Member Reviews

Shay witnesses a woman jump in front of a Subway to her death and it turns her life upside down. She becomes obsessed with trying to find out who this woman was and what lead her to this point. She becomes intertwined in the fabulous life of this women's group of friends. But all the good things happening to her are not as they seem and soon her own life is in danger.

I highly recommend this one!! I was given a free copy via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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You Are Not Alone centers on Shay Miller, a young woman living in New York City. Recently unemployed and living with a roommate she has a crush on (who is dating someone else), Shay feels lonely as she navigates her life. One day she witnesses a young woman die by suicide and Shay begins considering the state of her life and her similarities with this woman. After visiting her memorial service Shay is invited into this woman’s circle of friends and begins to see her life turn around, until everything starts to unravel.

As a fan of Hendricks and Pekkanen’s previous books I enjoyed You Are Not Alone, however I did not find it engaging in the same ways as An Anonymous Girl and The Wife Between Us. While having a slow build in common with these other works, I found You Are Not Alone to be lacking in suspense. This could be connected to the larger cast of characters Hendricks and Pekkanen were managing. I did appreciate the connections developed between the characters, although the connections seemed to be revealed all at once which contributed to a seemingly rushed ending.

Another reason I did not enjoy this book as much is that stories of young (presumably white) women living in Manhattan are the center of many recent thrillers, and plot points seem to overlap and bring me back to other books. You Are Not Alone was reminiscent of the house sitting plot in Riley Sager’s Lock Every Door and a crime being centered around Central Park in Sager’s Final Girls.

I appreciated Shay’s mind for data and statistics, but especially as this book deals with suicide I would like to see the data presented backed up with some sources. The authors’ note in the front matter helps add credibility to the statistics, but an appendix mentioning where readers can learn more about suicide or the sources for these statistics would be helpful.

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Ahh, the webs we weave…if it seems too good to be true…the list could go on. Sarah Pekkanen and Greer Hendricks are the consummate writing duo when it comes to the chilling and twisted.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE is the story of a woman in need-in need of love, friendship, self-esteem and the feeling of belonging and the two sisters who smelled her weaknesses and preyed upon them like hungry sharks swimming in a sea of fresh chum.

Brilliantly devious, dark and emotionally riveting, this dark tale is incredible in its stark and raw presentation as the strong devour the weak, one bite at a time. Page after page, this one is as unbelievable as it is terrifying. You will wonder what this world has come to that minds can be so twisted or weak.

Take a walk on the dark side of emotional need and cannibalism of the soul. Excellent reading!

I received a complimentary ARC edition from St. Martin's Press! This is my honest and voluntary review.

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Holy cow! I cannot even begin to find the right words for this story. I was drawn into the story from the beginning and it kept me hooked through all the twists and turns until the last page. I never felt a lull in this story, it just kept building.

I love how well these authors do the ending of their books. The other psychological suspense books I have read have either had terrible endings, or they leave loose ends that driver me crazy. The ending of this book was tied up nicely and made perfect sense, even though I never saw it coming.

I highly recommend this book. It's one you won't put down, and won't be able to get out of your head for a while.

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I have been in a reading slump for awhile, so I wanted to try something different and it seems like this author duo writes in a genre outside of my normal selection.

While I did like the ending and the way that things wrapped up, I felt like there were too many characters to feel any sort of connection with them. I also felt like it was similar to a movie that I've seen.

I will try more books by this author, but this one didn't work for me.

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Another great thriller that I could not put down by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen! The plot was so intricate and well-crafted that throughout most of the book one gets the feeling that there is something up with the Moore sisters, but you just cannot quite get what their motives are. It keeps you guessing right up until the very end.

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Solid 4/5 stars. I thought the plot was unique, not that I'm surprised. These authors have a talent at creating really interesting stories. The overall flow of the book was awesome. I never got bored. I also really appreciated the realistic dialogue and descriptions. My complaint is that there were too many characters. I think it was definitely a quantity over quality thing, and the book could have done without at least two characters. However, I would recommend this to a friend.

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Every book I read by Hendricks and Pekkanen it’s better than the last. I was hooked the entire time I read You Are Not Alone.

Shay is living a meager life when she sees a young woman, Amanda, commit suicide at the subway station. Unable to get the tragic event out of her mind she slowly develops a fascination (not quite an obsession) with the woman. This results in her meeting Amanda’s friends at her memorial, specifically sister’s Cassandra and Jane.

Cassandra and Jane seem to take Shay under their wing, but to Shay what looks like a bunch of coincidences is in actuality orchestrated events by the sisters. What initially looks like people coming to terms with a tragic loss of life turns into something much more sinister.

