that they reinforce ideas of cause and effect. When you do one thing it makes another thing happen. ANd in the case of this book, we get a little repetition. They push a couple of colors more than one, creating the same effect each time.

Is there anyone on Earth that hasn't been tempted to touch an unmarked button? What will it do? Will something appear? Will something blow up?
This is a fun and interactive story that will be a hit for storytime. Kids will enjoy all the wonderful things that the buttons do, and they get to explore colors.

This was such a fun book. It's going to be a fun book to read at story time. It might be a little too active for a bedtime story, but it would be worth giving it a try.

What happens when you press the buttons? Will you like what happens? A young child may well enjoy this book which has interesting and silly things result as each button is pressed. Along the way, toddlers can learn colors and shapes as they enjoy the story. With amusing illustrations and repetition, this book may well appeal to toddlers or preschoolers.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this title in exchange for an honest review.

This book is simply adorable and such a fun read. The girls argued over pressing the buttons. And had so much fun doing the actions, my favourite was the hug button. Unsurprisingly, theirs was the raspberry button. Definitely one we will read over and over!!

I thought this was cute, but not too excited about it since I really love Press Here, but it turns out four year olds don't mind if they have two books with the same concept. As soon as we finished the book she asked to read it again, and then after our next book, asked for it AGAIN. So this will definitely be a purchase as soon as it comes out.
There's no big suprises in the buttons, there are tickles and songs and hugs. I like making raspberry sounds but the book goes hard on it being a rude noise (that feels a bit old fashioned, like something my mom's age would say?) and has the narrator scold the noise making instead of joining in, which is annoying. I prefer when books let the parent get silly too, like The Book with No Pictures does that protesting silly things well. The animals are cute, although I will say Woollvin's characters always look a little sinister to me? Something about the eyes maybe? It was a strength in Little Red where I liked her seeming a little extra knowing and dangerous. It's a little extra cute and clever to have the final sleepy spread include a "wake up" button which leads into the end papers. If this was the final of my daughter's three stories before bed, we could stop without pressing that one and end on the sleepy note.

The Button Book is a fun and engaging activity book for the youngest readers. Due out 14th Jan 2020 from Penguin Random House on their Tundra imprint, it's 32 pages and will be available in hardcover format.
This is an interactive story activity book with a group of animal friends pushing a different colored button on each 2-page spread. There's a hugging button, a tickle button, a singing button, a *thbbbpppt* raspberry button, etc. I can see this becoming a perennial favorite activity book. I don't imagine it would make a good bedtime book with all the raspberrying and tickling and bouncing, but it definitely would make a fun activity at other reading times.
The art is colorful, simple, energetic, and whimsical. The text is very easy to follow and fun. There are fun 'hidden' buttons in the book also, inviting a closer look for readers. The typesetting in Sassoon infant font is bouncy and easy to read.
This is a fun book. Not a bedtime read, but a fun book nonetheless. Four stars.

Everyone loves to push a button, be it on an elevator, a door, or even the buttons on a computer or tablet, just to cite a few. There is something exciting about it that delights both the young and old. Little ones will love this fun interactive book. It's a perfect way to learn colours and shapes making the book not only entertaining but educational as well.
A variety of sweet animals team up to answer questions about the different coloured buttons they find and what could possibly happen if they decide to press them. They first discover that a red button when pressed... beeps, the orange button encourages everyone to clap, the blue button wants everyone to sing and the green button is a raspberry button... how rude! On and on they go trying their luck and delighting in the results that each new colour and shape button brings.
The book stimulates imaginations and allows the response of the reader to drive the playful narrative. I really like that the last white button buttons up the whole story and tucks everyone away for the night. Yep, it's a sleep button.
The illustrations are very kid-friendly and they invite the reader into the adventure along with the animals. "The Button Book" would be a wonderful read-aloud for a storytime session or to share at bedtime . I highly recommend this book.

This is a cute, interactive book for toddlers. Each page shows a button of different colours and shapes. Animals come upon the buttons and ask each other what they think it might do. Of course they press the button and they all cause you to do different things; tickle buttons, rude noise buttons (blowing raspberries), clapping, singing, hugging etc. After going through all the buttons, the animals do it again. This is a cute book that had my granddaughter and I laughing and being silly. It is definitely not one that I would read before bed, but when you are trying to have fun, or cheer a child up, this is a great choice to do that. The illustrations are not the best and did not really attract the eye, but it didn’t seem to matter to her. We read it a few times until grandma had enough. This is one I would definitely recommend for a family library.

A delightfully playful experience for toddlers, exploring the wonderful worlds of books and relationships.

The Button Book is one of those interactive picture books in the same vein as Bill Cotter's Don't Push the Button! series. It doesn't break the fourth wall to the same extent, as the "story" is about a group of animals finding various coloured buttons to push. Each button is a different shape and has a specific function: everything from blowing raspberries to having tickle fights.
I can see some kids really loving this (and some parents groaning when the book gets pulled out of the bookshelf). I don't know if I'm a huge fan of these interactive books, as they often don't have much of a story and rely on interaction with the reader for much of the enjoyment. (This is probably not one you're going to want to read at bedtime because of its potential to wind kids up.)
For what it is, it's fine. If you like this kind of picture book, you'll likely find much to enjoy here.

I loved the style that was used for the illustrations in this book. The colors were nice and the greys contrasting worked well.
The story was short and silly. Different buttons in different colors being pushed with different silly outcomes. My son loved it with all of its shenanigans.

I received a copy of this arc from NetGalley for an honest review. Some animals find buttons and they press them to see what happens. Fairly simple story.

Littles are going to love this little bedtime book! There's buttons to push that tell them to clap, sing, make rude noises, fun stuff littles love to do! And it also has a hug button, so child headed to sleep can get in a few more hugs! And, of course, the inevitable sleep button at the end of the story (when you actually get to it!) Cute little animals doing silly stuff in all the illustrations! The littles are so going to enjoy this story! Make a great gift.