Member Reviews

Very good and suspenseful novel! I was glued from the start. The relationship between Kerry and Janine was off the charts. This writer is excellent in depicting detailed prose throughout the book. The way she described Kerry and Janine’s trip to Molokili to snorkel was so beautifully described. The way she described the emergency explosion, crash landing on the ocean, and their time on the raft waiting to be rescued was intense and I felt like I was right there with the characters. Totally enjoyed this book!

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It is clear that Tizard understands flying and is able to create detailed scenes because of it. However, I think this book needed a bit of focus as it tackled a bit too much.

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Tizard showcases her superb knowledge of planes, flying and the extreme danger if things go wrong.

Esteemed Captain Kerry Sullivan loves flying and it all gets a bit more exciting when a new face joins the crew. Flight Attendant Janine Case is private but there's an instant connection between the two.

It's worth noting that Janine's back story is quite extreme and readers should be forwarned about triggers.

If you're a fan of flying and fast romances, this is possibly in the ballpark for you.

What I liked about the book was the detail Tizard shared about the 767 and flying in general as it's a big part of the journey. Beyond that, the character and romance development could have been deeper as it seemed quite thin.

Fair warning, I'm a hard marker. Based on the Goodreads rating system - it was ok = 2 stars.

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This story unfolded way too fast for me and some major parts of the plot never developed or you never heard about them again.
Overall well written, especially when she writes about planes but romance fell flat.

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This story had some questionable character decisions, but it was not boring. Captain Kerri Sullivan is a talented pilot, and popular with her coworkers...except for the ones who know her ex-girlfriends. Janine is her new coworker, a flight attendant and single mom on the run from an abusive husband.

There's a LOT going on in this story and there was enough material for 3 books. Part 1: a workplace meet cute and first date. Part 2: a flight disaster story and adventure on the high seas. Since Janine and Kerri are trapped on a lifeboat with dozen of passengers, there's not a lot of romance here. Part 3: After their rescue rescue, this turns into a legal drama where Kerri has to defend herself from a conspiracy to discredit her, while Janine extricates herself from an unwelcome reunion with her husband, who basically kidnaps her.

The story is engaging and fast paced, but skips over a lot of loose ends. Janine is a pretty sympathetic character and we see her learn to trust over the course of the book. But I didn't find Kerri likable, She initially blames her "beautiful" but insufficiently "kind" exes for her many failed relationships, and she doesn't really grow or change over the story.

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I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review of the story.

They’d both learned how life can change in an instant,

The first time you meet.
The first date.
The first kiss.
The first misunderstanding.
The first life or death experience.

It all changes your life and can accelerate or destroy a relationship, a family and career.

Well written story with two major plot lines. Kerri and Janine start out as most people, a park of chemistry. A feeling if comfort together.

Then the gossip mill takes its toll of a budding relationship. It's not easy dating coworkers.

And then, life turns on a dime and your courage is tested.

I recommend this romance novel - characters develop nicely and there is room for a sequel if the author chooses that route.

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I don't know what to say about this one...I liked the story, it kept me interested, plotwise, to see where it would lead. But the characters were a bit flat and underdeveloped for me...and everything went way too fast. If you want to read a book about a flight crew who tries to survive a plane crash along with all their passengers, then okay.
If you want to read a book with characters you can relate too, invest in and whose relationship develops at a normal pace, without jumping over several big problems, then don't pick this up.

"I love you" after one kiss? Deciding to spend the future together without meeting the (disabled) daughter? No issues at all when it comes to intimacy after the wedding she had? I think the book was too short for all the stuff in it... why mention the disabled daughter if it has no follow up in the story? But maybe I am too harsh..I dunno.

** I am thankful to have received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. **

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Kerri is an airline pilot who previously was a Don Juan sort, but, as the book starts, definitely wants more from her relationships. Janine is a flight attendant who winds up on Kerri's plane a few times. She has a daughter and is on the run from an abusive husband.

Then they both wind up on a flight that Kerri has to make an emergency water landing with. Things only get worse from there, but before they're rescued and after, during the investigation. While they're getting closer as a couple, trying to survive, and Kerri is trying to keep her livelihood, there's also this looming presence of Janine's sort of ex-husband too. Which at times was almost terrifying.

I personally liked all the airplane stuff in this book. It was cool, and different. But, then again, I'm a hard core nerd, so, take that with whatever grain of salt you'd like. I also thought that it was going to be a lot more complicated near the end, relationship wise and other plot wise, but, then, I got there and it seemed just a tad bit rushed right at the very end. I don't know, perhaps I just wanted to drag out what I thought was a pretty cool book.

