Member Reviews

This is an interesting and emotional read. I love the way the chapters are split with the viewpoint of dad, James, and then the son, Geoff. They each share about life as the parent of an addict or the person who is the addict. And each point of view is important to know. While I can imagine life as a part of a child who suffers with an addiction (by the grace of God I haven’t had to experience that), I had no idea the physical, psychological, and mental challenges a person with addictions faces. If you are a parent of a prodigal, a person who is a prodigal, deal with prodigals, or know someone who does, this is a must read for you!
Thank you to NetGalley and Our Daily Bread Publishing for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

I picked up this book because I currently have a prodigal. I needed some encouragement and hope in our situation. What a beautiful testimony in this book! I appreciate the honesty, openness, and dependence on God in seeming impossible circumstances. I would recommend this book to anyone to read, even if they've never experienced the pain of having a prodigal. Anyone can glean how to best support families who are going through this, and get encouragement from the scriptures. Highly recommended.

Hope Lies Ahead is a wonderful book for any parent to read. There are so many reminders for parents about praying for our kids and how to love our kids no matter what. There are so many quotes from the book that I absolutely love. As a mom of 5 kids, I totally enjoyed this book. I even read his book "Prayers for Prodigals" too. "Hope Lies ahead because God doesn't look backwards." "The Good Shepherds' goodness and love follows us all the days of our life and can take what the enemy has twisted and bend back to a blessing." "There is beauty in the ups and downs!" "The enemy is probing for our weakness."
This book is told by a father and son and each of their perspectives are told. It is about so much more than addiction! One of the quotes from the book that is so true is that "sometimes praying doesn't change our situations but changes our perspective". I so often think that as parents we pray for the problem to disappear when God can use any of our problems and as stated in the book "God wastes nothing". James does an excellent job telling their story and the ups and downs. I think as a parent it is easy to let anger, pride, and possible embarrassment creep into our parenting that we don't always respond the way we should. James states how he and his wife began to see God work on their heart throughout the process. God doesn't change throughout the process but our heart posture, identity in Christ, and life can change when we wait with God and not for God. Geoffrey tells an excellent, honest story to. One of the things he talks about is that he wished his parents weren't so concerned about getting him to God that they forgot about their relationship.
This book made me stop and think. God loves us so much and desires for us to be in relationship with Him. So many of our struggles are controlled by our mind and the access we give the enemy. I recommended that everyone should read this wonderful book. I love the story about when they run into a judge that had Geoffrey in court and his response was "he'll have a story to tell one day, he's just working on his testimony." We all are working on our testimony and will have a story to share one day. What will yours look like?
Thank you NetGalley and Our Daily Bread Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

This book was excellent! I can't image what it would of been like to be in the parents shoes as you watch your child spin out of control. I love that this book has a message of hope for those parents!

Honest and heartbreaking story of how unpredictable addiction can be and how tragic. I gained a better understanding of why addicts make the choices they do and I fell in love with the family that never stopped loving and praying and trying. Sometimes we look at the drug addict on the street and it's easy to roll our eyes and blame. But when you get inside this family's struggle you realize that every addict has a family and a home life, that choices aren't always easy, that what you think should work doesn't always work and that family is family regardless. This book will be a great help to other parents struggling to figure out what they did wrong, why they can't fix their child and why God would allow such a struggle.

For any parent who has had a prodigal, or for parents in general, Hope Lies Ahead is both heart-wrenching and encouraging. Though I have not experienced the exact same situation, I have desperately cried out to God many times on behalf of my children who seemed "a far way off" from God. I appreciated both the honesty and the vulnerability of both authors, the father and the son, as they told their story of addiction from two perspectives. Many times while reading this book, tears were streaming down my face as I could empathize with the pain and frustration of seemingly unanswered prayers. The authors were able to effectively communicate that in Jesus, there is always hope. I definitely recommend this book to any parent who is struggling.

