Member Reviews

I’m not sure how I feel about this one still. I liked it while I was reading it but I found it very forgettable. I did really like the characters and the story line.

When I heard LB Simmons was writing a new book a while back I knew it was going to crush my soul. This book you guys was WORTH THE WAIT! I couldn't put this book down.
My heart almost couldn't take it. The Wildflowers are comprised of four teens who have lived a life that no one should have to live. But together the learn the true meaning of friendship, love and trust. The lessons you learned with these Wildflowers in this story were lessons not every adult together has learned.
I felt like I cried, I ached and I sympathized with our characters so much in this book. But this book has dark notes, be warned. It's not for the faint of heart with some of the circumstances our characters deal with.
LB Simmons has such a way to captivate you with her words. I've read every book she's ever written and I would read them all over again in a heart beat. I might need some time to recover from We, The Wildflowers, but I can't wait to see what type of real life scenarios she puts in front of us again. This woman has a true talent and I thoroughly enjoyed this phenomenal book.
Pick it up, read it, devour it but go in with a box of tissues and maybe some wine, because trust me you're going to need it!

It was interesting, and very sad. But how it was written and the writing itself made it hard to be dragged into the story.

I appreciate a book that explores mental health concerns in teens and the ways that society can break a person but I think this one goes too far. All of their issues are a bit too extreme, the adults in their lives either near perfect or the worst thing ever. There are no halfways in this book. And the wildflowers metaphor is too heavy handed

Things I Liked:
-the first half of the novel felt very real & relatable
-I liked most of the characters & their development (Adam, Genesis, Lukas, Mrs. Rodriguez, Sally, Maggie)
-the romance aspect was not too much for the story (I felt that it was balanced out well)
-I liked the themes of overcoming troubles, forming friendships, & not letting your past define you
Things That Didn't Sit Quite Right With Me:
-the main character's (Chloe's) narrative voice really irritated me...I just felt that she was very dramatic & whiny at times...I would have loved to see this story from a different perspective
-I enjoyed the symbolism in the novel (the sun necklace, the wildflowers, the cardigan)
-it felt like the second half of the story was written for shock value...it sort of ruined my overall thoughts about the book & I had to push through to finish it
Overall, I gave this book 3 stars. I think it would be a great read for those who enjoy YA, those who enjoy stories with troubled youth themes, & those who like stories of resilience.

I felt like I’ve waited forever for this book. I was so excited to receive an ARC through Netgalley !
It was a beautifully written story about a group of teens who have no one but each other to relay on. The foundation of their friendship is broken due to a terrible tragedy. As time goes on they each grow without each other. That’s my favorite part that they realize they are all strong and worthy in their own. But in the end they still know that have a family in each other.

DNF. Thank you NetGalley and Publisher for this early copy! I decided to not keep reading this one, it was not for me. Thanks!

Such a beautiful and emotional journey! Simmons' has a wonderful gift of telling a remarkable, touching and powerful story. Her words elicited all the feels; anger, joy, devastation, heartbreak, and most importantly, hope. I am utterly impressed by her ability to write such profound stories that truly touch your heart and leave a lasting impression. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I am shocked that her books don't have more ratings and reviews. She is an author I will be sure to keep following in hopes that she continues to bless the world with her writing.

3.5 Starts - TRIGGERS - Sexual Assault - LGBTQ issues - Parental Abandonment - Drug abuse
Genesis, Adam, Chloe and Lukas are a family of their own choosing, the Wildflowers. They are all scarred and discarded in their own ways and living together in a foster home run by an amazing woman named Mary. They attend the local high school and also group therapy at the house. They are all working on healing themselves when tragedy strikes the group. In the months following, their situation goes from bad to worse and everything seems to fall apart. These Wildflowers must find their way back to the sunlight to bloom.
I enjoyed this book. The characters were engaging and likable. The trauma they all lived through was realistic. I found myself thinking about the characters and story while not reading it, always a sign of a good book. Then why the 3.5 stars instead of more? Because the conversations these children have are more profound and psycho-babbly than teenagers truly have. Each of the characters seemed to click a box: suicide, drug abuse, gay, abandoned. Lukas' character is almost a cliche - tall, dark, moody, broken only to be healed by the ONE girl who capable, then he turns into a co-dependent overprotective marshmallow. The kind of 18 year old that doesn't really exist, and if he does, he's a unicorn.
Overall, it was a good read. I wouldn't tell you to run out to read it, but if it appeals to you, I think it would be an engaging read.
Thanks to NetGalley for an arc of this book.

