Member Reviews

I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this one. Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen do a great job of writing this story in two perspectives. One is Shay, a woman whose life is not going the way she wants. The other perspective is from Cassandra & Jane Moore, sisters who seem to have the world by the tail. Shay meets these women through a chance encounter and gets swept up in their orbit. She feels like her life is finally coming together when the wheels start coming off. I could not put this book down. The twists and turns were fun and the two perspectives well written.

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Just when you think your life is going nowhere, you meet 2 people that can turn your life around. This is what happened to Shay Miller who had a job that seemed to have run its course and a roommate who was moving on with a new girlfriend. Then Shay has a terrifying experience and just when she is at her lowest, she meets Cassandra and Jane. They are elegant, confident and have everything that Shay would love to have, so she is thrilled when they invite her into their circle and show her how wonderful her life can be. But does this come at a terrible price.
This psychological thriller kept me reading late into the night. The characters jump.out and grab you and you never know what is going to happen next. Thanks to the publishers, authors and Netgalley I got to read and enjoy this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book starts with a bang, has many twists and ends with just as big of a bang as it started. There was only one moment when I thought the plot was going to become predictable but it wasn.t and I am so glad for that. A young woman named Shay is a witness to another woman's jump/fall onto railroad tracks in NYC. She becomes obsessed with finding answers about the woman who killed herself and finds a pair of sisters that were friends with the victim. The Moore sisters are wealthy and successful but have a dark side; Shay becomes friends with them but it isn't an easy transition. The sisters are even leery of Shay's witnessing of their friend's death, why didn't Shay do anything to stop her? Or was the victim afraid of someone?

So many delicious questions throughout this book. It was nice to read a thriller/suspense that remained suspenseful and chilling AF. I thoroughly enjoyed this and hope other readers do as well. I have read a few other works from this author and liked them, and if you haven't , please start with this one!

Thanks to the publisher, author and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Spoiler Alert-
You Are Not Alone wasn't bad but it was a bit predictable and boring. I was disappointed that Shay and Sean didn't end up together.

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This book is INSANE. So when I started I was not so sure. Starts with a girl witnessing another girl commit suicide. And it seems like it’s going to be a sad book. However I stuck in there because I am a huge fan of the authors other work. And I am so glad I did. This woman witnessed a suicide and then begins to stalk the friends and family of the deceased woman. And then. Things get weird. Such an amazing build up of characters and plot. And that twist at the end had me yelling what the heck???? I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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This is the third book I've read by these authors and while I wasn't over-the-moon about this one, I'll read anything they put out because they have a knack for story-telling. In terms of what I liked, the premise of the book is interesting and kept my interest but I didn't connect with the characters. Everyone seemed one-dimensional in this book and everything ends up rather predictable. I'd give this 3.5 out of 5 stars. Thanks to the publisher for the advance review copy.

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Shay is minding her own business and gets thrown into a mess! Her new friends, Cassandra and Jane, are charismatic and intriguing, and definitely hiding something! In Part 1, I was trying to put the pieces together. By the beginning of Part 2, I thought I had the main plot figured out but wasn’t sure of a few small things. But, into Part 3, I was still getting surprised! I’ve read both The Wife Between Us and An Anonymous Girl by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen and enjoyed both as well. I definitely recommend checking this title out when it is released in a couple weeks!

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As a big fan of Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen's previous books, I could not wait to dive into You Are Not Alone. I love their writing style with alternating timelines and multiple POVs.

Shay Miller's life isn't great. she has a temp job, hardly any friends and no love life. Then she witnesses a woman committing suicide by jumping in front of a subway train. She becomes obsessed with knowing about that woman (Amanda's) life and integrates herself into her friend group, where she meets the dynamic Moore sisters. Now she has friends, a new look and a new job, but is everything as perfect as it seems?

I really enjoy this pair's writing style. It's fast-paced, draws you in and keeps you attention.I was left craving more background and details about the Moore sisters- I found them so much more interesting than Shay and could read an entire book just about them! Less unqiue than their past books, its a highly entertaining thriller that does the job and keeps you engaged. As is the trend, there are twists and turns galore and a "bam" of an ending.

