Member Reviews

This is a collection where I equally enjoyed every story! I loved the way picnics were incorporated into such different plots. Some involved mishaps, some were the perfect setting for a declaration of love, and some were a simple way to get to know each other. I thought all the authors did an exceptional job of creating vibrant characters that really came to life as I read. I especially loved Reeling in Love since friends-to-more is one of my favorite tropes. In Picnics and Prospects it was so sweet how David and Faith reconciled the date that went wrong and started anew with each other. A must-read collection for fans of Amish romance!

Disclosure statement: A complimentary copy of this book was provided from a tour group, publisher, publicist, or author, including NetGalley, OR was borrowed from the library, including OverDrive, OR borrowed from Kindle Unlimited, OR purchased. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are unbiased and my own.

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When fear drives your actions and misunderstandings build up walls.

Four stories centered around Amish picnics. Picnics and romances always go well together. It's getting them together in these stories that become a challenge. Loved how each story faced the challenges in faith! Highly recommend.

A special thank you to Thomas Nelson and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

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An Amish Picnic is a great collection of short stories that will definitely get you in the mood for being outdoors!

All of the Amish stories were different but all had common themes on love, hope, and forgiveness. I really enjoyed each individual one in their own way. Perfect short stories to read in a quick afternoon, but long enough to develop the characters and not rush the story line.

I received a copy of this book complimentary for blog and social media review. All opinions are my own.

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Normally, I am not a reader of short story collections, but Amy Clipston and Vannetta Chapman are two of my favorite authors, so I was anxious to read the collection of stories contained within An Amish Picnic. I greatly enjoyed each story and loved the warmth and sense of goodness and family that each story revolved around. I found it interesting how the stories varied a bit with the Amish culture. While the same ideals were a main theme and constant, there were some variations with different stories. This leant a new dynamic for me and I found this appealing.
While I greatly enjoyed each story, my favorite was the final one by Vannette Chapman. I just found myself deeply and quickly drawn in to each character and the story line. I am anxious to read more by all four authors and found this a great way to be introduced to authors that I had not previously read.

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This is a great collection of short stories that will definitely get you in the mood for spring, outdoors and sunshine!

I was familiar with 2 of the 4 authors in this book, so I enjoyed trying the new authors.

All of the Amish stories were different but all had common themes on love, hope, and forgiveness. I really enjoyed each individual one in their own way. Perfect short stories to read in a quick afternoon, but long enough to develop the characters and not rush the story line.

I received a copy of this book complimentary for blog and social media review. All opinions are my own.

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the book is a collection of 4 storie, they teach us that you must know a person before judge, dislike and hurt other people feelings.
It's so easy to create misunderstandings and hurt feelings to other people.
a) Baskets of sunshine - Amy Clipston
Phoebe helps sometimes her sister Christiana at The Bake Shop booth at the market, and in her freetime meets friends at the Sunday youth gatherings.
Kevin starts his new brick job and enjoyes it, he has plan for his future.
When he meets Phoebe, her boss daughter, he misjudges her and inadvertently hurts her feelings...
b) Candlelight sweathearts - Kelly Irving
"..that girl who stutters is working on it. It's so nice they hire people with special needs here." -
"We don't do it as a favor. Esther Marie is a good smart employee." Jasper said.
Certain comments are hard to digest and hurt people. People are all different, with their good and bad temperament, needs and problems.
c) Reeling in love - Kathleen Fuller
Village of Birch Creek, Nina works as a maid at her parents inn, every Saturday she meets her best friend Ira to spend the afternoon fishing.
"Fishing with her was confortable, easy, and relaxing - a time he looked forward to every week."
When Margaret shows up at the pod with Ira, where Nina wait...
d) Picnic and prospects - Vannetta Chapman
Faith is a vet, "animal were easy. People on the other hand, confounded her."
During a picnic with younger church people, Faith and David found a small dog and a box of letters of year 1970,
they try to solve the mystery and slowly they know each other well and solve also their misunderstandings.

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Lovely stories of light heartedness and some of working through problems with each other all centered around picnics and love! Great book! I will read it again!

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Four great novellas by talented authors of Amish fiction fill this charming collection. It’s fun to read more about characters we met in other novels. Some who were minor now get their own story. The characters and their struggles and stories seem realistic. We have the typical misunderstandings and lack of awareness that one could care for another, but the endearing tales touch the heart. I received a copy from the author. All opinions are mine.

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Four great and well known Amish writers share 4 sweet stories about finding love when it seems elusive.

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Amy Clipston, Kelly Irvin, Kathleen Fuller and Vannetta Chapman write an anthology centered around four Amish couples and their picnics.

Each story focuses on an adversity, whether real or perceived, which create a hindrance or stumbling block to the couples. I enjoyed seeing how the difficulties were overcome, along with getting to know new couples and getting to catch up with others from previous stories.

In Amy Clipston’s story, Baskets of Sunshine, we get to catch up with Phoebe Kurtz. Phoebe only had a small part in Clipston’s book The Bake Shop, when she helped her sister at her bakeshop, but I always enjoy reading more about other characters from a previously written story.

