Member Reviews

Twisty murder story with an amazing fast paced plot line. The book had me put things on pause to finish. Definitely a must read of 2020!

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I received the book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. I’ve read and enjoyed other books by the authors and was looking forward to reading You Are Not Alone. Shay witnesses a suicide on the New York subway tracks and gets caught up in the life the woman- Amanda- lead. I really enjoyed this fast paced psychological thriller following Shay as she learns more about the Amanda’s life and the twists and turns the plot took. My only criticism would be that at times it felt like there were too many characters and I started to lose track a bit- but it didn’t interfere will my overall enjoyment of the book.

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This is such an interesting concept because for majority of the book, you are not sure who to believe or what the actual events of this situation are. I loved the writing, per usual, and I couldn't put it down.

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I enjoyed the latest novel from Hendricks and Pekkanen. The twists and turns kept me guessing, though at times they were hard to follow. Keeping my own data book, like Shay, could have proved to be helpful.
Overall a great book though that I give a four star rating!

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I have enjoyed these two author's previous co-written books so much that I was excited to get my hands on this one as well.

I enjoyed the nonstop suspense you get chapter after chapter. It doesn't end until the very end of the book when you get the answer to the questions running through your mind.

There are a lot of characters to keep in line while reading. For me, that look away from the storyline a little BUT it also made your mind work twice as hard to figure things out. Well played ladies!

I didn't see the twist coming at the end but as soon as I read it, everything clicked into place.

I enjoyed this one and would recommend it to my fellow readers! I'm ready for the next one already!

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I loved Shay as a character. Don’t get me wrong, she’s slightly pathetic, but she’s a women in her early thirties, successful enough but devastatingly single. And she’s gone and done what every girl needs to avoid- she’s fallen in love with her best friend and roommate who has gone and fallen in love with someone else. But Shay is all of us. She’s all our insecurities.
Things are bad enough for her, when on a Sunday morning, while trying to escape the love birds back at her apartment, she witnesses a suicide. A pretty woman in a polka dot dress throws herself in front of a train right before her eyes. Shay is shocked and saddened and curious about this other woman.
As it turns out, this horrible experience has led her to befriend two stylish and amazing sisters, Cassandra and Jane. They are fun, caring, elegant, and they are helping Shay become her best self. Or are they?
This one is an amazing read. The characters are well developed and relatable. The story is at times shocking, but fully also realistic and doesn’t seem outside the realm of things that can happen. I’ve watched Dateline, I know!
I’d recommend You Are Not Alone to just about anyone. It’s Emily Giffin meets Gillian Flynn, there’s a little someone for everyone. Special thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press. You made my day when you approved my request! This one is out March 3, 2020. This review will be published on my blog, Women in Trouble Book Blog on February 4, 2020.

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First book of 2020 and one of the most highly anticipated releases thrillers to come out this year! Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen are back with another gripping and suspenseful thriller. I loooved the dynamic between the women in this book. They have found this sweet spot where you don’t quite know what’s going on, but you have an idea, and it keeps you wanting more and more! And that ending had me 😱🤯😲

Thanks to St. Martin’s Press for an advanced copy!!

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was excited to get an e-arc thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press.

While this was well written, kept my attention, and was thrilling, it fell short for me.

Shay gets caught up in a conspiracy to be framed by women she thought were her friends. After seeing Amanda commit suicide, Shay goes to her memorial service and becomes bffs with Amanda's friends Cassandra and Jane.

These women are liars, manipulative, and deceitful and Shay has no idea. While all of this was interesting, I have a hard time believing Shay had no clue who these women truly were. She blamed it all on a rash of good luck but never suspected they were behind it all.

Once Shay discovers what they're truly up to, she takes on the role of amateur detective and sets herself free of blame for a crime the sisters committed.

While all my questions were answered I would have liked to see more of a connection and reasoning behind the characters actions. Overall it was an interesting read but I feel like it could have been better.

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You Are Not Alone is already one of the most anticipated and talked about books of 2020. I have a feeling that once it hits shelves the talk surrounding it will only intensify. What really drew me into the story were the characters. I was propelled by my need to understand these women and follow their stories. I found them to be mysterious, smart, calculating, and quite honestly…crazy. I also really loved the clips from Shay’s data book that are sprinkled throughout. I felt like that helped me gain a better understanding of how her mind worked and helped me feel like I knew her better. That was so unique and added a creative element to the story.

