Member Reviews

This was my first experience with the Stupid Poems series, and honestly, I have no idea what to think.
This collection is... weird. Sometimes funny, most of the time cringeworthy, and I can't even decide if I mean it in a good or a bad way. These poems are indeed stupid. Or rather silly, or dumb. They're not very good ones... many rhymes are forced. The thoughts behind them are astonishing, in a 'come on man, why do you even think about that, how did that thought even come to you?' way. Then again... they were all supposed to be stupid, weren't they...?
That's the point.

This book is full of silly and most stupid poems I ever read. The title is not lying and yet I enjoy the book. thank you Netgalley for letting me read this book

The title of this collection is very apt, as these poems of Ian Vannoey are really very stupid. Vannoey does the job well. The poems are silly, funny, totally daft, though sometimes they can reference relevant political happenings (which, in and of themselves, can be very stupid indeed). I think this collection is for those who need a fun brain break, and to be silly for a while.
You can definitely tell, as well, that this is a British collection, which may resonate with readers even more, considering not only the political events of Brexit, but also the tendency of Anglophilia (I also am an Anglophile, hence why I chose to read this collection!).
The reason I gave this book three stars, however, is not because it is a bad collection. There will be so many people who love this collection for what it is; however, it is simply not for me.

Stupid Poems 15 by Ian Vannoey is a silly, yet sometimes astute, collection of observations, and I would argue that this title is too self deprecatory by far. Admittedly, after reading the first two entries, I was convinced that this particular collection was just not my cup of tea. When I reached Things Donald Trump is Unlikely to Say, however, I had found my stride and began to appreciate the uniqueness of Mr Vannoey's voice. This is a quick, refreshing read, and I can honestly say that I have never read anything like it.
Thanks to NetGalley and Troubador Publishing Ltd. for the opportunity to read this collection.

Thanks Netgally for offering me the chance to read one of the silliest and stupidest things I've ever read. Do not go into this book of poems looking to learn something new or hear sweet words, you will be highly disappointed.
These poems are completely ridiculous, if you take them for what they are (silly, stupid poems) than it will be highly entertaining.
These poems cover everything from Donald Trump, Meghan Markle, Prince Harry and baby Archie to giraffes and even fork lifts and underwear. You will not be disappointed by the variety of "topics" chosen for these poems.
Just think, there are 14 other books of poems just like this one that predates this book. You could roll your eyes, snort and laugh for at least two days!
*This book is a really easy and short read*

Some very witty and funny poems. Some humor brought to very serious issues allowing one to see them in s new light. An enjoyable read.

You almost have to admire the perseverance which would motivate someone to put out this many books with the word stupid in the title. This is the 15th volume of poems, most of them have barely any or none at all reviews on GR, no idea who reads them, if anyone, and yet…volume 15 on Netgalley and I just figured why not. There were 20 spare minutes to kill in my morning and I wanted to be entertained. Which is to say I wouldn’t commit more time than that to a book of stupid poems, since neither of those two elements are my thing, but this quick of a read…sure. And to be fair, I was mildly entertained. These poems aren’t so much stupid as they are silly and they include some really questionable rhymes, but the topics are kinda fun, at least some of them. There are the timely ones (such as Trump or Brexit) and a bunch of completely random ones. An overall quality is that of aspirational hip word wizardry which comes across…like a dad bod of hip humorous rhyme time. But it’s kind of cute. Or at least diverting enough and it knows to be so brief as to not overstay its welcome at something like only 56 pages. I’ve actually read a book of funny love poems ones, so I suppose I do have something to compare this to and it wouldn’t be a very favorable for Stupid Poems, but it just doesn’t matter that much. In fact, right now there’s a danger or spending more time on the review than I did on the book, so I must wrap things up. But first a guilty pleasure…
To tell you the truth
It would be of no use
To try to persuade you one way or another,
You’ll read what you like…and then you’ll discover
My reviews, they just might…
no, are, always right.
Thanks Netgalley.

The title of this book really does do it justice ha. This really is a book of 'stupid' poems :) Although, quite a few of these were lost on me (I do not follow politics, Trump or Brexit) and it wasn't really my type of humor, I still really appreciate the overall feeling this book emotes. I love how it doesn't take life too seriously and it has been written in good fun.