Member Reviews

What a grand adventure! This whole series was awesome. I really liked Rin and Ozzy and yes, I would choose to believe in magic one more time.

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Third Time's Still the Charm

This is the third and final book in the "Wizard for Hire" series. The first book will always be my favorite, but I thought this book wrapped the series up quite well. All of our favorite characters get a lot of page time. All of the plot threads come together nicely. The resolutions are satisfying. And you can't go wrong with a big action-packed climax set in the middle of a ComicCon.

And it was very funny, in an especially deadpan and sometimes slightly edgy and always sly fashion. Nice.

(Please note that I received a free ecopy of this book without a review requirement, or any influence regarding review content should I choose to post a review. Apart from that I have no connection at all to either the author or the publisher of this book.)

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This was AMAZING! I loved it so much. This was a third book in the series, so I won't spoil anything, but if you loved the first two books, you'll adore this one!

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I swear this series keeps getting better and better. All throughout, you are constantly questioning if Rin really is a wizard that can practice magic or not. At the end of book two, you think that you have that answer. But in Book 3, now, you're not so sure again. Even Ozzy isn't sure magic exists.

All of that is answered in Book 3 and it will absolutely leave you with no doubts when you finish this book. You will know for sure whether magic exists or if Rin is really a psychotic fraud from a mental institution.

Rin does follow through in helping Ozzy find the answers to what happened to his parents. That is, of course, why Ozzy hired him to begin with.

This book is packed with adventure as they run from the bad guys, get kidnapped, and even befriend a former bad guy (that may still be a bad guy). Clark (the mechanical bird) even gets his chance to become a fire breathing dragon!

Highly recommend this series for those who love YA books. The books get better and better as you go along in this series.

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I requested and received an e-ARC of this book from NetGalley and Shadow Mountain Publishing in exchange for an honest review.

Let me start by saying that I did not read the first two books in this series, and you don't need to read the first two books to be able to follow the story line. However, I feel like I missed out on some epic adventures in the first two books and I will be adding the first two books to my TBR list.

I really enjoyed the story, the pace was quick, the characters are great and I loved the ending. I don't know if there will be more books in this series but if there are I will read those as well.

#MagicRequired #NetGalley

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More adventure, humor, mystery and magic abound. the third book of the series, Ozzy may have what it takes to make magic happen in his own life, He needs, of course, help from his friends.

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After Rin and Clark disappear, Ozzy beings to wonder if he really is a wizard. Being hunted by Ray, a power-hungry villain for the mind-controlling serum, Ozzy’s origins begin to come into question. Could Ozzy really be a wizard? Does magic really exist? This conclusion to the trilogy will wrap things up for readers. The plot is well-written. The characters are entertaining. The twist at the end throws readers for an interesting loop. Fans of magical realism, fantasy, and adventure will enjoy reading this book. However, it is necessary to read the first two books first.

Please note: This was a review copy given to us in exchange for an honest review. No financial Please note: This was a complementary review copy from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. No financial compensation was received.

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Is magic real? Obert Skye has had readers since page 1 of this series asking that question. In this final book of the trilogy, I was not disappointed and was rewarded with the answer. I highly recommend if you have not read the first two books to grab and read those first.

I received this complimentary ebook from for my honest review.

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A thrilling conclusion to a fun series! My 12 year old daughter and I really enjoyed this whole series. I thought that this the 3rd book and final book did a great job answering all those questions we had been left with from the other 2 books. Clark is by far my favorite character! Obert Skye did an amazing job showing us that magic is everywhere.
Thank you Shadow Mountain Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.

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My older boys have really enjoyed this series. Every time I got the book in the mail, one of them would disappear with it and I wouldn't see the book again for weeks. Obert Skye is such a talented author, and this series really showcases that talent. I'll leave you with the reviews from my sons:
Braden's Review: I think that the book was well written and created. I really like the twists and turns the book includes. I would recommend this to any readers. I love Clark and his humor in everything. Rin showed his power in words and Ozzy learns the truth. I would love if the author could create another book. This book is fantastic and hilarious.
Joey's Review: This was a great finish to a great trilogy. The conclusive ending really wrapped things up and answered a lot of questions. It has all the elements you want and not the ones you don't want. The plot of the book was great with many twists and turns that were very surprising. One of my favorite parts was near the end when a character did something very exciting and unexpected.

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Disclaimer: I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to Shadow Mountain Publishing and Netgalley for this free copy. All quotes in this review are taken from the Advanced Reader Copy and may change in final publication.

This was such a cute book, and I’m so glad I got to read it. I didn’t have the pleasure of reading the first two books in this series, but I think that even without this background I did a pretty good job of figuring out what was going on. The kind of imagination that went into this story was absolutely great, and it really is interesting to see what kind of worlds and journeys can come out of middle grade fantasies. Seriously people, MG novels need way more love than they currently get because some of these books have been the ones keeping me going lately.