I was given this ARC by Netgalley on behalf of Bold Strokes Books.

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I thought this book was awesome! I love plane crash books, especially with strong lesbian characters. Adding in the abusive marital drama with Janine made for a thrilling few hours. There were times when I had a visceral reaction to the dramatic writing of the plane emergency and a moment where I almost yelled out and pumped my fist at the ending. The detailed writing about flight procedures was incredible. I felt like I was reading nonfiction it was so realistic. I think some of the writing was a little simplistic but very few authors write perfectly at the beginning of their career. I can say this book is so good I'll be buying this author's first book and any more that she writes. I highly recommend this book! I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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3.25 Stars. I thought this book was okay. There were parts I really enjoyed, others not so much. I think Tizard tried to pack too much in instead of sticking to just one or two things and nailing them. I have to say that I enjoyed her debut book, The Road to Wings, more than this one. She’s still on my radar as an author because what she does well she does really well, I just hope her next book will feel more complete.

This is a story about Captain Kerri, a passenger airplane pilot and Janine, a single mom who recently became a flight attendant. There is some instant attraction there but Janine doesn’t trust her feelings for Kerri. Can these two have a chance at a future or will outside forces get in their way?

I had trouble with the romance. While there was a little chemistry at first, Janine gives very clear signals that she is not interested. What does Kerri do, she starts to stalk her. Wow, that was unexpected and changed my opinion of Kerri. And the whole time we think Janine is not interested in Kerri for one reason… and then out of the blue it’s another reason all together. It made no sense. And it’s not a little reason either, instead it’s a huge gigantic reason that could take up a whole book just on its own. It did not seem to fit with the rest of the book. It felt like Tizard had two ideas but could not pick just one, so she stuffed them together. Unfortunately after this occurred, the romance lost me. The romance also turned pretty insta lovey on top of everything and it never recovered for me.

I also felt the character development was lacking some. The surprise about Janine, that came out of nowhere, felt forced and became too much of her identity. You need a much longer book or a book on a different subject to tackle a character with this kind of history. It was even worse with Kerri since I don’t know anything about her besides that she’s a good Captain and loves to fly. Some people accused her of being a player, others acted like she walked on water. Was she actually a player or was that a lie? Is she really ready to be in a committed relationship with a woman who has a child? I don’t know any of these answers because I just don’t know about Kerri.

On the good side, and there were some really good things in this book, was the plane and the flying. Tizard knows her stuff. Even when I didn’t understand what every button meant or every switch did, I was completely engrossed in the flying scenes. They were extremely exciting and good entertainment. From the 30% mark until the 60% mark, this book is great! I could not stop reading for a second, I was completely enthralled. This part was just so good that I just wish the rest of the book held up to it in comparison.

While I’m only giving this a slightly above average score and I clearly had issues with this book, I would still recommend it to most lesfic fans. One third of the book is so good that I think even with the other issues, the book is still worth the read. If Tizard could just turn that 30% into 100% she would have a huge hit on her hands. She has a lot of potential for sure.

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This novel satisfied the nerdy parts of me that’s interested about how commercial pilots fly enormous planes and the safety and teamwork involved during emergencies. I felt like I was right there in the cockpit or side by side with the flight attendants at their most dire situation. Unlike some other reviewers, I felt the romance was spot on. Theirs is a romance accelerated due to stressful and unusual circumstances. And who could blame Janine for being cautious after what she has been through. I enjoyed this book and see that this author’s writing is maturing with this pretty good second novel in her library.

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I have mixed feelings about this book. Had this been an action novel about a plane crash I would have enjoyed it immensely, the author clearly knows her stuff when it comes to flying and the scenes about the emergency and the aftermath were very gripping. The romance aspect didn't do it for me - there was too much telling and not enough showing, one of the main characters was basically stalking and harassing the other, feelings developed way too quickly, and I found Kerri very unappealing - her getting Janine's private contact details and repeatedly trying to get in touch with her, changing her flight rota to see her, holding a gun to Mr Shapiro's head etc really bothered me and made me feel uncomfortable. Some bits of the book - Janine's abusive husband, the investigation committee being out to get Kerri, Stacey Gentry turning up to save the day - were too far-fetched and not particularly believable.

