Member Reviews

I'm never usually a fan of short stories, as I need a lot of time to explore the world and bond with the characters. So I almost decided to skip this one, but I am so glad I didn't. This story was so light, humorous and fun, it had me smiling. I thought it was very well written. The protagonist is so likeable and also totally relatable, (I also had a habit of forgetting about food and leaving it in different places to rot, eww!) too scared to ask out his crush, who hasn't been there? He also threw a bit of shade at a very popular band, I just so happen to really dislike too. Jonah and I would get along so well! Although, I am not at all a fan of crude humor, so I definitely could have done without the pixie being so horny, all in all I enjoyed this short read. It was full of corn and cheese and I loved it :)

So short it was more like an article than a story, only very slightly amusing and really a bit of a waste of 15minutes reading time