Member Reviews

Very well done! Loved the main character and the subtle twists were very enjoyable. Fun quick read

Thanks NetGalley for the ARC

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At times I enjoyed this book and at other times I found it cliche and struggled to follow the different flashback points of view. Overall, it is a fast read that keeps you engaged even if the plot line becomes predictable near the end. Thank you #netgalley for an ARC of #youarenotalone

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I have read these authors before and this one does not disappoint. It got its hooks in me and kept me guessing until the end. I throughly enjoyed it! Thank you to netgalley for the arc.

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The dynamic duo writing team of Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen have left me speechless once again. Their talent to deliver compelling, convoluted thrillers time and again is truly amazing. You Are Not Alone is a chaotic story of deception, revenge, manipulation, and obsession. Told from multiple points of view and shifting past/present timelines, the story is divided into three parts and hinges on the reader solving the mystery on their own as the story unfolds.

In Part One, characters are introduced and as their paths crossed and they began interacting, my curiosity peaked. Marketing Researcher Shay Miller is obviously lonely, obsessed with statistics, and in need of a new job, residence, and life. Once again, she's on the outside looking in just as she's been most of her life. Completely by chance, she witnesses the horrifying suicide of a woman in a subway station and becomes haunted and obsessed with what she saw. Shay is left in emotional turmoil feeling an unreasonable need to discover more about the woman and what drove her to take her own life. While Part One moved a bit slow for me, I was intrigued and appreciated the author's meticulous attention to detail knowing it would be important to the story later on. In Part Two, I was quickly put on high alert by a shift in story ambiance with an increasing sense of malice and suspense. Shay's obsession has intensified, and as a result she pings on the radar of sisters Cassandra & Jane who befriend her. At this point, I began questioning everything and everybody and strongly suspected that things were on the verge of spiraling out of control for someone. In Part Three, the fantastic writing duo's many beautifully intertwined plot threads began to unravel, and my trepidation quickly elevated. For me, the tone and sense of urgency was reminiscent of Poe's Tell Tale Heart - rapidly rising along with Shay's paranoia. Like the assumed sound of the beating heart in Poe's short story, my own heartbeat grew louder and louder and louder in my head as I maneuvered all the twists and turns. And true to form, the authors withheld the final twist until the end. While I figured out some things along the way, I in no way saw this final one coming.

After finishing You Are Not Alone in the wee hours of the morning, I looked over to see my husband peacefully sleeping and was indeed glad I was not alone. Hendricks & Pekkenen excel at writing suspense thrillers with a frantic tone and pace that never fails to sweep readers up and hurl them like an angry wave toward the distant shore. Short chapters reinforce the dark, edgy, sinister tone as does the writing style. Characterizations are spot-on, in-depth and complete with background information and glimpses into the questionable mental psyche of these women. The result is another fantastic, riveting, sinister tale that fans of mystery, suspense, and psychological thrillers will devour! Highly Recommended!

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It gripped me right from the beginning and didn’t let go. I almost read it in one day! I was unable to guess the twists and turns which is always exciting. Excellent!

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Gripping thriller. Very exciting concept, friends protecting friends, almost like a spy network. Secrets and lies, with elaborate set ups, kept me guessing the whole time. Best friends, start of a new life, worst enemies, look out your life is at stake. Can’t wait to recommend it to customers.

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Another great novel by the duo of Hendricks & Pekkanen. Their book had me hooked from the first page, it kept me up reading all night.

Shay witnesses a suicide at a train station. Little did she know how this would change her everyday life. Somehow she has now found two friends and she gets dragged deeper and deeper into their circle.

But how far will she go to stay friends? Are these friends truly friends? Or do they want something from Shay?

Seriously, this book had so many twists and turns and had me reading well into the wee hours of the morning as I was always questioning what would happen next.

