Member Reviews

I thought The Yoga Almanac by Lisette Cheresson and Andrea Rice was a great introductory read to the practice and philosophy of yoga. The layout of this book is divided into the four seasons, each with three Chinese zodiac signs. Each chapter is meant to be used for a week, and has some philosophical thoughts at the beginning that discuss the name of the chapter, such as Awakening or Grounding, by citing and mentioning many other philosophies and histories. There is a clear connection made to the practice of yoga. Then there is a little information about how the title of the chapter relates to the zodiac sign and season it is within. After, there is a small graphic that shows the yoga pose for the week and a description. I am sad that there were so few graphics, as I would have liked more pictures and images of the pose. I also would have liked some variations of the pose so that one can progress through their yoga journey with this book. Following the pose is a "This Week" section, where the reader is tasked with taking the practice off the mat and thinking more generally about their life. Lastly, there is section titled "Dharma Talk," which is a poem. I do not know where the poems are from, but I believe the authors cite that in the introduction. The emphasis on The Yoga Almanac seems to be the philosophy behind yoga and the practice itself, not the yoga poses, or "physical yoga," as they call it. I do yoga and I felt that the poses were basic and good beginner/intermediate poses, but I do wish that variations had been included, and that there were more poses each week in general. I also feel that combining so many countries philosophies and so many philosophers, and random people such as musicians, to create the full picture of what the practice is about was overwhelming and a bit confusing. Yes, there are connections between them all with yoga, but I wanted to be given more facts and evidence of this. It seemed a bit far-reaching at times, but I am not in any way an expert on this sort of stuff. Overall it was an ok read, a bit too much philosophical talk for me at times, but good introduction. I am not sure I would buy this for a fellow yogi, however.

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Loved this book! I will be o corporations the rituals and stretches o to my daily and weekly routines. It made understanding the seasons so much easier. I can’t wait to gift it to my yogi friends!

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I liked all the content inside the book but the formatting was very difficult to read. Granted, I was reading a eArc copy, so it is very possible the printed and official version will be easier. I was hoping to be able to just flip to the week that I am in and easily find the pose I needed to do. It was hard to find my place if I was not starting in March.

I did really enjoy the connection made to the astrological signs and calendar. It also did a great job at explaining the poses but I would prefer better images.

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