Member Reviews

When one morning Shay Miller observes a woman committing suicide in the New York underground, her life, too, crumbles and falls. The shock sits so deep that she in not able to enter any underground station anymore. She starts to investigate about the woman and soon finds out her name, Amanda, and thus comes across some of her friends: Cassandra and Jane Moore, two sisters her own age who are everything Shay is not: They have a successful PR agency, know how to dress and obviously know the right places and the right people in town. Just as Shay is fascinated by them, they seem to feel pity for her and help her to find a new place to stay when she needs to move out, they help her to get a new style and also can connect her to finally find a better job. All seems to be perfect in Shay’s new life, yet some things are completely wrong and it does not take too long for her to realise that all that glitters isn’t gold, but fake and also highly dangerous.

I was already fascinated by “The Wife Between Us” which convinced me due to the very clever construction of the story. In “You Are Not Alone”, we also get the story narrated from different points of view and also different points in time which cleverly supports suspense since you already get facts which do not make too much sense until you learn the story behind them. As you are always a bit ahead of Shay, you sympathise with her and, of course, you hope that in the end, all will turn out well even though you cannot be too sure of that.

The whole plot lives on the characters. Shay as well as Cassandra and Jane are interestingly drawn and totally contrasting which makes them equally appealing for the reader. Just a simply – yet, quite important aspect – that I totally adored was Shay’s obsession with numbers and statistics. The authors have perfectly integrated this fact into the story.

Apart from the entertaining factor, in my opinion, the novel also provides insight in the psychological mechanisms that operate within people who are a bit unsecure and rather sad since their life did not turn out the way they hoped. Shay is very clever and likeable, nevertheless, in all areas of her life she more or less failed: neither does she have a flat of her own, nor a permanent job or relationship. No wonder that she immediately falls for the shiny and glamorous Moore sisters who represent everything she also wishes for. This makes it quite easy for them to manipulate her – just as they managed to take advantage of others who were in critical situations, too.

A captivating suspense novel that I did not want to put down once I had started.

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I couldn’t wait to read this newest psychological thriller from this author duo, and it is sure to be on many hot picks and best of the year lists. This had a slow but steady build rather than fast and furious twists. At about the 50% mark things start to come together and the pace ramps up.

I enjoyed reading this book and I am already looking forward to what these authors come up with next. I did find the ending to be a bit abrupt and perhaps the set up could have been accelerated a bit, but I recommend this book to anyone who wants a female centered psychological thriller.

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This book grabbed me right from the start! The main character, Shay, witnesses a suicide and her life begins to change in unexpected ways. She makes new friends and everything seems perfect but things aren't what they seem.
This story was told from multiple perspectives and that kept the story very interesting. There were definitely some characters that were unlikable but it was still interesting to read their parts of the story. From the start I knew that something was amiss but I did not see the final twist coming at all! I did find a portion of the story near the end of the book a little repetitive but everything came together in the end and I really enjoyed this one. I would definitely recommend that anyone who likes suspense and psychological thrillers read this one!
Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

You Are Not Alone was completely enthralling to me. Very rarely am I the type of person that will stay up past my bedtime to keep reading. I like my sleep. However, twice this past week I stayed up longer than I planned to read just one more chapter of this book (lets be real it was probably like 3 more chapters, but they are short). This book is kind of like if Mean Girls turned into a thriller. You loved and hated the characters at the same time, and you definitely wanted to be part of the cool kids.

Shay Miller is jobless, soon to be homeless, and basically friendless when she watches a women, Amanda, end her life. Shay feels a connection to Amanda and gets deeper and deeper into her life, only to end up completely sucked in. Will Amanda's friends tell Shay what is really going on? Do they know the reason Amanda committed suicide? Can Shay find her way out?

I was very happy to read a thriller that didn't involved some sort of psychological disorder or an abusive husband. I feel like those plots are worn out now, so I am always looking for something different. You Are Not Alone was a unique storyline and one that had me guessing until the end!

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Thank you St. Martin's press for an early copy.
I absolutely loved THE WIFE BETWEEN US, but I think I like YOU ARE NOT ALONE, even better. I don't know how these writers keep doing it but they write such compelling characters. Definitely a must read.

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Many thanks to NetGalley, St Martin's Press, and Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen for the opportunity to read and review their latest psychological thriller. 4.5 stars for a book that was hard to put down until I figured out all the twists and turns! I'm not giving much of the plot away here - the less you know going into the book, the better.

Shay Miller is lonely and her life isn't going the way she planned. She was let go from her job, she's living with her guy friend who she secretly likes but who has a new girlfriend. When she sees a tragedy happen, it ends up leading her to a new group of friends and changes her life. But are they really her friends?

This is a real cat and mouse game and I loved every minute of it! If you've read these authors previous books, you know you are in for a good time.

