Member Reviews

Woo hoo they did it again!!!

Fabulous book. Brilliant audio. Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen have written an addictive and compelling story. Barrie Kreinik and Dylan Moore brought the captivating tale to life with their exceptional audio narration. Just like the previous two books from this dynamic writing dual this book was twisted and filled with complex characters. It’s like putting together a giant puzzle when you’re not certain you have all the pieces. Their stories really dive deep into their character’s brains their psyches. Twists, turns, misdirections, lies.

Shay is in need of a new job, a new love, and a new place to live. One Sunday morning she is heading off to work to escape her lovey-dovey roommate and his new girlfriend. When waiting for the subway she witnesses a woman jump onto the tracks to her death. Shay is shook and a little obsessed with what made this woman jump. In trying to understand Amanda‘s (the girl who jumped) motivations she runs across sisters Cassondra and Jane Moore. What follows is a crazy, captivating, and disturbing story that asks a lot of questions, and gives few answers. A riveting story with a startling ending. This is probably not my favorite from this author team, but it was definitely entertaining, engaging, and left me wanting more.

This book in emojis. 🚇🚕🗽🏙🎒📓🖊

*** Big thank you to St Martin’s Press, Macmillan Audio, and for my gifted copy of this book. All opinions are my own. ***

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This was a WONDERFUL thriller! It kept me guessing until the very end. Shay desperately wants friends. She is lonely and has a dead-end job. She's looking for some joy in life. She witnesses a woman's suicide, and she can't get the woman out of her mind. She becomes close with a new set of friends, and life starts improving for Shay. But has it REALLY gotten better? This is a thriller that I could NOT put down. I LOVED it!!!! Highly recommended!

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Hendricks and Pekkanen have done it again! Their latest thriller is sure to be an instant success.

Shay Miller is a woman whose very own happiness eludes her. After she witnesses a tragedy, her life takes an unexpected turn when she meets the Moore sisters. It seems as though everything in Shay's life is better when they are around. But are they really?

This book gripped me from the very beginning. The characters are extremely believable. Many times when reading a book, the story line feels familiar - as though I have read it before with different characters. Not so with You Are Not Alone. The story is fresh and compelling. The authors took me on a whirlwind journey with them as they spun this tale which was rife with lies, deceit and mystery. What an incredible journey it was! This book is a must read and a solid 4.5 stars.

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WOW - WOW!! This book was a fantastic psychological thriller. It kept me gripped from the first few pages, until the very end. Cassandra and Jane Moore appeared to have it all. Their Public Relations firm was very well known in New York. They were chic, professional women, and they seemed to want to help others in need. However, why would a woman, who knew them as friends, decide to jump in front of a train? Shay Miller just happened to be standing a few feet from this woman, when she jumped. What a horrible experience for someone to witness. The woman’s name was Amanda. She was a great ER nurse, who took such great pride in her profession. What could have possibly caused her to give it all up and to kill herself? Shay felt responsible for not getting to her quick enough to save her. When she happened to see a flyer with memorial information on it for Amanda, she felt compelled to attend the memorial. The Moore sisters arranged the memorial for Amanda’s mother. It was during this time, that they noticed Shay. They wondered how she knew Amanda, since they had never seen her before. The Moore sisters befriended Shay. Doors of all kinds of opportunities seem to open for her, as the Moore sisters tried to help her with finding a new apartment. Her friend and roommate, Sean, wanted to have his girlfriend move in, and threes a crowd. Everything seemed to be going really well for her, or so she thought. Why would the Moore sisters take such an interest in helping her with everything? What was their motive? Eventually things take a turn for the very worst. The police become involved. How did Shay end up on the polices’ radar? Will the police find out why Amanda killed herself? The plot was definitely on the genius level. The plot continually evolved throughout the book. The reader never knew what was coming. The book was psychological throughout, and I couldn't put the book down. The character development was superb. Each character literally jumped off the page. I totally enjoyed this book, and hated for it to end. If you are looking for a great psychological thriller that will hook you until the very end, this book is definitely one that you should read!!!!

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A fun mystery to tear through!

You Are Not Alone started off really promising for me - I think I read the first half in one sitting. It sort of dropped off after there, which I do think was both a function of the plot and my breaking the rest up into multiple reading sessions. (I'd recommend reading this book in one fell swoop for maximum enjoyment!)

