Member Reviews

Quinn Bellandini helps to run the family B&B with her sister, Delilah but they have a tendency to be caught up in the investigation of murders that hit close to home. This time, at a fundraiser that the Belladinis were catering, their friend's brother is caught in the crossfires of a burglary scam but it turned deadly. Sure that he is not the murderer, Quinn and Delilah work to find the real killer.

It's a fun story but I'm really not sure that there is enough motivation for these two to go to the extremes that they do.

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I loved the first book in this series, Southern Discomfort, and it was such a long wait until book 2, Southern Harm, was released. I was super excited to see that book 3 was coming out so soon after I spent time with the Bellandini sisters. Southern Double Cross has Quinn and Delilah working to clear their friend Pepper’s brother Parker after a wealthy woman is murdered at a fundraiser. There are so many things I love about this series. The characters are just wonderful. I am a huge fan of Quinn – she is smart and loyal. Delilah is the perfect balance for Quinn. The B&B that they help their Papa Sal run is like a character in itself.

Southern Double Cross had so many red herrings, I didn’t know which way to look. With clues all over the place and several viable suspects, I wasn’t sure how Quinn and Delilah (and Tucker) were ever going to figure this one out. The mystery was absolutely delightful. So well-written and just a joy to read. Each book in the series is better than the last, though I don’t know how that’s possible. 🙂 I am crossing my fingers and toes that there will be more in this series! I’m not ready to let the Bellandini sisters go. This series is on my auto-buy list.

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I really enjoyed this book in the series. It was a fun read and a good mystery. The main female character (Quinn) is very likeable - I like how polite she is. I've enjoyed learning more about Georgia and the people. Most cozy mysteries seem to take place in the NE or NW. The romance in this series is just right, and the lead male is so perfect for Quinn. He is quite the gentleman, I love it. It shows that the lead male can support the female without ordering her around. I like that the sister in the series (Delilah) can take the tough, overbearing role and leave the main character to do what she does best - investigating while being polite and smart about it. I'm looking forward to the next in the series. I highly recommend this book, and series!

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This is such a fun cozy mystery ! This story is about the murder of one of Savannah, Georgia’s upper class matrons. Quinn Belladini’s friend and band mate Pepper Fox is beside herself when her brother Parker is accused of the killing. Pepper pressures Quinn and her sister Delilah into helping clear Parker’s name.

I really enjoyed this story and the characters. Despite this being the third installment in the Southern B & B series, I had no issues jumping right in. The sisters, along with Pepper, are a pretty good investigative team, They have a knack for tracking down the suspects and getting good information in creative ways.

I also liked that despite the police detectives warning the Belladini sisters off investigating, instead of doubting their information, the detectives seem to appreciate the women’s’s efforts. I would highly recommend this story to anyone looking for a good cozy mystery.

I received an advance copy of this story from#NetGalley and the publishers in exchange for my honest opinion.

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What a fascinating book. I was impressed by the storyline and the characters were all well written and complex. Where there are complex storylines combined with intriguing characters the reader experience is magnified tremendously. To have a book that is well written as well as entertaining is a delight. Reading is about escaping your world and entering another one. Here I forgot about my own life and was immersed in the world created by the author. I would recommend this book.

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I loved the New Orleans setting. The book had some unexpected twists that added to the story. I found parts of the book really captured real life but ended in a positive manner. I just discovered another must read series, adding it to my list. I’d give more than 5-stars if I could.

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Caroline Fardig is a new to me author.  Southern Double Cross is #3 in the series.  While there are some allusions to the previous books, I appreciated the fact that the story itself was a standalone.  I really liked Quinn and Delilah.  The sleuthing sisters were a lot of fun.  I also liked their significant others.  Also, the references to the ghostly Uncle Frank made me laugh.  I did not guess the murderer at all.  Thank you to Netgalley and Random House Alibi for the copy.  All opinions expressed are my own.

