Member Reviews

A lovely little book of stories from meetings with taxi drivers. The author clearly loves Paris you can tell on every page and the stories are lovely.
Nice easy light read and really fun.

A light, quick read showcasing the author's experiences with Paris taxi drivers. These are very short anecdotes of maybe a page or two each. Great for when you have a couple of minutes to kill.

I don't really know what to say about this book. Yes, it was charming, but it was very slight. I myself adore Paris and, whilst I therefore found the taxi tales charming, I feel that other people would fail to find the point of many of them. (A tale that Ethiopian sounds like Portuguese, or that taxi drivers in Bordeaux are nice, as examples)
To me it read like a long magazine article, or a series of vignettes to be serialised each week in a magazine. If I had bought it I would have been disappointed with the volume of the book; I would imagine other readers may also be disappointed with the content.

This is a quick read that was well written and fun to read. I love books like this simply for the personal touch and relatability. The fact that it’s set in France makes it that much more fun and quirky.

Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. Not sure what to say about this book as cannot say it was good or bad. Think I will leave the reviews to other readers and see what they think

Fun and quirky book about meeting with Paris taxi drivers and the anecdotes resulting from them. Gives a slice of Parisian flavor rarely seen in other books about the French capital and kinda restores your faith in humanity reading the way these drivers - perfect strangers - look out for their passengers and really seem to want to do right by them.
I would have preferred a bit more about actual taxi rides and less of the 'life' surrounding them (which ultimately made the taxi rides' anecdotes about fifty percent or just slightly more of the actual book), but on the whole, a good, quick read that does bring a smile to your face

This is an easy breezy collection of anecdotes from the author's life - it is interesting how she has loosely fashioned a thread of taxi conversations with her observations of people and her own life experiences. The author's love for Paris shines through and its a great quick read for any francophile.

A quick, light, engaging and often funny read - I love Paris, and this read made me want to return sooner. I'm not sure I would read it again in a hurry and I felt that had it been longer I may have begun to lose interest.

British translator and author Nicky Gentil moved to Paris 30 years ago, and over the span of the last three decades, she has taken her fair share of taxi rides. Inspired by some of the most memorable conversations she's had with parisian cabdrivers (and there have been lots of them), Taxi Tales from Paris was then written, and published last November.
This is a light, fun read, full of great memories from someone who clearly loves living in Paris. It's one of those books that will make you want to visit the city, and it is, in a way, a hommage to all the charming (and not so charming) cabdrivers out there. It's also an account of the cultural differentes the author has encountered over the years, her love story with jazz, and her wonderful experience with parenthood.
It isn't life-changing, or something I'll still be thinking about obsessively in a few weeks, but it was a lovely read nonetheless, and something anyone who loves Paris will appreciate.

An absolutely delightful book of short tales of Gentil's encounters with taxi drivers throughout her many years in Paris. I loved this warm-hearted, engaging book.

This is a delightful collection of short stories. It is all Paris taxi stories. Although easy to read in one setting, I wanted it to last longer. The author is both a keen observer and a good listener, and we are the fortunate recipients!

So entertaining I’ve ridden in taxis in Paris and have found the drivers to be interesting opinionated.Wish this book full of characters had been longer really enjoyed #netgalley#matador

What a wonderful bright and positive book to end my reading with in 2019.
Taxi Tales from Paris is a simple title that sums up the notion of this collection of journeys and incidents while travelling around Paris by cab. What it doesn’t reveal however, is the literary charm and skill the author utilises to share her experiences.
You know a nice person just doesn’t wake up each morning and follows on another day in their life. You sense reading this book, in no time at all that Nicky Gentil is a special person. Full of compassion, life and empathy.
This is a life affirming account of the adoptive city she calls home. It is some of the recollections of times spent in a taxi, the reasons for those trips and the conversations that arose in those times.
I found the insights into the character and life-changing incidents from the author’s life inspirational. She has many reasons to be crusty and at odds with life based on her own struggles. Yet this does not cloud her narrative, which is one of hope and optimism.
A short book that gives a lift and promotes the attitude of making the most of each day.

I enjoyed reading this book. It was funny. Interesting and a good lift you up book. It’s full of the insight of the taxi driver. As you can imagine they have all sorts in there car

An amusing collection of tales that are small slices of life in Paris and the unique perspective that its taxi drivers have.
My only disappointment was that the book wasn’t long enough, I would’ve preferred it to have had more stories as this was book was over too quickly. It would be perfect for someone who wants something for a quick read or for someone who is a reluctant reader but interested in travel.

This was an incredibly quick read with stories I enjoyed from a place I hold dear in my heart. I don't think i ever rode in a Taxi the one time I was in Paris, but maybe I will if I ever go back. I thought the essarys were delightful and the books was a fun littoe pick me up.