Member Reviews

Thanks to Netgalley for my copy. 4.5*

These two authors are fast becoming my favourite collaborators. This is a psychological novel exploring female relationships and the dynamics of different personalities. Their writing is polished and seamless and keeps my attention throughout. I think if this pair wrote a shopping list I would be enthralled.

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I really enjoyed this domestic thriller from the very first page! I was completely hooked. So many dark twists and turns. Human love, hate and emotion were the epicenter of this great book.
Characters were awesome and so easy to identify with!! Highly recommend.
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I received an ARC of You Are Not Alone from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Shay Miller witnesses the suicide of a young woman on the subway and becomes swept into the lives of her friends at the funeral. They seem to take a keen interest in her, and so many good things start to happen to her. Not once does Shay stop to wonder why.

I always enjoy books by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen and this one did not disappoint. I found it to be a little slow at first, but it got much more exciting as the story progressed. I got a bit frustrated at Shay as she seemed to make one bad choice after another, but I guess there would not be a story if she only made good choices. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys suspenseful thrillers with female protagonists.

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wowwwwwww this is the thriller I’ve been looking for. This was wild, many twists and turns that I never saw coming. Greer and Sarah are truly masters.

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Hendricks and Pekkanen are known for their thrillers by now with this third book of theirs. You Are Not Alone keeps the reader guessing all the way through. My main issue with this book is the characters' motivation. Why are they making the choices that they make? I don't feel like the authors explained this well enough. For that reason, I found this story to be rather unbelievable, and this book didn't work for me. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Love the team of Hendricks and Pekkanen. I have read their other books and they are just great writers. This book was very good. I found myself thinking about it long after I had finished reading it. Highly recommend

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This book was everything I wanted it to be and more. The first page captured my attention with a mysterious suicide, and it only got better from there. I love when a book catches me off guard, and You Are Not Alone did just that.

I love it when a book keeps you interested the entire time. This book had many interesting characters, starting with Shay. I couldn’t help but shake my head the entire time as she got herself deeper and deeper into the drama. Cassandra and Jane intrigued me from the beginning- who doesn’t like a book about girls who have everything.

I really enjoyed the format of the book; I love it when books switch timelines and points of view! The best way to slowly reveal information is to change points of view throughout the book. Even though she made endlessly bad decisions, I couldn’t help but root for Shay. It was sad that everything that happened stemmed from loneliness, which is something I think a lot of readers can identify with.

The best part of the book was the last chapters. I hate rushed endings, but this one felt like a slow build that culminated in a surprising and plausible twist. Instead of throwing in something random, the authors perfectly tied the book together and explained any questions a reader might have.

I loved this book and would give it 5-stars for sure!

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What is this book about?
Shay, a math whiz, is in her 30’s when she is laid off from her job and her crush/roommate starts dating someone else. She has no friends and feels lonely. Things get worse for her when waits for the subway and sees a stranger jump from the platform and is killed instantly. She decides she wants to learn more about Amanda, the girl from the subway. She meets two women at the memorial, who are everything she wishes she could be.

Cassandra and Jane are sisters and they know why Amanda jumped to her death. Afraid she told Shay, they befriend Shay in attempt to find out what she knows. They are desperate to keep this secret and will go to any lengths to keep it quiet.

What did I think?
I am so sad because I wanted to love this book. I very much enjoyed these authors past novels and was excited to read this one. I was highly disappointed. There were so many characters to keep track of and not only did it switch points of view often but it also switched timelines. It was difficult to keep everything straight. This made this novel feel like it had no plot. None of the characters were likable either. So many characters were introduced but for some of them you had no clue how they met each other or how their friendship developed. So much of it was unbelievable e.g. at one point, when they were doing flash back, Amanda who was a nurse, steals some drugs for her friends Cassandra and Jane. I can’t think of any scenario where someone would do this for a friend. Especially for people they barely know. I spent a large majority of the book wishing I could finish so I could move onto something else. I will say, that I became more interested at around 70% when things started to pick up but then the ending felt rushed

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This book was so good!! I loved all of the characters and they way that the point of view bounced between the different girls. This book kept me up for hours at night and I just thought it was so good. Another success for Greer and Sarah!

