Member Reviews

I read these out of order, so maybe that has something to with how confusing it was to me, but I really didn't enjoy it either way..

i never ended up downloading this, i've been reading other reviews on this and it sounds pretty good, so i might go get it~

I received a copy of this book for a fair and honest review. This is the second book in the series and I was just as excited to get my hands on this one after I read the first one. This continues the story of Jamie and Drea. Drae is starting to lose hope in the Phoenix but Jamie still feels the fire. I did not take me long to see that Drea was not the focus of this one but Jamie has now been thrust forward. I love this take on the Authurian legend. I am not so sure about Adhomai thinking that he is the reborn Arthur after some healing powers were restored. It is turns into a worldwind adventures, but I still have a lot of questions that I need answered. I hope book 3 will answer them.