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Southern Double Cross has nicely developed characters and a likable main protagonist. Though there are multiple sleuths, the story focuses on Quinn Bellandini, the main protagonist, and doesn’t do a lot of unnecessary head hopping. The plot was well-thought out. And the icing on the cake was the ample amount of double-crossing going on. Quinn has a sweet-as-honey Southern persona that played well into the role of the reluctant sleuth. Her reasoning for tracking down a killer seemed reasonable, though the rationale for not going to the police began to feel a bit strained toward the end of the book. The writing was crisp and clean and felt as though the backstory was brought out on schedule and as needed. For the most part, there was a growing sense of tension as the mystery unfolded, which kept me interested until the end. All-in-all, I found plenty of things to like about Southern Double Cross.

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Release Date: February 11, 2020
While Quinn is trying (still) to get her boyfriends parents to like them, the hostess of the party is upstairs being murdered. Then, Quinn’s friend is accused of the murder and the police find the murder weapon in his car! While Delilah and Quinn aren’t amateur sleuths for nothing! They are on the case!
This is the third installment of the #southernbandbmystery series and I love it! We got more character development for Quinn, Delilah and even papa Sal! Uncle Frank makes his customary apperence as well. I hope the series continues but this book felt like a nice end so if it doesn’t continue there are no lose ends. I highly recommend this series!!

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

#southernbandbmystery #southerdiscomfort #bookstagram #bookrecommendations #cozymysteryseries #netgalleyreads

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Southern Double Cross by Caroline Fardig is the 3rd book in A Southern B&B mystery series, and another great novel. I have enjoyed Ms. Fardig books for years, especially the Java Jive Series, which sadly has ended. In this series Quinn and Delilah Bellandini are two sisters who run their grandfather's bed and breakfast in Savannah, Georgia. Quinn and her boyfriend Tucker are busy coordinating a fundraiser when someone is found dead. Quinn's friend's brother is charged with the murder, and she is asked to get to the truth. I found this book to be a quick read, with well developed plot and and characters. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series. If you love fun cozy mysteries like I do, than I highly recommend this book.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Southern Double Cross by Caroline Fardig is the third book in the Southern B&B Mystery series. Quinn and her sister, Delilah, help their father run a bed and breakfast in Savannah. Quinn is helping with a local fundraiser. Things are going as smoothly as they can until the homeowner is found murdered. With the main suspect being the brother of Quinn's friend, Quinn and Delilah find themselves in the middle of a mystery. I loved the southern setting for this book as well as the differences between Quinn and Delilah. This series can easily become one of my favorites.

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This is the third book in the "Southern B&B Mystery Series". I have read the prior books in the series and enjoy this series very much. I always enjoy returning to a Southern setting .
Thank you to the publisher and to Net Galley for the opportunity. My review is my own.

For this next in series we rejoin our protagonist Quinn Bellandini . Quinn is preparing for a fundraising event at a local palatial home by finishing up the coordination before she returns to running the B&B. Her good friend Pepper is at the event and notifies her that a murder has occurred of the lady of the house. Pepper is upset because her Brother was working at the event and is charged with the murder. Quinn is determined to clear his name and steps up to investigate. Soon red herrings and clues abound as she finds herself closer to finding the rightful murderer.

This is a enjoyable next in series with such nice Southern Flair. The returning charcters all add to the enjoyment and are likable. I found the sleuth was interesting to conclusion. Very well done to the author. I look forward to the next in series.

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Southern Double Cross is another cute book by Caroline Fardig. I am a big fan of hers and while this series is not my favorite, I think this book might be the best in the series! A friend of Quinn and Delilahs is arrested for murder so they get roped into solving the crime. While their friend was guilty of a crime he was framed for another one. I liked that there was a large number of suspects and the story takes a number of twists and turns before you find out the unexpected way the crime took place. I will definitely be looking forward to the next book in this series!

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The next installment of the Southern Bed and Breakfast series finds Quinn helping a friend whose bother is accused of murdering a woman in her own home during a fund raising activity.

As always, there are plenty of suspects to go around. And, as always, sister Delilah is eager to help in the investigation. And, as always, Delilah is willing to take many more dangerous chances than Quinn is, making Quinn's boyfriend Tucker very uneasy about it all.

