Member Reviews

Great beginning to this new series. Triplet sisters are gathered for Anne’s wedding to Jasper, Earl of Harcourt. However, her sister Thomasina is attracted to him and Jasper finds the attraction is mutual. Thomasina fills in for Anne at their engagement ball and then ends up the bride when Anne runs away.

This book has a great combination of romance and mystery. Anne’s disappearance is more than it seems and there is also a mystery that will carry on through the whole series.

Another great book from Jess Michaels and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the other Shelley triplets.

I received a review copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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This is the start of a new historical romance series featuring the Shelley triplets .

Jasper Kincaid, the Earl of Harcourt, needs the dowry from his future wife , not romance just the money .
However his new fiance decides she wants nothing to do with him , and , at his engagement ball he finds that her triplet sister , Thomasina , has become her replacement .
As the couple get to know each other their attraction grows - can they really be falling in love ?
But Jasper is keeping secrets , his former fiancé disappeared ...…….. what really happened .

I did not find myself as invested in the two main characters as I usually would in a book by this Author - there was a lack of humour , the romance itself was too, too serious and Thomasina was a little one dimensional and too much a goody two shoes for my liking . A bit more spirit and a splash of dash would have made her more likeable
That being said if a light hearted historical romance is what you are looking for then this book would suit .

I was given an ARC of this book by Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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The Reluctant Bride was a pleasant read. It was a book that was nice to pick up for a historical romance fix. It's what you expect from a standard historical fiction romance. The main thing that let me down was that sometimes there wasn't a whole lot going on, I would have loved it to be more suspenseful in the times that should've been.
The writing was easy to follow, the characters didn't stand out for me but it was interesting to read Thomasina being a triplet, I have never read a book where the main character was a triplet, so that was new for me. The family of Thomasina and Jasper intrigued me the most,so there were discussions on family and loss of family loved ones.

Publisher: Victory Editing
- My review on my blog will be published towards the end of January (29th-31st)
- My review is also posted on Goodreads and the link should be attached

Thank you for sending me an e-Arc in exchange for an honest review.

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The Story in 4 Sentences or Less: The Shelley triplets are an oddity among society but that doesn’t matter to Jasper Kincaid, the Earl of Harcourt, he needs the dowry of his future wife, nothing more. But when he realizes Thomasina Shelley is impersonating his fiancé at the final engagement ball, the attraction he’s tried so hard to hide flares to life, then he finds out just why Thomasina is pretending to be her sister. When her sister runs away with someone else rather than marry Jasper, Thomasina is put in the position of being his new fiancé and she doesn’t know whether to be thrilled or worried that her attraction to Jasper will lead to heartbreak. As Jasper and Thomasina get to know each other, the potential for happiness is overshadowed by the secrets that Jasper is keeping about his former fiance’s disappearance.

Like It? Hate it? Love it? Why? Jess Michaels is back to full length novels!!! YAY! I love that this series will be full length novels, I missed reading her lengthier stuff.

With that said though, A Reluctant Bride was a little slow to bring the magic and when it did, it wasn’t quite at the level that I’m used to from this author. I enjoyed the book but I wasn’t head over heels in love with it.

I liked the idea of triplet sisters being the focus of this series, it’s easy to believe that they would be considered an oddity and that the three of them would struggle to have people see them as individuals, not as carbon copies of each other. Thomasina, Anne, and Juliana are all introduced in this book and it’s easy to see that they’re completely different from one another. This book focused on Thomasina, the empathetic triplet. But she didn’t really spring to life to me. She was such a goody two shoes that I couldn’t connect with her and the phrase “Too good to be true” came to mind. She was likable but not really memorable.

Between Juliana and Anne, I’m more curious about Anne, she seems interesting since she’s the wild child of the three, though I hope she’s matured a bit more since she came off as a little childish and a drama queen.

And while Thomasina wasn’t the most exciting heroine, there was no lack in chemistry between her and Jasper. The longing between them was not only palpable, it was believable. Both of them were just so lonely and needed the support the other offered. I felt like their relationship was what really saved them. The only thing that I could say about Jasper and Thomasina’s romance is that it was so serious all the time. I’m so used to this author having humor woven throughout her stories that the absence of that humor in A Reluctant Bride was noticeable in a big way.

Click It or Skip It? Click It. It sets up the series nicely and while this couple wasn’t my favorite, the romance was still sexy and well done.