I thought Hendricks and Pekkanen did a great job creating unique voices and personalities for their characters. While Shay, Jane, and Cassandra are the focal point, we get glimpses into the POV of many side characters and not once did I get confused about who’s head we were in. It takes a while for the truth to reveal itself, but I loved the slow unraveling. It felt natural and there weren’t unnecessary cliffhangers at the end of chapters to try and enhance suspense.

If you were a fan of this duos previous two books, I highly recommend this. And if you weren’t, I’d suggest giving them another chance with You Are Not Alone.

I received an advanced copy from the publisher in return for an honest review.

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I’m rounding this up to a 3 because I really enjoyed the first part of the book and Shay’s statistics. However, so much was going on in this book and so many characters I had a hard time following. I kept turning the page because I thought I was going to figure it out or was going to come together but it just never really did. I think these authors write separately and then join together and for me with this book I can tell, it just never came together for me.
Thanks to Netgalley for my advanced ebook copy.

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You Are Not Alone by Greer Hendricks
You Are Not Alone
by Greer Hendricks (Goodreads Author), Sarah Pekkanen (Goodreads Author)
F 50x66
Sue Gardner's review Jan 13, 2020 · edit

I love a thriller that keeps me guessing, that fascinates me with plots and characters, and which goes full speed until the end, and I found that in You Are Not Alone. Downloaded via NetGalley, I couldn’t put it down.
Statistics. The main character, Shay, keeps a journal about statistics, which is her life, but her jobs aren’t fulfilling, nor is her life. She’s not close to her parents, is an only child, has no current love interest, and few friends. One day, she witnesses a young woman’s suicide in the NY subway, which not only horrifies her, but which starts her on a quest to try to make sense of what happened.
While attending the memorial service for the young woman, she meets two glamorous sisters who seem sympathetic and caring. But little does Shay know she is being manipulated as the sisters try to figure out Shay’s connection to the dead woman. Shay doesn’t realize the dead woman was part of a tight circle of women who have experienced social injustices or abuse in their lives, which is the thread that holds them together.
Through a series of what Shay thinks are coincidences, but which are carefully planned events, the sisters weave themselves into Shay’s life, which at first, she enjoys. She now seems to have friends, new clothes, a new apartment, and prospects for a new job. It seems too good to be true, and it is.
Shay’s love of statistics, and her constant researching help her at first to become suspicious, and then awaken to the knowledge that she may be in danger. The sisters’ friendship is different than it appears, and has a ulterior motive. As Shay tries to extricate herself from the friendship, much more is discovered about the sisters, and their backgrounds. We all have paste that are buried to a certain extent, and only through making connections does Shay discover the past of not only the sisters, but of many others connected to them. No spoilers for what happens next.
I loved the book. It had great character development; I could picture all of the characters and how they fit into each other’s lives. The premise was realistic, and the writing was thorough in describing the twist and turns. If you’re a thriller fan, give this a read.

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Oh my beejesus!!!!!!!!!!! This books has all the thrills- suspense, drama, twists, glamour!!!!!!!!!! I was pulled in from the first page to the last and you will be too!!!!!!!!! Another bestseller from one of my favorite duo authors!!!!!!!!! Thank you to Netgalley and St Martin's Press for my honest review.

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3.5 stars. I was disappointed by their first novel, but these two authors keep getting better and better. This was such a fun thriller, as Shay is first seduced by the glamorous world of the Moore sisters and then realizes she has to keep herself from becoming their next victim. I couldn't stop turning the pages, which I'd say makes it a success!

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You Are Not Alone is an outstanding psychological thriller from writing duo Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen. This is my favorite of their three so far and that is saying something! With strong characters and solid writing, readers will remain on the edge of their seats throughout. Shay Miller's life isn't quite what she wants. She's lonely and just lost her job. She's in love with her roommate who is in love with someone else. But one day she meets the glamorous Moore sisters who for some reason decide to befriend Shay. Everything is looking up, but is it all too good to be true? Highly recommended to readers who enjoy fast-paced psychological thrillers.

