Member Reviews

I am glad that there is an inclusive book about the changing body for readers of young ages. This is a good book to use for puberty talks and for children who are wanting to learn more about their body and who they are.

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A great start for middle-grade discussions of body differences and how they do or do not correlate with how those people identify.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an electronic copy to read and review.

There is so much valuable information in this book. As a parent it is a great resource on how to explain the rich tapestry of people to children. I don't know that I would give this to my child to read until they are older. I like how the book is broken up, and wish that there were picture books to accompany each chapter.

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This is the most comprehensive discussion of all aspects of sex, gender, emotions and families that I have encountered. The straightforward manner of presentation and the illustrations were excellent. Absent was the flowery language and incomplete illustrations in other books on the subject.

A notable aspect of the work was the inclusion of discussions of gender identity. This discussion serves to promote understanding and confirmation for students who see themselves with different emotions or attractions than their peers. In addition, the author did not let us forget, through chapter discussion, that people will not always be kind to those they do not understand.

This is a very practical book that gives adults an opportunity for an informed discussion with children who have been bombarded with very different views of the human body on TV and the internet. The book is an excellent source of information to address questions and issues when reading and discussing it together.

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This was FANTASTIC! I'm so happy that this book exists. I loved the gender-neutral language and inclusiveness of this text. It will be so life-changing for children to be able to read about being trans and non-binary identities, intersex people, what asexuality is, what miscarriages are, consent, etc. Whenever I am looking for a puberty book for my library I also like to ensure that that books has a topic about masturbation and the normalization of it. I will definitely be buying this book for people in my life.

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There are plenty of "body books" on the nonfiction shelf that are just for boys or girls, so it's refreshing to see a book that explains puberty and reproduction for young readers in a more gender-inclusive way.

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This is a great book for tweens beginning to learn about the changes that will be happening to their bodies. The illustrations were accurate. This is also a great title to better demonstrated changes that happen to people in the LBGTQ community.

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With the fact that sex education in this country can often be dismal and useless, I've always found myself somewhat eager to request books that have been written to circumvent the problems this lack of adequate knowledge creates. The truth of the matter is that most schools just don't teach children and teenagers this information and it's an issue. Fortunately, many books exist to combat it. And, hopefully, with the addition of more and more of these, more and more children will be less likely to fall into circumstances of troublesome ignorance.

I know it's a hard thing to achieve, but books like <em>The Every Body Book (The LGBTQ+ Inclusive Guide for Kids about Sex, Gender, Bodies, and Families</em>) by Rachel E. Simon and illustrated by Noah Grigni give me hope.


I'll be honest, this is probably the most inclusive sex education book I've ever read. To my understanding, the only aspect that didn't make it in and should have was aromantic. As with everything, it's clear that there are still areas in which the subject matter can be improved and that would be the one for this book. For many of the other topics, I was incredibly impressed not only at their inclusion but also how they were handled. This book is wonderfully diverse and is pretty exceptional in terms of addressing topics from gender to sexuality to reproduction to consent.

The artwork is wonderful and inclusive as well.


The best thing about this book is the fact that it addresses everything in very matter of fact tones. It's not really focused on the emotion, but rather providing as much information as possible to provide young readers with an educated view on each subject. It is very focused on the facts and is incredibly accurate. The artwork does include nudity, of course, solely for educational purposes. Honestly, there is a multitude of information to gain from reading this book and I think every child will be better for it.

I have precious little criticism for this book as a whole. For now, until something better comes along, this is the book that I would recommend to anyone wanting to provide their children with facts about their body, sexuality, and the world. We desperately need more books like this one to exist.

<em>I was provided a free copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.</em>

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My Headteacher forwarded me a @JKPBooks email & asked to assess The Every Body Book, luckily I got it on #Netgalley & so can happily confirm it has a huge amount of clear information in a small book (I received the email too & was adding it to an order but he wants more for RSE)!

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4.5 Stars

This is a very well-done book: it seeks to use inclusive language and educate kids about a variety of different topics in informative but non-judgmental ways. Some kids (and adults) might be made to feel uncomfortable with the diagrams but as there is so much misinformation about body parts that I think this is probably a good thing to have even if makes people uncomfortable (calling body parts by their actual names can have abuse made apparent more easily). I was someone who didn't take grade 9 gym so I missed sex-ed and while I got the gist of most things it would have been nice to have a quick thing to read to make sure I was on the right page about things.