While I loved the characters I found the plot to be lacking the twists and shock factor that I have come to anticipate and love from Hendricks and Pekkanen. As a reader, I was expecting a few more brain games or a bigger revelation to come from the book since it is a psychological thriller. The central theme of vigilante justice is one that I have recently seen in multiple new 2020 releases and it is already feeling a little repetitive.

Thank you again for the opportunity to read and review You Are Not Alone. I will be posting my review publicly to all of my social media accounts towards the end of February.

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I love Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen and have ready every book by the duo. You are not alone was dark and twisted with lots of surprises - just how I like it!

Fans of psychological thrillers will not be disappointed.

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I am an unabashed fan of Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanem, so I was beyond thrilled to have an opportunity to get a galley copy of their latest novel, You Are Not Alone. For me, it was a 5 star read and just as much of a thrill ride as The Wife Between Us and An Anonymous Girl.

This novel has a 0 to 60 in 2 second start. We meet the protagonist, Shay, as she heads out the door of her shared apartment on a Sunday morning on her way to spruce up her resume for an interview the next day. As she's waiting for a subway, she's standing beside a woman of about her age in a pretty green dress with white polka dots. As the subway appears, the woman in the polka dot dress jumps in front of it, dying instantly! Naturally, Shay can think of nothing other than this experience in the following days and she becomes a bit obsessed with knowing more about this woman and what could have caused her to commit such a horrific suicide. This obsession leads her to attend a memorial that the woman's friends have organized. It is there that she meets the other main characters of the book, Cassandra and Jane, as well as their small coterie of friends. These women quickly adopt Shay as their new best friend, then just as quickly turn Shay's life into a living hell.

Shay is a wonderful main character with whom you can't help but empathize. She is a market researcher by trade, which is perfect since she lives in a world of statistics. Every chapter told from her POV begins with a statistic that she keeps in what she calls her Data Book. Statistics like how many people ride the NYC subway system ever day, how many suicides were reported in NYC last year, how many close friends women report having on average, etc. Shay is also incredibly lonely and working as a temp since she recently lost her job through downsizing.

The other chapters of the book are told from the POVs of Cassandra and Jane and some of the other women in their little group. Through them, the reader slowly discovers what caused the suicide, as well as their intentions in befriending Shay. Suffice to say, these are some crazy, evil bitches!!

I raced through You Are Not Alone and loved every page. I'd love to know how Hendricks and Pekkanen structure their work together, and I love how they think. I'm already ready for book #4.

Thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for providing me an electronic ARC in exchange for an honest review. The book comes out in March 2020, and I urge everyone to grab it.

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the opportunity to read and give an honest review of this book.

Shay was having a bad day when she witnessed the woman in the polka dot dress dive in front of the subway train. This just compounded the stress she was experiencing in her life. She had no job and few possibilities of work. She needed to move out of her apartment because her male roommate’s girlfriend wanted to move in. Shay was not about to become a third wheel.

Shay was curious about the woman whose suicide she had witnessed. She attended the memorial service put on by the woman’s friends. These woman take Shay under their wing. Lonely Shay is happy to have found new friends. She doesn’t know why they are going out of their way to
help her find an apartment and give her a ‘makeover’. They are such good friends! Or are they? Is it too late when Shay begins to think something is amiss? Is she in too deep or can she extricate herself from whatever is going on?

The book will hook you and you will want to keep reading until all the loose ends are tied up. Just when you think you have it all figured out, think again.

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3.5 stars. I liked but didn’t LOVE You Are Not Alone. It wasn’t as fast paced or suspenseful as The Wife Between Us or Anonymous Girl. I think my biggest issue was the way the story was told; It was tedious to sit through Shay trying to figure out what was going on, when we already knew from previous chapters from the sisters’ perspective. I never like knowing more than the main character. Dialog between Cassandra and Jane was very unrealistic and Shay was made to be a bit too pathetic for my taste. Not my favorite but I’ll be sure to keep reading anything this duo puts out there!

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If you meet two inseparable sisters by the names of Cassandra and Jane will be by design, not by accident.

Like the movie, Ocean’s 8, (without a heist) the MANY female characters associated with the Moore sisters have their specialties, their disguises and their roles to play...

Shay, is a market researcher who sees the World through Statistics. She has been keeping data books since the age of eleven, the way other kids kept diaries. Numbers don’t lie.

There is a void in her life that her roommate Sean used to fill before he met his girlfriend Jody. But, this numbers girl knows that two plus one is a crowd.

