Member Reviews

Great title to recommend to my LGBTQIA readers! saw discussions and promotions of this title and decided to read outside of my normal genres. Really enjoyed this book & will definitely be recommending!

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Rebekiah, a photographer specializing in erotic photography who is happy connecting with her subjects on a physical level but nothing deeper. Wealth manager Lindsey finds herself taking over Rebekiah’s financial portfolio. She is determined to keep things professional, but when Lindsey agrees to pose for Rebekiah, neither may be able to keep things professional for very long.

This was a fun (and steamy) book. I flew through it in about twenty-four hours, and it was a good pick for a lazy, weekend read. With Valentine’s Day coming up, sometimes it’s fun to pile on the romance and just be sappy for a minute.

If you like your romance chaste, best to steer clear of this one. It’s sexually charged from the beginning, but there’s plenty of sap, too.

I really enjoyed that despite the difference in the two women, Lindsey holds her own. She’s not overly shy about her body or her sexuality, and that made for a more interesting dynamic than adding more tension to the photo shoots. Both women were pretty comfortable with themselves, their wants, and needs, and it was a refreshing break from some of the timid characters I’ve seen in romance lately.

This one’s out Tuesday, so if you’re trying to squeeze in more romance this month, definitely check it out.

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I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The character development in this book is just amazing. You really see the people in the story grow with one another and away from one another very organically. The relationships felt very real and believable. None of that "instant love" kind of stuff. You grow with the characters and see their attraction and romance blossom into something beautiful.

The erotic parts could use some work. They were uncomfortable to read, almost like the author was uncomfortable writing them.

Overall, great book. I enjoyed it a lot!

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The only flaw I find in this book is that it took a lot of time to get to the romance part. And even that was perfectly reasonable, considering the past of the characters and how busy they were with their professional lives. This book is a really nice surprise, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

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Providence is really interesting, and I enjoyed the story overall. The premise of the tale is intriguing. Leigh Hays did a fabulous job of creating characters that on the surface are so very different, yet fit so well together. Putting a photographer who creates art with erotic photographs together with a wealth management consultant for powerful people worldwide shows her genius as a writer. The main characters are well developed and the attraction between the two is off the charts from the very beginning. The sex scenes are steamy and almost turn this novel into erotica. There is some consensual light BDSM elements in the story, that adds to the erotic tones of the sex scenes. There is some angst in the book, mostly caused by the main characters pasts, and a little work-related angst as well.

There are only a couple of problems that I have with the novel. One involves Lindsey (the consultant). She agrees to allow Rebekiah to take erotic photos of her and use them in her gallery show. That seems very unrealistic to me. She is the daughter of a U.S. senator and one of two very public partners in a major consulting company. In real life those photos could ruin not only her career but her senator mother’s as well. I had to really work to suspend my disbelief for that part of the story. Also, the ending was really rushed. I’m talking giving-the-reader-whiplash rushed. I would have preferred a more complete ending that finished some story elements that were just left hanging.

In spite of those two problems, I truly enjoyed this book. I can recommend it to anyone who likes a good, steamy, sometimes bumpy, but very entertaining romance.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

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When Rebekiah walked into Walker & Blackwell all she wanted to do was give away an inheritance. Then she took one look into Lindsey Blackwell’s eyes and thought I can wait a few weeks.

Instant attraction. It does not mean it has to be given into. It’s there. It’s acknowledged. It can be ignored. Looking can’t be wrong. As long as I don’t give in and cross any lines. Well...what would it hurt to cross the line a little?

Those thoughts could come from either Rebekiah or Lindsey as they both were thinking along those lines. Rebekiah does not do relationships. She only sleeps with friends. She still has not gotten over Emma who left her with all kinds of money and pain. She just found her photography again, she does not want any complications.

Lindsey likes her life organized. A partner was just fired and she just had to take on all of his cases. She spends most of the year traveling and does have time relationships - just ask any of her last partners.

Now if they could just stop thinking about each other.

I think this is the first time I have read a book about a place and a scene I am so intimately familiar with. Providence (Bold Strokes Books, 9781635556216, 2020) written by Leigh Hays takes place almost in my backyard. I have been to many of the places Hays writes about so it was kind of weird and funny at the same time. I had to keep reminding myself that no I did not see Rebekiah or Lindsey there at any time. (hand to head emoji insert here - I can be such a goober!)

I like this story on so many levels. If you are one of my rainbows, you already know that I am going to applaud the BDSM scenes. They are well written and thought out. Kudos to Hays. The sex scenes are all hot and explore many different interests which I love. Variety is the spice of life and love. Reading this already makes me want to read another Hays book (laugh).

The background for the main characters has just as much depth and sincerity. I can relate to both main characters and Hays does not drown us in the issues, but is gives us enough to feel and connect to the MCs. The interactions between Rebekiah and Lindsey are raw and I think I like this most of all. I know this is written, but it feels unscripted and once again I give credit to Hays for this technique.

Love sometimes does not come easy for us and Hays shows this, but man she makes it look worth it.

I received an ARC of this book and I am writing a review without prejudice and voluntarily.