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Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen need to take a bow. They have written 3 books together and each one has been a treat to read. This pair knows how to craft a twisted tale and keep you guessing till the end. The characters are so well developed that you can almost feel them jump off the pages of the book. Each one is unique and despite multiple characters the book is written in a way where you can keep track of each one easily. I can see this being a hit TV series like Big Little Lies! What I love about the writing style is how easily it opens your eyes to multi layered personalities. The authors they take you down dark twisted minds with finesse. I am impressed with their understanding of the human nature, its flaws, and their ability to use those to create a mesmerizing plot. This book gets you engaged from the start., My favorite quote from this book was the first line "Numbers never lie. Statistic, charts, percentages - they don't contain hidden agendas or shades of gray. They're pure and true. It isn't until people start meddling with them, spinning and shaping them, that they become dishonest." For this book, this was the perfect eloquent start!
The twists are deftly handled and completely unpredictable. I like how the book is divided in parts that make perfect sense. This is a "hard to put down" book so pick it up when you can ignore the world around you and be prepared for a thrilling ride.
Thanks NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for providing me with this ARC for my impartial review.

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Holy.... (you can insert explicative here)! I don't even know where to go or what to say about this book! Everything I can think of to say would possibly be a spoiler.

This book is all about misdirection and vindictiveness. There's really no other way to explain it. 

One minute, I thought Shay was off her rocker. The next minute I wanted to shake her and tell her to run. I was distrustful of every single character. I, myself, trusted no one... Even at times, Shay.

This book is written in pure Hendricks and Pekkanen fashion. Even if you weren't a fan of their previously co-written books, I think this one is the one for you. While I figured some things out and some things were a bit too over the top, this book was definitely worth the read. Some are saying it's their best one yet. I can't decide which of their books is my favorite, but this one is definitely a great book!

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I am pretty sure I have started my reviews for the last two Hendricks/Pekkanen books with the same statement: I am confident I will read and love anything these ladies write. If you read Anonymous Girl or Wife Between Us and loved them, you will also love You are Not Alone. I am so impressed with how Hendricks and Pekkanen are able to create an entirely new, fresh storyline in an environment when it seems like everyone is writing the same novel. Further, I never know where they are headed. The synopsis for this book is fantastic - it is short and sweet and gives nothing away. All you need to go going in is this is a suspenseful ride that begins with our main character, Shay Miller witnessing a woman commit suicide on the tracks of the NYC subway. Shay is going through a rough patch and is affected by witnessing the suicide. Shay feels a strange connection to the woman that commits suicide and tries to learn more about her. As she digs deeper, she begins to get close to this woman's friends and from there it is a wild ride and one that I don't want to spoil. Enjoy!

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Others have said this one is a crazy ride, and I could not agree more. At times, I wanted a clearer understanding of what was happening and where things were going, but the story unfolded in a way that was fast paced and enjoyable. Loved it!

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Shay is lonely. She watches the people around her and notices the close camaraderie of some of the woman. Laughing, talking, enjoying each others company.
As she waits for the subway to come she notices a young woman down the platform from her. Just as the train is pulling up the woman throws herself onto the tracks.
Shay is horrified and speechless. She has just seen someone commit suicide.
Something about the woman pulls at Shay. She decides to go to her memorial service. She didn't know her, but she still feels the inclination to go.
She doesn't realize the events that follow will put her life in danger. She will have to be smarter than the persons setting her up for murder and than planning on taking her life.
Titillating, riveting and awesome!!

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Solid 4 star book. I think this is by far their best work yet! I loved this one.

Alternating between MC Shay, a down on her luck NYC-based young woman, and the past of a multiple cast of characters, this book really had me flying through the chapters to figure out what was going on. What starts as a bad luck, wrong place at the wrong time event for Shay turns into something else entirely in this popcorn-thriller.

