Member Reviews

Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen have done it yet again! You Are Not Alone is a wild ride that doesn't end until the last page! Hendricks and Pekkanen have a way of weaving a story that is suspenseful and mysterious and you have no idea how the story is going to end until the very end. We are introduced to Shay, a New Yorker trying to make it in the world when she is a witness to a young woman jumping in front of a subway train. She is horrified by the act and wants to find out more about her personal life. Amanda was a local girl, working in a busy emergency room. And that is where Shay's life takes a spiral. Shay meets Cassandra and Jane, seems innocent enough at first. Without giving too much of the story away, this book makes you rethink how you interact with others and the extent people will go to get to know you. I have been reading and following Greer and Pekkanen since their first book together and I will continue to follow them! I highly recommend You Are Not Alone to others especially those that like womens fiction with a suspenseful mystery looming in the background. This book is easy to follow and easy to read. The chapters are written from the point of view of a few characters but are clearly labeled and easy to jump from character to character. The book also jumps from past to present time but that is how some of the mystery is revealed, from the characters' past. Special Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the advance digital copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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****4.5 Stars****

You Are Not Alone is a highly anticipated novel of 2020 written by the dynamic duo Hendricks and Pekkanen. Coming off the heels of The Wife Between Us and An Annonymous Girl, their new fiction takes plot twisting to a new level.

As Amanda leaps off the train podium to her demise, she leaves behind her a small charm on a necklace. Shay is a witness at the train station, takes the necklace and the horrific memory of what she experienced. Shay is deeply traumatized, feeling guilty for not stopping her sooner. Paralyzed, she is unable to step down onto any train station. To cope with this tragedy she tries to find meaning into Amanda's death. After all, they may be more similar than unalike. But what she finds out is that the only thing she can trust is the statistics of life.

The narrative is written seamlessly in multiple perspectives and timelines. This would at face value seem very fractured but it sustained the suspense and created many twists. Furthermore, the authors constructed multiple characters in a depth that is not easily mastered. There are details to each character that is subtle in history, physique, unassuming action or thought. This also was important for the generation of the plot.

You Are Not Alone is a compulsive read. I found myself reading the novel in moments when I should not have (husband having surgery). I am leaving out many details about characters and the storyline on purpose because this narrative is unique and engaging albeit complicated. And it should be experienced for what it is. A great story!

Thank you Netgalley, St. Martin's Press, and the authors for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Imagine you are standing on a subway platform and see a woman fall into the tracks and die. For Shay, this happened. She believes she witnessed a suicide and it has left her scared and shaken up. She starts looking into the woman’s life. Starts making up lies. She starts to befriend the woman’s friends. Her friends know something is up, but take Shay under the wing to see Shay’s attention. How will Shay get out from under all these lies she dug herself in? Will she survive the world of the dead girl’s friends?
A great premise and just like their other books, they become so captivating that it is hard to put them down. I loved the premise and at first everything seems confusing, but how the story is told you want more. It eventually all comes together and makes sense. The reason I rated this book four stars was because I didn’t feel like the twists were as shocking as their other books. It was still good, but felt lacking in my opinion. The characters were done greatly and there were many people in the book I wanted to yell at or slap for what was happening in the story.
If you love thrillers and their previous books, then pick this up, you won’t regret it.

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I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. This book is one of the best books I've read in awhile!! The main character in this book is Shay Miller. She is shy, lonely, and working a job she doesn't even like. She doesn't have any 'real' family and lives with a male roommate who she secretly loves, but unfortunately he has a girlfriend. But she also doesn't have any girlfriends.

One day while Shay is headed to work, she is taking the subway, she sees a girl (Amanda) who makes direct eye contact with her and than jumps in front of the train and dies. Shay is deeply affected by this and starts to research the girl that died. She is consumed with thoughts on why and how there was nothing she could do. Shay sees information on Amanda's funeral and decides to attend. Maybe she feels this will be closure for her. During her time at the funeral, she starts talking to Amanda's friends, and is impressed with how close they are, and loves their confidence and style.

Strange things start happening to Shay, which include getting questioned by the police about her whereabouts during certain events. I won't spoil this book but if you are a fan of these authors or suspense books in general this book is definitely a book to read.

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Shay Miller’s life takes a complete 180 when she witnesses a women commit suicide by stepping onto the tracks of a subway. Immensely disturbed by the incident, Shay seeks to find answers as to why this young woman, so seemingly similar to herself, would choose to end her life. Shay’s detective work only raises more questions for her, while unleashing a force that puts her life in danger.

I am a huge fan of these two authors and was so excited to have won this on both edelweiss and netgalley. Though at times some of the happenings were a bit far-fetched, this did not detract from the overall breakneck pace and enjoyability of this. It’s been awhile since of read something with a nice twist and this did not disappoint in that regard. I predict that this will be a huge hit!

