Member Reviews

Until now I’ve only read shorter stories by the author and was glad to read this book.
I enjoyed it a lot, there are reliable characters with feelings and thoughts for protecting their hearts from heartbreaking and that moment of what if this won’t work well in the end.
Same great writing style and interesting story by a favourite author.

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I’m so incredibly sad to have given a Jess Michaels book this low of a rating. I have read many, many of her books and I know she can do better. The plot was slow. I had no connection to any of the characters. Thomasina in other reviews I read was described as a “door mat” and she totally is. I don’t expect her to be Wonder Woman but a little back bone would be great. Then when you don’t care about any of the characters, the sex scenes don’t make any impact. The plot is just whatever. I love that so many of her others characters have the most amazing chemistry. The romance between Thomasina and Jasper seemed flat. Overall I’m so, so sad and disappointed but I hope her next book will be something that works better for me.

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I was sad to see the end of the Jess Michaels novella series The Scandal Sheet, so I was thrilled to find out she had a new series coming out...and there would be a full-length book! Squeeeeeee! A Reluctant Bride is the first book in that new series, The Shelley Sisters.

The Earl of Harcourt, Jasper Kincaid, needs to refill his coffers to replace all that was whittled away by the prior earls, his father and half brother, both notorious wastrels. He is set to wed Anne Shelley, one of the identical Shelley triplets, whose father basically sold her for the prestige of his daughter marrying an earl. Anne has no wish to marry Jasper, and she begs biddable sister Thomasina to pretend to be Anne at a ball so she can have some time to herself. After all, no one can tell the triplets apart...or so they believe. Thomasina agrees, having had feelings for Jasper since they first met. Jasper knows that Thomasina is pretending to be Anne, but he says nothing. When it is discovered that Anne has run off with another man, Thomasina agrees to marry Jasper instead. It soon appears that Anne may be in danger, and Jasper feels that an incident in his family's past may have something to do with it.

Though I loved this book, one thing drove me nuts, making it necessary to give this book 4 stars instead of 5. The secrets Jasper kept from Thomasina about Anne's disappearance and his family's possible involvement seemed silly to me; they didn't reflect on his character, and the sweet Thomasina would no doubt have told him so. However, the rest of the story was great. At first Thomasina seemed like a bit of a doormat, and I loved seeing her grow a spine of steel and standing up to Jasper. Jasper was a great hero; emotionally wounded, he tried to do right by his estate and tenants. Though he had no intention of falling in love with Thomasina and told her so, you know how that is going to turn out! I loved seeing both of them grow emotionally. And since Ms. Michaels is a queen of historical sensual romance, you can imagine how hot sexy times turn out! I can't wait until the next installment...what troubles has Anne gotten into by running away? I am most eager to find out!

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley. I received no compensation for my review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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Another great read from the fabulous Jess Michaels. First book in a new series. Thomasina and jasper story. They were Destined to be together. Jasper was engaged to the wrong sister at the beginning. Thomasina was hopelessly in love with him. Until a fateful turn of events put them on the marriage mart. Thomasina was so endearing, so lovely. She will do everything for her other sisters. Jasper was very dashing. I'm very looking forward to Anne story.
I voluntarily reviewed this ARC and the opinions expressed here are all mine.

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Thomasina Shelly is hopelessly attracted to Jasper Kincaid, the Earl of Harcourt. Hopeless because Jasper is engaged to marry her sister Anne in a week.

Theirs is not a love match, Jasper contracted a marriage with her father to marry one of the Shelly sisters who happen to be identical triplets. He didn’t care which one he married, he just needed the dowry to right the wrongs to the estate made by his father and brother. But the more time he has spent with the girls, the more he wishes he had asked for Thomasina.