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I rarely say this but I couldn’t put this book down. Shay is living a boring life. She is working temporary jobs and sharing an apartment with her best friend, Sean. But Sean has a new girlfriend and their entire relationship is changing. Shay witnesses a woman commit suicide by throwing herself in front of a subway train. This affects her profoundly. Shay goes to the dead girl’s apartment and leaves flowers. Then she decides she must attend Amanda’s memorial service. At the service, she lies to Amanda’s “best friends” and says that she knew Amanda. Shay is trilled when these “perfect” women begin including her in their circle. But her friends aren’t really friends anyone would want to have. They are slowly turning Shay into Amanda. There are so many twists and turns in this plot. I will just end this with how much the ending surprised me. It wasn’t anything I saw coming.

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Shay Miller just lost her job due to downsizing. Her roommate/best friend that she has a secret crush on has a serious relationship and he is planning on moving in with her so she will need to find a new place to stay. She has no other friends. Life just kind of sucks right now, and then when she is waiting for the subway she sees the woman next to her jump to her death it obviously rattles her to her core. As she tries to come to grips with what she saw she gets drawn in to a group of women who were friends with the deceased woman. They want to know what she saw, and if she knows more than she is saying. If she isn't careful, she could be next.
I devoured this book. It is my favorite one yet for these authors. It was a non-stop nail-biter. I highly recommend this one!

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I'm a huge fan of the thrillers that Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen write. They're impeccably plotted, full of twists that catch me by surprise but that are so obvious in hindsight that it's embarrassing that I didn't catch on quicker. They tell us everything we need to know, after all, but they do it in a way that we're distracted by something else. 

This is an excellent example of that. If Shay had any ounce of self-preservation at all, she would've run from Cassandra and Jane. But they seemed nice and they seemed to really care, and that's enough to sucker a lot of different people. (No judgment, Shay---I definitely see how you were lured in.)

I can't wait to see what they do next. Either way, I'm preordering it.

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I received this book from NetGalley for an honest review. This is an outstanding psychological thriller Involving seven friends who manipulate and try to control unsuspecting victims. There are many twists and surprises as the plot develops. Once I understood what was actually happening, I could not put the book down. The main characters are the beautiful Moore sisters and a very lonely and vulnerable Shay. Thank you Saint Martins Press and NetGalley for such a remarkable story.

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Shay Miller wants to find love, but it eludes her. She wants to be fulfilled, but her job is a dead end. She wants to belong, but her life is increasingly lonely.

Until Shay meets the Moore sisters. Cassandra and Jane live a life of glamorous perfection, and always get what they desire. When they invite Shay into their circle, everything seems to get better.

Shay would die for them to like her.
She may have to.

My Thoughts: Shay Miller is lonely, sharing an apartment with a man she secretly loves…and his girlfriend. When she witnesses a tragic event on the subway, she is caught up in the victim’s life and swept away by the attractive friends.

But suddenly, just when the new friends have seemingly brought her into the fold, everything changes. How did Shay become another victim? Were her questions about the victim Amanda suddenly putting a target on her back? Who could be turning her life upside down, and why?

Trying to find the links and connections brought her closer to the answers.

I loved how Shay took notes in her “data book,” and the more she writes down the closer she comes to discovering the truth. An intense story, You Are Not Alone kept me rapidly turning pages to the conclusion of this 5 star read.

***My e-ARC came from the publisher via NetGalley.

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This fabulous thriller-writing duo has done it again.

I loved how twisty Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen’s first book (The Wife Between Us) was.

(I liked their second novel, too, but I wasn’t quite as entranced with it.)

I’m happy to report that their third book together is just as addicting as their first!

I mean, I finished it in less than 24 hours, so that tells you something. But it wasn’t JUST the intense plot that kept me glued to the page. I loved the unique statistics angle, and I empathized with the protagonist.

Sure, there are a few things that aren’t quite believable, and some of the characters could have been fleshed out a bit more. But when it comes to entertainment factor: this book delivers!

**Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the review copy.

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This was a super fast paced thriller that flew through in one day. The mystery definitely kept me reading but at a certain point, I just found myself wondering what the point of it all was. It felt like they squandered a really interesting set up by doing the same thing books like this always do - pitting women against each other for no explicable reason. Ultimately, the last third of this book just made me indescribably angry.

Shay’s obsession with data and statistics was just a weird extraneous detail that didn’t contribute to the story at all, especially considering how dumb and naive she actually was throughout the entire book. Coincidence after coincidence after coincidence... you’d think someone obsessed with statistics would’ve picked up on the statistical unlikelihood of all of that happening.

This was a common occurrence as all the women were said to be one thing but their actions showed them to be something else. There was absolutely no character development either and one too many secondary characters in the clique to be worth following. Six could’ve easily been consolidated into three and we wouldn’t have lost any unique characters (and I originally wrote five there because I literally forgot about one of them, she was so unimportant).

This is my third book from this writing duo and I’m just not the biggest fan of how they write female characters - either dumb or evil. Yes, they have the entertainment factor down solid, but I need more from a book. 3 stars.

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I could not get into this book. I've read others by these authors and this was not one of their best,

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First I want to say, despite how my review may come off to others, is that I didn’t hate this book. I enjoyed the characters, the multiple POV, and even how the last half of the book came together. But it was so slow getting to the point where it kept my interest for more than 20 mins at a time. The first half is very slow going, and at one point I had to ask fellow readers of the book if it was even worth finishing, if things would stop seeming like set up for the plot. It did get better, a little after the 50% Mark. Once I understood what was happening, I started to enjoy it more and couldn’t put it down until I finished.
This was the first book I’ve read by these Authors, and even though I had my doubts in the beginning, I wouldn’t hesitate to pick up another one of their books.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, for this free review copy. 3.5 🌟

You Are Not Alone is this duo's third book. The Wife Between Us is still a favorite of mine, and hard to beat. I was really looking forward to this, but it fell quite flat. I was so bored for the first 40% of the book, and thought about not finishing it. I enjoyed the ending a lot more, and am glad I finished it.

I enjoy the short chapters and multiple POVs. In my opinion, the beginning was just too slow for me, and not enough was happening. I look forward to their next book!!

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I am a fan of Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen’s stories. Somehow, they always come together to create the most mysterious, twisty, and insane reads. You Are Not Alone was no exception! This one was thrilling and entertaining until the very end. I can not wait to see what they come up with next!

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These ladies are on auto-buy for me after their prior two novels, but this one is by far their best yet! It is out March 3rd, or you can get it as part of your BOTM subscription, but I will do my best to build the anticipation for you without spoiling anything, which will be a feat in and of itself.

The Goodreads synopsis is pretty spot on, and the authors do a great job of keeping you asking the question, what in the world is going on here? It is like a game of cat and mouse, but you don’t always know who is the cat and who is the mouse because those roles seem to switch often, and we are going round and round in glorious circles! But it is not confusing, it just keeps you guessing in the best way possible.

I listened to this one on audio thanks to ’s ALC program, and it is so good via audio. I did have to chuckle because at one point, Shay says something to the effect that she needs to be careful because what she is doing is really risky, and I was walking Pepper and said, “OMG girl everything that EVERYONE has done in this book is really risky, sheesh!!” I took a few side eyes for the team on that one, but I didn’t care. That is how good this book is, I was legit trying to talk some sense into the characters to no avail, and I loved every freaking second of this book.

Add it to your list, and get ready to love this dynamic duo of an author team even more than you already did!

Thank you to both @netgalley for the electronic ARC, and thank you to @librofm for the ALC to review!

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I absolutely love these 2 authors. I know I will enjoy anything they write and get super excited when I hear their names. This was a good book, but not my favorite by them. The story is very good and the twists are fantastic. For some reason, I had a very hard time connecting with most of the characters. I really liked Shay and the statistics that were shared throughout the book. Would recommend.

I would like to thank NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

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