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I have mixed feelings with this book. On the one hand I liked the topic and even its development but what I did not like very much has been that there are too many things that the author wants to include in the story and then she does not explain them well. I also didn't like it much that it happens in such a short space of time, since that makes it less believable. And finally, I have not liked some of the issues that it includes, but in this case, since they are not fully explained, they have not disgusted me as much as they would have done if they had been more detailed, and I have appreciated that.

As it happened in the previous book of this author, "The Road to Wings", there are many details about the piloting of an airplane or the parts of it, for some it can be excessive, at some point it has been for me but not until the point of making me leave the book.

It has some tense moments, others that made me very angry at its unfairness, quite unjustified and meaningless. And as I said, the author wants too much to happen and that makes the story rushed for the most part, missing many opportunities to focus on important things.

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Good, bad and wonderful
Kerri is an airline captain who adores her job and her life. The only thing missing and something she is desperate to have, is a woman to share it with. On a flight to Hawaii, something goes horrible wrong and she is forced to undergo a water landing. The only other crew member on her raft is the lovely yet aloof Janine, whom she once shared a magical kiss with. Janine wants Kerri but she knows it can never be. She has a secret, she and her special needs daughter are on the run from her very abusive husband and she will do whatever it takes to keep them safe. She just has to survive being lost at sea first…

Oh My! This book is so full of action and adventure! It’s beautiful, scary, dangerous and hopeful while also being so full of drama and love. I have to insert a warning though. The husband was so awful, controlling and evil… He controls Janine and makes her live in fear for her and her daughter. There are discussions of his sexual and physical abuse, including drugging her and sexually passing her around. I wasn’t expecting that and it hit on my triggers. It’s not really in-depth but it is there and he sticks around for several chapters but there is no more sexual abuse. Eventually, he does go away for good but it’s tense while he is there. The ending is wonderful and so peaceful…they have found true happiness and are well on their way to becoming a family and I loved that!

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This was an intense and interesting read that had many twists and turns for the two main characters, Kerri and Janine, plus their flight crew and passengers. The author had obviously been a pilot with the numerous technical details shared in the story. The backstory of Janine's husband added an nice twist to the story. I do wish there was more of a description provided for the intimate scenes between Kerri and Janine. That part of the story felt a little lacking.

I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a read about women and the roles they should and should not assume. This is also a read about relationships, friendships, family, and domestic abuse. Airline Captain Kerri Sullivan is excellent at her job but has to prove herself everyday to show that she is able and capable of everything involved in flying an aircraft. She is also good with the ladies and it is a reputation she is not proud of and would like to change. Flight Attendant Janine Case has worked hard to make a better life for herself and her daughter away from a not so good family life. Janine is unsure if connecting with Kerri is a good idea. I enjoyed the information provided about airplanes and flying as well as the flight attendant responsibilities. There was much detail which in my opinion was informative and a good thing. The abuse description was bothersome and unsettling. Interactions with her daughter was wonderful. What was a bit unexpected and made me go huh, was the ending.

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This is a book I am very conflicted about. On one level it's a super-cool nerd fest about planes and pilots with delicious levels of detail about flaps, thrust and rudder pedals, but as well as all of that there's a cringe-worthy cliché laden, colour by numbers romance. (They declare their love for each other twelve days after they meet, endless miscommunications *eyeroll*)

On the plus-side the tension of the drama and adventure elements of the plot are really well written. The section dealing with the emergency water landing is insanely gripping (I read that in the small ours of the night as I just couldn't put the book down!) Also the sex scenes are really hot and Kerri has a strong appreciation for boobs, something I can relate to!

Unfortunately, some of the other plotlines, like the one dealing with Janine's family seem very rushed and clumsily put together. I would love to have been a developmental editor working with the author on this novel, there is so much potential, but rushing to easy resolutions means it cannot fulfil it. There are also some glaring inconsistencies: a character in a walker in one scene, doesn't need it in the next; another is lauded for control and a gentle nature even after holding a gun to a man's head.

If you like planes this is probably worth reading if not you might just find this really frustrating.

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This is a book I am very conflicted about. On one level it's a super-cool nerd fest about planes and pilots with delicious levels of detail about flaps, thrust and rudder pedals, but as well as all of that there's a cringe-worthy cliché laden, colour by numbers romance. (They declare their love for each other twelve days after they meet, endless miscommunications *eyeroll*)

On the plus-side the tension of the drama and adventure elements of the plot are really well written. The section dealing with the emergency water landing is insanely gripping (I read that in the small ours of the night as I just couldn't put the book down!)