This book brings about some of my greatest fears as a mother. We have some children that we’ve adopted which leads to several special situations. For us, that means knowing that there are some things that are out of our control. Our children struggle with RAD. It affects so much and makes me fear for what will happen somedays. But then I remind myself that God is in control, not me.
Hope Lies Ahead tells us a true story of one family with a son who becomes a prodigal. But praise God he comes back! I found this story inspirational and full of good advice for parents. Because I truly think we will have some prodigal moments with some of our children this is a book that I will keep on our shelf to pull off as I need it.
I recommend this book. Truly, all parents should have a copy. It really helps with what to pray for our children even as they are young. I think it also offers some great advice for parenting whether you’re dealing with a prodigal or not.
I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.

James and Geoffrey Banks share their story as father and son going through a prodigal situation. They speak openly about their struggles as Geoffrey battles his addiction to drugs. Through it all, James holds on to his faith and gives the situation to God. Many times, both father and son question the outcomes of bad situations. Is God really there? Does He even care what is happening in their lives?
I enjoyed their story because it was so open and honest. Many times parents want to give up on their children because of their actions. This story gives hopes and understanding to a subject that many people are facing.

Hope Lies Ahead: Encouragement for Parents of Prodigals from a Family That's Been There is the follow up to James Banks’ Prayers for Prodigals. In Hope Lies Ahead, Mr. Banks writes about his journey as a parent with his prodigal son, Geoff. Geoff also contributes to the book as he writes about his side of events as well as his thoughts and feelings as he descended into drug use, his struggle to recovery and the transformation his life has taken now. Each chapter is a conversation with James providing the parental perspective and Geoff providing the prodigal perspective. Their goal for the book is to show all their faults, struggles and successes to encourage parents and prodigals who deal with the same faults, struggles and look forward to their own successes. It is also their goal to encourage churches to open their doors and arms, to become a place that people can truly be honest about their struggles, without judgement, for prayers, love, and support.
From the very beginning, Hope Lies Ahead is brutally honest. Misters Banks open their hearts and laying everything on the table to show what they went through and how they battled to achieve the recovery that live today. Not just Geoff’s recovery from drug abuse but their own relationship as father and son recovered to be in a better place than it had ever before. Geoff at one point said, “My father was so concerned with getting me to God that he forgot to maintain our relationship.” Hope Lies Ahead is a great heartfelt look into one family’s battle with addiction. One side are the parents, desperate to help their child and on the other side is the child whose addiction takes him to the very depths. Only through prayer, faith, and determination is that child alive and well today. I highly recommend Hope Lies Ahead!
Hope Lies Ahead:
Encouragement for Parents of Prodigals from a Family That's Been There
is available in paperback and eBook

Hope Lies Ahead is a deeply emotional book about redemption, healing and recovery from substance abuse written by father and son James and Geoff Banks. Each write their personal viewpoint on how they were affected by Geoff's struggle with substance abuse. This was a particularly moving book because James Banks is also a minister who had been compelled to push his son toward God for so many years and had to learn like so many of us to wait on God's timing. It took years of time, patience and most of all the love of his parents to bring Geoff back to his "senses" just as the son in the biblical story of the Prodigal Son.
James Banks shares helpful scriptures and many of the prayers he and his wife Cari had prayed for Geoff over several years. Geoff is candid about what he had gone through and what he realized he had put his family and friends through. They are relentlessly honest and open about the various incidences Geoff went through how his parents responded to him each time. There was no holding back from either of them.
It is a difficult task to put one's struggles on paper and then share it with the world. Their ultimate goal is to help other families who have a child struggling with substance abuse. The shared writing of this book brought a stronger sense of healing to the Banks family. I find that this book would also be helpful for spouses as well who are coping with similar circumstances. It's a worthy read for any family member, spouse, or friend concerned about a loved who is wrestling with the demons of substance abuse.

I cannot begin to tell how much this book meant to me during this long agonizing wait for my "prodigal" to come home. She still hasn't "come home", but just like the title of this book says, "Hope Lies Ahead". This book is a must read for any parent whose child has gone his own way, breaking the parent's heart. This book is a testimony to what God can do to totally change a life. In this book, the author tells the journey he and his family went through before their son came back to his senses and trusted Jesus. Parents dealing with children with substance abuse problems will find this book extremely helpful. Each chapter tells the events from both the father's and son's point of view. It was invaluable to read the son's journey through his eyes. It helped me realize how my "prodigal" thinks. This book was a source of therapy for me. Any parent who has been through a similar situation feels like he or she is all alone. Pastor James Banks and his son, Geoffrey helped me realize that there are those out there who have been through similar situations.

