Member Reviews

I’m not going to give a summary or description of the book’s plot, as it’s best to just dig right in! I don’t want to ruin anything. If you loved these two author’s first two books, I’m sure this will be another perfect read.

I will say that I really, really enjoyed this book and read it in almost one sitting - and all in one day, which is hard to do with two little ones 🤣. And I stayed up WAY past my bedtime. Highly recommend! Another top contender for my favorite books of 2020!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, St. Martin’s Press, for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Shay Miller is floundering. Facing temp jobs, social isolation, and unrequited love with her roommate, Shay’s life goes from bad to worse when she witnesses a suicide on the subway. Shay becomes obsessed with learning about the dead woman’s life and in the process befriends the Moore sisters. Jane and Cassandra Moore also take an interest in Shay... but it quickly becomes clear to the reader that their intentions are not pure. Twists and turns ensue in this fast-paced thriller.
If you’re looking for a quick thriller, I definitely recommend this one. I have not read any of the authors’ previous work, but from what I have heard you can expect another twisty thriller from this duo. I really enjoyed the premise of this one and was shocked by the level of manipulation the Moore sisters and their friends displayed. My only major critique is that I felt this story was told from too many perspectives; it was difficult to follow at times and I had to work extra hard to keep everyone’s storylines straight. I wasn’t totally blown away by the twist at the end, but I did enjoy it. All in all, those of you in need of a thriller should check this out! Thank you @stmartinspress and @netgalley for my advanced reader’s copy. You Are Not Alone is a current @bookofthemonth pick and will hit shelves on 3/3/20.

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There’s also a stat I’ve thought about a lot lately: that the average person will walk past sixteen killers in the person’s lifetime.
I watch as a woman moves down the subway aisle.
I keep staring at her as she passes my seat. I wonder if she will walk past fifteen others during her lifetime.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Publishing Group for sending me an ARC of You Are Not Alone in exchange for an honest review.

Shay Miller is not in a great place in her life. She’s 31, newly downsized, and has an unrequited crush on her roommate, Sean. After witnessing a woman kill herself by jumping in front of a subway train, Shay begins having panic attacks, and her life spirals further downward, until she meets Cassandra and Jane. Successful and confident sisters, they knew the suicide victim, and they soon bring Shay into their circle of friends. Shay sees Cassandra and Jane as friends when she needs them the most. The sisters see Shay as ... an opportunity.

Although some chapters are told from the point of view of other characters, the majority are from Shay’s first-person perspective, each of which begins with a statistical nugget that will prove to be relevant. Fortunately, Shay is an interesting, rather original character. Her loneliness is palpable and moving, and it makes her choices much more believable.

You Are Not Alone is well-written and well-plotted. While many of the techniques are the same—flashbacks, first-person chapters from alternating perspectives, small bits of information passed along at strategic points—this book is something of a departure from The Wife Between Us and An Anonymous Girl. This book isn’t particularly ambiguous about which characters you should believe. Instead, the mystery lies in why events are occurring, and whether it will be to late to stop them. Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen have written another satisfying thriller. Highly recommended.

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I love the team of Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekanen. Their stories are always fast paced, engrossing, and so hard to put down!

You Are Not Alone was not a disappointment. It’s the story of a group of friends, who come together to take care of Shay, after she sees something shocking. They’re there to help her. Right?

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martins Press for the ARC of this book!

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You Are Not Alone did not disappoint this fan of the Hendricks/Pekkanen writing duo. From the beginning of the novel, when the Shay Miller witnesses a graphic, violent suicide-we are on a wild ride with her. Captivated by the death of this stranger, Shay begins to connect with the victim's friend group. They are a super close group of beautiful and successful women and lonely, shaken Shay hopes to find solace in their blooming friendship. That is until she realizes that this may be a fremeny situation that could cost her life! Unreliable narrators abound and there are so many twists, turns and dark family secrets that kept me guessing until almost the very end. Set in contemporary NYC-it was also a fun glimpse into a fast paced city life, as well as a great thriller! I will be highly recommending it to my customers.

