Member Reviews

This is my third book I have read written by Greer Hendricks ad Sarah Pekkanen and when these two authors collaborate and write a book, it is fantastic. I have been fortunate to read their first two books, The Wife between Us and The Anonymous Girl which thanks to net galley I received an ARC of each. First, I want to thank net galley and the publisher for the ARC of this book, You Are Not Alone for an honest review. If you read the blurb, it really doesn’t really give you any insight into what this book is really about. This is a very hard book to review without giving away any spoilers. So, All I will say, as this book progresses, at the halfway point you see where this book is heading and who the culprits are. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, hence the five stars. These two authors continually raise the bar in writing psychological thrillers. Their first venture was great, but The Anonymous Girl was so unique. With this latest book, You Are Not Alone, they again have raised the bar again, delivering a most unique and a compelling psychological thriller. If you are a fan of this genre of books, it is a must read. I look forward to another collaboration of these two authors writing another book soon!!!

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This one is hard to review as it would ruin so much for the reader. The story follows Shay who witnesses a gruesome suicide and can't get the sight and the emotions out of her head. She begins to wonder about the person's life and begins to dig into finding out more about her. Shay is also at a point in there life where she is very vulnerable with insecurities about job, relationships, friendships, etc. as she is of the age where she feels like she should be more settled. All of this plays into her meeting new friends who take her in a new direction in her life. The authors are great at this genre and the novel moves fast and hooks you in. 4.5 stars

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𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗞 𝗬𝗢𝗨 to the publishers at @stmartinspress and @netgalley for my ARC copy in exchange for my honest review! If you’re a fan of psychological thrillers- add this one to your 2020 TBR pile!

𝗬𝗼u 𝗔𝗿𝗲 𝗡𝗼𝘁 𝗔𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗯𝘆 @greerhendricks and @sarahpekkanen 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗻 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 3𝗿𝗱 2020.

As a huge fan of 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗕𝗲𝘁𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝗨𝘀, (A solid 5 star read for me!) I was so excited to receive an early copy of You Are Not Alone. Greer and Sarah know how to keep you guessing and I read this one in two sittings. It did not disappoint. Without giving too much away- I loved this book. Full of psychological suspense, twists and turns- I was pulled in from the first shocking chapter until the last page. I love their writing style and cannot wait to see what they come up with next! Grab this book on March 3rd!
4.5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫

Shay Miller wants to find love, but it eludes her. She wants to be fulfilled, but her job is a dead end. She wants to belong, but her life is increasingly lonely.

Until Shay meets the Moore sisters. Cassandra and Jane live a life of glamorous perfection, and always get what they desire. When they invite Shay into their circle, everything seems to get better.

Shay would die for them to like her.
She may have to.

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Hendricks and Pekkanen have done it again; another book with characters into whom you invest, with great reveals and a satisfying ending. I consumed this book in one sitting, as it kept my interest throughout. A women-centered book, the main character’s focus is on her friendships, not her love life, which is refreshing. I found myself simultaneously rooting for her and also against her, delving deeper into the psychology of her every action and reaction. A story unlike any I’ve read, I recommend to anyone who enjoys a tightly woven twist.

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I am usually not a huge fan of thriller type novels, but I could not put down the 2 prior novels by author team Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen. The same was true for me with You Are Not Alone. In each of their novels, you think you have it all figured out as you get towards the end only to find you don't. Shay Miller, the central figure in this story who is lonely and disconnected from family and friends, befriends two highly successful women business partners, Cassandra and Jane, through a series of weird connections after witnessing a woman jumping to her death at a NYC subway station. The authors weave a highly original page turner that takes you inside the mind of Shay, along with a host of characters that are connected to the woman whose death she witnesses right in the beginning of the novel. This is great read that will keep you up late into the night to figure out the truth at the very end. Thanks to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the ARC of what is sure be a major bestseller in 2020!

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WOW, just WOW! It’s rare that half way through a book I still don’t really know where it’s headed or who actually the bad guy is, I knew something was going on but I could not figure out what. I could not turn the pages fast enough to find out and loved every bit of it. Absolutely highly recommend. Go in blind, don’t read spoilers but do read it, This one is another winner for this author team. Thank you netgalley and publisher for this arc in exchange of an honest review.

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Having enjoyed these authors previous two books, I was really looking forward to this one but it fell short for me.
The beginning caught me and sucked me in right away but then it started jumping around and I found myself having a hard time getting invested in the story.
There was a brief description for how each woman wound up in the group but I think i would have liked it more with a reduced number of women and expansion on each character a little more. While the sisters both came across as sinister, it was hard to find empathy for them and to basically feel anything more than apathy. I would have also liked more of the sisters - dialogue, planning, their back story. Although they talked about how and why, there was eluding to other men/women they had taken revenge on and I would have liked to read more in that. Along with their rise to such success.
The main character came across as overly naive and I had a hard time rooting for her. I spent a fair amount of time thinking “really”.
the twists were interesting and i didn’t see the third sister coming. it still felt just a little like we were rushing through to the end.


