Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this! The reveals weren’t the most shocking thing to me, but I did enjoy seeing everything unfold and I was guessing the whole time. I didn’t fully see the overall outcome and I liked that. I really enjoy this author duo and will pick up everything they write! They are great at writing complex characters that make you think. Great book!

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Shay witnesses a woman commit suicide, and becomes consumed with wanting to know more about the dead woman. She befriends some of the woman's friends. Shay wants friends. They have darker ideas.

Told using multiple points of view - Shay and the dead woman's friends. Shay is lonely and struggling. She's working as a temp since getting downsized at her last job. She's single, but wants a relationship. Her friends are busy moving on, and Shay is feeling a little left behind. Shay is a data analyst and loves statistics. After witnessing a suicide, she uses her research skills to learn about the dead woman. When she meets the woman's friends, they seem so glamorous, and she dreams of being accepted into their circle. The dead woman's six friends have something they are hiding though.

A fun psychological thriller. Shay is relatable and a little quirky. Fans of this writing duo will likely enjoy this latest novel by them. Suspenseful, fast-paced, and wild.

I received a free digital copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for an ARC of this book.
The comments and review are my honest opinion.
A taunt psychological book that is hard to put down and nothing seems real but rather quite sinister.
Shay an insecure, lonely woman witnesses the suicide of a young woman who jumps in front of a train. What could possibly have sent Amanda to the abyss of taking her own life. As Shay tries to go on with her life she is haunted by the horror of Amanda’s death. She feels the need to attend Amanda’s memorial and there she meets Amanda’s friends. They take Shay under their wing and from then on Shay is never alone. Her insecurities are gone. She has friends and her life is changed. Changed to a horror that she could have never predicted and may just not live through.

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You Are Not Alone is the third book by Hendrix and Pekkanen, and it’s the second one I’ve read. Overall, I liked the book, but it had some issues. The twists and turns were often predictable, and the main character’s naïveté had me scratching my head. I sort of felt like this was a Scooby Doo mystery with the main character bungling around like Shaggy and Scooby throughout the bulk of the book. The “gotcha” moment at the end was so much like the cartoon endings where the monster turns out to be a bad guy in a mask. Despite its problems, I still enjoyed the story, and give it a solid 3 to 3.5 stars.

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You are Not Alone is another wonderful psychological thriller by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen. If you enjoyed their other books The Wife Between Us and Anonymous Girl you will like this one as well. As with all of their books they focus on women. The different sides of women and how often women are not what they seem.
This is a thriller so you can expect twists and turns, but this book, especially the ending kept me guessing. The trouble with books like these is, for me least, I find I don’t really like the characters. Shay was a bit strange, and I never really connected with her. That made it hard to really care what happened to her. Cassandra and Jane, on the other hand, are easier to get a handle on. Though I did wish I had known a little more about their motivation, especially early on.
You Are Not Alone certainly makes you think about the idea that people you idolize may not be actually worthing of your idolization. It makes you realize that how people present themselves is not always true, even people who you trust implicitly. To quote one of my favorite TV shows, “everybody lies.” I did really enjoy this book and I recommend it if you are in the mood for a good thriller.

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This book gave me the creeps! The authors are definitely good at building suspense. But these sisters, yuck ! I hate that they were so predatory and took advantage of neediness and troubled people!

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This is the first book I’ve read by these authors- Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen. For awhile I was nervous I wasn’t liking the story BUT the way it all wrapped up with the twists and the turns... it got me like WHAT?!

This book is about Shay Miller. She made the unfortunate mistake of being at the wrong place at the wrong time and bears witness to a suicide in the NYC subway. If that isn’t bad enough she becomes obsessed with the girl that died- Amanda. Who was she? What’s her story? After attending the Amanda’s memorial she befriends the people who were in her life. But who exactly are they? Secrets unravel. Lives are in danger. Who can she trust?

This story was really good and so captivating BUT the main character Shay drove me to drink. She was always like, “woah is me I’m just a lonely New Yorker with no friends, I’m so desperate for attention, I’m naive and I tend to lie all the time. Blah blah blah. Maybe if I didn’t lie so much I wouldn’t have even gotten involved in all this s*%&!” But then we wouldn’t have a story would we? So there’s that. I will say she got a little better toward the end but all in all she was a sad little puppy. 😬

If you’re in the mood for a psychological thriller where you don’t have to think very hard- let this one take you for a ride!

3.75/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

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Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen are powerhouses when it comes to thrillers. They wowed readers with A Wife Between Us and An Anonymous Girl, and their third novel, You Are Not Alone, is also very intriguing and a real page turner.
Shay Miller finds herself witnessing a suicide, and soon her lonely existence is infiltrated by the Moore sisters, who essentially make over her life but with ulterior motives.
The first two-thirds of this book read like butter - I could not wait to get to a place where I could read it. I could not figure out what was going to happen, who had what motives and when the plot was going to turn sideways for our protagonist. However, the final third seemed to be a bit rushed as the authors seemed to need to finish things up, and suddenly, Shay became wise to the ways of her new friends.
Overall, a fun read but at times, a teensy bit predictable and quite far-fetched with the plot. I'm giving this one a solid 3.5 stars.
Thank you to Netgalley and St Martin's Press for an ARC in exchange for review.