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Nothing to raise the pulse here. Weak heroine, one of identical triplets, who spent 80% of the book being passive and unassertive. Bland hero with a huge case of misplaced shame over the conduct of his predecessors - his father and older brother. Love at first sight for her. Lust at first sight for him. I wasn't feeling the chemistry between this unevenly matched pair. The conflict between them wasn't really a much of a conflict, because why shouldn't he keep the investigation of her sister's (his original intended bride) whereabout from her, when she has never shown any inclination to really take a proactive part in the search or in any decision-making in her life thus far. Underdeveloped characters and relationships like that between the hero and his mother. The writing itself was also uneven, mixing a few strange phrasings with some well-written sections but it was never close to brilliant nor was the dialogue particularly sparkly. There was no bantering to be had between the two of them. Her sisters are the heroines of the next two books but their conduct was quite questionable in this one.

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Triplets? Identical? Yes, please!
I've already been a fan of Jess Michaels before reading this first book in her new series. Enjoyed this one too.
Thomasina has developed feelings for Jasper, the Earl of Harcourt, since meeting him. Unfortunately, she met him when he was introduced as her sister's fiance. Her identical sister, Anne. The oldest of the Shelley Triplets. Thomasina cannot let her feelings become known as she loves her sister dearly and would never hurt her. Anne, the wild one, doesn't love the Earl and asks Thomasina to dress as her at her engagement ball. Unknown to Thomasina and the rest of the family, Anne doesn't want to marry the Earl at all and runs away...with someone else.
Jasper is one of a very few who can tell the sisters apart. Well, he can only tell which one Thomasina is. There's just something about her that he recognizes. When Anne runs away, he marries Thomasina instead.
I really liked this book. Thomasina and Jasper getting to know one another after they are married, the hunt for Anne, the secrets kept, the overcoming of past hurts makes for a great story. The ending? You just want to read the next book right away!
If you are looking for a steamy historical romance, look no further. This book is for you.

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Author Jess Michaels must have some sort of writing magic. Every book she writes is not only original but features well developed and likable characters. Of course there's also plenty of chemistry and hot and steamy romance to round things off. A Reluctant Bride featuring the Shelley sisters will not disappoint. I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment. Write faster Ms. Michaels!!

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Jasper, the Earl of Harcourt, needs to marry to help put money in his estates that his father and brother had squandered and he is willing to marry one of the Shelley triplets. He doesn't care which one, her father can pick her out. Their father picks Anne, but she is missing at the engagement ball. Where is she?  Thomasina Shelley pretends to be Anne so no one will be embarrassed. Feelings develop between Thomasina and Jasper. She has always liked him. Where is Anne and has she run away with someone else or been kidnapped? You will have to read this great book. I received this book from Net Galley and the Publisher for a honest review. Just waiting for the story of the next triplets. . Steamy love scenes

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A Reluctant Bride by Jess Michaels is book One in The Shelley Sisters Series. This is the story of Thomasina Shelley and Jasper Kincaid, the Earl of Harcourt. Jasper has taken on the title after his father and half-brother are not longer. But neither of them where productive and instead where selfish and have run through everything. Now Jasper has committed to being up the coffers by marrying one of the Shelley Sister who are triplets this will ensure that he will have the much need help to fill the coffers. Not looking for anything but that goal he doesn't care which sister he marries. Mr. Shelley picks out Ann for him to take as his wife but when the night of their engagement party she has gone missing and Thomasina feels in. Jasper for some reason can tell Thomasina apart from her sister where the other two he can't find any difference. Thomasina has immediate feelings for him but her father choose her sister so she tries to not show them until she has to pretend that she is his chosen bride.
This was a hot read that kept me turning the pages.

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Summer 1812
I know when I pick up a book by Jess Michaels I will immerse myself in a wonderful story and she never fails! As a side note, if you have not listened to one of her audibles, you don't know what you are missing!
The Shelley Triplets, yes three sisters that are really different in nature and their father was ready to get them married off. Anne was the one who loved fun and town, Julianna was the level one, calm and kept the peace, while Thomasina thought she was just boring, always the one to do the right thing, the good girl.
When Jasper, Lord Harcourt asked their father for one of the girl's hands in marriage, he told their father to pick. Can you just imagine? Interchangeable? Not in the least. But Anne was chosen who seemed the least similar in temperament and Thomasina developed feelings for him and this is their story.
Fate seems to step in and Anne elopes with one of Jasper's wastrel brother's friends who demands something from Jasper before he will return her to the family. He turns to Thomasina to stand in Anne's place and marry him!
A tangled web with a mystery, secrets, wonderful characters and an attraction that cannot be denied although some will try! Great start to a new series! Wonderful!