The murder is tied to a robbery and it seems that there have been more similar robberies in the past. Quinn needs to learn who exactly is behind the robberies so she can find the true killer.

This is there third book in the series and I have read both previous books, but this could be a stand-alone although anyone who reads this is bound to want to read the two before - and with any luck another one in the future.

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In this installment of her b&b mystery series all does not go according to plan. A catered event gone awry and a body. This is the worst thing to happen. My attention was grabbed at the very beginning and before I knew it I had finished the book. The story was quite original and very interesting. The characters are charming. If you are looking for a light clever read, I would recommend this one. I loved it.

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We catch up with Quinn just as she is pulling together a charity fundraiser which was running smoothly until the cops showed up. The owner of the house where the event was. being held has been found murdered. Her friend Pepper is frantic since her brother found the body when he shouldn't have been in the house at all. Once the secrets start coming my out they don't stop as we get taken on a ride from clue to clue. Makes for a fun entertaining read with some interesting characters. I really liked it so I give it 4/5 stars.

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I really liked the characters in this book they were interesting and likeable the mystery was easy to follow and believable

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Princess Fuzzypants here: Quinn and her sister Delilah are drawn into another murder investigation when a Society matron is murdered during a posh charity party thrown at her mansion. Her friend, Pepper, insists they get involved to prove the killer is not her brother who is arrested for the murder. Is it one of the wait staff who were trying to pull a heist at the same time or is it someone much closer to the victim?
Magnolia was not a nice lady and there were plenty of people with axes to grind with her. She made a habit of belittling people. But Quinn and her associates believe the murder likely was committed during the botched burglary. They are a pretty dedicated trio but not only the police but Quinn’s boyfriend are concerned they are going to get in too deep. Quinn actually shows common sense but her sister and friend ignore the dangers they face. They skate close to the Darwin line.
But the final twist throws everything into the air and the actual murderer and motive come from an unexpected direction. It adds to the fun in the final pages of the story and excuses some of the more egregious ignorance of the dangers around them. It’s a good thing Quinn is such a strong protagonist. I enjoyed both her journey through the investigation, the progress of her relationship with Tucker, and her final realization that she may be getting some paranormal help.
Four purrs and two paws up.

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Southern Double Cross by Caroline Fardig is a fabulously written mystery with southern charm and the happiest of endings.

Who killed Magnolia?

Quinn is the younger, polite, full of southern charm sister. She is also our main character and point of view. Delilah is the older, outspoken, not afraid to do the unthinkable sister. Yet they both love each other. Delilah loves the challenge of investigating while Quinn gets butterflies in her stomach when trying to find a murderer.

The sisters' investigation technique is checking in with people that won't speak to the police and sharing gossip while spinning theories. It sounds funny, but it works for them. I like Quinn and Delilah. The way they both are like opposites is cool. I enjoy their occasional bickering.

The Mystery
Magnolia Stiles is murdered at her home during a fundraiser while a robbery is also in the works. The thing is that Mags doesn't have many real friends, but she has lots of frenemies. She isn't the nicest person. Mags believes in keeping her frenemies close. Would someone who knows her kill her, or did she walk in on one of the robbers? This is the question that Quinn and Delilah keep asking themselves.

Five Stars
I love the way that the author can mix the differences in the sister sleuths with the southern charm and mystery aspect. The ending was superb. I didn't figure out who did it, but it was fun getting to the conclusion. So, five stars for Southern Double Cross by Caroline Fardig. I recommend this book to all cozy mystery lovers.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Great Escapes Book Tours. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of Southern Double Cross by Caroline Fardig.

This Guest Review is for Baroness' Book Trove.

Until the next time,

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I did not love this book. I thought I had read several of Ms Fardig's mysteries before but either I didn't or she had a different style because this was not what I remembered. It wasn't bad, it wasn't good, it just kind of was. It didn't hold my attention. I tried to read it several times and ended up abandoning it half way through.

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