Member Reviews

Wow! This one did not disappoint. Shay Miller knows what she wants. However, as a person obsessed with statistics, what happens when life doesn’t fit what is expected? Her friendship with sisters, Jane and Cassandra, will put her and her obsession with stats to the test.

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Shay Miller is experiencing love, life, and career struggles in New York City until she meets two mysterious sisters, by way of a traumatic event, who seemingly turn her life around (and in turn, upside down).

I enjoyed this book and have enjoyed Pekkanen and Greer's previous two co-written novels. I liked the pace of the middle portion of the novel but felt the start was a little slow and the end was a bit abrupt. The book kept me guessing throughout and I enjoyed Shay's character development and the twists kept me guessing until the end.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves thrillers. I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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You Are Not Alone was a quick read with lots of fun plot twists and intrigue! I quite enjoyed the last half of the book, but not the first. I found the beginning to be very slow in creating mystery and I ended up not caring what happened to a lot of the characters until 80%. All the chapters are told from a different perspective, which I found to be overdone. 2 or 3 changes would be fine with me, but there are about 7-8 different POVs throughout the book. Overall, the mystery was well done and I enjoyed finding out what happened through out the book. I would recommend the authors previous two novels before this one. 3.5/5.

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I love this pair of authors, Together their work is fantastic. I was very excited to see that they came out with another collaboration, but unfortunately this one didn't hit my as hard as the others. Interesting story, but felt like there was too many characters to follow and really didn't connect with any of them.

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This was really good!!! I say with surprise because pulling off multiple psychological thrillers in a row is almost impossible; because though I adored one, I was meh on the other Greer/Sarah book; because it subverted my expectations and succeeded as pure mystery with lots of well executed tension!

I think the best aspect of this was the relationships between the women. They were all so nuanced and complex (possibly excluding that between Cassandra and Jane) and carefully constructed. Shay felt so very realistic--she could be a girl I met at a bar here in New York very easily. All of her anxieties were relatable, and her banana smoothies really made her a person. I loved hating on Jody and feeling bad for hating on Jody since she was perfectly nice. <spoiler>I love how smart Shay got.</spoiler> It was a slow burner, but a good one.

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This book was just ok for me. I was very annoyed with most of the characters, and especially the main character. I don't understand how she just continued on blissfully unaware of the goings-on behind-the-scenes. I liked the stories of the other characters, and I liked that we got backstory on them to figure out why they were the way they were, but overall there just wasn't enough for me to really like or dislike them. And there were a lot of POVs that made it kind of hard to keep up with.

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Thank you so much NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!
I was dying for this book and was so excited when I was granted it. I've read Hendricks and Pekkanen's previous two books (The Wife Between Us And An Anonymous Girl) and loved them. I'm happy to say that these awesome women are three for three in terms of books!

We are introduced to Shay Miller. She's 31, and is still trying to find her place in the world. Her biggest skill is her ability to research and analyze things. She keeps journals on statistics instead of journals on feelings. One day she witnesses an awful event and her life begins to change.

Due to these turn of events, she meets Cassandra and Jane Moore , sisters who have the world at their feet. They know all the right people, wear all the right clothes and drink all the right drinks. The Moore sisters are also coping with the aftermath of the event Shay witnessed. They remind Shay that she is not alone in her feelings.

The sisters actually take a keen interest in her as it seemed they had previously to a number of other women. But this interest seemed different and as the story goes on, you see that there is more to the sisters than meets the eye. They have a select group of friends that they seemed to have chosen for specific reasons. Is it possible that they had a feeling Shay was "One of them". You never really fully know what "One of them" actually means but you do see that the bond the sisters have with these 3/4 other women are very strong and that they do seem to care about them.

I really want to dive more into it, but I don't want to give it all away! Let's just say that Shay finds out that not everything is as it seems. This powerhouse duo of authors have suspense down pat and are always able to throw a bit of fun into it. They hook you in and it gets to the point where you HAVE to read! I finished the book in two days.

If you liked their previous two books, put this on your list. If you never read any of their books, put this on their list!!!

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Now that was an unexpected twist! The book started out with a bang and it kept up throughout, ratcheting up the intensity along the way. Shay is a character you root for the entire time but it takes her a while to completely wake up and wisen up. I liked how the authors slowly let the reader in on the true plot, keeping you in suspense the entire time. Highly recommend this to anyone who liked the authors' previous books. If anything, their writing just gets better with each book.

