Member Reviews

Honestly, I'm doing this review about a year or more after reading the book, and I'm still thinking about it. The characters are compelling, the storyline is thrilling, and I really would love to read many more like this. I'm a huge sucker for the co-parents to lovers trope.

I found the conversations between ( not the main characters) Monique and Jimbob, sickly sweet and stilted. Almost too perfect. I got a bit confused in some bits as, especially at the beginning, there seemed a lot of secondary characters. This is a 3 star, which to me is good book but not perfect. It certainly was fictional - very far fetched would be accurate and some plot devices didn’t really go anywhere or were as developed as they could be. However the book held my interest. Some character interactions were well done and parts of the book flowed really well. I think it would have benefitted from more development of some situations and people and a bit less all goodies good and all baddies bad in some cases.

Not a fan of the cover? It's okay, neither was I.
Not a fan of the blurb? It's okay, it doesn't tell the whole story.
Willow has some preconceptions about the Delacroix family, but when she has deal with "Tucker" she will find be reminded of the most basic of lessons: Appearances can be deceiving.

Ali Vali usually has a way that keeps me turning the pages but this one didn't work for me. I just didn't get it nor did I believe the main characters romance with each other.

I didn't feel the chemistry between the two characters and the jumping the gun accusing each other really bothered me. After the deaths I started liking the story and characters more but half the book was over at that point. This was a good romantic read but it wasn't outstanding.

Probably more than 3 stars but definitely not 4 stars.
With names like Bubba, Tucker and Jim Bob, this seems like you're going to be in for a crazy ride and it delivered that. I have some negative thoughts about the behaviours of some (possibly all characters) and whilst I feel it was intentional, it wasn't enjoyable. I also found the dialogue, specifically who was talking, a bit tricky sometimes. Still an enjoyable read. Vali knows how to deliver stories with steam.

I have to admit, I was a bit hesitant in reading this book at first, largely because of the naming choice of the main character's brother as Jim Bob, and his lover, Monique. They just weren't working for me. However, I gave the book a try and was pleasantly surprised.
I learned a bit about the oiling industry, just a little and how it works and the type of people involved that build up the community that supports it. The relationship between Tucker and Monique's sister, Willow, was at first, I thought, quite rushed, but I soon found that the author knew what she was doing in portraying things, especially the dynamics of work and romance relationships.
The aspects of family were spot on in this story and was more what made me enjoy it, rather than the romance between Willow and Tucker, which surprised even me. It's been a while since I've read a story with family values that actually encouraged me to keep reading solely based on that. I would recommend this book as a light read to anyone who likes a story about family values and the lengths people will go to stay together and support one another.

This wasn't my favorite Ali Vali book. Matter of fact it lost me in the beginning and was hard to pick back up.
Although I finished it the romance just fell flat for me.

Yes, this is what you expect to see from a Ali Vali novel. Family is everything in this story. The Delacroix Clan is basically like the Casey Clan, but unlike Cain Casey, Tucker Delacroix keeps within the law. And yes, don’t read the blurb, it gives away most of the plot.
And, oh boy, that plot was over the top. Vali serves more family drama than the average telenovela. Communication between Tucker and Willow is barely there and so we go through this whole silly song and dance after they fall into bed together. That lasts throughout most of the book until suddenly it’s all good again. Tucker was such a dude in everything she did. I really don’t see the appeal to be honest. On top of that her character was flawless in looks and deeds, you could just slap a halo on her and be done. I was not a fan of Willow either. She was vindictive and shrill and lost her cool more than once.
The Inheritence failed to convince me, but if you like your drama big, your butches flawless and your femmes emotionally unstable then this is your story.
f/f explicit
Themes: American South, oil, family is everything, death comes a knockin' , drama-lama telenovela style, so butch even the kid calls her daddy.
3.4 Stars
* A free copy was provided by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

