Member Reviews

I want to start off by saying thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book, it was a very good read easy to follow along with storyline and characters. This was a new author for me but I very much enjoyed it, thank you for the opportunity and I look forward to reading more by this author again. I highly recommend this book to everybody.

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*4.5 stars** Yes! This was so good! I was on the edge my seat throughout this book. It was so easy to read as it was super fast paced, and had so much packed into the pages. I was not disappointed in the ending which is so exciting because that’s where a lot of thrillers are ruined for me. Once I got to the end I didn’t want to like it as much as I did because a lot of it was over the top and kind of unbelievable…but I was captivated the whole time and couldn’t put it down. So I decided that I did like it a lot. What I think was supposed to be one of the biggest plot twists of the book, I kind of already knew and assumed we were supposed to have figured out way earlier in the book….so that was a little disappointing because it was set up to be really shocking and once I read it, I just kind of went….’oh…didn’t we already kind of know this??’ I think it was still a pretty well done twist though and if you don’t figure it out before I think it will be a big game changer. This was such an exciting read and I would definitely recommend it!!
For a while it was hard to keep all the different women straight in my head. And honestly I don’t think I ever knew the difference between Jane and Cassandra, I just kind of saw them as one person in my head. Also, why did I think there were like 6 women in their little friend/cult group?? I would've sworn there were more than just the 3 sisters and Daphne. I don't know, there was a lot going on. Towards the end where Shay was doing all that research about James and how he was connected to the sisters felt really drawn out and I got a little bored. I think that section could’ve been cut down a bit..but that’s just me. I think Valerie trying to push Shay onto the subway tracks was really uncharacteristic for her. Valerie seemed very calculating with everything she did and maybe she just became unhinged because of everything that was happening and made a rash decision to do this but it was really dumb. I mean there were people on the train platform and she was just gonna try to murder someone….right there in the open?? After all the work they had gone through to cover up the murder I find it hard to believe she’d ruin it all now…unless like I said before was to show how Valerie was falling apart and willing to go to drastic measures no matter the consequences.I did really like Shay’s growth throughout the book. I mean for most of it she seemed really naive and way too trusting of everyone she just meets. Clearly she was having a breakdown, so it’s understandable for her to act the way she does. But when she finally figures out there’s a lot more going on she starts to put the pieces together logically and I love at the end when she goes straight to the police instead of believing another lie, I wanted to jump up and scream ‘YES!’ I was so scared she would fall into another lie, but it was so nice to see her change from the beginning. It was seriously stressing me out that she was writing EVERYTHING down in her notebooks during all her research. I thought for sure that would come back to bite her in the butt, but thank goodness it didn’t! I liked the little twist at the end with her murdering Valerie…and playing it off as self defense. I always think it’s the best when a thriller ends with the main character also being a little twisted, I think it’s clever and adds a lot to the book. It would’ve ruined it for me if everything was tied up nicely where Valerie just got arrested and Shay went on her way being totally innocent of everything. Love that. I mean it’s messed up, but it’s good.

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This book is hard to review without revealing spoilers so I'll try to be vague. After a slow start, I did get into this book and then found it hard to put down.

Shay Miller's obsession with numbers and recording everything in her data book let me to believe she might be on the autism spectrum, however this is never revealed by the writers as part of her character. Nevertheless, Shay catches on fairly quickly once she ascertains the sisters who befriended her are not what they seem. I liked the fact that Shay refuses to be gaslighted and does take things into her own hands as she unravels the layers of deception.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me the opportunity to read and review.

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This is the third book I’ve read from Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanan. You Are Not Alone reads similar time their previous works, The Wife Between Us and An Anonymous Girl. However, it’s not a domestic thriller. Overall, I found the writing to be intriguing and fast-paced for the most part. Towards the end, it felt like it was dragging a bit. The characters weren’t as fully in-depth that I liked, but it was still enjoyable read. In terms of the audiobook, I felt that there wasn’t much of a voice difference between the two women who were narrating it even though the book is told from multiple perspectives. Personally, An Anonymous Girl, is my all-time favorite from them.If you love thrillers and/or loved the author duo’s previous books, I’d recommend checking them out.

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I was highly entertained throughout the entire book. I liked Shay, the main character, but also felt annoyed by her. She’s Fascinating and yet naive. All of this would have not happened if she’d just told the truth in the first place. But then again, there would be no book if characters made right choices, right?!

The premise is interesting but I can’t even tell you that without spoiling the book. You’ll just have to read it. I first thought this would be my fave of the authors duo, but the conclusion lacked a little zing. Still worth picking up but I was able to figure it out midway.

Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for the galley in exchange for an honest review

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I absolutely have loved every book that this author duo has written so far! Although this book was different from their previous two novels, it was still wonderfully done. The lies and deceit, suspense, and the overall "addicting" factor to it made me rate this one four stars. I will literally read ANYTHING these ladies write! They know how to draw you in from the very first chapter and continue to hold your attention throughout the book. That is what every suspense/thriller fan wants in a book. I would recommend this one to everyone who enjoys that genre.

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Another amazing psychological thriller from Hendricks and Pekkanen. I was hooked from the first few pages and enjoyed piecing together the clues the authors left along the way. While sometimes the storyline seemed convenient, I thought the twist at the end was completely unexpected but so so satisfying!

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You Are Not Alone book review - no spoilers -
I had fun with this one. And as good thrillers go, it kept me guessing for quite some time. Thanks for the advanced reading copy in exchange for an honest review @stmartinspress .
Our protagonist is waiting for the subway when she notices a young woman dangerously close to the edge of the platform. Before Shay can do anything to stop her, the woman jumps. This tragic moment launches Shay into a world she never would have anticipated. Because of her presence that day she unknowingly has caught the attention of the young woman's friends. Glamorous and kind, they seem like the type of women Shay aspires to be. As their worlds intersect, a friendship is formed that to Shay is too good to be true. And trust me... It is.
I really enjoyed the twists and turns. This one had me puzzled for quite some time about what the true motive was.
Definitely for fans of The Girl on the Train, Gone Girl, and The Anonymous Girl. You can get your copy in early March 2020!.

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Wow! I'm absolutely speechless but the verdict is in: these two have done it again! Now, I've been on the Hendricks-Pekkanen train from the get-go and book number three here is just as twisty, surprising, and all-around delightful as the previous two. I love the cast of characters, especially Shay, and their complex web of interactions with one another. Shay in particular as the main protagonist is so relatable and lovable, and I loved her quirky cleverness even though she second-guessed herself with it. For me the pacing was fantastic, starting with a wonderfully intriguing start. Seriously, reading this was like being on some kind of drug. I don't know how the authors do it but it's absolutely the most consuming book I've read, thriller or no, in a long time.

I will agree with some of the other reviewers though in that, in the beginning, it can be a little difficult to keep track of all the names. This one has a much bigger cast than the previous books but it's not that bad once you start to learn about them. Even with that very small point, I think this is my favorite of the duo's books so far. Oh, and did I mention the twist? Holy moly, I gasped loud enough to get looks in the grocery line. (Yes, I was reading it in line at the grocery. You know you have too!) Trust me, it was totally worth the weird looks. I would absolutely recommend this one to any reader. You won't be disappointed!

Note: I received a free Kindle edition of this book via NetGalley in exchange for the honest review above. I would like to thank NetGalley, the publisher St. Martin's Press, and the authors Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen for the opportunity to do so.

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This is the third book co-written by Hendricks and Pekkanen and as I loved their previous two, I had such high hopes for this one. I am happy to report this did not disappoint me. I absolutely loved it. The characters, while not likable, were certainly interesting. The plot is so juicy and the twists keep coming. I won’t spoil it but read this book!

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My second book by this duo and they are crazy talented. I am so curious on their process and may find myself searching the interwebs to see if they've talked about this in an interview.

Shay Miller is a certified data nerd, she keeps a journal of random facts and statistics and is trying to figure out her life in Murray Hill, NYC. She's living with a roommate that she has feelings for but is a third wheel in their relationship, she's struggling to find solid work when she finds herself on the subway platform ready to board when the woman next to her jumps in front of the train. This incident impacts her much more than anyone realizes and she finds herself investigating what happened to cause her to jump.

The alternating storyline is of the sisters Moore- Cassandra & Jane. Stylish PR executives that always have a balm for the soul in their designer handbag. (cue Olivia Pope vibes) they take Shay under their perfumed wing and help give her direction... but what is their motive? And will Shay figure it out in time?

This book was creepy AF and had me turning the pages to find out what would happen next. You start anticipating the direction this book is taking and the knot in my stomach kept churning as I was rooting for the ending to go the way I wanted. I was shouting at these characters as if they could hear me through the pages. My only issue was way too many characters were introduced. I still can't remember half of them (and I'm not sure that it matters) but really struggled with who was who early on. Cheers to another creepy thriller that I couldn't finish fast enough, Next, please!

PS Anyone else singing the Michael Jackson lyrics along to this title? Just me...?

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I loved both of Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen's previous novels, and I could not wait for You Are Not Alone! With alternating perspectives, you were always left guessing as to what was going to happen next!