Told from the alternating viewpoints of the father James and the son Geoff, this is a book of encouragement for Christian parents who have a prodigal member of their family. A prodigal is one who walks away from the truth and seeks their place in the world of drugs or other addictions. I really enjoyed the alternating viewpoints since it let me see clearly how the parent and the child were feeling and how the struggle to create a new relationship was real for both of them. This was a very quick read that encouraged me to continue to pray for my family members who have chosen a different path than I would want for them. This is a book that truly offers hope and inspiration to all who have broken relationships and are attempting to restore them.

I loved this book! I couldn't put it down and while reading through it I found myself ordering copies for friends I knew needed to read it as well. The story of this father and son is heartbreaking and hopeful at the same time. This isn't just a book for parents or parents of prodigals. Everyone should be read this book, I found myself relating to both father and son in different moments.
If you are looking for a story of hope and redemption. If you are worried and praying for your child. If you are feeling far from God. This is the book you want to order right now. I will refer to this book often. I recommend this vulnerable and honest book about addiction and recovery for every church, therapist and treatment center. Put this in your library and refer every family to it!
An early copy of this book was made available to me by the publisher through netgalley. This is my honest review.

This is a true story of addiction and how one family deals with it. James, the father and Geof, son and addict tell their story in their own words. Both do not sugar coat anything. Each chapter both are telling of the situation and how both see and react to each other and the situation. James is a pastor and never felt he would be dealing with a son addicted to opioids. Geoff was the pastor's son that people looked up to and thought couldn't do anything wrong. He tells how he was finally kicked out of his parents house, moved in with his sister, stole from her, kicked out, was in and out of jail, in and out of rehab, and so much more. James and his wife Cari, share how they kept being praying parents and someday they knew God would come into Geoff's life again. Does God come into the life? Does God work all things for good, or is this an ending that no one saw coming?
I would recommend this book to anyone going through an addiction, either themselves or a loved on. This book is so true it doesn't hold back and gives you both sides of the story. It shows that everyone involved is held accountable and how you can pray, keep faith strong and have hope. I loved the chapter that when a counselor is telling James about addition: "When you are a parent of an addict, it's hard for others to understand. If your child was sick or had another problem, people would bring meals to your door and listen sympathetically. But when your child is an addict you don't get a casserole." This is so true, and I never thought of it that way.... how much society writes off the addict and is not willing to meet them where they are. People tell the addict it is your choice, you did this to yourself..... This book makes you feel differently about this issue and will make you see both sides. Great book of truth and above all GOD!! I read this from cover to cover and couldn't put it down. So inspiring and will give hope to anyone that is dealing with this issue.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from Celebrate Lit Books. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255, "Guides Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.

Such a hard topic but such a needed topic. As a counselor I found so much information here that I feel can be shared with parents of
Prodigal children along with individual people. I will be recommending it to others.
I liked the story from two different perspectives.
I received an advanced copy and this is my own opinion.

( received complimentary copy in exchange for review ) While not a parent myself, I read this as a prodigal. Having walked away from God a time .. or two .. or three .. if I'm honest. Found myself within the book in many parts, and, personally being not entirely ready to deal with myself, I found myself reading thru this faster than I would have like. However, it it not that I didn't enjoy or benefit from this read. Quite the opposite, I have added this to my re-read list, and will be treating it as a book study very soon. I do recommend this book as a valuable source of hope.

Sometimes, you don’t know you need a book. It can be difficult to read about stories that are similar to your own. But the stories are so prevalent and so well-written, you find you can’t turn them away.
James and Geoff’s story is one of those that I didn’t know I needed until I’d already picked up the book. Their storytelling is of their own journey through Geoff’s heroin addiction and the hope and prayer spent on bringing a prodigal home.
I won’t say it was an easy book to read. Reading about addiction should never be easy. I will say it opened my eyes to the answers on a few questions I have asked myself over the years. I applaud these men for having the courage to put their story out into the world.
It’s been a great help to me, and it’s one I will come back to when I feel discouraged.

