Member Reviews

“Star Matters II: Edge of Revelation” eBook was published in 2019 and was written by David John West.
I categorize this novel as ‘PG’ because it contains scenes of Violence and Mature Situations. The story is set in contemporary times and centers in the UK.
The British Prime Minister is contacted by representatives of a human race from another world, the Gayans. She is surprised to discover that contact with aliens is one of the many things that have been planned for. The appropriate agency in the British government is contacted and soon he is in discussions with the Gayans.
The Gayans want to formalize the ‘first contact’. They also reveal that there are other human alien forces, the Spargar Empire, that they are at odds with. The Spargar Empire wants Earth to be incorporated to their Empire. Their governments and philosophies are very different. It appears that Earth would be better aligned with the Gayans.
I thought that the 10.5 hours I spent reading this 309-page science fiction novel was interesting. I thought that this novel was a little on the strange side and felt more like an old science fiction novel than one written in this day and age. While there are opposing forces, there is really little in the way of open conflict. I was disappointed with the plot and execution of the novel. While this is the second novel in his series, this one reads pretty well on its own. The cover art is OK, but does not motivate me much to read the novel. I give this novel a 3.4 (rounded down to a 3) out of 5.
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