Many thanks to Netgalley, St. Martin’s Press and Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen for my complimentary e-copy ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen did it again! I absolutely loved this story. Shay is a likable character & her story had everything I look for in a good book.

Thank you for the advanced read. I’m definitely buying this book in hardcover when it releases.

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This book by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen is so good! I have only read one other by this author pair and I think this is the best one yet! It is fast paced, great writing, likeable characters and twists and turns you will never see coming! I would highly recommend!

I received this ARC from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review

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The fantastic writing team of Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen have done it again! I read YOU ARE NOT ALONE in one loooooong sitting because it was – in a word – unputdownable!

Shay Miller is at a crossroads in her life. The man she loves loves someone else, she needs to get a job and she’s just plain lonely.

One day she is about to get on a train to go to work when she witnesses a woman commit suicide. After that, Shay’s life changes in every way possible.

Obsessed with finding out more about the woman who took her own life, Shay embarks on a series of bad decisions that lead her to befriend friends of the deceased woman. Suddenly, Shay doesn’t feel as lonely or pathetic as she did before witnessing the suicide. Her life begins to look up – she gets what she thinks is a great job, a new apartment, and a makeover. Unfortunately, none of those things are of her own volition.

Told in revolving points of view and with flashbacks and flash forwards, this book will keep you on the edge of your seat rooting for Shay. The ending – which I won’t divulge because I hate spoilers - was perfect!

Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin’s press for a sneak peak at what is surely going to be one of the top books of 2020.
5 well deserved stars!

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I was able to read this excellent book thanks to NetGalley. I was thrilled to get the opportunity to read this new book from amazing authors. It did not disappoint me!
Shay is a lonely single woman who is in love with her live in roommate (who has a serious girlfriend) and works temp jobs after getting laid off. One day she witnesses what appears to be a suicide and she cannot help but research the woman. This opens her to a whole new group of friends led by Cassandra and Jane. We know right away they have sinister intentions.
This book was extremely fast paced and exciting. It has one of the best twists at the end of any book I’ve read. I will highly recommend it to all friends and family. Thanks again to NetGalley.

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This was my first read by this duo and I can not believe my luck in being approved for this arc!
What a ride ! I couldn’t put this book down and I wanted to crawl into the book and help my girl Shay!
Shay Miller is a single 31 year old who is not having the best of luck in her life . To add to that , she witnesses a violent suicide and becomes obsessed with finding out about the victim .
She manages to attend the memorial service and catches the eye of Cassandra and Jane , friends of the deceased !
Feeling lost , Shay finds herself being taken under the sisters wings and all of a sudden her luck seems to be shifting ! Are the sisters as genuine as they seem to be or are they somehow trying to transform Shay into someone else to protect themselves ? It is Shay hiding the truth ???
I love the way it was written and how we get to see what each character is thinking 🤔 . What I loved is that even though I, as the reader , knew exactly what was going I found myself questioning what was happening !!! I love when the story takes me somewhere where I’m left scratching my head and wondering where I missed something !?
Twists, turns, betrayal and secrets!
I highly recommend this book and I’ve already bought another of this duo’s book !!!! So happy to have discovered new authors to explore and love !

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Thank you St. Martin’s Press and Net Galley for an early copy of this phenomenal book! These two writers are an amazing team. This is the third book I read from them and I cannot wait for the fourth!!! Could not put it down.

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I did not want this book to end! You Are Not Alone was filled with twists and turns and I could not get enough! The alternating viewpoints were well done and revealed insight into the characters' motivations. My only complaint was that I wanted to know more about the side characters' backstories. Those chapters were interesting looks into their lives, but I wanted to know more. I guess that speaks to the storytelling since I was disappointed that the book was finished. This was a compelling read and I definitely recommend it!

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Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen do it again! Another fantastic thriller!! They just keep getting better and #YouAreNotAlone is a must read.

Shay is kind of floundering when it comes to life. The man she likes/lives with has a girlfriend, she just lost her job, and her circle of friends is not where she would like it to be. Then she witnesses a tragedy and while it shakes her to her core, good things start happening to her. She meets new friends who help her turn her life around. A new apartment, job and fantastic new guy! How could such a tragedy be the cause of all this happiness in her life? Perhaps things can be too good to be true....

I loved this book.. The characters, the plot, the twist, the writing. It was a quick read, because I just wouldn't put it down. This is going to be a hot read for 2020.

Thank you to @Netgalley and @StMartinsPress for an eARC of this book!

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Such a great read. It kept me interested through the whole book and I did not see the ending coming, which I usually do. It's an easy and entertaining thriller that is not too convoluted or creepy. 4.5 stars.

