Member Reviews

Nathalie sat at a small table to fill out the application before getting in line. The man who gave out the applications eyed her with male interest before it was her turn to enter the tent. Then she saw the man interviewing everyone and stifled a gasp . He could easily be the man Antommette fell for. Her darling stepsisters sixteen month old son possessed the man's square chin and black hair. The same type of build and olive skin. Thousands of men shared the same qualifications but this one’s piercing black eyes had a distinct look it reminded her so much of her little nephew Nathatie’s was astonished. By applying for this job she could have found him. When he spoke it reached her insides.Nathalie's heart sped up when she realized she was next in line and needed to follow through. Then she saw the same birthmark on the man her nephew had. His virile male beauty stunned her. He was so gorgeous she was in danger of forgetting why she came. For her little nephews sake it was vital she pulled this off. After her interview Nathalie went to her car and got behind the wheel, she was still feeling shaky from all the sensations bombarding her. It might be a longshot but she suspected she found her nephew's father. Of course if she didn’t get hired she needed to find innovative ways to to0 cross his path, starting tonight. She planned to go to the bristo Claire had told her about. Having finished the interviews Dominic Laurent Fontesquieu couldn’t resist taking another look at the Fournier application. The woman had translucent green eyes and natural blonde hair that robbed him of his breath. Her deportment and stunning beauty had capitulated him. As he studied her application her image swam before him again. He didn’t buy her story about why she wanted the temporary work. He was unable to get her off his mind. He was so attracted to her, it shocked him. Vetting was his brother Etienne's job but he had a nasty flu his grandfather demanded he take his brothers place. He wanted to catch up with her after she left to take her to dinner to get to know her better. But that had been impossible with other people needing to be interviewed. Until today he had never met a woman whose ;looks turned him inside out in just one short meeting. He’d never experienced the intense, earthy kind of attraction to a woman. He thought of Nathalie. She was on some kind of mission and he was certain of it. Early on Dominic had made up his mind to study business and carve out his own future. He’d left home under the threat of being disinherited but he didn’t care. Dominic knew his grandfather and father planned on him marrying Corine Herlot but he could never be interested in her and planned on leaving before the harvest was over. Before today. Now there was no way in the world he could leave yet. After she’d been hired Nathalie had been intent on finding Alain’s -her little nephew- father. She never expected she’d meet a man who could sweep her away with every look and smile.
I really loved this book. But it was not very realistic but romances aren’t usually. I lived Dominic and Nathalie together and how they interacted. I loved how Nathalie was so determined not to get involved as it would be near impossible for her to have a baby and after her ex she couldn’t go through the rejection or take that chance away from a man that she loved. I loved how close she was to her mother. How Nathalie wanted to adopt her nephew and raise him as her own. I loved that Natalie found Alains father and he was so excited that he had a child from the woman he truly loved even as he mourned her death. I loved Nathalie that she wanted to find Alain’s father even if it meant losing him. I loved the pace and plot of this book. I also loved the ending and how thoughtful Dominic was. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I highly recommend it.

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This book sounded like it would be one I would love and it didn't disappoint. I loved this book.
I liked the characters and I very much liked the author's writing.

I do highly recommend.

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