The paths of these three women are about to collide.

The question is why??

Perhaps I will be the outlier here but this was MY least favorite of the novels by this duo of writers. Both of their previous books earned 5 shiny stars from me, but this one, just three.

The cast of characters were hard to keep track of.
The motive of the sisters took too long to reveal.

I was (gasp!) getting bored!

But then again, I have never liked the Oceans 11, Oceans 12 or Oceans 8 movies...if you have, this book will be a better fit for you than it was for me!

I was fascinated, however, by the many Stats that Shay had jotted down in her Data book...

Did you know that the average person will walk by sixteen killers in the course of their lifetime? 🤭 Now that’s intriguing!

Despite this being a bit of a MISS for me, these are talented ladies and I won’t hesitate to pick up their next book whenever it comes out!

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I always love novels from the duo of Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen. This latest addition to their repertoire is my favorite. I didn’t love any of the characters, but I loved the way they navigated the twists and left me clamoring for more.

I’m the reader that tries to determine the ending of a thriller when the story has only just begun. Like many readers, I often figure out the ending before it’s conclusion. Regardless, I’m never upset about predictability; rather, I’m happy for the challenge.

I must admit when I began You Are Not Alone I thought I had the plot figured out within a few pages. I was so INCREDIBLY WRONG. I was left guessing the entire novel. In fact, there were so many twists in this novel that I was even guessing as to what crimes had been committed and by whom. At times, I wanted to scream at the protagonist to make wiser choices. Other times, she seemed so intelligent I wasn’t sure who was being deceived the protagonist or myself. For this reason, I will not be surprised when this makes it on my favorites of 2020 list. Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced reader’s copy.

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Crazy mean girls! It took me a little bit to really get into this one, but when I did it was a crazy ride. A nice twist towards the end to bring it together. Shay is a bit of an introvert and a stickler for keeping data, and the fact that she’s suddenly best buds with the “cool kids”, after she witnessed someone commit suicide, gets the ball rolling. Thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for the ARC

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BOOK REVIEW: You Are Not Alone by @greerhendricks and @sarahpekkanen - a huge thanks to @goodreads and to @stmartinspress for the free copy!
Rating: 5/5 ⭐️s 🤩
This. Book. Rocks. I’ve always been a fan of these two authors. The Wife Between Us is one of my favorite books, and I definitely gifted it to my family and friends several times over the last couple years! It makes a great gift! 📚 then, we had The Anonymous Girl, equally as twisty and turny and remarkable... but I have to say, You Are Not Alone may be my new favorite of the three.
Following Shay, who witnesses a suicide at the beginning of the novel, and two sisters, Cassandra and Jane (who were friends with the suicide victim), this book keeps you guessing until the end with how all of these characters are or will become intertwined. I read it within a day, simply unable to put it down. The thing I loved most about the writing is the attention to detail, and how even the smallest pieces add up by the end. This book is not out yet, but it will be in 2020; I highly recommend you pre-order now! 💙

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I have loved all the books from this duo. Always racy, suspense driven with twists and turns. Their books never fail. This one also delivers in spades!

I love the characterisations of everybody in the book. They have accurately described thoughts, emotions and behaviours of all especially the main protagonist, Shay Miller. A girl with a crush on her roommate who has a possessive girlfriend, has an estranged relationship with her mother and despite having a super mind for statistics and numbers is about to lose a job. Friendless, lonely and depressed her life changes when she witnesses a woman throw herself on the train tracks and kill herself. And her actions after witnessing that have an impact which she didn't see coming in the form of the beautiful and diabolical sisters Moore sisters, Jane and Cassandra.

I don't want to reveal too much because this book has it all. Deception, lies and twisted twists and turns. This story is dark, edgy, intriguing and extremely engaging. You will not be disappointed.

Cant wait to read the next book written by this talented dup. They are clearly masters in deception and intrigue.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers to send me a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Greer and Sarah do it again!! This book was awesome and just as twisted and their two previous books. Sad thing is that this level of female crazy actually exist and you never really know who someone truly is!

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Shay witnesses a woman jump in front of a Subway to her death and it turns her life upside down. She becomes obsessed with trying to find out who this woman was and what lead her to this point. She becomes intertwined in the fabulous life of this women's group of friends. But all the good things happening to her are not as they seem and soon her own life is in danger.

I highly recommend this one!! I was given a free copy via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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