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You Are Not Alone was incredible! What a thriller! I loved it. It is a well written and riveting psychology mystery. Twenty two seconds is all it takes for Shays nightmare to begin but she doesn’t yet know what a nightmare it will become. The story revolves around several main characters and their relationships. The layout of the story was masterful. The mystery builds and builds as the story moves along. I read the book in one sitting because I needed to know how it ended and why the plot took the turns that it did. This was an extraordinarily unique concept for a thriller and there were twists and turns that I really didn’t see coming! I was completely blindsided! I loved it and I will definitely recommend this one! I would like to thank Netgalley, the publisher and the author for providing me with an advance reader copy in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion of this book.

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If you enjoy psychological thrillers you should definitely read this book!

I read (and loved) The Wife Between Us and An Anonymous Girl so when I had the opportunity to read the latest book by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen I immediately jumped at the chance. This book did not disappoint. Once again, the plot grabbed my attention right from the start and I immediately liked main character, Shay Miller, while also feeling sorry for her (job issues, lack of a romantic relationship, etc.) Shay is a data-obsessed woman (she keeps a journal with various data-related facts and statistics) who witnesses something horrific. Her being in the wrong place at the wrong time, along with her actions immediately before and after witnessing the tragic event results in a chain reaction that leaves her reeling, and wondering who she can really trust.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for providing a copy for review.

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This was my first novel by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen and I had a great time with this upcoming thriller. I did not see the twist coming and I had to keep reading to find out what happened next. I recommend checking it out! Review to come soon!

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Thank you to Net Galley for providing me an ARC of You Are Not Alone. I have read all of the books by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen and have really enjoyed them. This one was no exception. I literally read it in one day and didn't put it down till I was done. The funny things was is the main story was not really a surprise or a shock. The reader sees what is happening and what direction the arc of the story is going in. In fact, we are in on it, while the protagonist is in the dark. I was getting near the end and thought, "huh, no real surprises, but man do I want to see how it all ends", and that would have been enough for me. Then in the last quarter or so, there are several surprising revelations that brings the entire story together. I don't to write anything that will spoil this story for others, but I highly recommend this book!

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My inner dialogue as I read A Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen book go something like “Oh, Oh No, No... NO!” I have loved this writing duo since a close friend said I had to read The Wife Between Us. Their latest book, You Are Not Alone, does not disappoint. It has all the psychological twists and turns that make you need to talk to a friend about what you just read. After witnessing a suicide in the New York Subway, Shay Miller takes stock of her life. A dead end job, no romantic interests (that are reciprocated) and no close friends she wonders if her life parallels the poor woman Amanda Evinger. As her thoughts about the dead woman become obsessive she finds more ways their lives intersect, or they seem to... what really happened to Amanda? I really must have all of my book friends read this book and discuss! Lol. I received an ARC of this book, all opinions are my own.

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Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.
Pub date: March 3, 2020
Shay is living in New York with her best friend, who she is secretly in love with, who just told her he has found the love of his life (and it’s not her). She is also estranged from her mother and has few friends, and with a temporary job filling in the gaps, she feels untethered. Until she meets the Moore sisters. Cassandra and Jane are everything Shay isn’t; classy, beautiful, successful and brilliant. So why would they want to befriend Shay? As Shay continues to spend time with the Moore sisters, she begins to realize first-hand their influence; she cements a deal on a wonderful apartment in New York, she secures a permanent job and she even has started dating. But soon she starts to question the Moore sisters’ real intentions—why exactly did they choose Shay? What do they want from her?
“You Are Not Alone” is the newest novel from author duo Sarah Pekannen and Greer Hendricks, and I’m sorry to say, it isn’t their best.
Shay is desperately lonely and clings to the Moore sisters like a life raft- desperate for anything to save her from drowning. However, once the twist occurs, Shay becomes a completely different character; one who is brave, resilient and self-reliant (and much more likable!). There are other characters in the little circle of friends that are mentioned but are really not relevant, as they serve no purpose to the story or the plot. Without giving away spoilers, I wonder what happened to Daphne? Was she purposely set up with James or did that just happen by random accident? A lot of the extraneous characters end up this way- they are mentioned at the beginning and a plot point is started, and then dropped. But what’s worse about it is that the reader doesn’t even realize they’ve disappeared, because they are so irrelevant to the storyline.
Although the plot was intriguing enough for me to want to continue reading, the plot twist has been done in a million books and soap operas before (although I did not predict the ending, so it gets bonus points for its surprise factor, even though it loses in creativity).
Overall, I expected more from this writing duo but “You Are Not Alone” has some entertaining plot points that will keep you reading, and (eventually) Shay becomes a character you want to root for.

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