If you liked their previous work and enjoy a quick thriller, this is the book for you.

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This extraordinary writing duo has done it again!!!!

After reading <em><a href="">An Anonymous Girl</a></em> and <em><a href="">The Wife Between Us</a></em>, I knew I had to get my hands on this novel.

At 31, Shay Miller feels that her life is going nowhere since her circle of friends has vanished due to marriages, families and careers and herself in a dead-end job.

Then one day her life changes. Waiting for the train, she notices a girl very close to the edge and thinking if she should approach her. However, in that instant, it is too late because the girl jumps in front of the train. Shay, so traumatized by the event, wants to find out everything about this girl, who she now knows as Amanda. So much so, Shay even attends the memorial for her.

There she meets Amanda's friends, who seem to bring her into their circle. Her newfound friendships lift her spirits but then things turn sinister. Is it Shay that she is the guilty one in a murder or is she a victim?
Are these girls truly her friends or are they setting her up?

I could not put this book down. The pages turning as fast as I could read. The story pulled me in and didn't let go until the unbelievable ending. My head was spinning throughout the story trying to figure out how it would end and it was shocking!!!! Totally engrossing and chilling! What a read!!!!!

Not only do I recommend this book but their previous books too!!!!

GR posting: 02/20/20
Blog posting 03/03/20

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After a great debut novel and a lackluster follow-up, the authors are back with an inventive and twisty story.

Shay is stagnating in her life- in her job, lack of relationship (the clichéd in love with roommate), lack of friends, lack of hobbies, etc. All that changes when she witnesses a woman jump to her suicide from a subway platform.

This one event brings into her orbit a group of glamorous women friends, a new job, and a new apartment. But, like all things, nothing comes without a price.

The data points at every chapter add way more to the story than I thought they would. Really wonderfully twisty story.

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Hendricks and Pekkanen do it again! They bring us another tale of innocent bystanders caught in the web of manipulative and highly intelligent people. We’ve all been Shay Miller at some point. Lonely, awkward, desperate to connect with other people. Her life in  NY seemed painfully familiar (eating in restaurants by herself reminded me of my own 20s in the Big Apple!) Shay is relatable, even if her quirks and interests are unusual (I must ask her what’s the percentage of the population who are into statistics). On the other hand, the Moore sisters must exist because I’ve seen girls like them, I’ve just never talked to them. They look flawless even in the middle of a windstorm and their clothes seem pulled from the runway. How will their lives intersect? It takes just a few seconds for Shay’s life to change radically. She sees a woman jump in front of a subway train and that makes the Moore sisters notice her, even if the reasons are unclear. It takes her a while but, once Shay realizes that something’s going on, she’s actually smart, which made me like her even more. As in their previous novels, the twists completely blindside me and make perfect sense. The rhythm never slows down and I devoured the novel.
I chose to read this book and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased. Thank you, NetGalley/ St. Martin's Press!

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I do love stories that start off with a shocking moment. I’m rarely surprised by “whodunnit “; you got me Hendricks/Pekkanen! This book will be in many beach bags this summer.

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Excellent addictive storyline! Shays life seems so pathetic and sad, especially when she witnesses someone jump onto subway tracks. It was great to watch her blossom and come to life under Cassandra and Janes direction. They seemed like strong, together women. How could Shay know they also love to participate in vigilante justice? For me, the book really took off when Shay started questioning things. I loved all the twists and I thought it was a very satisfying ending. I could have used more character development at the beginning, at least for Shay. Sometimes I wasn’t sure who I should be cheering for in the story.

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Since loving this author duo’s debut, The Wife Between Us, their books have become auto-reads for me. Unfortunately, I’m beginning to think they’re a bit of a one book wonder for me.

