Member Reviews

Cole Chisholm is a detective on leave from his job to care for his grandfather Walt. Walt lost his wife three months previously, and had gone downhill since. Cole’s relationship with his grandfather is quite strained, but his love and sense of duty is more important than that, despite their tumultuous past.

But something - or someones - happened. When a baby turns up on Walt’s doorstep, not only does his life change for the better, but so does Cole’s. When Cole arrives home and sees the baby with his grandfather, he goes out in brutal weather to try and locate whoever could have possibly left the baby. It takes some searching, but he finds an injured woman unconscious and lying in the snow. He brings her to his home the moment he learns she is the mother of the baby.

From this moment on, a mystery is formed with very tense moments as to why the woman, Grace Bennett, was out in hazardous weather conditions with the baby, Zoe. Cole begins to work out a difficult series of events that involve Grace and Zoe. Meanwhile, Cole’s relationship with his grandfather goes through a transition, and things slowly begin to change.

With everything going on, a gentle, slow-building romance begins to form, as well as the hope of family and future. While there is strong tension in this story, as well as a bit of intrigue, there is quite a lot of character development, and it is done quite well.

To Save a Child is part of the Texas Rebels series, but it read more than well as a standalone. Nonetheless, based on how well-written this story was, I can imagine how good this series must be as a whole. Linda Warren has managed to write a beautiful story, one that was both moving and compelling.

Many thanks to Harlequin Heartwarming and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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I love these Harlequin collections and when I see that babies are involved, I usually don't even read the synopsis and I already want the book.

I loved this one when I realized that To Save a Child also had a certain mystery and an atmosphere of tension. I loved so very much Zoe and her relationship with Walt.

I loved the plot so much and how the relationship between the characters was built, especially between Walt and Cole. I was already excited to choose To Save a Child as my favorite in the style when it arrived in apotheosis...

It had everything to close the story with a great flourish but unfortunately, the writer skidded and chose an ending for the villain that I found it too simple and a point of conflict between the couple that I found illogical given the personality presented by Grace throughout the book and after everything she went through with her new friends. I really didn't like it. The consolation came in the form of a very cute epilogue.

3,5/5 stars

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Imagine Cole Chisholm surprise when a baby shows up at his doorstep and find a women in need of help. His grandfather sees this as a sign from up above from the grandmother and wants them to stick around. Grace is trying to care of the child since the death of a close loved one and the father seems to be after the child there is something there and she wants to make sure the child is safe so Cole looks deeper into whats going on.

I guess I didn't even read the description when picking this book up I thought it was going to be some sweet wholesome romance and I got something better a mystery attached to it. I love a good mystery and romance book. I loved seeing that connection and seeing how sweet and seamless Grace got on with Cole and his grandfather. Then there was the mystery aspect where Cole was getting deeper into figuring to what was going on with the baby's father. Its only a matter of time before the father comes for the child and Grace believes there was abuse going on and will try to do everything she can to keep that child safe from her father. Overall there is so much going on with this book that'll keep the readers hooked from start to end.

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Who are Grace, Zoe, and Cole? Who is Walter? Who are Stephanie and Wyatt? How do all of these people know one another? What happens with Grace's thoughts had me laughing at her rescue!!! Oh my, I love Walter's personality and how he treats Zoe! I chuckled every time Grace got upset. Walter was my favorite character! Loved his conversations with Cora. I now want to go back and read the first 7 books of this series.

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Walt sat talking to his wife who had already passed away. His dog Rascal kept barking at the doortyo let him out. Walt finally got up and opened the door and found a baby girl in a basket on his porch. He brought the baby in and said" Cora you sent me a baby.” Cole had come home to watch over his grandfather Walt. His grandmother had passed away three months ago and Walt wasn’t handeling very well. He had stopped eating and tacking his medicine. Cole had just made detective on the Austin Police Force and he needed to get back to work. Coles parents had both died in a car accident when he was one year old and his grandparents had raised him. No matter how close Cole was to his grandfather, the ,man was the most stubborn, orneriest cowboy alive. Cole called the Sherriff when he got home. He said he was in for the he offered to help Wyatt as much as he could while there so... Then Cole’s phone rang and it was Stephanie. They had been dating about six months . He wanted to return to his life and Stephanie who was pushing him to return home. But Cole couldn’t in good conscience walk away from his grandfather. When Cole got home he found his grandfather had a baby on his lap and his grandfather said Cora sent her. When Cole went out looking he found Grace face down in the wet grass. The woman-He soon learned was Grace was soaked from the sleet and Cole carried her to his truck. The woman came to and asked Cole to stop yelling at her. Cole knew he had to get her to his grandfather's and soon. She asked for Zoe as soon as she said to stop yelling at her. Cole told her Zoe was with his grandfather. He then added he would get her stuff out of the car when she was settled in the truck. She remembered she wanted to get Zoe to the house but she hadn’t made it there. She had slipped on some grass but she had the carrier tight in her right arm. She then added that was her last thought to keep Zoe safe. He told her had to get her someplace he was sure she had hypothermia. The would sort things out later. Grace knew she had put Zoe and her own life in jeopardy but she couldn’t stay in Austin. If she had they would have taken Zoe from her. She would do anything to keep that from happening, even butting heads with the take control stranger, She hoped he wasn’t a cop.