5 out of 5 stars
This is a romance by one of my favorite authors. In this book we are presented with family drama, death, and the start of new love. From the very beginning of the book I was able to connect with the characters. Ms. Vali has a great skill of developing her characters in a way which readers feel as though they know them well. The characters are strong and vibrant individuals who provide a strong backbone for the book. Her plots have a great pace; they are thorough and multi-faceted.
The storyline is a little confusing because of multiple parallel events taking place. Augusta “Tucker” Delacroix runs the family business with her brother, Jim Bob Delacroix. Jim Bob is in a loveless marriage which includes an alcoholic wife and two spoiled adult children. As a result, he meets and falls in love with Monique Vernon and they have a baby. While starting the dissolution of his marriage so that he can be with Monique, Jim Bob dies and leaves very specific instructions in his will as to how his share of the business is to be handled and how his estate is to be distributed. Tucker steps up to take care of Monique and the boy. Unfortunately, within a few months of Jim Bob’s death, Monique dies and her sister, Willow, now feels that she should be the one to take care of the child. Tucker and Willow meet and sparks fly despite the collision of their different worlds.
I enjoy how Ms. Vali is able to bring multiple sub-plots together and make the book interesting. I highly recommend The Inheritance to anyone who loves romance with a good storyline. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.
I received this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

I think my expectations were too high for this book. I expected the story to start with the two MCs thrown together as guardians of the titular “inheritance” and the resulting slow burn with lots of tension, domestic moments and spicy/sweet scenes.
That didn’t happen. We get a sudden sex scene shortly after the MCs meet, then they go their separate ways and basically are not together for the majority of the book, only to have everything come together right before the end of the book like a switch was flipped. There are also scenes written from practically everyone’s POV, including a lukewarm MF sex scene that I didn’t really need to experience.
One interesting thing about the multiple POVs is we get an interesting take on how femmes and butches are treated by men. Willow is very careful around men, wondering if she’s in danger or being hit on, while Tucker is relaxed and buddy-buddy with the guys.
The relationship between Tucker and Willow basically goes nowhere until about the 80% mark when the switch flipped and bam! HEA. I didn’t feel any chemistry other than lust. Willow is shrill, vindictive and jealous. She comes across as somewhat unstable and holds a grudge like nobody’s business.
I fell for the blurb, but the actual book disappoints.
Rating: 2.5 stars

This was a very typical Ali Vali book. You have the Butch main character who is incredibly rich and good looking, not to mention incredibly polite and seems to know the needs of every woman she meets. You have the ditzy, but then strong female partner. You have the tart who tries to break them up.
Tucker Delacroix is an oil woman, she comes from a small but mighty family. Her mother and father are perfect and understanding of her in every way possible. Willow Vernon comes from a more broken home and her father is mentioned at the end of the book for about two sentences then you never hear from him again. The plot centers around what I believe is an implausible circumstance and comes off as something out of a soap opera. I will let you read it and learn about it on your own.
The book was awesome even if it was sappy at points and read like a soap opera. I thought Willow was interesting, She was the perfect foil for Tucker and her arrogance. I thought the baby was written poorly, the things this baby was supposed to be able to do at six months were incredibly advanced. The book was too sappy in certain places, but it was nice to read an Ali Vali book again. She continues to be one of my favorite authors.

This is not your typical lesficbook. The main characters, Augusta (aka Tucker) and Willow are fully fleshed out. They are very strong female characters. Tucker's brother, Jim Bob, was having an affair with Willow's sister, Monique. Monique becomes pregnant. Both her and Jim Bob want the child. Suddenly, Jim Bob, dies. Shortly thereafter and after the birth, Monique dies, too. Willow begins taking care of the child, but Tucker wants to be in the child's life and wants him to have the family last name. Can Tucker and Willow overcome the battle for the child? Once Monique's will is read, it will become clear as to what will happen and everyone is surprised.
Would recommend.
I received this ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest opinion.

A typical Ali Vali romance with her butch femme dynamic characters meeting and then having sex by chapter two (first date). I didn't like either of the characters at first, both formulaic and the femme Willow was unnecessarily furious that she had slept with a woman so quickly and then blaming the butch Tucker for that. Instead I found Tucker's brother Jim-Bob great fun and far more interesting, especially with his alcoholic wife and badly behaved grown up children. Tragedy strikes both Tucker and Willow and they are left with an interesting inheritance to take care off, then the book finally finds its feet and a wonderful story emerges, redeeming a slightly shaky start.
With thanks to net galley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you NetGalley and the publishers, Bold Strokes Books Inc., of 'The Inheritance' for affording me the opportunity to read the book and review it. This is the first book I have read by this author.
This was a complex read. I struggled with the names and nicknames the characters were each given. The syntax too had me out of my comfort zone for the opening chapters, but this was just a different style for me, rather than it being down to author errors. Once the pace got going it was hard to put the book down but the language is so rich and diverse that inevitably I found myself slowing my reading down so that I could absorb the combined enjoyment of richness of the language, dialogue and storyline. I cant recall the last time I cried reading a book, but I did with this. There is a lot to process but the author more than delivers and it's an engrossing read. 4.5 *

