Member Reviews

Due to a sudden, unexpected passing in the family a few years ago and another more recently and my subsequent (mental) health issues stemming from that, I was unable to download this book in time to review it before it was archived as I did not visit this site for several years after the bereavements. This meant I didn't read or venture onto netgalley for years as not only did it remind me of that person as they shared my passion for reading, but I also struggled to maintain interest in anything due to overwhelming depression. I was therefore unable to download this title in time and so I couldn't give a review as it wasn't successfully acquired before it was archived. The second issue that has happened with some of my other books is that I had them downloaded to one particular device and said device is now defunct, so I have no access to those books anymore, sadly.

This means I can't leave an accurate reflection of my feelings towards the book as I am unable to read it now and so I am leaving a message of explanation instead. I am now back to reading and reviewing full time as once considerable time had passed I have found that books have been helping me significantly in terms of my mindset and mental health - this was after having no interest in anything for quite a number of years after the passings. Anything requested and approved will be read and a review written and posted to Amazon (where I am a Hall of Famer & Top Reviewer), Goodreads (where I have several thousand friends and the same amount who follow my reviews) and Waterstones (or Barnes & Noble if the publisher is American based). Thank you for the opportunity and apologies for the inconvenience.

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Think of this – and the rest of the series of these books, many of which I reviewed a couple of years ago – as a highly pictorial 'contexts' section of a travel guide. It won't try and tell you where to stay, or what opening hours the temples have, but it will give you the background to life in Japan. From the sake to the sumo, to why the Shinkansen is needed for so many domestic tourists, we learn a fair bit of info from the horse's mouth. We start with a quick page each for all the main cities and areas, then delve into some of the history, before spreading our wings to see a lot of things the Japanese hold dear – all in brief, one or two page mini-essays. Kabuki, onsen baths, go – whatever you might have half-glimpsed about the land, you can learn just enough to prove this is a friendly, amenable browse.

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A lovely little book with great pictures. I love the Japanese culture and enjoyed curling up and reading more about this beautiful country and the ways they embrace living.
A great book for anyone wanting to know a little more about this gorgeous country,

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I love books like this that give you a very quick, but deep view of a culture, way of living, or way of life. I have always been fascinated with Japan and the life lessons and teachings that proliferate the culture and society. This book has great art that is cute and fun and gives a great view of Japanese living and what lessons Japanese culture makes sure are visible within everyday life.

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I initially got this as a free ebook from NetGalley but I wasn't fast enough to finish it so I ended up buying it because I did like what I've read and I wanted this book for the illustrations and just the general information about Japan. There were already things mentioned in this book that I knew from my Japanese classes but there was a lot of information that was new to me and I liked that. It's definitely a cute, little book about life in Japan and the history of the country and I'm glad I own it. Definitely recommend this if you're a little bit interested in the Japanese culture and country.

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I quite enjoyed this book, it's chock-full of interesting tidbits about Japanese life. The author has mostly glowing things to say, but is honest with his views on certain things, which is refreshing, and makes the book feel like a friend is talking to you. The information is concise, but full- you won't feel shortchanged. This is a perfect read for anyone getting ready to travel to Japan, anyone interested in Japan, and let's not forget any non-Japanese otaku!

#TheLittleBookofJapaneseLiving #NetGalley

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Having living in Japan for a short while, I thought this book was a lovely companion to refresh my fondness for Japan. It did a wonderful job of examining the Japanese way of life, culture, values and how they maintain it today.
Visually, it was well organized and easy to read - I highly recommend!

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Thank you to NetGalley for an arc of The Little Book of Japanese Living.

I was unable to download the PDF so I had to wait until I picked up a hardcover.

I love Japan and all things Japanese and this little book is exactly what it touts itself to be; a little book about Japan, the Japanese, their incredible culture, the cities, the people, the food, the life, their rituals and their ceremonies.

The book ideally encapsulates the traditional and modernity of Japan, offering locals and travel lovers a CliffsNotes version of all there is to experience, enjoy and love about Japan.

I love Japan and I love this book!

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I found quite some books about quick Japanese culture on my last month's visit to the local East Asian Museum Bookshop. Those books are written mostly in English, explaining the adaption of Japanese culture in modern globalised society. One of my favourite books is an explanation on each Emoji that originated from Japan. However, none of these books I found better than "The Little Book of Living Japanese".