Thomasina would never betray her sisters, she is the “good one” and when Anne expresses unhappiness about the marriage, she tries to comfort her and assure her that it will all work out – even though she wishes she was the one marrying Jasper. Anne is so upset that when she begs Thomasina to pretend to be her at the engagement ball so she can have a quiet evening alone, Thomasina reluctantly agrees. The problem is Jasper can do what no other can – he can tell Thomasina from her sisters. He wonders why she is pretending to be Anne and goes as far as to try and kiss her. Shocked, Thomasina runs from him and decides to tell Anne that she can’t continue the ruse – but so learns why Anne wanted her to pretend to be her – Anne has eloped.

When he learns of Anne’s elopement, Jasper insists that Thomasina marry him in Anne’s place and she agrees. Jasper is upset that she tried to trick him and makes her promise to always be honest with him, and in the spirit of honesty, he tells her that he is not looking for a love match and probably won’t be able to love her, he is attracted to her and he likes her and tells her that he hopes she can accept that.

Jasper learns who Anne eloped with – one of his wastrel brother Solomon’s friends. He then learns that Ellis Maitland has not married Anne, he has passed her off to a relative Rook Maitland and will not return her until Jasper returns the “treasure” his brother took from him before he died. Jasper has no idea what the treasure is and keeps this information from Thomasina.

They marry and it seems like things are going well between them, Thomasina knows she is in love with Jasper and tries to forge a deeper relationship, but when she learns he has been keeping secrets from her, she is crushed and Jasper realizes too late what he has lost.

I thought this was a good story, it is well written and flows at a good pace, with likeable characters, steamy love scenes, a bit of mystery and a HEA with a nice lead into the next book. This is the first book in a new series and I am happy to recommend it..

*I am voluntarily leaving a review for an eARC that was provided to me by NetGalley and the publisher.*

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Oh my gosh I loved this one!

Thomasina & Jasper’s story is a fresh twist on the arranged marriage of HR reads. Great dialogue. Delicious chemistry and characters that had me hooked from page one. Who doesn’t love a broody hero!

I am definitely looking forward to Anne’s book next.

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Review excerpted from my blog post over at FanSciHist (

My Rating: 3.5 stars

Library recommendation: Recommended for public library historical romance collections.

Warning: Hereafter, you chance spoilers. I will try never to reveal major plot points, but to review any book, you must reveal some parts of the story.


Number of titles I have read by this author: 3

Love story speed: Medium burn

Relationship dynamics: The Straight-Laced Earl (H) / The Timid Triplet (h)

Sexual content: Some; “on-screen” and explicit

Triggers: Parental indifference; recounted emotional child abuse

Grammar/Editing: My ARC had a couple of typos

Review: This is a fast-paced novel that is set during the Regency period (1812). While interesting and intriguing overall, the plot of the novel seems artificially prolonged by odd choices on the part of the main characters and the villain. Additionally, while it is mostly period-accurate, there is a curious lack of use of stays, which were standard undergarments for women during the period. This choice seems to mostly aid “easy access” during sex scenes.

Thomasina is the consummate “good girl” sacrificed by her father to make up for her sister’s poor decisions. She can be a bit petulant when she doesn’t get her way. Jasper insists on honesty within their relationship, but then immediately lies and otherwise makes poor decisions that are typical of men in romance novels. Their relationship is a bit rocky because Jasper is afraid of feeling, and Thomasina feels too much. In terms of the supporting characters, much is made of the mystical bond between multiples (in this case, triplets). Yet, the other two sisters seem to be mere glimpses of two-dimensional portraits. In point of fact, we learn more about the dead than the living. All this being said, I am still interested in continuing with the series because I know that Michaels is capable of excellent storytelling and, while not left on a cliffhanger, the story is still left in an interesting place for the second book to pick up from.

Pro Tip version: Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today.

Full disclosure: I received a free advance review copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I was disappointed in this book, perhaps because I have come to expect better from the author. While the sex scenes were steamy, and there is excellent communication between the characters, I found Thomasina to be a doormat, and I wasn't interested in her story. I didn't connect with the story, and I am uncertain whether I will continue the series. 