The dialogue was well written, the Louisiana setting came alive and the main characters had great chemistry. The things mentioned in the blurb didn't happen until the second half of the book, and the fact that the two leads got together, fell out and re-connected was an interesting twist which I found refreshing. The supporting characters, like Jefferson, Monique and Jim Bob, were well developed and added to the story beyond just moving the plot on. The dialogue was witty and the story itself was well written. Having said that I found some aspects of this book disturbing, such as the entirely inappropriate relationship one of the main characters had with her assistant, the power imbalance between the main characters, and the fact that one of the leads was actually considering abducting a child if the custody issue didn't work out in her favour! None of these felt believable. A touch of realism would have made this book more enjoyable for me.

This is one of my favourites by Ali Vali!
This book is hard to summarize, so much happens, and I don't want to give too much away. When Tucker and Willow meet at a business meeting, and their attraction is undeniable. The two women might just be on the cusp of starting something real, when Tucker's brother dies and throws her life spinning out of control with his greedy almost ex-wife and children, and his new girlfriend and her son. Tucker and Willow are soon thrust together in a totally different context, and find themselves butting heads more often than not. Will the embers of their attraction see them through to the end, or will life keep pulling them apart?
This book has a lot of drama, lots of ups and downs and over the tops, but damn it was so entertaining. There was never a dull moment, with plenty of characters you loved to love and others you loved to hate. I love the way Vali always portrays loving, loyal, families - even with all the drama you come away with such a good feeling in your heart. Willow is so fierce, she's an amazing character, and the perfect partner for Tucker. The chemistry between Willow and Tucker is absolutely insane, but it takes a back seat pretty quickly and what follows is a slow burn romance. A little backwards from the classic path, but extremely satisfying in the end.
I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The Inheritance is a family drama with the strong women we’ve grown to expect in novels penned by Ali Vali. Tucker Delacroix holds her own running an oil supply business with her brother Jim Bob. The opening scenes help illustrate the bond these two share and make it clear that Tucker runs the business while her brother deals with his own personal dramas. Willow Vernon is the classic femme with a spine. She and her sister Monique are close and supportive of each other even though Willow hates the fact that the married man who fathered Monique’s infant son is not taking an active role in her life.
Tucker and Willow connect at a business meeting. Instant sparks and instant attraction lead to a mutually satisfying one night stand. What happens next needs to be read to be appreciated. There are breakups, reconciliations and heartbreak in many of the novels we read but Ali Vali does herself proud with the structure of this story. No question there is foretelling of things to come and that is intentional and pulls the reader into their lives and their drama. Things are going to get messy and there is nothing to do but see if the main players can pull up from the nosedive.
The blurb for this novel does not reflect the true nature of the story and that is unfortunate. Miscommunication factors large in the telling and Willow comes across as emotional and often cruel in her treatment of both her sister and Tucker. Resolution may slip into telenovela territory and me and my bowl of popcorn were fine with that. Lots of emotions, satisfying ending.
Well done.
ARC received with thanks from the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review.

Wow. I found myself reading The Inheritance very late into the night because I couldn’t wait to find out what happened next. This book had everything…compelling characters, captivating story, love, romance, tragedy, drama, entitlement, greed and redemption. Tucker and Willow are such strong characters and the push & pull between them is very well written. The secondary characters also add so much color to this story. Jim Bob and Monique are so loving yet very misunderstood. Ivy, Bubba & Tara are so ungrateful and entitled. And you can’t help but laugh & enjoy all of Stella’s funny sayings. And Grady is simply adorable.
A very refreshing read!

This was a bit of a bore to read and the characters not very inspired. The plot was good, but changed were bland,