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This is the third book from this amazing writing duo! As with the previous two, this one is excellent - highly recommend! Do you ever think about odds or your odds within this whole wide world? It's a handy thing to know for the protagonist in this book. She is slowing roped into a truly terrifying orbit where she will not know which end is up or which way is right or wrong. Coincidence? Or not?

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4 Stars
I think we live in a life that fosters loneliness. The norm is to talk to faceless people on the web, send numerous emails to co-workers we never have met and we don't even have mass shared experiences together except when the country watching the Super Bowl. Its no wonder we have a main character who seems lost with people and strong with statistics.

This book highlighted a lot of the changes in society where it is easy to think others lives are so much better than the one you have and when the main character believes in numbers and the statistics they provide, it can leave a gap just ready to be exploited by a couple of Glamour Sisters.

This was a highly paced story with twists and turns that take you on a ride even if you want to dig your heels in and cry out no. This was well done and a create for the authors.

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Quick read and enjoyable with some cringe worthy moments. It’s hard to give a review without giving away any spoilers. Like a lot of psychological thrillers, the main character keeps mistakes along the way leading them down a dismal path. It was a little too easy to see where the path leads as you read about what happened in the past between the two sisters and their circle of friends. I wasn’t sure how it would end though. The main character is a little more believable than than in a lot of other books. Overall, it was an interesting and enjoyable read.

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"The average person will walk past sixteen killers in the person's lifetime"

It's a true fact. I just googled it!

Reading this book was like being on a roller coaster. In the beginning of the book, you are slowly gaining speed, slowly climbing - gathering more little tidbits of information but about halfway through, you teeter at the top and after that everything kind of snowballs and all you can do is hold on!

If you like reading suspense/psychological thriller books, this book is for you. Shay lives a lonely life and longs for all the things that she doesn't have... a boyfriend, a job, her own place to live, close girlfriends to laugh with. But the grass always looks greener and sometimes the grass is an optical illusion cruelly manipulated for nefarious reasons.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an advance copy of this book.

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Yet another win for this writing duo! I believe they have proven that we can always count on a thriller with a unique story line.

Oh Shay...girl you are a hot mess express. You can't help but feel bad for Shay. She is likeable but quirky and nothing is going right for her. She is in love with her roommate Sean...but Sean just asked his girlfriend to move in with them...oh and for Shay to move out. So there is that. She is stuck in a dead end temp job. She is seen as "quirky" with her book of stats she keeps. Personally I loved reading about her stats, but I stress just reading about them. If I had a friend that whipped out that odd list, well I might feel a little less entertained and a bit concerned. Just when you think it can't get worse for Shay, well she witnessed a woman jump to her death in front of a train. Then stuff gets really weird....

Lucky for Shay she meets these two great sisters- Casandra and Jane. These total strangers take her right under their wings. Wow, what fantastic new friends. I mean no need to question these two that a trying to solve all Shay's problems.....right????

Well this was quite an odd little thriller. I really enjoyed it but I kept thinking how odd it all was. Yet thinking back Anonymous Girl was a bit odd too. The kind of odd that I liked though. It wasn't as shocking and twisty as I had hoped. It was a little confusing with the different POV's but I did catch on eventually. An entertaining thriller!

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Whoa...there were definitely some parts of this that either don't make sense to me or seem far fetched, but overall it was pretty intense and I had a hard time putting it down. At times the pacing felt a little off, and I think it could have been a little shorter. I'm not sure this will stick with me, but while I was reading it I couldn't stop wondering how it was all going to be resolved.

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Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen come together again making an art form of manipulating their readers into in the low level thrum of paranoia and second guessing that has become their hallmark.

Shay, a loner, perhaps slightly obsessive, data analyst find herself out of a job, out of a relationship and soon to be out of a place to call home as her roommate’s girlfriend spends more and more time at the apartment, not so subtly squeezing her out. Her day goes from bad to worse when she witnesses a woman, Amanda, hurl herself in front of on-coming subway just inches from Shay. Incredibly shaken up by the event, Shay becomes compelled to find out more about Amanda.

Shay piques the interest of Amanda’s friends, Cassandra and Jane, owners of a glamorous Public Relations firm, who are everything that Shay is not, beautiful, composed and powerful. The sisters befriend Shay in an effort to find out what she really knows about Amanda, her suicide, and the weeks leading up to it.

So desperate for the kind of life that the sisters live, Shay finds herself putty in their hands. As the sisters guide and “help” her, she finds opportunity around every corner and begins to transform her life.

But while her appearance changes, her data driven mind does not. Her obsession with Amanda and wanting to please the sisters pulls a few too many loose threads and the tapestry begins to unravel.