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What a great start to a new series! Unusually, it involves triplets, who look very much alike but have very different personalities. Thomasina, the youngest and also the one who wishes to please everyone. Jasper Kincaid, Earl of Harcourt, is to marry Anne, as he needs her dowry. However, nothing works out as planned. Mr. Shelley, the girl’s father, thinks of no-one but himself. Jasper also had a very cruel father. This is an engaging story and it also has a mystery involving Ellis Maitland, which hasn’t been solved yet. I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the series. I received a copy and have voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I loved this historical read! Japer needs a bride to refill the family’s finances. He agrees to marry Anne one of the Shelley triplets. Anne runs away and puts Thomasina in her place. Thomasina happens to love Jasper but can she show him they have a chance at a real marriage? Fast-paced read with plenty of drama and off the charts hot. Amazing characters and a story that draws you in from beginning to end. Looking forward to more in the series!

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Love any book from Jess Michaels!! She is s great storyteller! All her books capture your attention. This book was no different! Can not wait for her next book!!!

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A story in three parts

An interesting start to a new series, The Shelly Sisters. Triplets, so unusual an event that the sisters Thomasina, Juliana and Anne are seen more as sideshow entrants than young women in their own right.
They possess a truly awful father who never recognizes one from ethe other and is bent on marrying them off to increase his well being, never considering the well being of his daughters.
Anne is to be married to Jasper Kincaid, the Earl of Harcourt, a man she feels nothing for. Jasper suffers his own problems trying to restore a ruined earldom whilst shaking off the indignity of his "father’s and brother’s bad behavior [that] had become painfully and pointedly clear to him." It fell to him as the new Earl to "fix what damage his father and his brother had done to their standing."
The night of her engagement ball Anne begs her sister Thomasina to give her a reprieve and take her place. And that's where things begin to unravel.
The thing is Thomasina is strongly attracted to Jasper. And Jasper? Well he knows it's Thomasina. He can tell her apart from her sisters. He really sees her. When Anne goes missing Thomasina agrees to marry Jasper, for as her father so succinctly and coldly puts it, they all look alike.
As the story unfolds we follow the responses to the missing Anne, we are introduced to a desperate business acquaintance of Jasper's brother Solomon (read villain) intent on finding a hidden 'treasure', and the marriage of Anne and Jasper.
A family story being told in three parts, this is a fascinating beginning.

A Victory Editing ARC via NetGalley

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Such a great book. Great intrigue and character depth. I really enjoyed it. I can't wait for the next book of these incredible sisters and discover what this treasure is

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Triplets, Thomasina, Juliana and Anne have always been perceived as unusual simply due to their birth. So, the events that transpire when Anne swaps places with her sister Thomasina, in the hope of having time away from her betrothed, nothing is unusual. However, when she flees her impeding marriage, the only way to solve such a travesty is for Thomasina to take her place and marry Jasper Kincaid, the Earl of Harcourt. Whilst Anne has made clear that she has no feelings for Jasper, Thomasina has been attracted from the moment she first saw him. Likewise, Jasper has been aware of Thomasina and can always tell her apart from her sisters. When Anne appears to have gone missing and Jasper’s deceased brother (Solomon) appears to have conducted some shady business, both Jasper and Thomasina must work together if their marriage is also to survive.
Both characters were very interesting. Jasper for his determination to right the wrongs of his brother and to return the estate to prosperity whilst Thomasina begins as quite reserved, demonstrates her strength of character as the story unfolds. Thomasina’s sisters and their stories will also prove to be fascinating if this story is anything to go by.
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Thrilling start to an amazing series!

Thomasina is tricked into impersonating her sister, Anne; an event which leads to drastic changes of fortune for all involved. The slow dance that she and Jasper execute as they get to know each other while they search for the missing Anne is exquisitely detailed, with deeply emotional characterizations and no small emphasis on their intense physical connection.