I received an arc of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was my first book from this author. Overall I liked the storyline and the characters but it was a bit too steamy for me. I loved Jasper and Thomasina as a couple and the chemistry they shared. I also liked the fun aspect of dealing with triplets in this time period.
I feel like it was a lot of build up with the villain but it kinda fell flat with their final interaction.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for sending me a copy. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Great idea for a story that didn’t quite pan out.
Thomasina is in love with her sisters fiancé, so it’s no hardship when she is asked to pretend to be her sister for a night. Plans go awry when it is discovered her sister has run off the gretna, and Thomasina must permanently step in as the bride.
Jasper has a strong connection to Thomasina from the start, so he is happy with the bride change until details come to light that may imply his former fiancé has been kidnapped by a villain from his past.

The “strong connection” that the H/h claimed to have seemed childish to me and more like lust than love. The story was, unfortunately, rushed in all the wrong places.
As a woman who has several close sisters, I didn’t think the sister relationship that was portrayed was accurate either.

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Jasper has agreed to marry one of the Shelley sisters (triplets) because he needs the money that will come with the marriage. He really doesn't care which one. The girls' father chooses Anne as his betrothed. But the night of their engagement ball, her sister Thomasina shows up in her place pretending to be Anne. For some reason, he doesn't understand, he can tell Thomasina apart from her sisters, but not the other two. He doesn't know why Thomasina is pretending to be her sister, but he goes along with it. When Anne goes missing, Jasper finds himself engaged to Thomasina instead. While Anne didn't inspire any feelings inside him, Thomasina inspires too many...

Thomasina was instantly attracted to Jasper upon meeting him and was sorely disappointed when her father chose Anne to be his attended. Since that night, she has been trying to hide her feelings from one and all. Right before her sister's engagement ball, Anne asks her to be her for the night. She wanted one more night to herself before marrying. But later that night, Thomasina learns that her sister has run off. When her father decides to marry her off to Jasper, she realizes that she doesn't have to hide her desire anymore. But can their marriage become more than just one of convenience?

I really enjoyed Jasper and Thomasina's story!! I felt so sorry for Thomasina to have to watch her sister marry the man that she was attracted to, but then that all changed. I loved watching these two come together and find their HEA! I can't wait to read the next book in the series!!

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The Reluctant Bride is different from the Jess Michaels books I remember from years past, but is still fulfilling. The titles I'd read previously are likely classified as erotica, rather than this one being a very steamy romance.

Thomasina Shelly is one of three identical triplets. She awaits her sister Anne's marriage to the Earl of Harcourt. When Anne asks for a small favor to take a retreat from her pre-wedding jitters, Thomasina ends up married to her sister's now former fiance. A man who she was far too aware of, even when he wasn't hers.

Jasper, Earl of Harcourt has dealt with scandal after scandal. First the reckless lives of his father and half brother, the previous Earls, and now his wayward former fiancee.. When Thomasina steps up to take her sister's place, he feels something more than the duty he felt for Anne and the money she brought. With Thomasina he feels acceptance, and affection, things he desperately wants to protect himself from.

Thomasina and Jasper's romance blooming from a marriage of scandal and convenience to one of love and affection is sweet. Both must move past the roles others have placed them in; Thomasina a people pleaser due to an overbearing and cruelly dismissive father and Jasper a stuffy, emotionless Earl trying to right the title and estates from his predecessors' wasteful living. It's beautiful to see as they bring out the best in one another. They force the other to reach for things they felt like they couldn't previously hope for.

Of course, as Jasper searches for Anne, he of course neglects to tell Thomasina about his search, or anything he has learned despite her worries and that is where the major conflict arises, even more than Jasper's belief that their marriage cannot be anything more than physical passion and mutual goodwill. As they search and come together, you are excited to see what they find and root for them to solve the mystery of what Anne's abductor wants.

I was thoroughly enjoying myself until Thomasina did the thing. The TSTL why does every heroine in a mystery do that thing.