Each topic in here is brief but I think does a decent job of covering the main things that everyone should know about their bodies. I just have a few minor things that I would add/on emphasize in a reprint:
- More emphasis on intersex bodies: intersex bodies are covered but I would have liked to have seen more of it when talking about pregnancy, intimacy, and more intersex-specific diagrams. I know that there is a wide variety when it comes to being intersex but I feel that in each chapter there should be a bit about how this is typically the same/different for people who are intersex.
- Have consent be brought up earlier. I think when sex is first mentioned as being between two grown-ups there should be a reference to how an adult and a kid isn't okay. It is implied and it is mentioned later but I would have liked to have seen it mentioned here too.
- Discussion about weight. Kids get fat-shamed from a really young age and weight fluctuation can be a result of hormones so a chapter or even a paragraph on how weight relates to the other topics I think would be beneficial especially when talking about bodily consent.

This was a really well done book-- diagrams had a fair amount of variety and the topics were brief but covered clearly. I would consider this sort of like a junior version of Dr. Gunter's "The Vagina Bible."

While I'm sure this book would result in a fair number of awkward conversations and blushes, the information is solid and critically important for kids to know.

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This review is for an electronic Advanced Reader Copy. There were some editing and formatting issues in the ARC that I assume were corrected before publication.

The book presents much-needed information for young people and the adults in their lives. The author explains sexuality and gender identity, relationships, consent, and internet safety with a calm, matter-of-fact tone. The cartoon illustrations were anatomically correct and represented many different skin colors. I would have liked to see different shapes and sizes of bodies-- there were no fat bodies shown. Disabled bodies would have illustrated that this information *is* for every body.

Unfortunately, the author misses the opportunity to make up for years of typical bad sex education ignoring the role of the clitoris in sexual intimacy. When discussing orgasm, she writes about the penis and the vagina-- but only later does she mention the clitoris as the only organ that functions solely for pleasure.

The short explanations of fostering and adoption were included to explain how different families are formed, I suspect, but because those systems can be problematic, I found this too cursory to be helpful.

I can see keeping a copy of this book in a library for young people, but it'd best be used by preteens and their parent(s).

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This is a great book to start conversations with children about sex and relationships. It promotes open channels of communication between children and their families. Lots of adults are uncomfortable or embarrassed to talk about sex due to the poor quality of sex education they received when they were younger. But for children to be safe, healthy and empowered, they need to feel comfortable asking questions. This book tackles big topics like where babies come from, consent and staying safe online in age-appropriate ways and teaches children to take care of their bodies and make healthy choices.

It's inclusive of trans and queer people from the start which makes a refreshing change from books which just have an LGBT+ chapter tagged on the end. It's very reassuring about what is normal and healthy, and really highlights that everyone is different. It teaches children that if people are different from you and your family, you should be kind first and ask questions later.

In my work in schools, I'm used to sex being reduced to reproduction and seeing a diagram of a penis vs a diagram of a womb. The clitoris and labia are usually completely absent as are any discussions of any kind of sex other than the kind that makes a baby. This book takes a much more holistic approach and talks about the body as a whole, and how to take care of yourself. It explains the differences between being assigned male and being assigned female, but also the similarities. This is so important not just for trans and intersex children, but for their friends and peers too. It's also so important to teach cis girls that their body doesn't just exist to make babies!

The content is suitable for any age, but would be best for 8+. There is a lot of text so younger children will need an adult to read it to them. I really can't recommend this book enough for anyone teaching this topic in a school, or to give to children in their own family!

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I found this to be a pretty comprehensive book that covers a lot of great information. I think it does a great job with using kid friendly language and helps answer some of the questions kids may have about bodies and sex and identity. It doesn’t go into every gender or romantic identity but it leaves room for questions and exploration if a child feels like they still don’t have the words to explain who they are. This is a great primer to get your child started indeed so don’t their body and o would be happy to have this book as part of my collection for my future children.

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This is an interesting idea. I am not sure how needed it is. There are already excellent books on gender and development for kids. Very few school age children even consider sexuality; it's just not developmentally necessary.

The format is also confusing. It is too wordy for middle grade and too simplistic for YA.

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When I think of every reason I love this story I can think of every reason someone could dislike this story. This balance between comical and heavy themes is perfection. Writing the story of three children who find dead animals to give funerals couldn’t have been an easy task. Adding in the personalized poems and tantrums/meltdowns makes this almost an impossible task. I think it was done beautifully for such a somber topic. The illustrations lighten the mood but the unpredictable outbursts from on the characters reminds you that it is still serious. Children ages 5 to 10 will hopefully be puzzled by this book just enough to start a dialogue around death.

