Member Reviews

An action adventure that will keep your interest from escapade to escapade. The main character is a hard charging agent who dishes it out as necessary but has a take no prisoners attitude. When rock bottom hits her mild mannered, by the book, partner steps up to the plate swinging. This adventure will take the reader from Alaska to China by way of Russia.
I enjoyed the book and have rated it 4 stars. I would expect to see more offerings from this author featuring this, apparently, fearless agent and her partner.
I received an ARC from Netgalley for my unbiased review.

If you like action then this may be for you!
Unfortunately I found the action to be too far fetched to be believeable.
It certainly did fill a spot though and kept me reading just to find out how far fetched it could actually be.

This is a good thriller with interesting characters and a good amount of action. It has good pacing and decent dialog too. The author writes sparingly, meaning he seems to believe no word should be wasted. This is a good thing. Recommended for thriller fans.
I really appreciate the ARC for review!!

It’s so wonderful to find a new author! Brent Ladd is mine. I love conspiracy history—you know the “What might have happened?” kind. From the opening, you are hooked with this secret mission of the past. Add to it Codi and Joel from the present as the hero and heroine trying to save the US and you have a extraordinary plot solidified through characterization. To avoid spoilers I’ll have to shy away from what I consider fantastic suspense, but let’s just say that you will definitely fan the pages in a rush to finish!

This is my kind of book, something to keep your interest the whole way through. A great story originating with events taking place during the Cold War and resolving themselves in current day. Codi and Joel are FBI agents who always seem to attract trouble, but this means we get entertained. The author has a style that is effortless to read but does the main part of providing the information needed for a good story really well. You would wonder how on earth two FBI agents end up in China trying to "save the world" but they do, Brent Ladd writes in a very direct way which is very refreshing, no waffle, no fillers, allowing you to totally immerse yourself in the story. This is the second in the series and I will now look to read the first one "Terminal Pulse".

I like adventure thrillers especially with back story to previous times so this sounded good. The story is intriguing - Cold War antics in northern Alaska resulting in the death of three Russians who "weren't there" at a high security military establishment. Moving on 50 years the glacier disgorgres their bodies and local police determine that they are Russian. In come cold case FBI (although how the case is cold when it didn't exist isn't explained) agents - gung ho up and at 'em female Cody and partner geeky Joel. The have to return the bodies to Russia for some reason, why them? Anyway they get blown up, car gets pushed into a river and other general attempts at getting rid of them and there were times when I wished that the bad guys were successful. However. Enter Chinese bad guys also infiltrating American military establishments - especially Cheyenne Mountain Complex about which we are told a lot. Their infiltree gets the computer virus into the system after months of covert work only to be murdered by their murderous Chinese boss - waste of agent training time there methinks Much of the book is spent with Cody and Joel skooting aorund the world being chased by said murderous, now double-crossing, Chinese and escaping by the hairs of their teeth. There is clearly an earlier book where the two FBI agents were brought together and this kept getting repeated - I forget how many times we were told Codi drowned, died and came back to like. Overall I felt that all characters were rather shallow and didn't really care what happened to them. The story certainly had potential but was too mixed up and skipped around too much for me. If what you want is pretty non stop unbelievable action then this is for you.. Thanks to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for an advance copy in exchange for my honest review.