Member Reviews

In Every Missing Piece by Melanie Conklin, sixth grader, Maddy has developed a sort-of reputation with local law enforcement due to a number of false reports. It's not that she meant for them to be false reports, she just sees danger in situations before she stops to think about what else can be going on. She has promised not to make any more calls to the sheriff; a promise that's become really hard to keep now that she thinks she's found Billy Holcomb, a boy who has been missing for months.
While she searches for "evidence" before she makes another call, she is also dealing with the normal issues of being a middle schooler (bullies, friend drama, and boys) and the not-so-normal issues that it seems like only she has to deal with (crippling anxiety about safety, a lack of connection with her stepfather, and the sadness that shadows her entire life).
I fell in love with Maddy from the very beginning of this story. She is earnest in her worries but you see right away that they are a result of a pretty big hurt. A hurt so big that it's coloring her perception of everyone and everything around her. I think kids are going to relate to Maddy's school and step-parent issues, while watching her show them how to navigate big loss and worries.
Recommended for grades 4 and up

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Every Missing Piece by Melanie Conklin is an engaging middle grade book with believable, likeable characters and a mystery to keep one's interest piqued. The problems the characters are dealing with are very plausible for this age group and the ending doesn't seem contrived. I will definitely be recommending this book to my readers.

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Every Missing Piece is an incredibly moving and entertaining book with loads of heart. Conklin addressed serious themes of domestic abuse and family death with sensitivity and in a manner appropriate for the target reader. Students will definitely enjoy this story as it showcases many themes relevant to their lives- friendship, family, and adjusting to changing circumstances. Highly recommend.

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I received this ARC from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Maddy has a reputation with the police as the girl who cried wolf. She sees danger everywhere since her father's death. Now,
a new kid has moved to town and she thinks he bears a remarkable resemblance to Billy Holcomb who went missing a few months before.

This book did a nice job dealing with Maddy's anxiety, and also with the idea that sometimes there isn't a clear line between right and wrong.

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Readers will love getting to know Maddy in Every Missing Piece. She is a strong character with strong beliefs, but she is also uncertain about things. This story unfolded beautifully. With each part of the plot, we got to know Maddy a little better and see how she was changing. There is a bit of mystery thrown in there that will keep readers wanting to read more. This is the second Melanie Conklin book I have read, and I have thoroughly enjoyed both. I can't wait to book talk Every Missing Piece with my students.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing me this text to review.

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