Member Reviews

In Princess Elizabeth's Spy, Maggie Hope has just failed the physical exams for the SOE. She's sent back to London and given a special assignment by PM Winston Churchill. There has been chatter about removing the King and possibly bringing back the Nazi sympathizing Royals, Duke and Duchess of Windsor, to take the throne. Also at risk is Princess Elizabeth, the heir to the throne.

When Maggie is assigned to Windsor Castle to serve as Math tutor to Princess Elizabeth, she almost wants to turn the assignment down. But when she's informed of the risk to the Royals, Maggie Hope is quick to adjust. She is in a strange place, with the hierarchies and snobbery of the servants downstairs and the ladies-in-waiting. But there are strange deaths and coded messages and Maggie Hope is able to cut through the smoke.

When Princess Elizabeth proves difficult, Maggie wins her over and finds a way to get her interested in coded messages. But when Princess Elizabeth is in grave danger, it takes more than Maggie Hope to recover Britain's most valuable young girl. A fun, entertaining read!

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I just finished reading this page turner. Susan Elia MacNeal spins a web of espionage to the point who don't truly know who the good guys are, and they change.
We travel the road in England during WWII, and before the American's enter. Maggie Hope, with her smarts and skill, is sent to protect the Princess's Elizabeth and Margaret, at Windsor Palace. While Maggie's desire is to be a spy on the Continent for the MI-5, she washes out in her training. Churchill wants to keep her and thus she is sent to Windsor.
Loved the relationships she develops with the Princesses. Can just picture them roaming around the dungeons. Also loved the way she got Elizabeth to enjoy math, her being her Maths instructor.
There is a touch of romance, but Maggie is still pining for John. There are also a lot of surprises along the way. The Nazi's are very clever, but you cannot tell who they are.
Enjoy this historical story, yes fiction, but a lot of fact packed in.

I received this book through Net Galley, and the Publisher Bantam, and was not required to give a positive review.

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