I also think about how even with all of the evidence showing for Ozzy, I could understand why he still questions whether or not magic is really real. It’s hard as well when people are are going missing and there seems to be some sort of mind-control serum that really does not help with the whole free-will thing that we humans love to support. To think about having to deal with those kinds of complex issues as a young person – not so much a young adult but not a child either – can be super intense!

I think that this was such a great conclusion to this book series, and I think books like this remind me – and others – that magic does exist in the world.

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Thanks so much to NetGalley and Shadow Mountain Publishing for letting me read and review this ARC.
Obert Skye is one of my favorite authors and I've enjoyed his Wizard for Hire trilogy. This series has been a lot of fun with lots of layers to it also.
With this, the third and final installment of the series, we pick up right where we left off from the ending of the previous book and it flows well with the transition into this book. There have been a few changes since the last book like happens with time passing and Ozzy living with Sigi, Rin's (the Wizard) daughter, and Sigi's mom, Patti while Rin has disappeared - gone off searching for Ozzy's parents and such.
During this part of the series, we discover some truths that aren't particularly fun about Ozzy and his situation and his parents, also about Rin, his past and a bit more explanation about him and things. There is also still Ray chasing after Ozzy for the magical serum that can be used to mind-control and discipline others to do what you want them to do and Ozzy discovering more about his powers and abilities while trying to wrap his mind around and understand magic as well as deciding how he feels about it and if he believes in it or not.
There are some new characters and friends of Rin introduced briefly into the story that plays an important part at the end of the story when everything plays out at the famous comic con place they go to when they find themselves in need of help from said friends, and themselves in dealing with Ray and his henchmen.
Clark is still one of my favorite characters in the book, he's a very quirky and interesting little metal bird that makes me wish I had one of my very own and he helps and accompanies them on their journeys throughout the story.
Things resolve themselves and we find the answers to Ozzy's questions about his parents, where they are, what happened, himself, his powers and other things as well throughout this book. There's a lot of things that happen and a lot of information we find out along with Ozzy in this conclusion to the series that wraps everything up nicely.
It touches and talks a bit of mental illness with the characters, grief and about the importance of family, friends, and relationships as well as figuring out things for yourself and believing in yourself and in magic that can be found all around you. There were a bit more layers and depth to this book than I think there was in the previous ones and it's still a lot of fun and a great read that you don't want to miss out on so make sure to preorder this book to find out the exciting conclusion to this awesome series.
Also if you haven't read this series, you really should go read it, it's wonderful, uplifting and fun.

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This is an entertaining series that I enjoyed, and I think that my students would enjoy, too. Great characters, interesting story lines, and I like how everything comes together.

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This series has been a lot of fun to read with my twins, and this book in particular made them laugh really, really hard. I was a little conflicted about some of Ozzy’s actions early in the book—some of his actions felt a little unethical. But it all worked out. This one had my kids begging for more each time we read it.

I’d recommend starting with book one in the series and reading them in order.

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A charming conclusion to a magical tale. Sigi and Ozzy face off with their enemy Ray Dench in a battle for power. Is Her dad really a wizard? Is magic real? Or is this all a deranged story made up by a very sick man.

I thought this story was a delightful read. Rin is a wonderfully weird character, and his interaction with the two teens is endearing. I definitely recommend this series to young readers!

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As a parent, I'm happy to say that I found nothing problematic in this book or series, Particularly since my teenage sons have really enjoyed it. The series is amusing as Ozzy seeks help from an advertisement for wizardly assistance & the person who responds, Rin, keeps him guessing as to whether he is a legit wizard or not.

As their opinions on the story are more on target here than mine, I asked my sons to share with me what they most enjoyed about the 3rd book. They said that they most enjoyed the creative/lucky ways that Ozzy, Rin, etc. got out of bad situations.

They liked the way the 3rd book connected everything together, such as how they referred back to something Omen (Ozzy's grandfather) had said in a previous book, about if they wanted to get his attention, to write it up in a book, so in this book Rin did it in order to help Ozzy out.

They got a kick out of using Comic-Con for the setting of the final conflict - it was different, fun, and it made sense.

They especially loved the twist ending, declaring that it was a whole lot of fun to read, and they've been encouraging their friends to read the series for themselves.

As a parent, I'm quite satisfied with that, too.

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This was a perfect ending to a series I have come to love. I wouldn’t mind more from these characters. It was like everything that happened in the last two books was woven to lead to this ending. Everything that Rin says is wise and magical. Ozzy has his faith tested, and comes to the most amazing realization. Clark is his usual magnetic personality that saves the day more than once. Sigi is strong, protective, and a real believer. I loved meeting family members, friends, and getting to know other characters better. All of the pop culture I identify with. There was a climactic ending, and a bittersweet finish. I LOVED IT!

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My favorite book from the series by far. It was heartfelt, had a great adventure, and was just plain fun. We found out a lot more about Ozzy's parent's and man were some of those parts hard. I really love Rin so much as a character and I'm glad he had such a big part of this book. I hope we get more of him sometime. Also, the ending was so bittersweet.

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