As always, this dynamic duo’s story telling style is like watching the tide come in, slow waves and ebbs getting stronger and stronger until the final few pages take your breath away. All is revealed in a final twist.
While a great read, it is not my favorite by this writing team. Perfect for a fast read on a rainy weekend, a book club or a beach read. 3.5 stars

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and to NetGalley for the e-Arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Hendricks & Pekkanen are on my list of must read authors, so I immediately snatched this title up. The style is very similar to their other books, with lots of twists and thrills. A very fun quick read for those who enjoy suspense titles.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley, and I was super excited to read it, as I absolutely loved the author's last book. I found this book to be a little confusing. It shifts back and forth between POV characters, which is something I like, but it also goes back to the past, giving bits and pieces from different characters and I had a hard time keeping it all straight. I also found it to be a bit unbelievable.

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“Some people contend there are two primal fears. The first and most basic is the end of our existence. The second is isolation; we all have a deep need to belong to something greater than ourselves.”

Shay Miller is in her 30's and has just been downsized. She's been roommates with her best friend Sean forever and now he suddenly has a serious girlfriend who would rather not have Shay living there. 

Jobless, homeless and alone. This isn't how she planned her life but it's how it turned out. She is a loner who wants to belong. To someone or something. She's brilliant in her field of Data but nailing interviews isn't her strong suit. You can tell there is going to be an interesting backstory here.

Jane and Cassandra Moore are sisters and own a successful business. They have tons of friends and are so what Shay wants to be. Or does she?

When Shay witnesses a woman jump in front of a subway train, the Moore sisters seem to be the answer to all of Shay's problems. Since they appeared in her life things just work out. She desperately wants them to like her and that desperation may be exactly what gets her killed.

Whenever I see a new book on the NetGalley shelf by these two writers I am unable to resist asking for it! The flow, the characters, the twists, and turns will have you staying up long past your bedtime just to figure out this puzzle! Because if you are like me, you have an idea but oh my that ending!

Never disappoint!

NetGalley/ March 3rd, 2020 by St. Martin's Press

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You Are Not Alone is a psychological thriller with Shay Miller, a quiet and quirky loner type stuck in a life happening around her rather than actively living it, being the centerpiece of the story. After witnessing a stranger commit suicide, she becomes obsessed with the deceased and the life this woman left behind. After meeting sisters, Cassandra and Jane, Shay finds her life completely turned 180 with wonderful new friends, an awesome apartment in New York City, a fabulous new job, a new found confidence in her appearance, and even a prospective love interest on the horizon. But not everything in Shay’s new life is as is appears. Soon Shay finds herself in a nightmare that she can’t even begin to understand.

If you’ve been a fan of Hendricks and Pekkanen’s other novels, you’ll find yourself right at home in this one. Many of the same narrative elements were present. The story unfolds through the perspective of different characters each chapter going back and forth between present and past events. I did find it a bit confusing with the number of characters when it came to remembering their backstories and how their stories were interwoven. However, the main plot kept me interested and wanting to see how the story played out. Although the plot was a bit far-fetched at times, it wasn’t so much so that it was completely unbelievable. The ending felt a little rushed, but that could’ve been due to reading the last half of the book in one go.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this novel to preview prior to release in exchange for a fair and unbiased review

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I loved this book! I stayed up late to finish this, which means a lot because I really value my sleep. I think this is the best book from this duo yet.

Shay Miller's life is not great right now. Then she witnesses a woman committing suicide by jumping in front of the subway. She becomes obsessed with her and soon meets her friends, notably the Moore sisters. They start to help her turn her life around... but do they really have the best intentions?

This was an incredibly fast paced book, and I did not want to put it down! There were quite a few characters, which had hard to remember initially but I got the hang of it once it went into their individual back stories more. I also learned a lot from this book; tons of random statistics that Shay records (she's a data analyst), and also that I really like the word "glossy". Highly recommend this thriller, especially if you enjoyed either of their past 2 books!

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Shay Miller is 31, single, and jobless in NYC. One day she witnesses a woman commit suicide on the subway platform and she can't shake it. Then the Moore sisters suddenly come into her life. Cassandra and Jane are polished, professional, and fun. They make Shay feel cared about and they help her in so many ways. They are the friends that have been missing from her life. They were also friends with the girl who committed suicide, what a strange coincidence. Or is it? There's something not quite right about the situation.

This book kept me interested and I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen. I did not personally love the ending, but I think I am going to be in the minority on that and I think most people will love it.

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I love this thriller writing duo. I loved their two previous books, so I was really excited to get an advance copy of their latest, You Are Not Alone. This twisty plot revolves around Shay Miller who is feeling out of sorts in her life. After she witnesses a terrible tragedy, she soon finds herself thrilled to be surrounded by a new group of friends. Will she figure out in time that her friends are not at all what they seem? So good.

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