Unfortunately, some of the other plotlines, like the one dealing with Janine's family seem very rushed and clumsily put together. I would love to have been a developmental editor working with the author on this novel, there is so much potential, but rushing to easy resolutions means it cannot fulfil it. There are also some glaring inconsistencies: a character in a walker in one scene, doesn't need it in the next; another is lauded for control and a gentle nature even after holding a gun to a man's head.

If you like planes this is probably worth reading if not you might just find this really frustrating.

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I loved this author’s first book, A Road to Wings. It was very detailed and even though the romance took a back seat to the character earning her wings, I still felt a connection between the two mains. With that in mind, I was looking forward to the author’s next book. The Flight to the Horizon was also detailed and well written in describing the pilot and flight attendants’ duties aboard the plane.

Captain Kerri Sullivan was also known as Don Juanita, a reputation she earned based upon her history among flight attendants and love them and leave them behavior. One flight attendant who had been seduced and then dumped by Kerri was so distraught she had to transfer to another state so she wouldn’t run into Kerri anymore. Newly transferred to LA, flight attendant Janine Case who was known as the Ice Princess since she basically kept to herself, soon found herself on Kerri’s radar and also quickly succumbed to her charms until she was cautioned by other attendants about Kerri’s reputation. Both women had nicknames that reflected their behavior, and each in their own way was ashamed of their past and tried to change it. However, Janine’s past soon caught up with her again in the form of her abusive and manipulative husband.

When Kerri had to make an emergency water landing, she and Janine bonded while they waited to be rescued along with many other passengers. Facing the possibility of death, the women spoke about their past, especially Janine who was hiding from her rich husband in order to not only protect herself but her 6 year old daughter. While I was reading this part of the story, certain scenes left me with too many questions as to why these characters did certain things, especially Kerri. Then, after being rescued, their work relationship became a love relationship. It developed rather quickly and I didn’t sense that strong of a connection between them yet.

As previously stated, I think the author did a great job with the detailed aspect of the story regarding the duties of the pilot and flight attendants, but I had trouble with the characters’ behavior and actions. Personally, I would have enjoyed the story better if certain parts had more time to develop, even over a few months, not just the 15 days: from the characters’ initial contact -to their declaration of love- to the conclusion of the NTSB findings and report.
This author writes well and certain parts of the storyline were very interesting. If you enjoy rescue stories and quick love connections then you will definitely enjoy this one.
Even though I didn’t enjoy this book as much as the author’s first book, I still look forward to reading her future novels.
3.5 stars
An ARC was given for an honest review

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This one has a fairly good plot, strong characters, good writing – but fluctuates in its ability to hold interest.

Kerri Sullivan is a dream captain to fly with. Janine Case is a new flight attendant on a flight to Hawaii. Kerri had one liaison with a colleague (also a flight attendant) and that had ended very badly so though she is intensely attracted to the insanely attractive Janine, she is leery about acting on the attraction. Janine is extremely reserved and keeps to herself during layovers. However, the two women end up spending the day together, snorkelling. And their chemistry is undeniable. On their return flight, they share an unforgettable kiss. And right after that, Janine is warned off Kerri by a fellow flight attendant and to Kerri’s confusion, Janine disappears on her and all her efforts to reach Janine are met with radio silence. Desperate, Kerri manages to get on the next flight on which Janine is scheduled. Hoping for conversation, instead Kerri finds herself in midst of a disaster when the engine of her plane gives way setting of a series of other emergencies. Kerri and Janine are the only two crew members on a raft full of stranded passengers. In the midst of the fraught rescue mission, Janine starts opening up about herself to Kerri and the two get closer.

First, things we really liked – Janine. Definitely Janine. The author gives Janine a harrowing past but a strong personality. Juxtaposed together with her willingness to take a chance of love, she is someone we loved. Kerri is steady but Janine’s story just overtakes everything else. Their scenes together were excellent and the chemistry between them was palpable. The almost insta-love between the two is also believable.

The problem we had with the book was the excessive technical detailing of flying. We get that some detailing adds to the authenticity, but this was just way too much and had us skipping parts. The other issue was the ease and speed of the resolution of both, Kerri’s and Janine’s difficult situations. Taking something from the movie Scully (landing on water, investigation post-landing), the appearance of a saviour with all answers was too abrupt. Similarly, Janine’s monster of a husband was taken care of and disposed off with surprising ease.

This book had us wishing that there was more development of the characters and the relationship between them but it was still an okay read.

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