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So here’s to another thrilling adventure brought to you by the fabulous duo, Hendricks and Pekkanen.

Even though this wasn’t my favorite by the duo does NOT mean it was anything less than stellar. I love the character-driven viewpoints and the short, suspenseful chapters.

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This book hooked me from the beginning. I understand wanting to be someone that you're not and you just want to know how it ends.

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In this third collaboration between the Hendricks' and Pekkanens' duo, You Are Not Alone, the authors deliver a story just as spectacular as the two previous contributions to the literary world. They have mastered the art of creating a psychological thriller that leaves the reader wanting for nothing. I don't think I could have ever guessed what would come from the event that draws Shay into the world of the Moore sisters.

Shay is considered a no-nonsense, analytical thinker. But her heart and emotions still get the better of her, and when she finds herself without a solid job and feeling her hopes for romance with her friend and roommate dashed, she becomes highly susceptible to manipulation. Drawn to Jane and Cassandra Moore and their tight circle, this loner finally feels like she's found a place. But nothing is what it seems and Shay is so thoroughly deceived, there is simply no way for her to see the trap being set. We are exposed through the truth as we get both Shay's and the Moore sisters POV's.

The story unfolds at a perfect pace, leaving me fearful for Shay and in shock of the extent of the malice held by this small group of women. I have to say I connected to the Moore sisters on one level, and I think a lot of readers will. They are agents of justice and for me, I am all about the type of transgressions they are focused on being made right. But, I felt for Shay as she is pulled in and becomes collateral damage. It simply goes against their principles, but they are short-sighted (at best). While this is a key point in the plotline, what motivates the sisters will also become their downfall.

I've come to expect the unexpected, but the authors threw me for one than one loop. As events unfold there's just always one missing piece of information, and it's always something that could never have been anticipated, which makes for an engrossing and fun read. I was anxious to find out if Shay found any peace as I would guess most readers would. The only thing I'm left fearing is the year-long wait for another book by these ladies. 5 stars and recommendation!

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I would like to thank the publisher, St Marin’s Press and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I read their previous collaboration, An Anonymous Girl, and I rated it 5 stars, and this book is even better..

It is great thriller, with lists of interesting characters and so many twist and turns. You will not be able to predict the story ending, which will keep you turning the page.

I highly recommend this book!

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It's no secret that Hendricks and Pekkanen know how to entertain. This is their third book as a writing team and once again we get a fast paced, twisty ride.

Shay is a bit at rock bottom at the moment. She's getting kicked out of her apartment, she's in between jobs, doesn't have much friends and just witnessed a suicide by subway. (As a New Yorker, I hope I never ever have to witness this - but I am scared of being pushed in front of one - eep!) As she somehow finds a kinship with the deceased, Amanda, her actions catch the eyes of Amanda's friends and puts her in a situation she could have never seen coming.

Now, while I did find this read entertaining in true Pekkanen and Hendricks style, this one missed the mark just a bit for me. A thousand coincidences looked over by a protagonist who is into statistics and numbers? Erm….. does not computer. Regardless, this is still a fun read. Suspend some reality, be careful who you befriend and never ever believe that coincidences are just coincidences.

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This is the third book I’ve read by these 2 writers, and it’s another one that you just can’t put down! I think the best part of the book is that anyone who has lived in NYC could feel like they are the main character, and therefore you get invested in what happens to her. Very twisty and creepy at times, but that’s what one wants from a good thriller!

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A stunning read that will surprise you in so many ways. A group of very damaged young women are being manipulated by a another female who is supposed to be their sister and friend but is instead a sociopath. Shay is the stranger in the wrong place at the wrong time and finds herself in their tangled web. The story is told in the present with snapchats of the past showing how their characters were developed. This is Shay’s story as she tries to entangle herself from the mess she has unwittingly stumbled. It tells a tale of a woman who longs so much for friends and acceptance that she blinds herself to all the clues telling her something is wrong. As the book unfolds you will be surprised by the way the story unfolds and see who the true villain is.

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3.5 stars rounded up

The book begins and we learn that Shay has been having a hard time of it lately. She is secretly in love with her roommate Sean, but he has a girlfriend. She has lost her job and is working temp jobs. To further complicate her life, she witnesses a young woman commit suicide while she is waiting for her train.

Shay's life begins to spiral, she can no longer ride the subway, she begins to panic and experience anxiety when she is near the entrance of the steps leading down, she flubs a job interview, and her roommate's girlfriend is a thorn in her side. The upside, she meets some interesting women when she attends a memorial for the woman who leaped to her death.

Shay, Shay, Shay...what else can I say? She loves statistics and each chapter begins with interesting statistics. She is also lonely and well.... read the book!