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I've been a fan of Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen since I read their novel The Wife Between Us as well as their other book An Anonymous Girl. Hendricks and Pekkanen are definitely a force to be reckoned with when it comes to writing. When I was offered a chance to read their new book You Are Not Alone, I didn't even have to think twice about saying yes!

The plot of You Are Not Alone sounded intriguing. Shay Miller is just existing. Through witnessing a tragic event, Shay meets the Moore sisters - Cassandra and Jane who are extremely glamorous. Shay is beyond thrilled to be friends with these two amazing women. However, things aren't always what they seem, and this is what puts Shay's life in immediate danger.

I felt that the world building of You Are Not Alone was done beautifully. The novel takes place in New York, and although I've never been, Hendricks and Pekkanen made me feel like I was instantly transported to that setting every time I started reading. The pacing is a bit up and down throughout the book though. However, this wasn't that fast paced thriller I was expecting it to be. I felt as if there was something missing overall from You Are Not Alone. I felt satiated with Hendricks and Pekkanen's last two novels, but there was something that felt a bit flat in this new novel. I felt as if the big unpredictable plot twist was also missing. Yes, there are a few plot twists throughout You Are Not Alone, but the actual plot twist didn't wow me like in the authors' previous books. Don't get me wrong, You are Not Alone is not a horrible read. In fact, it is quite interesting. I just felt as if Hendricks and Pekkanen rushed through You Are Not Alone. I will say that I admired all the statistics throughout the book. Hendricks and Pekkanen really did their research for this novel, and it shows.

I felt that some of the characters of You Are Not Alone lacked a bit of depth. The main character, Shay, felt a bit too one dimensional at times especially for the majority of the book. However, towards the end, she does become quite the character, and I enjoyed her tenacity to get to the bottom of what was happening. I did enjoy Cassandra and Jane, and I felt like they were fairly fleshed out, but I would have liked a bit more backstory on them such as how they rose to be such prominent adults. I would have liked to know about how they were able to become the perfect manipulators. I enjoyed the character of Daphne, but I would have liked to get to know her more. I would have also liked to read more about Stacey too. Valerie and Amanda were the only ones who felt the realest. They both seemed pretty fleshed out and realistic. I felt like I could relate to Amanda and her thought process.

Trigger warnings for You Are Not Alone include rape and attempted rape (not graphic), alcohol use, manipulation (including gaslighting), some violence, profanity (although not much), murder and attempted murder, and suicide.

Overall, You Are Not Alone is a decent read. Despite its flaws, the book does have some redeeming qualities such as an interesting plot and a fantastic background when it comes to the statistics mentioned in the book. I would still recommend You Are Not Alone by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen to those aged 17+ who are fans of psychological thrillers.

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While reading this book I could associate with the Agatha Christie's writing one of the best books I've read this year. All the twists and turns and a few surprises in the book want you to read to the very end. Definitely will put this on list to give out as a gift to dear friends.

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If you have read anything else by this writing duo, then you are in for a treat. In my opinion, this is the best yet. This is a psychological thriller that is told from different points of view so you are never quite certain who the most reliable narrator is. The main protagonist is Shay Miller, a young woman who lives and works in NYC and is in an unsatisfying temp job currently who winds up in the wrong place at the wrong time. She witnesses a tragic death and has a difficult time dealing with the aftermath of her feelings about that. In the meantime, many of the other aspects of her life are changing and she is making some reckless decisions. Shay is then suddenly embraced into the world of friendship and caring from a group of friends that make her feel more at home in the city than she has to date. As strange things happen all around, the plot shifts and twists and turns occur to make for a compelling and eventful and even mostly believable story.
Highly recommended for the psychological thriller lovers out there.
#YouAreNotAlone #Netgalley #StMartinsPress #GreerHendricks #SarahPekkanen

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Another great thriller from Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen. Lots of twists and turns - I don't want to give anything way! If you liked their other two books, then you will definitely enjoy this one as well. Thanks to the publisher for the digital ARC.

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I’ve read every book by the H&P duo, but this one is my favorite so far.

Put every CW show you’ve ever seen into a glass jar in your mind. Close the lid and shake it up. Those vicious vapors coming out of the top — that’s You Are Not Alone. I felt like this was a Gossip Girl version of a Criminal Minds episode, with a little bit of Samantha Jones mixed in. So much drama, undermining, toxic relationship building…. oh, it was spectacular.

I felt so many emotions while reading this book. Compassion for Shay, sorrow for Amanda, wanting to slap Sean….and many more. I sat glued to the couch from digital cover to cover, absorbing every moment.

Thank goodness the authors included an epilogue. I’m so glad they know how to do things right. Without that, I would not have been able to sleep tonight with all the questions swirling around in my mind!