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This novel gets at our contemporary FOMO and desire to be better than we are, part of a cooler group, seen, cared for, loved. The main character is likeable, and the book is well written. The final twist was unexpected and the tempo of the book moved quickly despite the back and forth point of view and temporal jumps. I enjoyed this well structured and gripping book

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I have not read a book quite like this one before and I read a lot so it’s not the same oh same oh book. Insecurities, lies, betrayal, a killing and more. Told from the view point of Shay, who has endured one rejection after another. Cassandra and Jane who have a thriving marketing company. plus three of their friends from various backgrounds and how they all come together from a tragedy. This was a great read and shows growth of strength and determination to survive. I highly recommend this book! Thank you Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen and publishers St. Martins Press New York for allowing me to read this ARC I highly recommend this as an interesting read that keeps you interested. Plus you learn lots of facts on a lot of subjects since Shay is obsessed with data!

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I loved this book, just as I loved their previous two! Just a heads up that if you don't like POV or time changes this book isn't for you. I am a fan of this style of writing and I also enjoy twisty ends which I felt this book had. My only real complaint was that the timeline in some of the chapters was off. I am sure it is a mistake that will be fixed before publication though. I was so grateful to receive this ARC and I highly recommend this to fans of psychological thrillers!

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It’s hard to review a book like this without giving away any spoilers, so I’ll just say it was really, really good. There are a few plot twists that maybe are a bit far-fetched but the conclusion is completely a surprise. I read it all within a day and enjoyed every minute.

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❤️- I loved the story line! I’m always down for a psychological thriller and these wonderful authors didn’t disappoint. It was an absolute page turner and seeing all the connections was fabulous! The small twists along the way helped make it even better!
🤷🏻‍♀️- I would’ve liked a little more closure on how the case was solved! The ending was a tad abrupt

Highly recommend for any lover of psychological thrillers!

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The writing duo of Greer and Hendricks have done it again, delivering a pulse-pounding story, leaving me breathless.
An amazing story, it was taut with tension, moving ever so quickly.

When Shay witnessed a woman jump to her death in front of a subway train in New York City, she becomes focused on this woman's life. Eventually, she gets to know some of her friends and becomes embroiled in their lives.

Told from Shay's point of view, the authors managed to keep me guessing who were the real victims in this story. Plenty of twists and turns to keep me on the edge of my seat until the final page.

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What can I say? Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen have done it again. I wasn't sure what to expect from the GoodReads description of this book, but it didn't disappoint. There were a couple of slow parts, but the book kept you guessing. I really couldn't guess where it was going, and the ending was nicely done. Would definitely recommend to others who have enjoyed their books, or others who enjoy modern day thrillers.

I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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I loved Greer and Sarah's other two books, and You Are Not Alone was a great read. This was a book that I could not put down; I finished it in about 2 days, and I always wanted to know what happened next. I guessed one of the big "twists" pretty early on, but that didn't stop me from being interested and wanting to know how everything went together. I enjoyed every moment of reading this book, but I rated it 4 stars because when it was over I was a little disappointed with the ending (it was a bit rushed) and had a few unanswered questions about the whole premise.

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The latest novel from Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen is their best one yet! This story follows Shay, who is down on her luck with a temp job and no social or romantic life. One day while waiting for the subway she is witness to a woman who jumps in front of the train. Shay's life starts to turn for the better after meeting a group of women at the memorial service. This book is for fans of psychological thrillers and suspense. I could not put it down!! Five stars!!

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You Are Not Alone is a “I can’t turn the pages fast enough” psychological thriller that truly lives up to the hype. You know something’s not quite right, and the suspense just builds and builds as you tear through this book. I’m sure this will be one of the best of the year in this genre. Budget some time when you start this one, because you’ll want to finish it in one sitting.
I received an ARC of this book from the publisher through @NetGalley in exchange for an honest review..

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Shay is working a temporary job and rooming with Sean who is a great guy. Shay really likes him and is hurt when he brings a girlfriend in to live with him and is asked to leave. To make Shay's life even worse, she witnesses a suicide when Amanda gets run over by a subway train. Shay's life is turned upside down because she suspects something was not right with Amanda's death. Shortly a group of women seem to find her, offer her a place to live, give her a job, and become great friends. All under the guise of tracking her every move, especially when she shares what she saw with the police. I kept reading this book hoping Shay would overcome all the manipulations driven by Cassandra and Jane. I thought it was overdone. The authors went back in time offering insight into Shay's life and the lives of those who manipulated her. I found the flashbacks confusing; disrupting the story. There was too much manipulation for me.

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The third installment in this dynamic writing duo and it didn't fail to disappoint. A huge thanks to NetGalley and St Martins Press for the advanced readers copy! This thriller arrives in your favorite bookstores and library on March 3, so stay on the lookout!
This is the second book in the past couple of months I've read about a woman jumping to their deaths into the subway. What a rough way to die no? All I can say is thank goodness I don't live in New York!
In all seriousness, this was a great read, really gripping and has a lot of thought put into it. I enjoyed it and highly recommend!

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