The book begins with Amanda disappearing onto the subway tracks, which I'll admit had me pretty confused - didn't that happen to the subject mentioned in An Anonymous Girl? You Are Not Alone is, however, a stand-alone, centered around Shay Miller who happened to be standing next to Amanda on the subway platform. Hendricks and Pekkanen introduce a cast of characters as they reveal what really happened in the months prior to Amanda's death - and Shay gets wrapped up in the drama.

Some of the plot points seem a bit convenient - there's one important relationship in particular I'm still grappling to believe. But, this is a juicy mystery that definitely drew me in.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for a free e-arc of this title for review, and to and Macmillan Audio for a free ALC.

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This book is best if you don’t know anything about it going in. I was on the edge of my seat to see how it would wrap up. All I’ll say is this is about a single lonely girl who meets a group of close-knit friends, but things aren’t as they seem. This is the first thriller I’ve read from Hendricks and Pekkanen and now I want to read the other two they’ve published. To me, this falls somewhere between a domestic and psychological thriller. You Are Not Alone is a high stakes thriller full of twists and turns and I highly recommend giving it a read! *ARC provided by NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press in exchange for honest review. All opinions are my own.

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I enjoyed this one. It was a fast paced read. And had some really well writen characters.
The story was complex in the best way.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ A 4 star read for me for sure ⭐⭐⭐⭐

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It took a while to get all the characters straight but once I did I was definitely entertained.

Shay was an interesting character, she was lonely and living a pretty ordinary life. She witnesses a horrible subway accident and from that point, her life is completely changed. She was manipulated and abused by her so-called friends but she didn’t see it because she was so grateful to have any friends at all.

The sisters were these high powered, well-dressed women who seemed to have it all and sure made it so simple to deceive Shay. The mystery itself was parsed out very very slowly and there was quite a bit of jumping around from past to present. I thought the data collection part was fascinating and I felt sympathy toward Shay.

It kept my interest because I really wanted to see how far the sisters would go in their revenge plans. I wanted to see if Shay would figure them out.

This felt like Oceans 8 with the six women and their special “club” and a little bit like an old Sydney Sheldon book “If Tomorrow Comes” where she must get revenge on every man that ever wronged her.

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Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen have knocked this one out of the park!!

A shocking, twisty-turny thrill ride of a novel, You Are Not Alone begins dramatically with Shay Miller witnessing an apparent suicide by subway. Simply witnessing this traumatic event throws Shay’s life into a tailspin. Prior to this, Shay was fairly complacent: she was secretly crushing on her roommate/best friend and working a temp job. Afterwards, Shay tries to recenter herself by going to a memorial for the suicide victim. She winds up befriending some of the same girls that were friends with the deceased: The Moore sisters. These gals become Shay’s nearly instant best friends, and support her through thick and thin by helping her find a place to live, find a job, and delve into online dating. However, it quickly becomes apparent to the reader that the Moore sisters aren’t quite as sparkly as they seem. What exactly are they up to, and when will Shay put all the pieces together?

As in previous novels by this duo, the story isn’t told in chronological order. The timeline jumps all over this place, which adds to the intrigue and tension as events are revealed out of order. Throughout, the reader knows a bit more than Shay, and this keeps the pages flying! I couldn’t put this book down!!

Thanks to St. Martin’s press for the early copy!!

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Once again, Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen have proved themselves the masters of the psychological thriller! From the first page to the last, “You Are Not Alone” is one heck of wile ride! There are so many layers to this book and more twists and turns than I can count. The characters are engaging and believable and the plot is compelling and creative. Once I started this book, I could not put it down. This will be the best thriller of 2020!

Many thanks to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press, and the authors for the opportunity of reading an advanced digital copy of this brilliant book. I eagerly await their next book!

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Wow! I was completely consumed by Shay’s story and didn’t want to put it down. I liked how each chapter opened with a statistic and the reader was in for the ride. This book is a heart-pounding, what’s-going-to-come-next thrill ride. I enjoyed how the reader knows enough to feel confident in why things are happening, but we still don't know all the pieces. Bit-by-bit things are revealed that kept me turning the pages! I liked the way Shay goes after what she can, to help her learn the truth. She's not idle. But I still was shocked the further into the book I got. I couldn't read this book fast enough! If you like a good thriller, then be sure not to let this book pass you by!