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Thank you st Martin’s Press and Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen.
I could not wait to read this duo next novel and it did not disappoint. Great characters some good, some evil and some you weren’t sure where they feel in this novel.
I could not put this book down which I read in two sittings.
Lots of twit and turns, jaw dropping ending. My kind of book.
Love love it.
Highly recommend. 5 stars 🌟

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Cassandra and Jane are gorgeous, accomplished, and rich sisters who run a posh PR business together. Shay is unemployed and can barely afford rent, so she is living with a man she loves but who is in love with somebody else. When she sees a woman kill herself by jumping in front of a train, her life becomes even more of a mess. She can no longer face the subway or, apparently, the truth. Why do Cassandra and Jane befriend her? Are they manipulating her and if so, how and why? What about the off-kilter group of friends who are obviously connected in something sinister, supporting one another through whatever it is. Are they victims? Perpetrators? Of what?

Shay's little lies build up and create a momentum of their own, and small acts of kindness look like the work of a guilty woman. Cassandra and Jane wonder if she is a threat. The police wonder if she is a murderer.

In You Are Not Alone, Hendricks and Pekkanen unravel the story in tidbits that twist and tumble, and keep the reader intrigued. This is a quick read that's worth the time. It's a bit of a romance-thriller-psychological drama—and a bit of a morality tale on the importance of telling the truth.

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This is the third book from the duo that brought you The Wife Between Us and Anonymous Girl. This story is written in the same vein, however I found myself less invested in this story. You know the old saying 'if it seems too good to be true, it probably is?' I wrestled with this and the main characters lack of common sense throughout the whole story - and as the reader I was powerless to shake some sense into her. What I did love, and found truly unique, was the addition of her stats book, and the statistics that mark each chapter. The narration shifts between multiple characters point of view, and the present/past, so you get glimpses into what happened. It took me until the 3/4 mark to really piece together what was going on, and I was totally satisfied by the ending. It's an entertaining read...and with that ending, I'm rounding up my 3 stars to 4. These women sure know how to amp up the suspense.

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Loved, loved, loved! Might even be my favorite of the three from these two amazing authors, but that’s very hard to say! This one was amazing, well written, original, and unputdownable! I found myself cheering on a character, worried sick about what might happen, which really showed me just how well developed these characters were! I think having two authors; also helps with creating different character personas, because this one definitely is easily to distinguish which character POV you are reading. A tense read, which had me in chills and gasping and praying for some! Loved it! Has so many layers, so have fun peeling! Highly, highly recommend!
Will make sure to buzz it up on different platforms!

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Shay is feeling lonely and iving in New York City with her roommate. After witnessing a suicide in a subway station, Shay becomes intertwined in the victim's life and good things start happening in her life and with her new friendships.. Is it to good to be true? The storyline had me intrigued and turning the pages into the wee hours of night.

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Hendricks and Pekkanen are masterful story tellers. You Are Not Alone, is the 3rd book they have written together, and may be the best book yet.

Shay Miller has recently lost her job and is in love with her roommate Sean, who is in love with Jody. Jody has been at the apartment almost constantly, and Shay finds every excuse possible to leave, so she does not have to hear them giggling behind his bedroom door, or cuddling on the couch. She is pretty low, and feels really lonely,

Thinks take a significant turn when she meets the Moore sisters, Cassandra and Jane. Due to a bizarre coincidence, she finds herself sitting and having tea with them, and in short order, things are looking up. Shay would do anything to have these two glamorous women like her.

Just when everything in life is falling into place, Shay learned that everything she believed to be true may be a mirage and her joy turns to fear.

If you enjoy mysteries, and psychological thrillers, you will love You Are Not Alone. For me, it took a little bit for me to really get into the story, but once I did, there was no putting this book down. I have read a lot of thrillers recently, and no matter how I looked at things, I could not figure out where the book was headed until it's surprising conclusion as Hendricks and Pekkanen begin to unveil the missing pieces of the story, that you will never see coming.

I had the great experience of seeing these authors a year or two ago at the Gaithersburg Book Festival, and knowing how they write together, makes reading their works even more fun. They are two people, like the Moore sisters, that you would want to have as your friends. However, since that is not likely, I am so appreciative of Netgalley and St. Martin's Press, for giving me the opportunity to read an e-galley of this wonderful book, in exchange for my honest feedback. It was a lovely consolation prize! ;)

You will not be sorry if you pick up your own copy of this book. It was truly a wonderful ride!

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Oh, my goodness! I finished this book in two days. I've read all three of the authors' books, and I can honestly say this is my favorite one. I felt all kinds of emotions as I turned this fast-paced novel: fear, anxiety, anger, and surprise.

I cannot say too much because it does not publish until March 3rd. But, wow. Cop a copy of this book. I dare you to not feel at least one of those emotions I carried as I read.

(I took one star away because the ending felt a bit rushed.)


*Thank you Netgalley for presenting a free copy to me in return for an unbiased review*

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