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You Are Not Alone is Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen at their very best. The story is creepy and filled with coincidences that aren't really.

The world of Shay Miller changes drastically when she meets Cassandra and Jane after witnessing something terrible that none of us ever want to experience.

The characters are so interesting and weird, but not - at least not at first. Before long you'll find yourself second guessing every little thing.

If you like thrillers - psychological or otherwise - this is the book for you. I was riveted and didn't want it to end, but I did want it to end so I knew what the ending would be.

Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and authors for approving my request for an ARC. All thoughts in this review are my own.

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I received an advanced copy of this book through NetGalley and the publisher for an honest review. I am grateful to have been invited to view this ARC, as I have read the previous books. If you are a fan of Hendricks and Pekkanen, you will enjoy the thrilling new book that keeps you guessing. The Moore sisters are successful, beautiful and smart, cunning and sneaky. Shay is in a downturn in her life, temping and living with the guy friend who she crushes on, although he has a girlfriend. Then Shay witnesses a suicide in the subway, finds herself connected to the victim. As the book goes on, it's clear that Shay is trusting and naive, as she is being set up. The shocking conclusion was breath taking, but I still had some unanswered questions. It's obvious that guilty people try to set up others to escape punishment from their crimes, but it was simply convenient that Shay resembled the victim Amanda. When you're being manipulated, it is hard to know if on the surface someone is trying to help you. The book had me feeling a little paranoid. One of the character's connection to the rest in the group wasn't really explained. I like the revenge against men, but hurting an innocent woman seemed too far. However I still enjoyed the book and reccomend it to anyone who enjoys thrillers.

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I really enjoyed this book. There were lots of twists and turns and it kept me guessing until the end. I loved that the main character was such a capable women and able to fight back when her situation became grim. I thoroughly recommend this thriller!

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What a twisted story! It certainly kept me on the edge of my seat! It was fast paced and kept me guessing to the end! Definitely recommend! Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the early copy

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4.5 stars

Now that I have read all three books written by this duo of authors, I have to say they are at the top of my list of favorite writing teams. This was one of those good popcorn eating type reads in which you know the main character is probably in danger but you aren't entirely sure what is going to happen and it is pretty fun watching it all unfold.

Normally, I try to give a brief synopsis in my reviews but I really think you are best off not knowing too much ahead of time. Shay is the main character and you could say her life is a bit messy at the moment and it's about to get worse. You see she is about to meet the Moore sisters and well things are going to get crazy.

In order for the plot to really work in my opinion you do need a good lead character and Shay was an ideal pick to help drive the story. You feel for her and it's not difficult to understand why she just wants to fit in somewhere. The story alternates between Shay's perspective as well as some of the other characters including the sisters and I thought it was an effective way of storytelling.

The first half was slightly better than the second half and I think it is because there is more uncertainty about where the story is going. The authors have shown they can get pretty creative in their storytelling and it was exciting to read the earlier chapters in the book as it felt like the possibilities were endless. I'm not saying the action slows down in the second half, but I feel like that anticipation feeling you have as a reader was lessened just a tad. Overall though I had a real good time reading this one.

If you have read and enjoyed other books by the authors this one is a must-read.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with an advance digital copy in exchange for an honest review!

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This is a creepy little psychological thriller starring a lonely woman who witnesses a suicide on a subway platform and can't shake off the effects. The girl who jumped onto the tracks of the incoming train was a stranger to Shay, but she can't stop thinking about her; learning her name, she leaves a flower on her doorstep, and soon after, meets her closest friends. They're glamorous, affluent and well- connected, and Shay's previously solitary life as a data analyst begins to change when she's welcomed into their circle. So does her luck - facing eviction when her roommate's fiancee moves in, she finds the perfect apartment, and then gets a job that will pay for it. But it turns out there's a price to pay for all of it, and by the time she realizes she can't afford it, it's almost too late.

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This is the third book I have read by this duo and I was so excited for the chance to read it early! Thank you netgalley! It was an excellent, twisty, mystery that I devoured in one afternoon. I can't say much in my review about this story without giving things away, but know that these two authors don't disappoint. They bring the same drama and fast pacing to this novel as their previous. Can't wait to see what they come up with next!

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Five beautiful, well-crafted stars!

This is my third read from this exceptional duo and each time I feel like their books have gotten even more twisted and shocking- how are they so creative? I gobbled this story up trying to piece together what secrets this group of women held and what the ties were. What pushed one of them to Suicide and what will be left of Shay when they are done with her?

You Are Not Alone, is a must read for 2020!

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for sending me an invitation to read an eARC of, You Are Not Alone. I was soooo excited when I opened my email while in my daughter’s school drop off lane. I cheered, did a seated dance, and looked pretty silly but I knew I was in for an amazing read....and Hendricks and Pekkanen did NOT disappoint!

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