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When Shay Miller witnesses the suicide of a young woman on the subway station, she can’t shake the encounter and wants to know more about Amanda, the girl who took her life. Her curiosity turns into an obsession and Amanda’s friends take Shay under their wings. Only, Shay doesn’t know that she has entered into a dangerous inner circle and she needs to get out. review: I received an ARC of this book and was so excited to dive right in since I really loved The Wife Between Us. You are Not Alone started off strong and drew me in immediately, but unfortunately I didn’t enjoy this book as much as I have enjoyed the other two they have written. This book is told in alternating perspectives and reads a bit like a cat & mouse chase, which really added to the plot line. There were quite a lot of characters to keep up with and I didn’t find any of them to be likable. I found this book to be a bit more slow-paced than their other books and not quite as compelling. I will say, the twist was one I didn’t see coming and really surprised me. rating: 3 out of 5 ⭐️

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*Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

I'm on the fence about this one. It's a good story, with plenty to keep you guessing. I think my biggest beef was that it seemed to drone on. I think a strong-handed editor could have made this a much more interesting read.

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You Are Not Alone is the third book from author duo Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen, and I think my favorite of theirs so far!

You Are Not Alone starts with our main character, Shay, witnessing a suicide on the New York subway. This sends her in a downward spiral; Shay becomes invested in discovering everything she can about the woman (Amanda) and why she killed herself. Through multiple perspectives and flashbacks, Amanda's story is slowly revealed.

I loved the way the story was told- as a reader, we get to discover the story from multiple angles, making connections before the characters themselves are able to. As Shay becomes more and more entrenched in Amanda's life and friend group, the tension increases as we realize the danger Shay is putting herself in.

This was the kind of book that I never wanted to stop reading. I loved the story, the characters were believable, and the ending was very satisfying. Would definitely recommend to any thriller readers out there.

Thank you Netgalley for providing me with this arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Another brilliant thriller! This is the third book I have read by this very talented duo. The story pulls the reader in from the very start. The main character, Shay, is a data analyst living with a roommate in a New York City apartment. She is witness to a suicide on the subway tracks. The atmosphere becomes ominous, as we get to know the ensemble of characters. This book is highly recommended. Also recommended are Hendricks and Pekkanen’s previous books, The Wife Between Us and An Anonymous Girl. All are 5 stars.

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You Are Not Alone is another WINNER from Greer Hendricks; Sarah Pekkanen. I think these two write the best thrillers and each one has been an easy 5 star read for me. They not only SHOW us her characters actions in a way that we can see it in our minds but they have some amazing epic twists that blow them! This is a duo you won't want to miss if you're thriller fans!

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I read anonymous girl by these same authors and equally liked their second book. I felt like the plot line and ending in this one were more satisfying and the story overall more plausible. The characters were interesting a seemed fully developed and the twists kept me guessing. I think that this is a fun quick read that a fan of murder mysteries would enjoy and I recommend it.

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My favorite thriller duo does it again. I absolutely devoured their newest novel, You Are Not Alone. This thriller will have your heart pounding the whole time.

Shay Miller lives an isolated life that revolves around data, numbers, and statistics. She desperately wants a life she doesn’t have. A life filled with love, friendship, and confidence. Her whole world changes when she witnesses a stranger end their life on the subway tracks. Shay becomes obsessed with finding out more about this beautiful stranger and takes a deep dive into her life. Little does Shay know that she is about to be sucked into a world filled with lies, secrecy, and betrayal.

Hendricks and Pekkanen are truly the masters of deception. I loved watching the details of this story unfold and click into place. This novel was wildly entertaining and I was hooked from the very first page. If you’re looking for a heart pounding thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat, I would highly recommend this one.

A huge thank you to St. Martin’s Press for providing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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just loved An Anonymous Girl, so I was delighted to read Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen's newest novel, You Are Not Alone.  This is another psychological suspense, and  continues to explore the same kind of aspirational relationship as Jess and Dr. Shields in An Anonymous Girl. And, once again, I couldn't stop reading it.

Shay is kind of a women's-novel loser --  but she has an unrequited crush on her roommate, her job is coming to an end, she likes stats a bit more than fashion, that kind of thing. She's not an actual loser, of course,  but when she meets the stylish and poised Moore sisters,  they represent everything she wants to be. Shay starts doing odd, uncharacteristic and even dangerous things to win their approval.

Shay is waiting on a subway platform when she witnesses a young woman leaping in front of a subway train. She attends the woman's memorial to try to get some understanding or closure. This is where she first meets Cassandra and Jane Moore (Cassandra is Jane Austen's sister's name, as every serious Janeite already knows) and the deceptions and twists start. 

I really enjoyed the depth of these characters, but I didn't care for Shay's ongoing notebook of stats. I didn't think it added depth to her character as much as it kinda leaned to the obsessive quirky genius trope, and it left me waiting for the statistics trivia notebook to play a key role in solving the plot.