I was bored for about the first 90% of You Are Not Alone. There was some mild intrigue with Cassandra and Jane, the Moore sisters, and figuring out what exactly they’re up to, but it didn’t really take long to figure things out. I kept hoping there was a lot more to them and their group of friends, but there wasn’t. While I did like reading the multiple perspectives, getting the others just made Shay’s perspective more frustrating. I just wanted to yell at her to stop being so stupid all the time, which isn’t necessarily fair since I was privy to more information than she was. Still, though, for how intelligent she was supposed to be, I felt like it took her way too long to become suspicious.

I found the writing between the two authors to be seamless, as always. They have very compatible writing styles and I do find that impressive. I was just underwhelmed with the story. I thought much of it was very obvious and thought things drug out for too long. There was one surprise towards the end that I hadn’t guessed, but it wasn’t exactly a game changing twist like I have come to expect.

Overall, You Are Not Alone, just wasn’t for me. While there was initially some intrigue, I felt like things become obvious way too early in the story and I kept waiting for things to get really crazy, but they never did. I found myself just trying to get through the story, rather than enjoying it. While I still think these authors are talented, this story missed the mark for me.

Overall Rating (out of 5): 2.5 Stars

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You Are Not Alone is an outstanding cat and mouse tale. You'll be holding your breath at times, agreeable at times and then WAM you'll be knocked down. I read it in one day as I could not put it down. Really great story, you come into it totally accepting everyone and everything and way before the end you become suspicious of everyone and everything. Great thriller! Thank you #NetGalley #StMartisPress # YouAreNotAlone

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It is rare that I become so immersed in a story that it actually gets my heart racing - You are Not Alone by Sarah Pekkanen and Greer Hendricks had me anxious at multiple points throughout the story. The scenes where Shay was alternating between stalking the sisters and hiding from the sisters were so well written that they were nearly cinematic - I had a clear picture playing in my mind. I've read all the books by these authors and they are becoming experts at tension and intrigue!

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I loved this! (in case the 5 star rating threw you) ;0)

I do have to state up front that you need to go into this blind and just let the story lead you. Don't think about how this wouldn't happen IRL. There are a lot of liberties taken here, but if you can just roll with it, you are in for a treat!

We all know a Shay Miller (Protagonist)-- Could be your friend, neighbor, co-worker.
And we all know some version of the Moore Sisters. Hopefully not a friend, might be a neighbor or co-worker, or just someone you see from a far that makes you feel just a bit less of yourself.

What stems from these 2 unlikely characters meeting and forming a bond sets the stage for an explosive thriller that kept me spellbound.

I can see this playing out on the silver screen...fingers crossed!

ARC provided by NetGalley

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Twists and twists and more twists. What a delightfully warped story with original characters. I love that feeling of constantly trying to figure out the plot just to have it keep changing.

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This is the third book I have read by this author duo, and it may well be my favourite one. It will be hard to write a thorough review without spoiling too much, and I highly recommend going into this book knowing as little as possible, but I will try.

In this book we follow a few different sets of characters. Firstly, we follow Shay. She is a normal woman in her early thirties, trying to figure out her place in the world. Shay feels like she is lost, she is on a temp job that is due to end soon, she is in love with her roommate who is already in a serious relationship, and she feels isolated. Her life changes when she witnesses a suicide on her way to work. She soon meets the Moore sisters and their group of friends. They are successful, fashionable and everything Shay wants to be. However, appearances are not always what they seem.

I really enjoyed the multiple perspectives this story was told from. I found that Shay and Cassandra/Jane all had very distinct voices, though I felt the other characters could have been distinguished more. I really liked the way that the plot unfolded through the eyes of both sets of characters, and the way the twists were revealed. I felt on edge and worried for Shay and intrigued by the Moore sisters and their friend group. The plot kept me guessing and moved at a really great pace. There were some twists that were predictable for me, but that didn't diminish the overall quality of the plot. There were some aspects of the characters/plot that were explored more thoroughly, but again, it did not change the overall experience I had while reading this.

Overall, I loved this book, and I would highly recommend it to any thriller or mystery fans.

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You Are Not Alone is my favourite book by this writing duo! It was compulsively readable, with short chapters, shifting perspectives, and tons of little twists.

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