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I admit, I am really impressed by this debut novel by Hays. I totally wasn't expecting this whole erotica, light bdsm, romance story. Rebekiah is a photographer that specializes in taking erotic images. She is a woman magnet and if often able to women to pose for her among other things. Lindsey is a wealth management consultant. She is always on the go, is terrible in relationships. These two people could not be any different. But you know what they say...opposites attract.

Both MCs are likeable and I enjoyed the interaction between the two characters. This is technically classified as romance and Rebekiah and Lindsey do eventually get to that part, but they do take their time. Mainly because both characters are busy and have some baggage. One thing I was perplexed about was why Rebekiah was so hung up on her friend's death that was like 2 years ago. I just don't think I was ever satisfied about what the deal was there. Anyway, the sexiness in this Providence is for sure there. Hays does a great job with the sex scenes and even the other scenes that would be classified as erotica or bdsm. The sex between the two mains is hot. Nothing like a well written sex scene!

Providence does have some angst and it is believable. The build up towards the ending was a little lacking for me. I just felt everything was over to quickly. I will let you all be the judge of that. I still enjoyed it.

I rate this one 4.25 stars.

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Wow. This book bowled me over. Every single character, from the mains to the friends to the family members, were superbly fleshed out. For me the pacing was perfect, all the storylines were necessary and co-mingled exactly right, and adding in the corporate scandal on top of the atypical love story was pure genius. I literally couldn't put the book down because I had no idea where the story was going to go. The love/sex scenes were super hot and appropriate for the story, whether it's your bag or not. Leigh Hays, Providence is a career-defining masterpiece.

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A new author for BSB, this debut novel was an unexpected delight to read. What keeps coming to mind is that I love the elegant simplicity of a complex story, and that’s exactly what Providence nails. There are multiple themes that Lindsey and Rebekah take on, but the flow of the story ambles smoothly while their connection keep them and us tethered no matter how far apart they are in miles or in their hearts. The pace of their romance has an uncanny ability to race forward yet somehow temper at the same time. The result is relationship based not just on a hot love affair, but on trust, honesty, and friendship. I tremendously enjoyed this debut novel, and I can’t wait to see what this author has in store for us next. I received a copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Let me first say that this book was well written, but I just had a really hard time getting through it. Even though I was intrigued by the plot, I just could not really get in to the story. Someone else might absolutely love it, so I'll say that anyone that's intrigued....go ahead and give it a try!

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Let me start by saying I liked parts and did not like others, for the most part I could not understand Rebekiah, her work is something I dont get -it's not that I dont respect it or judge but it's the way i was raised I guess. To me it's porn but in a beautiful setting "she actually said that ppl thought it's porn and I honestly laughed real hard reading that sentence" . I also did not get how she works. I understood that she takes her friends pic , but somehow I could not understand how a CEO of some respected company would be Ok with her pic being exposed in some kind of art gallery.
Another thing, when she took Linds photos, I was waiting to see where would she display them.
Taking about Lindsey I loved her character, She went into sexual relationship with her client way too quickly in my opinion never question any type of conflict of interest and that confused me. but nevertheless I really enjoyed her character.

Overall the book was ok to me liked the ending. it's well written.

to the author and her team.Thank you for the faith to give a honest feedback

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This book pleasantly surprised me, but also left me feeling like it could have been better.
Rebekiah and Lindsey are both strong wonen who seem set in their ways. But somehow they are attracted to each other and unafraid to show their flaws. I don’t understand how you can go from not wanting a sizeable inheritance to keeping it just because you fancy the lady who is handling the money. But that might just be me.
The story doesn’t develop like a conventional romance, it might be because it starts out as a BDSM relationship. It’s nothing hardcore, just some power plays. I am not into reading about BDSM, but I didn’t mind this.

The story drags on a bit, with some obvious gaps in contact between the characters, but the relationship flourishes and boom there is the seemingly rushed ending. This is really where this book could have been better.

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I Loved this !

So let me try to explain why cuz this one is not easy to explain at all !

So both MCs seem to be from different worlds, one is an artist and the other is in finance ! The artist is the client and obviously there’s an instant attraction but it’s more sexual.. What I loved about this is the fact that every time the book took me somewhere, it ended somewhere else! For example, I would be expecting romance, I’d find erotica. Then I would be expecting erotica, I’d find BDSM.

Then I accept the fact that it’s more of an erotic BDSM read, then it gets romantic with some angst thrown in! I get used to that, it moves me to some heavy topics like alcoholism, death and some serious childhood issues with both MCs.

Then When you finally get the hang of it and accept all this chaos, it moves into some action with an interesting work scandal!

The chemistry between both MCs (who are extremely likable by the way) is insane! The sex scenes sooooo hot! So even if you’re not into BDSM, it won’t bother you because in reality, it’s not the main theme it’s just an interesting aspect of the relationship and it adds depth as to why the MCs take submissive Vs Dom roles.

There’s also some family drama there but I didn’t find that it adds anything to the plot. Still, it didn’t bother me!