One side note about a pretty minor character in this twisty thriller: I loved Jody. Well, I didn't love her, I loved how well she was written. She's every time your friend gets an underwhelming girlfriend. She's not evil or mean or dishonest, you just don't hit it off, and you think her boyfriend can do better. We often encounter Jodys in life, I loved meeting one in fiction.

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This duo writes page This writing duo sure knows how to keep their readers guessing! I was hooked until the last page and couldn’t figure out the twist. It is true when they say third time is a charm for these ladies.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE is a twisted tale that keeps you reading. As a reader I was intrigued by Shay who seemed to be shy and searching for a purpose in life. I was enthralled with Cassandra and Jane and related to Shay’s need to fit in with them.

You Are Not Alone has many different story lines and plot twists and Pekkanen and Greer create their own universe and I was completely hooked

I enjoyed this pairs two other novels. But think this third one is my faVorite

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You Are Not Alone, by the fabulous sister duo Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen kept me guessing right up until the end. I read An Anonymous Girl by these authors and was so excited to get approved for an ARC of this book!
After Shay Miller witnesses the suicide of a young nurse, Amanda, she becomes traumatized and obsessed with finding out more about her. She attends a memorial service for Amanda and meets the lovely Cassandra and Jane, two sisters who seem to have it all. She soon becomes friends with Cassandra and Jane, who help her get her life back on track after the traumatic event. A new job, apartment, a potential date from an online site. Soon strange things begin to happen and Shay is forced to question everything that has happened since Amanda's tragedy.
You Are Not Alone kept me up at night. I read a lot of thrillers, but I thought this was quite an original story, I haven't read anything like it. The story moves at a good pace and I was eager to find out what happened in the end. 4.5 stars!

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Wow! I couldn't put this book down. I plowed through this one in a day (thanks to some time off work). This is such a great thriller and there so many twists. I loved it.

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I have loved every book by these two authors! I really hope to read more in the future! Always full of suspense!

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I loved this book. From the very beginning, I was immediately hooked. Stayed up all night to finish it and am glad I did!

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Advice, read this when you not have other activities that need your attention. Several of my "to dos" ended up lower on the priority list.

This book had me from the very beginning. Were these random encounters or truly planned? How easy are people manipulated? I had a hard time putting this book down. I am having a difficult time writing a review without giving away the story. If you like psychological thrillers, this book is for you. Great pacing, very good character development. This would make a good movie.

I have never read any of these authors' other books but will definitely look for them.

Thank you, authors, publisher and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest feedback.

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When I saw this book on NetGalley, I knew I had to request it. I'm a sucker for anything this talented duo writes and this book did not disappoint. Like their other two novels, it is best to go in blind and that's just what I did. Right away this book draws the reader in and makes you want to know what in the world is going on. Normally I try to see if I can figure out any twists that may come but I have learned that that's virutally impossible with these two. The reader can't possibly figure out where the book will twist and turn so its best not to even try. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. This book follows the same formula if you will of The Wife Between Us and An Anonymous Girl but there's something different about this one. Hendricks and Pekkanen's ability to create characters that are layered, complex, and multifaceted (I'm aware that these are synonyms) is something to be admired. Here we have Shay who is a thirty something New Yorker who loves statistics. She lives with a guy friend whom she has fallen for and has lost her job. She witnesses a suicide and this is where the sisters Cassandra and Jane come in. Right away we know that Shay is hiding some secrets and we know that all is not right with the sisters. There are different points of view/narrators and the story is woven together seamslessly. I'm not sure I want to say more than that though as like I said, its best to just enjoy the ride.

This book is twisty, clever, and sharp. The Hendricks and Pekkanen just keep getting better and better with each book. I really don't know how they do it but I have loved every book they've written and this is no exception. I think if you loved their previous books you are going to love this one. The characters, the writing, the surprises, the twists, its just plain good. Read this, you won't regret it.

While I did not enjoy this read as much as I did An Anonymous Girl, I still really liked it. It took me a little longer to get into, but once I was, I was into it. The twists in this book were a little less obvious but the ones that were in there worked perfectly and really added to the story. I found myself being genuinely surprised at them which is a good thing. About the main character Shay, I really felt for her. One of the themes in this book was loneliness and I think that is something everyone can relate to at least once in their life.

Huge thank you to the St. Martin's Press team at NetGalley for allowing me to read You Are Not Alone. I really enjoyed this read!

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