Member Reviews

Written using her own history and experience, Ready to Rise provides a lot of information, guidelines, and suggestions on how to break thru what's holding us back, and become an effective leader using our talents and skills that God gave us.

I enjoyed this book immensely. I love Jo's voice and her work. The book doesn't fit our needs as a library but I will certainly recommend it in readers advisory since it is available through our consortium and as an ebook.

This is the second book that I have read by Jo Saxton. I enjoy her writing style as I find it easy to follow - like I am having tea with her. This book talks about leadership and the pitfalls that women often fall into. It encourages women to rise from the pit falls and gives some practical advice on how to do so. I really liked the questions at the end of the chapters (and at the end of the book) as I found it a great motivator to apply some of what was taught. This would be a beneficial read for those in leadership or entering into leadership.
I received an Advance Review Copy of this book. All the opinions are my own.

Jo Saxton is an excellent author and leader. Her advice in Ready to Rise is succinct and practical. Though much of it didn't resonate with me as much as I would have expected, I recommend this book to any women who are leaders.

A must read. Jo challenges, encourages, and pushes the reader. This book has a healthy blend of humor, anecdotes about her own experience, and Biblical references.

I love how Jo goes to real women in leadership with questions to help her shape this book. Hearing you are not alone and having steps to overcome the discouragement you feel is so helpful and insightful.

I found this book to be an interesting high-level view of Saxton's perspective of empowering women. Saxton shares stories from a round table discussion she had with some women she encountered in some fashion. But it was unclear how or why all of those women ended up in these discussions, but much of the book centered around their conversations.
For me, this book wasn't very practical. It perhaps rather provided some ideas to think about and consider.

Loved reading this book, women leading, not hiding from their calling that God has given to them. BEAUTIFUL, just beautiful.

This book came at the perfect time. I am going to have to read and re-read this book and highlight and underline tons and tons. I have been so stuck trying to find out what my calling and purpose is in life and it's been one of the biggest struggles of my life.
This book really helps and talks about things so intimately, that I feel like Jo Saxton has sat in my living room, or somehow read my thoughts.
This book is for anyone struggling to find their place in life and wondering where they're supposed to go or do. Such a good book!!!

I'll read anything Jo writes, truthfully, and I was SO EXCITED when I received this early copy.
After graduating from college last year with my degree in Christian ministry, I was BURNT OUT and needing a break. But, I jumped right into ministry without even a second glance. This book really helped revive my sprit and remind me of the importance of my call in life. Jo has a way of writing that reminds me of a mentor relationship, that ability to call the best out of your while not being unaware of the darkness you need to move past as well.
This book was perfect. Grounded in biblical truth, well written, honest, often hard to read at how it made me feel - but so freaking necessary and important for all of us. Please, please read this!

This book changed my prayer life and I am so eternally thankful. Jo's voice, realness, and authentic encouragement is a fantastic read for a busy momma who sometimes gets too lost in life to focus much energy into praying. I love her applicable advice, genuine stories, and passion for women to grow in Christ.

I was so encouraged to read this new book by Jo Saxton. As a woman fully immersed in church ministry, her call to empowerment in my life and ministry was very needed and well-received. It's easy to believe that my voice doesn't matter or my passion needs to be restrained and her willingness to speak into those lies was so encouraging. Her bold voice resonates and clearly speaks into the times we find ourselves in. The way she wove in stories of Biblical women furthered the points that she was making. Don't hesitate to pick up this book if you are in need of some motivation in how you view your leadership.

Ready to Rise by Jo Saxton is a must read for all women. Even if you are not in a leadership role you will relate to so many of her stories and situations. I highlighted so many sections of this book that are encouraging and reminders. And sometimes a nugget that helped me know I am not alone in the situations I face.
It is amazing that Jo wrote this book before knowing we would be in a pandemic, economic and racial unrest. So many times in the book you felt that she was writing for this specific time period.
Jo addresses the challenges that women face in leadership, influence and accepting our gifts. She solidifies her messages with stories of her own personal journey, those of biblical times and women of today. Jo has a writing skill that makes you feel that she is talking directly to you.
I was able to read this book for free from netgalley in exchange for an honest review. However know that I enjoyed this book so much I bought it for three of my friends. This book would make an excellent book club selection. I am knew to Jo’s writing and speaking but am following her now and thrilled to have found her voice of encouragement.
I received this book from author and/or publisher. I was not required to write a positive review.
You can see my full review at More Than a Review dot com where I rate the level of sex, violence, language and drug/alcohol use in books.

While many women would benefit from reading Ready to Rise, it does read as a guide for those who are or want to be in leadership. It is both practical and personal, as Jo shares several of her own stories throughout.
One thing that bothered me as a reader, even though it brought a lot to the book: the ongoing meetings with a small group of women, written out as if you're watching a movie.
So and so smiled and said, so and so nervously laughed and looked at me, gathering the courage to continue...
As a reader, I kept thinking, "Really? You remember six months worth of conversations word for word, along with their body language as they spoke?" If the dinner conversations were recorded, I'd believe it. But that wasn't mentioned in the book, and so while those sections added to the message as a whole, they also frustrated me because it felt like a REALLY big stretch to remember pages upon pages of dialogue between several women.

Jo Saxton is a new author to me and all I can say is 'WOW'! If this book doesn't leave you feeling empowered; nothing will. Saxton writes from the heart telling people that we must use our gifts and talents to make changes in the world around us. Through personal essays and stories from the Bible, she reinforces each topic.
Chapters include; Women Who've Made a Difference, Say Yes to Who You Are, How to Build Your Village and so on. Readers can grow on these words! Reading Jo's writing is like sitting down with a friend. It's just a wonderful book with life-changing thoughts!
I received an Advance Review Copy of this book. All opinions are my own. @JoSaxton @tynedalehousepublishers

This book is inspirational and offers encouragement for women as leaders. If you're struggling with following your calling read this book. I found it very helpful and word recommend. Will use for my small group.

I was fortunate to receive an advance reader copy of ‘Ready to Rise’ at the perfect time. I grew up in the church and had spent some time away as an adult. I received my copy in the midst of a women’s retreat and a call to join a church that I have volunteered in over the last year.
Ready to Rise is a must read for women who are ready to equip themselves and step into leadership roles. The world is ready for women to pull a seat up to the table and contribute their God given gifts. Jo tackles the common scenarios that hinder women from stepping out from their comfort zone through both personal and world examples.
I highly recommend this read!

Well written, inspirational, encouraging book for women. There is so much in this book to encourage you to step into your calling and support each other as women in leadership. I really enjoyed it.
I received an advanced copy and this is my own opinion.

Amazing book for a time like this (and every day as a female leader)! This book is an amazing mix of authentic personal experiences, biblical truths, and inspiration. Highly recommend it!

I love Jo Saxton! I have heard her speak several times at If:Gathering and have always been so encouraged. "Ready to Rise" is no different. Jo calls and encourages women to rise together, find their voice, and influence their community. She talks through many real life issues that impact women and can deter them from fulfilling their God-given purpose. If you are in need of encouragement or just to know that other women are in the same boat, this is the book for you!