This was a suspenseful read with a side of romance added. At the same time. But also a heartwarming read at the same time. I loved the development of Cole’s and Graces relationship in this book. I also loved Zoe she was such an endearing character. I loved that Cole joined in trying to protect Zoe. I loved how Grace was determined to keep Zoe with her no matter what. I loved Walt too. I didn’t know this was part of a series when i picked this to read but I got through it without much problem. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I highly recommend it.

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Thanks goes to the publisher and Net-Galley for the chance to read and review To Save a Child by Linda Warren prior to publication. My opinions are my own and not influenced by the receipt of a complimentary e-copy.

To Save a Child is a heartwarming story of a family who needs to mend misconceptions and change how they relate to each other. It’s a story of a woman’s determination to save her niece at all cost. A story of a take-charge cop who offers to help.

Grace Bennett’s character is endearing. Her willingness to fight for her niece, even when faced with insurmountable obstacles is amazing. Her kindness to a grieving elderly man is touching, and her dedication to the elderly folks she’s responsible for as a director in an assisted living facility is moving.

Cole Chisholm is a great hero. His tenderness toward his grandfather, even though his memories of his childhood differ from reality, touched my heart. He’s not used to showing his emotions, so I loved the way Grace encourages him to see things from his past in a different light.

The romance develops quickly between Grace and Cole, but it grows from their mutual efforts to save Zoe. I loved their story and wants them to find their happy ending.

While there are redundancies and clichés, the story is so strong, I overlooked them as I became enmeshed in the book. I’m glad I did because I truly liked this excellent novel. If you enjoy clean romances with engaging characters and an intriguing plot, then you will love To Save a Child as much as I. Ms. Warren is an amazing storyteller, and I will look for other books by her. Happy reading!

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TO SAVE A CHILD is cuteness overload and exactly why I chose this book for review. I was in the mood for an extra sweet story with a child, and author Linda Warren provided that and more. I mean, seriously? Who can resist that wanna-pinch-her-cheeks baby on the cover?

Walter Chisholm is having a rough time adapting after the death of his wife. They also lost their son and his wife years ago, which changed their lives forever. Now that his grandson, who they raised together, is an adult and trying to tell him what to do, Walt is ready to be done with all this nonsense and be with his wife.

When a baby is plopped down on his doorstep, Walt swears it’s a gift from his deceased wife. Even though his grandson Cole is against the idea, Walt is determined to keep this baby. Cole is sure this isn’t a gift from heaven, but a sign that something is terribly wrong. He knows his policeman’s instincts are spot on when he finds a woman face-down in the snow near her wrecked car. Can he trust anything she says?

TO SAVE A CHILD is book 9 in the Texas Rebels series and the first book I’ve read by this author. I didn’t know it was part of a series when I chose it. For the most part, I was able to understand it without reading the prior eight books. A few things were a little fuzzy, but not enough to stop me from reading this one out of order.

Even though this book isn’t listed as suspense, there is enough to create tension. There were some characterization issues that bumped me a bit, as well as some repetitive phrasing that could have been smoothed out. But everything else was delightful.

Walt was my favorite character. He was ornery and bossy and cranky—all the things that reminded me fondly of my grandpa. His wisdom and funny way of saying things made me laugh.

This book is wholesome good reading that doesn’t rely on the romance to carry it forward. And the book gave me that all-over gooey niceness I was craving, filled with everyday things like cooking for memories and dancing to old tunes. The romance was subtle and developed as friendship into chaste kisses to love. Even non-romance lovers will enjoy this sweet story.

TO SAVE A CHILD is clean, feel-good storytelling all meshed together with likable characters in an intriguing plot. Fans of Christmas stories will enjoy the nuances added in to emphasize the characters’ past and how it evolves into a beautiful future. I’ll be looking for more Harlequin Heartwarming stories, as well as more books by Linda Warren. Satisfying fast-reading goodness!

Review by Dorine, courtesy of

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This was the first I have read from this author, that being said this story was cute. The storyline was pretty solid and at times had me on my toes because I wanted to know what happened next! The story was very cute but not over done on the romance, the romance is written in well and not forced. Definitely will check out more from this author! It was a pretty quick read, finished it in one night!

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First I want to add that I hadn’t read any other books in the series. It was easily enjoyed as a stand-alone.
I finished it within 18 hours. I wanted to see what happened, and it was a pretty quick read.
There were a couple twists that I didn’t see coming which I enjoyed.

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