Member Reviews
I enjoyed reading an advanced reading copy of this book. I loved the bright colours and illustrations.
I love that Dynomike is teaching kids about Paying it Forward and the idea of being kind without expecting anything in return. The world needs more kindness and hopefully books like this will help encourage even more kindness in our future generations.
#DynomikePayItForward #NetGalley
I love how this book teaches kids the importance of paying it forward. I wish it showed a little bit more about the impact it can have on how people feel. It also could have been a tad longer. But an overall cute book with a good message.
Dynomike: Pay It Forward teaches kids a wonderful tale about, you guessed it, paying it forward.
When Dynomike does a good deed for a friend, instead of having the favor returned he asked them to pay it forward. This slowly starts a chain reaction throughout the neighbourhood. Good deeds happen left and right, and all seems well in the world!
The art style stood out to me: it's bright, has sharp lines and is very cartoon-y. That's one of the major reasons I wanted to read it - because it just looks so cool! I'd even say spunky could describe the pictures, they're that much fun!
I think this would be a great addition to a kindergartener or preschooler's book shelf. I would highly recommend a cute book like this used as a discussion on how to be nice. It's a sweet, short read that can start some great little talks about being a good friend!
If I had one recommendation for this book, I would say that I wanted a little more. It felt too simple or too easy. Everyone just recommended paying it forward but the ending didn't sum up why it was such a good idea. I think a sweet, little summary about all of the good deeds that could be done would have made a great cliff note for the population base that will be reading this book.
I thought that this was a great story - I loved the concept and have been a fan of "paying it forward" for a good while now
The book is easy to follow and hopefully it will inspire others too
The images are great and it was fab to be able to catch up with Dynomike and his friends too!
It is 5 stars from me for this one - very highly recommended!