This was a 3-star book for me until the end. I really enjoyed how Shay figured things out and the Detective also was on the case (pun intended). Throughout the book, we are given little glimpses into Shay and other characters' younger years, but we don't know until the end the full "how" and "why" of the plot. On one level I found this to be a clever device, on the other, it was a little irritating. But giving this some thought, I believe this was the intent - to keep the reader in the dark just as must as Shay was in the dark. I knew what she knew. There were sections that I wished moved a little faster but overall, I enjoyed how the plot unfolded.

This writing duo continues to deliver original, well thought out books. Their writing continues to be strong. I look forward to more of their books in the future!

I received a copy of this book from St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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You Are Not Alone by Sarah Pekkanen and Greer Hendricks is everything I want a thriller book to be. It's thrilling, OBVIOUSLY. The characters are compelling. I had an oh shit, SHIT shit SHIT moment while reading - which is just the best. I was so absorbed in this story. Now I feel like I do not need to write thrillers off as a genre. Plus, I am excited that there's another book by this duo that I have yet to read - The Wife Between Us.

You Are Not Alone is about a young woman named Shay Miller who witnesses the suicide of another young woman named Amanda who leaps from a subway platform. She goes to Amanda's funeral for closure but finds herself drawn to the sleek world of Cassandra and Jane. The sisters are glamorous and Shay really wants them to like her, as she is lonely and they are so cool. Unfortunately, them liking her may lead to her doom.

Thanks to, I had a copy of the audiobook to listen to as well as the eARC from Netgalley. Listening to the audiobook was an amazing experience. It is well produced. There are two narrators, Barrie Krenik and Dylan Moore. I was unsure which narrator was who - one was used for the Shay chapters and the other voiced all the other chapters for the other characters. The audiobook is 11 hours long basically and it goes by quick. I listened to this at 1.25 and 1.5 speed and LOVED it. If you want a good commute or road trip or exercise listen, grab You Are Not Alone. It's absolutely excellent. I can't wait for more from Pekkanen and Hendricks.

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Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen continue to impress with their dual-author approach to psychological thrillers! This is my third book by them and I was again drawn in and enjoyed the ride. It didn't end as strongly as their previous books, but, frankly, expectations are very high whenever I read anything by these authors.

The story follows Shay who has been living a quiet and somewhat unhappy life in NYC. She has lost her job, doesn't have many friends, and is a third wheel in her apartment that she shares with a close friend and his ever-present girlfriend. Shay sees a woman, Amanda, commit suicide in a NYC subway and is drawn into trying to understand why this happened. Shay becomes further enmeshed into Amanda's life as she makes friends with Amanda's friends, glamorous sisters, Jane and Cassandra. From there, Shay is drawn into unexpected intrigue and we are introduced to an ever growing list of people that play a role in this twisted tale.

Thanks to the authors, NetGalley, and St Martin's Press for an opportunity to read an advance copy in exchange for a review.

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You Are Not Alone is among the most devious books I have ever read!

Shay Miller is a 31 year old who has always been a bit of a misfit. She is lonely and longs to fit in. Obsessed with data, Shay keeps a notebook with her at all times so she can write down statistics she finds interesting. When she witnesses a suicide at one of New York's subway stations, she becomes intensely focused (ok, obsessed) on finding out more about the woman (Amanda Evinger), who she is, and why she would commit such an act.

When Shay attends a memorial service for the woman, she meets sisters Jane and Cassandra Moore, owners of Moore Public Relations. They are stunningly beautiful, accomplished, and at ease with themselves and others. Everything Shay longs to be. When the sisters immediately take and interest in her and make her feel at ease, Shay is beyond flattered. In the days to come, she crosses paths with the sisters more and more frequently and loves every minute of it. But are the sisters really offering friendship, or is there more to it?

This is a book where things are DEFINTELY not what they seem. To say much more would be to take away from readers' joy of watching things fall into/out of place. The machinations at work here are really something else, and I guarantee you will be surprised!

This is a delicious read. Congratulations to Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen for another sure-to-be best-seller!

My thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for allowing me to read a copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased review. All opinions stated here are my own.

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This fabulous duo has done it again! A fast-paced and detail-oriented psych thriller that kept me glued to my Kindle! In this novel, we feel for Shay Miller, the relatively friendless introvert who just can't seem to drum up the mojo to jumpstart her life until she meets the shiny, awe-inspiring Moore sisters (at the memorial of the woman Shay witnessed jump in front of a Subway train). And down the rabbit hole goes Shay..... Luckily she keeps life's seemingly inane details in her Data Book 😉

I won't give away anything else. Suffice it say that this writing team does well in crafting the details, large and small, so the challenge is to keep it all straight and try not to guess whodunnit. I didn't figure out the twist prior to the reveal, but I also didn't want to try. Why ruin the surprise?

Well-written and paced, I found You Are Not Alone to be a fast and fun ride. Bravo!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC of this novel!

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