I couldn't get into any of the characters. Period. They were very unlikeable, at least for me anyway.

I am so incredibly overwhelmed with emotion right now! The sheer beauty of this story and the raw and passionate way it’s written has seared my heart.
This story is filled with so much pain and heartache but throughout it is so much hope, forgiveness, and an abundance of love. The bonds built and growth of every person in this story will warm your heart. The journey is difficult, but together they each weather the season’s and the outcomes are a heartwarming sight to behold.
An absolutely breathtaking story that will forever stay with me. A must read!
“You are infinite.”
“And you, my lioness, are the reason.”

Thank you NetGalley and Spencer Hill Press for sharing an eARC of this book. It is a Young Adult book, so a little too mature for my sixth grade students. This book was eye-opening into the world of the foster system, suicide, and rehab for teens. I loved how the focus was on the friendship forged by the “Wildflowers” and the twists that kept me coming back to read more. I gave this book 3 stars.

I can see a lot of people really liking this book but sadly it wasn't for me. The characters talk to each other in a very over the top, flowery kind of way and I couldn't get past that. I decided after a few chapters that the writing style didn't gel with me and I wouldn't be continuing on. However, if you enjoy that kind of extravagant prose then this could be a really good book for you to pick up

A heart shattering YA meant for the lost, lonely and broken. I wish this novel had been handed to me at fifteen to prepare me for some of life’s hardest lessons. While this was a difficult read, I hope its lessons instill a little extra kindness in its readers. You truly never know what another person is struggling with. Beautifully developed characters that feel like forces of nature.
“Another winter has come and gone, and I survived.”

I really enjoyed this! I thought it was so heartbreaking and all the characters were really real to me. I found myself rooting for everyone and wanting everything to work out for them. Highly recommend!

Thanks Net Galley for the preview!
This story was sad and beautiful and powerful all at once. When I finished this story I didn't want it to be over. I loved all 4 of the Wildflowers and their unbreakable connection. Chloe's vulnerability, Genny's tough exterior, Adams' comic relief, and Lukas' fierce protectiveness combine into one cohesive family. This book needs to be read and read and appreciated. The real love you can find in this book is important to see and strive for. There were so many emotions that came from this book-the best way to explain it is an emotional roller coaster that you never want to get off of. READ THIS BOOK!

If you are looking for an emotional and intense read this is what you need!L.B. Simmons wrote a beautiful story about love and acceptance.The writing was flawless and this make the story intimidate.It touched me and I enjoyed every moment of it!Chloe tells the story in such a way that captured my attention and heart. I deeply felt for her.This book is definitely not a fast paced book. It moves quite slowly.

We, The Wildflowers is unlike anything you will ever read again. The tale told about Genesis, Chloe, Adam and Lukas is heartbreaking. It will gut you as these four young, broken souls form a makeshift family of their own in a foster home. I mean, life has been about as rough as it can get for these four teenagers. Yet they somehow, by a support group of their own making, manage to find a sliver 0f light in the darkest of places.
This book is definitely not an easy one to read. For a YA story, it has a decidedly dark tone and touches upon some heavy topics. Yet as hopeless as life seems at times for the Wildflowers, they never give up hope that things will someday be different, someday be better, and I couldn't help but cheer them on and hope for their sake that it would.
We, The Wildflowers is a beautifully written, poignant coming-of-age story. It will have you sobbing at times, smiling at others. It is not a romance (as most of the books I read are), but it is most definitely a love story between these four extraordinary characters.
I received an advanced copy and voluntarily left a review.

I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I liked this book a lot more than I thought I would. It was more like a reading experience than a book. The characters were written with so much depth. Simmons has a way of writing emotions that lets you feel everything the characters feel. This is one of those books that stays with you long after you put it down. A must read!
Thank you kindly to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for this review copy.

I LOVED this book. I could not stop reading until I finished the entire book in one evening. I was smiling the entire first third of the book, cried through the next third, and was in an emotional tornado for the last. AMAZING.