My only issue was the ending. I would’ve liked it to be less rushed..
My rating is a 4.5 rounded up to 5. And I totally recommend this read!
“I received an ARC for an honest review.”

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I'm gonna admit that the reason I wanted to try and read this book was because I hoped it took place in Providence, RI, and, it did. And then, it started with Riverwalk, WaterFire, and such and that made me glad that I had picked it up (also will add that it's so so awesome to see in person. So amazing)

From that point, though, this was a real three star book. Not in a 3 star Plus sort of way, or a 3 star negative sort of way, but, in that I had such mixed feelings while I was reading it.

Rebekiah was a photographer who does boudoir shots in a very artsy way. She has just come into a lot of money from her ex-partner (I never did get a super handle on how partner and how girlfriend-y they were, although, that makes sense with Rebekiah's character, them never putting a name to their relationship). Lindsey becomes Rebekiah's wealth manager. At first, but, quickly, the barrier between client and manager thins, and then goes away when Lindsey poses for Rebekiah to take photos. And, then as the book goes on they sort of start this relationship that is sort of friends with benefits, with a slow burn towards an actual relationship, sortaish (trust me, there is no slow burn towards sex though).

I don't know, maybe I'm just too old. The world I grew up in wasn't a commune or other sort of free love one, but a very monogamous world, and, so, while on an intellectual level I could understand parts of the plot, on a deeper level it sort of baffled me?

Hey, it was a good book. I mostly (90% enjoyed it). It didn't make me want to rip my hair out like some of the plots in my recent reads have. All good things. So, if someone wants something slightly different (still grounded in lesfic, but, also, different than it in a way I can't put into words correctly), I'd give this novel a try for sure.

I was given this ARC by Netgalley on behalf of Bold Strokes Books.

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This story is a bit peculiar because it cannot be classified as erotic or BDSM, but most of the book has this sexual background, in which the two protagonists enter almost in spite of themselves.

Rebekiah is a photographer dedicated to boudoir portraits, with women, alone in couples or groups. And Lindsey is a wealth management consultant, co-partner and co-owner of the firm where she works. They meet when Rebekiah hires Lindsey's firm to get rid of an inheritance from her that doesn't want to know anything. Lindsey convinces her to try to make sense of the money she has inherited and this makes them collaborate to find a formula that Rebekiah can morally accept.

The two women have a rather complex personality and had a difficult childhood, for very different reasons, but if possible they are quite similar. And it is that similarity that attracts them without them being able to avoid it.

The story pleasantly surprised me and hooked me as it developed. The emotional involvement of the two women has been very moving for me. And the fact of knowing their past history and the why for their current actions, little by little, in the middle of their current relationship, I consider that the author did it very well.

In the end, although the end itself has been a bit rushed in my opinion, this book has been a very pleasant read and I think it is highly recommended.

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Non-Traditional Relationship
Rebekiah is a successful photographer who specializes in capturing the beauty of women in the throes of passion both before, during and post climax. For the past few years she has dealt with caring for her dying friend, her death and her friend’s family as they contested the huge inheritance that Rebekiah was left. Over all of it she wants to just get rid of the money, enter Lindsey. Lindsey is a super busy, globe-trotting partner in a wealth management company. On getting back from Hong Kong, she learns one of the other partners has been fired leaving Lindsey to pick up his slack, including Rebekiah. Unable to resist the beautiful photographer, she does what she can to keep her in her life…not that Rebekiah is complaining.

This is a well written debut book by this author. I loved the romantic and erotic bits, so yummy and hot!! The characters felt lifelike and made a good couple. They had their hang ups and problems but I could see how they would be attracted to each other. They are both strong, stubborn and damaged. The story was good, interesting… but not really to my taste. It wasn’t the typical HEA where they fall madly in love and the corporate raider sees the errors of overworking and settles down with her beloved and they adopt a pet sort of thing. I also felt it dragged out a bit and there were to me some big flaws such as things not being explained properly, they just disappeared not having been resolved in a way that was shown or told. Lindsey was always so busy…there were great time periods that passed by with no mention of them communicating yet the relationship stayed on track. It was disappointing as the story started out so well.

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I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

Rebekiah is a photographer who loves to photograph erotic images. She still dealing with the lost of her best friend Emma who left her a inheritance that she wants nothing to do with it.

All that change when she meets Lindsay who is handling the inheritance. Lindsay is a wealth management consultant when she return from business out of town she learn from her partner Carolyn that their other partner Roger she had to fire him because she learns he been stealing from the company. Lindsay has to takeover his clients as they deal with the mess.

Lindsay wants to help Rebekiah do something great with the inheritance and Rebekiah start to realize she wants to do something goid with it especially when she keep hearing Emma voice.

I like characters development as both Lindsay and Rebekiah open up with each other which is hard for them to do. I love Rebekiah dog Sera. There is a lot of sex in this book so I hope that won't be a turn off because it's a good read.

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This book is great! It really goes deep into the trust and compassion for life. Rebekiah and Lindsey are two people from different backgrounds, but with great hearts. There is a lot of sex in this book, and overall it’s a great read. The only complaint is the ending felt a little rushed, but I am not going to give away the plot.

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