As a mother of identical twin girls, let me just say how very important it is that the hero can distinguish between the sisters. The significance of the fact that he instantly recognizes Thomasina even when she's pretending to be Anne cannot be overemphasized. When I discussed that scene with one of my daughters, she confirmed that that one issue is an absolute must. The author delicately and respectfully deals with a lot of the issues unique to siblings that are multiples, especially those who are identical in appearance. That alone makes this book special, and well worth reading.

Jasper soon finds that the root cause of all the trouble they're facing lies with his late brother, and he must dig deep into his own complex family history to find a workable solution. I absolutely adored the way Thomasina partnered with him throughout all the ups and downs, showing him a future that he had never dared to imagine.

Jasper and Thomasina's romance concludes with a very satisfying HEA, while the overarching mystery surrounding Anne's disappearance is left for the next book to explore. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

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A Reluctant Bride by Jess Michaels
The Shelley Sisters #1

Being one of the Shelley triplets has not been easy for Thomasina, Anne and Juliana. They were considered freaks and treated so by family and society. The same face on all three but definitely not the same as Anne is outgoing and the life of the party, Juliana needs to fix things and Thomasina wants to help and comfort. Since nobody can tell them apart it is no big deal for Thomasina to step into Anne’s shoes for a night and dance with the man she fell hard for when he was introduced as Anne’s intended...even though Anne did not want him. And...that is just the beginning of the tale of the Shelley sisters…

What I liked:
* Thomasina – all heart, giving and comfort putting herself last – she really loves Jasper but she also has spirit and a temper.
* Jasper – perhaps damaged by his childhood but a good man who is surprised by the connection he feels for Thomasina – and HOT indeed he is with his new wife.
* Wondering about Juliana and Anne – I am eager to find out who they really are and what men they will end up with.
* The story – it drew me in and made me feel for the triplets and for Jasper and all they managed to survive while growing up.
* The mystery still unresolved – What is the treasure and why is it so important? Will they find it and if so when?
* The relationship between Thomasina and Jasper
* The connection between the triplets

What I did not like:
* The father of the Shelley triplets – a man I who was more interested in himself than his family.
* Anne’s thoughtless action – although it did work out well for Thomasina
* Having to wait to find out what will happen next.

Thank you to NetGalley and The Passionate Pen for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars

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This was really enjoyable, I really enjoyed that it was a little longer than Jess’s most recent work, which meant thief’s was enough room to develop the characters, and also tease out the threads of the next in the trilogy.

Thomasina is the middle sister of identical triplets, Juliana , Thomasina and Anne. They are visiting the Earl of Harcourt, for the betrothal ball of her sister Anne to the Earl. Jasper, the Earl, is trying to overcome the scandal of the ignominious death of his older, quite difficult older brother, and profligate father. He needs to marry an heiress and fast.

Thomasina’s father sees his daughters as a bit of a burden, and only useful to barter off for advancement and connections.. Thomasina was immediately attracted to Jasper when he first came to their house for the betrothal despite the engagement to her sister, she feels a constant pull towards him.

When Anne disappears during the ball, Jasper demands that Thomasina take her place as his betrothed. The search is on for Anne, driven by Jasper, as her father is unconcerned, to put it mildly. Thomasina and Jasper marry, and the search goes on, as Jasper uncovers a connection to his brother, he is more and more worried, but struggles to tell Thomasina. He tries to keep their relationship separate but finds it impossible to care for her more and more. Will they find Anne, and will they be brave enough to tell each other how they feel.

I loved both characters, the struggle Jasper has with his feelings felt believable, and the way Thomasina helped him work through his pain over his brother and father, was nicely done. Tho Ashna was also a likeable character, that I felt I could root for - she was a people pleaser, always trying to make things right by sacrificing her own needs. She also grew and developed over the story, and was able to express herself and be herself in the end.


I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book and all opinions are my own.

Also posted on Goodreads.

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The Shelley sisters are identical triplets with a wealthy father who only wants to use them as a commodity to sell to better his situation. Jasper has a title but needs money. He makes a deal with their father to marry one of the sisters of the father’s choosing. Jasper and Anne are a few days from the wedding when she runs off. Enter sister Thomasina who has been in love with Jasper from the beginning. She steps in and marries Jasper. The drama comes from where is Anne? And is she in danger? The book has a very abrupt non-ending as a set-up to the next book. Very disappointing.

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