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Womp womp. I had super high hopes for this one but unfortunately it just didn’t work for me. The characters felt very thin and the ending seemed unbelievable. I felt like there were also a lot of loose ends. What happened to the other girls?! They just went to jail?! Overall I didn’t hate it but it also wasn’t my favorite.

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I first want to thank NetGalley, the publishing house, and the author for allowing me an electronic copy in exchange for an honest review.
I have been waiting and watching for the new Hendricks/Pekkanen book. Since "Anonymous Girl" I have read them all. I liked the book! I had to read it in small pieces between my adulting tasks. So as for the beginning, I had some issues with keeping all the characters straight and the timelines straight. Of course, the farther into the book you go it becomes easier to keep things straight. My only other issue was the main character was frustratingly unwitting. I mean towards the end of the book I began thinking, "Seriously? You have finally started putting pieces together and you can't see what's coming!!?" But the overall theme of the book is "How far does a person go for "justice". Are the things that seem to happen daily as coincidences. . . are they really? I liked the vigilante feel of the group of women. It was nice to read about some strong, empowered women even if they are supposed to be the "bad guys".

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I received a free copy of You Are Not Alone from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Fans of Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen will love their newest book! It is a page-turning, visual thriller about a young woman living in New York who gets caught up in a dangerous mystery. I would recommend this novel to fans of Gillian Flynn or Ruth Ware.

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I LOVED The Wife Between Us and An Anonymous Girl so much, so I was super excited for You Are Not Alone. While I ended up enjoying it, it doesn't pack the same punch as other books by these authors. I'm glad I read it, but it wasn't a favorite of mine.

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Thank you to Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen, St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for this ARC.

The writing combo of Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen has led to three of my favorite books so far. The Moore sisters in this story are great, and Shay is a likable, albeit semi-annoying character. The story and pacing were both done well. I did feel there were too many main characters, and the story would've still been entertaining from just the POVs of Shay and Cassandra/Jane.

I look forward to the next thriller by this amazing duo!

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Sarah Pekkanen and Greer Hendricks are complete geniuses when it comes to the art of deception and consistently throwing curve balls and twists our way just when we think we have seen it all. Every time I finish one of their books I am in complete aw at how complex and original the story-line itself is. With that being said, You Are Not Alone has become my favorite book by them.

This review will be short. Naturally, I do not want to give anything away to you about the context / plot of this story. It’s just best if you know the least amount of things possible. So please do not take my short review as a “meh, this book was okay” review. Because it was far from that.

The first thing I feel like you should know about this story and probably the only thing I will tell you about it is this: there are a lot of characters and a lot of things going on but if any two authors can pull it off– it’s these two. You might feel overwhelmed at one point with all of the things going on, the past and present POVs, the characters… but I promise there will come a point in the book where it all comes to you. It’s all just… easy. Don’t be scared! Don’t give up! I promise it’s all worth it.

I don’t think anyone can tie up a story quite as well as these two women can. Between their unique writing style and their changing POVs to tell the story in an addictive format, I was immediately obsessed with You Are Not Alone. The less you know about this story, the more enthralled with it I think you will be.

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I always look forward to these ladies releasing a new book. I have loved each and every one of them. I like the writing style and short chapters because it makes for easy reading. This story kept me interested and I found it to be a very quick read. Thanks to the publisher for the advanced copy. Can’t wait for their next release!

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A lonely girl, two wildly sophisticated sisters and their friend group and a subway suicide are the themes of this book.

Shay is a down on her luck girl. Cassandra and Jane are everything she wants to be. They meet after Shay witness a subway suicide and all sorts of mayhem ensues after.

This is my least favorite of the duo authors three books. I found Shay to be really annoying. She was incredibly woe is me about her job, her love life, her living arrangement.

The pace of the book was quick and there were a few surprises and some twists and turns but over all for me is was a 3 star read.
Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the third book by the team of Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen and it might just be one of my favorites. Shay lives an unsatisfying life, wanting friends and to be included, and that begins with her friendship with the Moore sisters, Jane and Cassandra. She's the perfect, pliable character for the Moore sisters' ultimate purpose. It starts off like you have a peek into the popular girls club as the sisters are beautiful and stylish and welcome Shay into their midst. But you know a curve ball is coming! I love this duo's style of writing and I will continue to add their latest books to my TBR.

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