Member Reviews

Very helpful tips for coping with dementia in a loved one and also caring for yourself.

Many thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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So many resources focus on giving advice on how to care for your loved one, but the author of this book focuses on the importance of taking care of yourself so that you can be better equipped to care with a loved on that has dementia. The author also provided a myriad of information that was useful.

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I thought that this was a well written book with many helpful suggestions for a family about to go thru this process with a loved one. This book was filled with senereos to put yourself in if you would find your loved one in and suggestions on what you would do, how to talk or explain the situation with them and many resources you might need when your loved one reaches that point. I would highly recommend this book.
#The Caregivers Guide to Dementia

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This book is an excellent resource for any caregiver, and even for loved ones who may not be a caregiver, to understand the Dementia diagnosis and understand the impact it can have on the caregiver and ways to help both parties. This is written in a clear, concise manner that was not overwhelming and was easy to read and understand. I love that it focuses not only on the patient but on the caregiver as well and the emphasis on the caregiver needing support and care also as they have the hardest job of all that can go on for years. My grandfather is in end stage Dementia and we have lived with this for close to 10 years now. I am not the full time caregiver but I do assist as much as I can a few days a week and I still learned a couple of tricks from this book. I also see the impact this has had on my grandmother as she cares for him and I can't wait to share this with her to emphasize how important it is that she takes care of herself, too.
Thank you Ms. Weatherill for writing this book - It is so important and I hope it becomes a go-to resource for many - until there is a cure!
Thank you also to NetGalley for approving me for this ARC.

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Excellent! I have not had to care for anyone, let alone anyone with AD. Nonetheless, I found this to be simply excellent. No one book will provide all the answers, but this covers a lot of relevant ground, and do so expertly. She starts with the basics, differentiating between symptoms of normal aging and dementia, and then proceeds to provide guidance about what to expect and, probably most helpful, advice on how to handle a huge variety of probable situations. This is an excellent resource and highly recommended.

Thanks very much for the ARC for review!!

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