Member Reviews

This was a steamy contemporary novel! It has a lot of the elements of a great book, but sadly fell a bit short for me. I didn't quite connect with the characters and the pacing felt a bit off.

I hate to DNF a book I'm supposed to be reviewing, but after two years, I just have too many other books on my TBR pile to come back to this one.

I’m becoming a fan of this author book. This was good. Really enjoyed this story. I will read more. Go read

This was such an easy and fast read. It was quirky, fun and dirty. I don’t typically enjoy books that are set in the past. This was set in 1970. My favorite part was that it took place in Halifax. I haven’t read many books set in Canada let alone Halifax.
The dirty parts in this book kind of through me off a bit due to the main characters personality. I didn’t think that was going to happen.
I like how Bev always knew people were lying to her. I wish I had that ability.
It was such a quick, easy read.

Did not like this at all. Felt everything was being portrayed in a sweet wholesome manner which it was not. Ah!
This book annoyed the crap out of me. And I started the year with this book which made me fall into a huge slump.

This story was a cute, steamy start to a greater story arc. I liked getting to know Bev and Henry and LOVED that it took place in Halifax.
There were a few parts that were a bit over simplistic and could've used more character development. Sometimes a bit too much telling and not showing.
Overall enjoyed it!

For the life of me I can not figure out how to access this book... I got approved for it, but it isn't appearing in any of my accounts?
I really wanted to read it and am very sorry I couldn't figure this out! I don't want to screw up review scores, so have given 5 stars since this is my potential mistake?

This is a short and sweet story that seems to be setting up an entire series. There's no conflict and I didn't mind that. We get to watch Bev fall in love with a man who truly respects her and learn to love her sexuality while growing up in the aftermath of the swinging 60s. And Henry is truly swoon-worthy, an equal in every way.
I enjoy writing in first person and this novella features both principles' voices. We follow Bev throughout and the epilogue features Henry on the day they met and the last day in the story. The great thing about this structure is that we get to see why Bev has the views she has, which I assume is going to create complications in her children's lives in the books to come. I look forward to seeing what is in store.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! No spoilers. Beyond amazing I enjoyed this book so very much. The characters and storyline were fantastic. The ending I did not see coming Could not put down nor did I want to. Truly Amazing and appreciated the whole story. This is going to be a must read for many many readers. Maybe even a book club pick.

Well-written novella with intriguing story and characters. It's the origin story for an upcoming saga. As that it was a quick read with a lot of sizzling moments.

This book was a cute, quick read. Once I started it I had a hard time putting it town.
This is a very cute love story, about a girl named Beverly (Bev) who is great at knowing when people are lying to her. She is also a woman who knows that she does not want to have sex before marriage. When she meets Henry, she likes him but the after a few moments of talking to him she tells him that she doesn’t like him anymore. He is already smitten and determined to be with Beverly. They go on a first date at which time Henry is even more determined to be with Beverly. Beverly and Henry date and grow to love each other. This book is short but still takes you through the wonderful relationship of Beverly and Henry. Then it also lets you see how things turned out for them.
This is a very nice quick read that everyone should. I am very thankful to NetGalley and the author Anna Krolick for the opportunity to read this book. I also can’t wait to read the stories of the Campbell family.

This is an origins novella that was a quick, surface level romantic read. I think the full books that follow will be better but unfortunately, I was a bit disappointed by this book. There was very little in the story about Bev being a human lie detector and as that’s part of the title, that’s what drew me in. A 2.5 stars from me.

I'm not sure starting with the origin story was the best call here. Maybe if Henry and Beverley were likeable side characters in the other books first, readers would be more excited to know how they met. This way, you get a confusing chapter at the end about the other characters you don't know. Before that, all you've had are the 1970s, complete with the tropes about going to college for an MRS degree. There is a lot of sex (or not-sex, if you see if Beverley's way), but it's described so technically, kind of Judy Blume-esque, it wasn't that appealing. Or maybe I just wasn't that sold on the main characters' relationship yet.
Thanks to the publishers and NetGalley for a digital ARC.

The title and cover of this one (plus the fact it's set in Canada!) piqued my interest, as did the fact it was a novella and I needed something quick and light for my year-end reading. Quick and light is exactly what this is. There's not much plot to be had and there was more sex than story, but the sex was at least hot!

This was a cute story about how Bev and Henry came to be. I love how determined Bev is about sex before marriage and that she sticks to her guns. That isn't a common feat these days. I'm super sad without how quick this book was but I'm excited to continue on with the series and see everyone grow.

I thought it was a fun read, not much of a story but it was a quick and cute read with a lot of sexy moments! Recommend if you're looking for a quick smutty read.

Did not realize before I requested this that it is set in the 1970s. I don't read books set in such recent past, so consequently, this skewed my appreciation of this book

I have mixed feelings about this book. I didn’t love it, but then again I didn’t hate it. The characters were likeable and I have to admit, I did laughed a few times. However I think the author focus way too much about sex stuffs that made the story average. For me it doesn't have that real conflict I was looking for in every book I read.
But still even if this one didn't exceed my expectations, I’m still planning on reading every single book in this series. This is just the origin so I do look forward reading their children's stories too, plus I like the writing style and wit of this author. But as of now I'll give this one a 3-star rating.

3 stars
Cute story and premise. Very quick read. After all it was a novella. Bev and Henry are cute but it was set in the 70s.

I thought that the book was cute enough, but Beverly could be a bit annoying sometimes. Even with the setting, it seems like her attitude was really out of date, and I just couldn't get past that.