First of all, I praise for adding Japanese after each mentioned specific terms. There are many books in English that only provide the romanisation, which in my opinion is a pity. Reading original Japanese gives a very positive vibe, and for those who cannot read Japanese or Chinese, it is definitely not a bother. Characters or the Japanese writing system is one of the most important bearers of its fantastic culture, and certainly it deserves to be there. In addition, by having Japanese added after each geographic terms, for readers who have an actual interesting in visiting Japan, visually is a great help.

Moreover, the author has a very humorous way of expression. His opinion is objective mostly, to the point, informative and funny. He explains lots of concept, some of them are originated from China or other countries, but his explanations make the concept very well elaborated.

Last but not least, the illustrations are quite nice too. They are simple, quite Zen, so to speak. They match concepts such as Wabi Sabi, etc. The combination of ancient and modern, the smooth transition between past and future are all well presented in the book.

It's a light weighted read, relaxing and definitely boosted my interest to visit Japan.

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This is an interesting book for anyone with an interest in learning more about Japanese culture. I don't fully agree that the title suits the book though as initially the book is very focused on explain the different cities and islands of Japan which I felt wasn't necessary to get a sense of what the culture of Japan is like. Having lived in Japan myself I think it is a good book for anyone who has been to Japan and wanted to find out more or maybe someone who has a strong interest in Japanese culture. I have seen similar books like this before on Japanese culture so I don't believe it is an original idea.

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The book I downloaded seemed a little off and a lot of interconnecting words seemed missing. It seemed to be a fascinating collection of random information that usual guide books will not provide about another's country.
I would have liked to read the full version but since I did not, I am reviewing only what I saw and will be unable to post this rating on social media sites

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Thank you to Netgalley and White Lion Publishing for sharing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was a nice little book all about Japan. The first part of the book addresses the regions of the country. Further along subjects as diverse as foods and anime get a look in with a fair bit of information included for all the bigger the book is. There are plenty of photographs to accompany text and make it a good book to pick up for a little look every now and then.

Overall, I'd give this a solid 3.5 stars.

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Un sunto semplice ma efficace dei principi base della vita giapponese.
Al momento sono forse troppo pubblicizzati e rimasticati in semplicistiche istruzioni, ma se si riesce a guardarne la sostanza molto rimane valido e applicabile a una vita più serena e ordinata.

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This book is more than a travel inspiration, as it offers useful insights into the history, culture, geography and everyday life. It is helpful if you want to plan a comprehensive non-touristy itinerary or just to get an introduction to Japan. In less than 100 pages one can discover the basic information about this country. The illustrations are also inspired and match the text nicely. I particularly liked the section dedicated to literature and poetry, but it's a pity it does not include a paragraph of references to contemporary voices (not necessarily Murakami).

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*received for free from netgalley for honest review* This was a really fascinating book! I learned a lot of things I didn't know that were really interesting. For how short this book is it has so much information! some amazing photos as well.

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This book is a small gem. Having lived in Japan for many years, I don't really expect to learn anything new when I read a book like this, but Yazawa manages to liberally slip in fascinating tidbits of information that surprised and educated me!

This book feels very fresh in comparison to other guides to Japan. It is highly readable and whether you know nothing or almost everything about Japan this book could be on your list of Must-Reads. Equally impressive is the presentation of information and what Yazawa has chosen to highlight. It's truly a taste of Japan that will leave the reader wanting another helping. It is also visually attractive and I'd easily recommend it to anyone planning a trip to Japan. If you've read a number of guides to Japan and are ready for something different--and better, this is your book.

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An insider overview of Japanese locations / history and culture with good photos and illustrations.
Very useful as a travel / tourist guide, pocket sized and compact.
Overall simple and elegant.

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Japan has been a bit of a scary place from cultural point of view for those thinking of a long term visit or exploring the whole country, this book helps.

This book / guide helps you with some basic pointers and gives you a practical knowledge base for all things Japanese.

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I have to say that after finishing the book, I think that the "scandi" one was way weaker than this one.

When I finished the last page, all I could think about was that I really want to visit Japan. There is not much to add.

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This is a beautiful book. There is a wide variety of information presented to the reader in an easy to access manner. The photographs are breathtaking. Even if you are not planning a trip to Japan anytime soon, this book will make you feel like you experienced it.

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