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When the Jasper Kincaid, the Earl of Harcourt, offered to marry one of the infamous Shelley triplets, he was doing it for the dowry to refill his depleted coffers after his father & half brother have depleted them. He’s engaged to Anne but at their final engagement ball he realizes it is Thomasina Shelley masquerading as Anne a desire for her that he has been ignoring sparks. And when it becomes clear Anne has run away with another, an opportunity arises for a marriage with a much deeper connection. Thomasina’s feelings for Jasper have never been appropriate and she doubted the prudence of pretending to be his even for just one night. Once she’s caught, everything escalates so quickly. Suddenly she’s going to marry this stern, fascinating man who is not particularly pleased at her perfidy. Add to that her worry about where her wayward sister has gone and it’s a recipe for disaster or is it?
This is the start of a new series about identical triplets & once again the author's nailed it. Strong characters with plenty of depth, a very well written well placed plot & I was one happy reader. I was drawn in from the start & held captive all the way through & then the epilogue really shook me, talk about a twist! Thank goodness there’s not long to wait until the next instalment. I loved Jasper the Earl who was trying to restore his family’s reputation but hadn't wanted to be the Earl & he's also has his own guilt & grief to deal with. Thomasina is the selfless triplet who puts everyone else first & wants to please everyone, I loved how she grew throughout the book. Their attraction sizzled but they also confided in each other. A lovely read that I read in two sittings
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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Jasper Kincaid, the Earl of Harcourt, needs a bride with a healthy dowry to fill his depleted coffers. He agrees to marry Anne Shelley, one of the Shelley triplets. When Anne runs away, her father substitutes Thomasina Shelley instead. Thomasina has loved Jasper since she first met him and was devastated when her father said he was for Anne to marry. Now Thomasina has the man of her dreams as her husband, but can she break through his cold exterior and release the passionate man beneath the facade?

I liked this book, but Thomasina is a bit of a door mat. I wanted her to stand up for herself more even though she did it once. I thought Jasper was a more interesting character with his inner demons and responsibility to maintain a scandal free earldom. There is a lot of sex in the book and I got tired of that and skipped over most of the scenes. I was also not happy how the book ended, but I suppose it was necessary to tell Anne's story in the next book. I looking forward to find out who Ellis is and what he's running from.

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I liked the storyline of this book but I felt like there was a lot of filler in the story. One or two mentions about the triplets"feeling" what the others felt was enough. No need for the many reminders. Or that their dad was not happy about mention...we got it.

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Sign me up for the trilogy! I always enjoy a good Jess Michaels romp, and the Shelley sisters look like they will be a lot of fun. Thomasina is the first sister out of the gates, when she elbows her sister out of the way to marry Jasper, Earl of Harcourt. Well, its not like she *meant* for this to happen, exactly. I like Jasper and Thomasina, and the villains of this piece look set up to be a intriguing follow-on.

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A Reluctant Bride is a new series about the Shelley sisters who are a set of identical triplets. As you can imagine they get up to a lot of mischief and mayhem which was a total lark to read about. This book didn't disappoint at all in any way as Jess Michaels writes such magical romance stories, she somehow manages to capture your imagination and is able to make you feel like you are a part of the story. I absolutely loved the characters and the story was such an exciting read. This is another winner from such an amazingly talented author.

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A wonderful start to a new series by Ms. Michaels. Good solid historical romance with a splendid plot. I enjoyed it alot.

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The journey of Jasper and Thomasina is wrought with unrequited love, a runaway sister, a mystery and soul-searching. The patience and uncompromising love of Thomasina stands out in this story. Jasper is way too hard on himself but Thomasina brings him back in such a way that you realize that is does not take big bold statements but the little things that matter. I loved this story and am looking forward to the next two sisters’ stories. Oh Ellis, I do not think you are that bad. Can he be redeemed?

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The first in a trilogy about the Shelley triplets. Thomasina falls in love with her sister’s fiancé, Jasper. I found Thomasina a bit too nice and understanding of Jasper’s fear of love. Both Thomasina’s father and Jasper’s mother are portrayed as cold mean individuals. I thought the story dragged on towards the end with Jasper and Thomasina declaring their love for each other over and over and over. The tension over the missing sister could have been greater to lead up to the next book in the series. I received an ARC from NetGalley for my honest review.

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