This book is a sequel to the book Prayers for Prodigals.
The prodigal in this story is a son who is a drug addict. The book is written by the father and son together which tells you that the prayers offered in the first book were helpful in this situation.
There were two statements in particular that I found very thought provoking:
"God still had ways of showing himself faithful. He was teaching us that the purpose of prayer isn't first about asking and receiving, it's about keeping company with Him. God himself is the best answer to prayer."
"Comfort comes as we wait WITH Jesuse. If we wait FOR Him, our eyes are continually on our circumstances, and we find little strength there. But if we wait WITH Him in our longing for our loved ones to turn to Him, and turn our worries into prayer, He will show us that He is more than enough."
While I can't recommend this book to everyone, it may very well be of comfort to someone who is in a similar situation. But I would advise getting Prayers for Prodigals to read along with it.

What an amazing book and what an amazing testimony.
I almost didn’t sign-up to review this book because I didn’t think I would get anything out of it because I’m not dealing with a prodigal child. I am so glad I changed my mind.
The father-son story can speak to anyone’s heart, no matter where you are at. If you have children this will be a wake up call that even good kids can get sucked into bad situations. My own son is in 8th grade, which is the grade Geoff fell into drugs. I just can’t even imagine my son doing those things, he seems so young, but obviously it happens. And as a teacher I wonder how many of my students are dealing with this.
As someone who has walked out of my own “addiction” this book reminded me of all God has rescued me from. My addiction wasn’t drugs, it was pride and lust but I see some similarities. Our brains become wired to our addictions, for me it was a way to think and feel.
I also appreciated Geoff’s honesty that he has had to fight the temptation even after being free for many years. I think many people will relate to this, I know I did.
I recommend this book for anyone, because it might be you, it might your child or another family member who this relates to and you will be encouraged to read this testimony.
A copy of this book was given to me through the Celebrate Lit Team.

This has been a very emotional book to read. I appreciate how transparent the authors’ have been in sharing their story. Most of us are familiar with the story of the prodigal son. The story hit home for me in several ways as the authors’ began to share their journey. Growing up in a house where my dad was a preacher we were always judged by others in the church. We seemed to be held more accountable than others and were always watched by members of the church. My father was all about appearances and any secrets going on in our family were never revealed. I pray that this book will touch many lives and set them free.
I loved how this family was open and received great counsel from their church. They had prayer warriors surrounding them which helped them during their difficult journey with their son. Geoff began to spiral out as he found himself deeper into drugs. He addiction was so severe that at times his parents were at a loss of what to do. The pain that Geoff went through was so heartbreaking and I could feel his hopelessness. It is easier for people to have sympathy when someone has cancer or other recognized medical condition. When someone deals with addiction, they shun them and toss them aside.
The rollercoaster ride the family went through was difficult and eye opening at the same time. Geoff wanted to be accepted but felt the only way he could accomplish that was to get high and hang around people like himself. As parents we want to protect our children, but sometimes we have to give it to God. It was nice to read how God was changing not only Geoff but his parents as well. In a crisis we need to stand together as a family. As the addiction became worse, so did the communication between husband and wife. At sone point I’m sure they wanted to give up, but instead they dug in deeper and surrendered everything to God. A situation may look hopeless, but God is in the hope business. He wants to strengthen our faith, hope and endurance.
The book is one I think everyone should read. It shares the struggles of an addict and his road back to God and his family. It is an honest look at how devastating addiction can be and the consequences it has on not only the addict but the family as well. Forgiveness and grace is the key to helping those who feel rejected and a failure. Geoff needed his family to not give up on him. What he realized was that he was not alone in his journey. God was guiding him and watching over him. His parents in their darkest moments knew they had to forgive their son and welcome him home with unconditional love.
I encourage readers to share this book with others and ask a God how you can help those who feel lost and about to give up. Addiction is an illness and without help it can destroy lives. I want to thank the authors’ for sharing their story and allowing God to use their story to impact others. Through our test comes our testimony.
“Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us,” Luke 11:4.
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.