Candlelight Sweethearts, by Kelly Irvin, creates a sweet memory and occasion from a scary, threatening circumstance facing Esther Marie Shrock and Jasper Cotter. Even though both have very different ideas about management of Jasper’s family’s grocery store, they eventually find common ground.

Reeling in Love, by Kathleen Fuller, introduces Nina Stoll and Ira Yoder, who have been friends since they were very young. They both love fishing and fish every Saturday. So why does Nina become so upset when Ira brings Margaret to fish with them?

Vannetta Chapman’s Picnics and Prospects presents Faith Troyer and David Lapp with a dilemma. After consulting with their Bishop, they decide to take on an adventure and solve a 50-year-old mystery.

I truly enjoy novellas. They provide a quick getaway without feeling lost when you pick the book back up!
An Amish Picnic is a delightful set of stories, providing a look at friendships, love and romance, along with lessons in forgiveness and healing. Plus, it’s a wonderful glimpse of spring!!

I received the book from NetGalley. However, I was under no obligation to post a review.

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Thanks go to the publisher and Net-Galley for the complimentary copy of An Amish Picnic by Amy Clipston, Kelly Irvin, Kathleen Fuller, and Ranetta Chapman and for the opportunity to read and review these delightful novellas. My opinions are my own and are not influenced in any way.

An Amish Picnic is an enchanting collection of Amish stories with endearing characters and heartwarming plots. While I enjoyed each novella a great deal, Reeling in Love by Kathleen Fuller is by far my favorite. I fell in love with Nina and Ira. They are such an endearing couple. I’m a big fan of friends to lovers romances, and this one is an excellent example of that troupe.

If you enjoy Amish fiction with characters that will touch your heart, when you will love An Amish Picnic as much as I did. I have come to love this genre, and I’ve read quite a few books by each of these authors, and they are talented. Happy reading!

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I love novella collections, the only problem they leave me wanting more!! Each of these stories were so good. I loved the way the couples were able to work through their problems and find true love. And who doesn't love a picnic. I highly recommend this book.

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This is a wonderful collection of stories by some of the best Amish fiction writers in the genre! I highly recommend this book!

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“An Amish Picnic” includes four stories or novellas by different authors, each of whom is an experienced and well-known writer of Amish fiction. The picnic theme runs through all four of the stories. Readers of Amish fiction will find some familiar characters in them, although each novella can be read as a stand-alone. Each one deals with a specific situation or characteristic experienced by the characters: shyness, speech disorder, claustrophobia, clumsiness, independence, fear. The characters receive help from loved ones and friends to overcome these situations and find love and trust. Anyone who has experienced the feelings described in these novellas will find kindred spirits and sympathize with the situations found in the plot lines. The characters are well-drawn and likeable throughout.

Readers who enjoy clean stories without violence or strong language will find these stories inspirational. The Christian message is overt, yet forms an integral part of the novellas.

I received this book from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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A book with four short stories written by four separate authors who never seem to disappoint.

All are clean romance stories that deal with a picnic, hence the title.

This book was hard to put down and the stories were great. I would suggest this book to anyone who enjoys Amish Fiction or is looking for something simple to read.

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When I saw this collection of stories by these four excellent Amish authors, I eagerly anticipated reading this book. Each story reflects the author’s distinctive style and creativity. Each story was the perfect length and the endings were not rushed. All the stories have a “picnic” that creates a setting for the story. It was fun following all four couples through the course of their romances. All had a unique set of circumstances and challenges. I loved the faith, hope, and love that the authors infused into their storylines. This is a terrific book to read when you need something fun and uplifting to boost your spirits.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Baskets of Sunshine by Amy Clipston
Kevin misjudges Phoebe and realizes that that he is harboring a past hurt that will not let him fall in love with someone new. He must come to terms with this or be alone. I think we all sometimes deal with this issue in one way or another.
Candlelight Sweethearts by Kelly Irvin
Esther deals with stutter and feels no one will love her and has feelings for Jasper. Jasper loves Esther but being shy has caused him to not let her know. Until an unexpected storm keeps them together in a darken store do they realize the both feel the same way.
Reeling in Love by Kathleen Fuller
Nina and Ira enjoy each others company as friends and enjoy fishing. This story teaches us that sometimes we need help from others to get the relationship going.
Picnics and Prospects by Vannetta Chapman
Faith deals with past hurts and hiding her claustrophobia and with David's help and a box of mysterious letters she is able to overcome and fall in love with David.

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I loved each and every story.
Kathleen fuller was my favorite.
loved all the character's in each in every story.
I loved the cover and the title.

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An Amish Picnic contains four novellas by four different authors Amy Clipston, Kelly Irvin, Kathleen Fuller, and Vannetta Chapman. I really enjoyed reading each of these novellas. Each one contains different characters who go on picnics in hopes to find romance. I enjoyed how the picnics drew the characters together. I enjoyed reading this book and had a hard time putting it down. Go grab your copy today you will be glad you did.

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Four very well written and entertaining novellas. I enjoyed each selection. My thanks to the publisher for my advance ebook. This is my unbiased review.

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