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I got an ARC of this book.

I read every book about sexuality and gender aimed at kids and teens that I can possibly get my hands on. I teach sex ed and I try to stay informed at what information is targeted at my teens. I have no doubts my teens will never read this book, but the fact that it is accessible to them is something I need to know. I need books like this to combat what the kids learn on their own.

I also judge these books very harshly. I am tired of misinformation and just general bad books being made. I will not praise a book just because it is queer inclusive if it isn't a great book as well. This book is the first non-fiction book about sexuality and gender aimed at kids that I have more positives to say than negatives. 

The book is gender inclusive. There is no "mom gets pregnant" or "all people with penises are boys". Instead the way that babies are produced is talked about with body parts and science. There is even talk about how adoption is a thing that families can do. 

There is an accurate representation to what asexuality is! There is no aromantic though. The book assumes that there is a link between sexual desire and romantic desire. So I am a little saddened by this, but I am also really impressed that asexuality was covered in a good way. The information was correct. The talk of being trans and cis was not in the sexuality section which was also perfect! Being trans is not a sexuality, yet it is so often discussed when sexuality is even in books geared towards adults (I just read a book about race that covers being trans in the section about being gay, but had a whole section devoted to gender that did not mention trans people). So this simple concept seems so beyond a lot of people. This book getting is right is not small thing. 

The art is not suggestive, but I know people will complain anyway. There are drawings of genitalia from multiple angles. These are not used for shock value, but instead of are for education about the parts and the functions of those parts. Considering how little the teens in my class know, this is incredibly important. I had one teen, he has multiple children, tell me during the "vagina trivia" lesson that the testicles are above the vagina. I know I can't rely on him to teach his children more, but this book has great information on anatomy. There are some terms in there I don't even attempt to teach my teens. They don't care about all the tubing. I do what I can with the external stuff, since it is easier to get their attention with. 

This book is pretty fantastic. It even covers consent. It talks about good and bad touch. This book really has everything I would want to talk to a kid about. This is a great book to start kids with and one I would recommend.

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I requested and received an advanced reading copy of this book from NetGalley.

This book was clinical but not in a bad way. The information was provided in an easy to read format to help adults start conversations with their children about every aspect of growing up. These topics included gender identity, sexuality, reproduction, sex, puberty, and many more. This format allows you to provide the information to your children in a positive way or they can read it on their own if neither of you feel comfortable with the subject(s).

This is a great reference book that should be in every home and/or library.

#TheEveryBodyBook #NetGalley

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Ahh! Ok folks. Anyone who teaches, parents, cares for... loves or knows middle grade/ middle school — humans this book is a must. It’s spot on in being: age appropriate ,informative, AND inclusive.

I have not seen those three pieces executed so well before in a health/ sex Ed type resource (and I’ve looked, I’ve taught gloriously awkward health & wellness classes). This book is so important and I’m so thrilled that it exists!!!!

It’s pitch perfect too— vocabulary, writing style, tone is great. As an adult I just enjoyed reading this, too. A real win!

5 beautiful diverse stars.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARCin exchange for an honest review.

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This was a thorough, well pitched and inclusive book for kids around 12 years old to help children and families begin to understand and talk about Sex, gender, bodies and relationships. It is really accessibly written and covers a wide range of topics. I do however wish it had included information around disability.

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Five stars...six!

This book is fantastic. The language is inclusive, and the topics are covered comprehensively, in terms of the intended audience. I really appreciate the author's note about WHY they are using inclusive language; the focus on this is critical. Also, the author picks up some challenging topics - porn, consent, gender identity versus gender expression, and many more - and addresses them all with age-appropriate language for the audience and a matter-of-fact, responsible viewpoint.

I am so impressed with how this work is constructed. As a person who works in equity, inclusion, compliance, and Title IX in higher ed, I am constantly encountering texts that attempt to and then fail at covering these topics well, even for adult audiences. I have no complaints or concerns here. Even the illustrations reflect inclusive bodies and identities.

This book serves an important purpose, and I hope that many young people - and likely many adults - will learn a great deal about themselves and others through interacting with this content. It'll absolutely have a place in my children's lit class and pre-order status in my Amazon cart!

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