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This is my third book from this duo and it was going to be my tie-breaker. I loved The Wife Between Us, but wasn’t a huge fan of An Anonymous Girl. I really enjoyed this one! I didn’t try to guess what was going on and was wondering what the characters were up to the entire time until it was exposed. I liked that we got an insight from Amanda leading up to her suicide. The POV goes between Shay, Cassandra, Jane, and other members of the group. You get a bit of insight of what brought them together. I was rooting for Shay the whole time and was pleased with how everything wrapped up. I really enjoyed this book from start to finish. Now that I know, I’m definitely going to buy a copy for my shelf with a BOTM add on! As long as it’s not sold out, which I could definitely see happening! Now I’m kicking myself for not reading the ARC sooner! Definitely recommend this one. Glad I finally got to it!

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Huge fan of these authors!

I held off reading reviews until I finished this one and I would recommend doing the same (mixed reviews from my goodreads friends).

I really enjoyed it from the start. The way the authors left the clues along the path was brilliant! I like to put the puzzle together as I'm reading.

Shay Miller has a thing for data (she even collects it in a special book). I found these excerpts fascinating..... "Some studies show that eating alone is more strongly associated with unhappiness than any other factor...." I found Shay to be a sympathetic character and I was pulling for her all the way. She seemed lonely and vulnerable.

I felt uneasy when she began "hanging out" with the beautiful Moore sisters, who turned heads and lived a glam life.

Could their be room for Shay in the Moore sisters world? Or perhaps she should just run?

I enjoyed it and predicted some, but not all of the turns that came rumbling in with just the right amount of tension.

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Hendricks and Pekkanen have done it again!
Having read their two earlier books, I knew this was one I had to read.
Shay's life was changed in a matter of seconds and her experience drives this story.
Well-written and highly enjoyable.

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I am a big fan of these two authors. I liked this twisty psychological thriller and found the plot very unique. It is full of twists and turns with very complex character development building throughout the story. Honestly, I didn't find this book quite as good as the last two it was still very entertaining and fun to read. Highly Recommend!

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You Are Not Alone by suspense duo Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen, is a super, psychological thriller that will keep you reading, all night long. From the moment the story begins, your mind will begin to whirl, putting all sorts of scenarios together, while trying to figure out where this could possibly be going. This story line, full of vengeful women has nothing on Desperate Housewives. We've all heard of "a woman scorned". How about a group of manipulating, scheming, and pissed off women with a score to settle? When too many coincidences appear to be happening, just maybe it is not coincidence at all.

Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review You are Not Alone in exchange for my honest and personal review.


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I'm on a great streak of thrillers right now and I'm happy to report You Are Not Alone by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen continued it!

I listened to the audio and I adored the narrators Barrie Kreinik & Dylan Moore. They were both excellent and really added to my listening experience. I loved the inclusion of all the statistics in the book, and especially liked that all of Shay's chapters started with one. That added a little something extra to an already excellent book for me and I feel like I learned a lot of interesting facts!

As soon as I started it I knew I was going to be addicted and I was right. I listened to You Are Not Alone in just a couple of days and it was another one of those books where I found every excuse possible to listen to it. Short chapters, multiple viewpoints, a mix of past and present, and for the most part I had no idea what was going on or where it would all end. These things together helped make this book perfect for me! The pacing was on point as well which is something I've come to expect and love about this writing duo.

Final Thought: You Are Not Alone surprised me constantly, and it was definitely a twisty book. I liked Shay a lot and I thought she was one of the most likable characters by far. This is a unique novel full of surprises and I highly recommend it, especially on audio. Plus the end was solid gold and I loved it. I can't wait to see what this duo writes next!

Thank you to and the publisher for both my advance listening copy and advance review copy via NetGalley. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

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An anxiety inducing read with lots of well plotted twists, YOU ARE NOT ALONE is another triumph from Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen. I found myself taken by surprise by most of the big reveals, and I really felt the tension as it rose and rose as the narrative went on. It's told through multiple POVs, but the most prominent POVs are those of Shay, and the Moore Sisters Cassandra and Jane. The clues to the mystery are placed throughout many different perspectives, and they all come together nearly perfectly by the time we are getting to the big climax. Like I said, I was mostly caught off guard with every reveal, and they all felt earned as opposed to out of nowhere just for twists sake. I think that my only criticism would be that it felt like it wrapped up a little TOO neatly, and in a bit of a rush. But honestly, that was very forgivable because everything up until that point was taut and incredibly satisfying.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE is another fantastic thriller from Hendricks and Pekkanen. If you haven't read anything by this dynamic duo, I recommend that you start here.

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It isn't often that a book will really surprise me - but this one did! I really thought I had figured all of it out until the last few chapters were everything started to come together for a pretty shocking ending. I will say that the beginning was a bit confusing to me, as we are kind of dropped in on a couple of storylines without much information. There could have been more detail and building up of the characters and their relationships but at the end it didn't really matter.

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