Very well written. I liked Shay and wanted her to come out ahead. I thought it was great!

Thanks to NetGalley for the advance copy.

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I’ve read the previous books from Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pakklanen and “You are not Alone” follows the same writing style as the previous ones. It was a fast reading, and I’ve enjoyed it. The only downside in my opinion was the factt that there were too many characters bouncing around from the present to the past and it got a little bit confusing and sometimes I wanted to put the book down. Overall it was a nice book, not the best from the authors though.

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You are not alone is expertly written. The plot of the book is not apparent, which leaves the reader guessing what will happen and why. The details are slowly revealed... A group of friends from different walks of life. All with different skill sets. They befriend a girl and she unknowingly becomes the subject of their work. Watch a series of events unfold and a climatic ending you will not expect. A suspenseful and exciting read. 4 stars.

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I've been a long time reader of Sarah's individual books, and I've enjoyed the collaborations as well. This one is no exception. It's the genre of a psychological thriller at it's best. I don't want to give any spoilers, but this is a fast-paced book that sometimes seems far fetched, but really does it? People want to insert themselves into drama and tragedy, and this is what Shay seems to be doing at first. Her long time friendship with her male roommate is strained due to his new girlfriend, but she soon makes new friends. These friends have a way of making Shay into a new version of herself. The twists and turns couldn't be better, and I enjoyed this book immensely. Thank you to Net Galley and St. Martin's Press for an advance copy of this title in exchange for my honest review. #NetGalley #GreerHendricks #SarahPekkanen #mustread #bookreviewer #book review.

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“You Are Not Alone” was the first book that I’ve read by writing duo Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen. I’ve heard so much about their books, “ Anonymous Girl” and “ The Wife Between Us” ( which I will definitely be reading in the very near future) that I could not wait to read this one. Buckle up, you’re in for a ride!
This is definitely one of those books that you really can’t say too much about the plot because it definitely treads on spoiling it. Sometimes it is best to just go into a book not knowing much about what to expect.
I loved that this book was fast paced. Right from the beginning, I was immersed into the story. I really appreciated the short chapters that each ended with a hint of mystery. I flew through the pages and could not wait to see what would happen next.
There were a few things I didn’t care for. At one point, I found myself having to flip back because there were just one too many POVs. I found myself thinking “who is this again?” I did like the point of views; they were just confusing at times. Another thing that was slightly annoying was Shay. I liked her overall but there were moments that I wanted to hop in, shake her, and scream, especially given her hobby.
There were definitely some twists and turns that I did not see coming at all. Just when I thought I had everything figured out, bam! With all this being said, I really enjoyed this book and cannot wait to read more from these authors.
*I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press in exchange for my honest review. *

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Wow. Astonishing. If you've read Anonymous Girl and The Wife Between Us and were shocked, amazed, appalled, fascinated at the convoluted oh-so-involved stories that Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen wove - You are Not Alone. Coincidentally, their new partnership with the upcoming book You Are Not Alone does not disappoint in anyway. Psychologically atypical, aberrant, seemingly down-trodden, down-on-their-luck female characters who discover new strengths when confronted with plots that twist and turn toward unimaginable conclusions.

Shay's life has taken a downward spiral; she is working a temp job after losing a dream job to "downsizing". She shares an apartment with Sean, a man she realized she has feelings for, but he's in love with someone else. One muggy afternoon she witnesses a violent act of desperation which sends her farther down a spiral; until she meets Cassandra and Jane and things begin to change. She longs for friendship, to belong to a group of friends, and at first she feels acceptance. But all change is not necessarily good, and Shay finds herself in a no-win situation. Strength comes from the depths of the soul sometimes. Like their two previous books, Greer and Pekkanen write characters and situations that make the reader glad to be part of a mundane world. When I finished you Are Not Alone, my first thought was, wow, I am SO glad my own life is extremely boring by comparison!

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