Member Reviews

This book is a good fit for readers seeking a fast-paced fantasy story about personal growth, self-determination, and the struggle against destiny in the face of family expectations.

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I love Abbi Glines. I am not a huge paranormal fan, but this book really kept me intrigued. I really enjoyed getting to know Catalina. From the very beginning you are sucked in, and it is easy to find yourself rooting for her through her trails. Throughout these trials she meets Rathe. Most men cannot resist her charm which all Kamlocks have, but Rathe appears to be able to immediately. After a good build up Rathe and Catalina finally profess their feelings for one another, and then the bottom falls out. This is a cliffhanger, so if that isn't your style definitely hold off reading until the series is completed! I love the ease of the storytelling, the unveiling of the conflict, and cannot wait until the next book to see exactly where Abbi will take us next! Great read overall!

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Abbi Glines is just such a talented author, it's been ages since I've read her books, and yet I freaking loved it. The story is, although not without it's faults, it still holds a certain charm to it that makes it difficult to put down.

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Every Kamlock witch is cursed- not that any of them would complain. Cursed with powerful beauty and allure, their siren abilities lead rich men to their deaths. Cat just wants a normal life, and refuses to fall in line with her hateful family. With a nifty repelling charm and a few close friends by her side, Cat is nearly as human as the rest of us.

Until Rathe Scott enters the picture. For some reason, he can see through Cat’s magic to the girl who truly lies beneath. He wants to know Cat, to understand her, to get past her shield and explore the deeper connection between them. And despite her history, Cat wants to let Rathe in more than she wants anything.

But how far will Cat go to protect Rathe when a dangerous Warlock starts following her, testing her, questioning her true power? What can Cat do when faced with saving Rathe, or saving herself?

I have mixed feelings on this one. First, I love every Abbi Glines romance, and when I heard this was a fantasy romance, I was immediately hyped. Her trademark forbidden romance? Check. The conflict of families leading to crazy, heartbreaking drama? Check. A huge plot twist in the last few chapters that leads to the crash and burn of our leading characters, that we can only hope they will recover from? That’s right, mix all these contemporary themes together, plus a little Witchy magic, and add an unfinished ending. There you have it, Charmed Souls.

Not that there is anything wrong with this- I love all of Abbi’s work, and her novels are always a comfort read for me. But I felt the romance was the biggest component of this story, the magic being sidelined, with very few moments to shine, until closer to the end. I feel like my expectations is what disappointed me the most, but looking back, I enjoyed nearly every other part of this story.

I really enjoyed “love triangle”, which was hardly a triangle as Cat only had eyes for one guy. I, personally, thought that was super refreshing and I enjoyed the slow burn of Rathe and Cat’s relationship. I thought that the idea of Cat being “cursed” but “unique” was a nice twist to her magic, but it did get slightly irritating that it was constantly brought up every time her magic was used (which I said before, was very little). I also loved the slight hints and clues that were being thrown around about the ending, but I still did not expect the twist, or the promise of a sequel (thank the lord there will be a second book!).

Overall, I enjoyed Charmed Souls. I was drawn in right from the beginning, and read this in nearly one sitting. Abbi Glines’ take on adult fantasy was dark and sexy (two of my favorite themes!), and left me wanting to know what happens next. I would just point this out for readers who enjoy light fantasy and prefer the suspense of romance, rather than the suspense of action. Anyone who likes Abbi’s other novels will undoubtedly fall in love with Rathe and Cat, much like I did!

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When I read a description of this story I was excited. I love a good witch story. When I started to read the story it took me a really really long time to get into it. I kept starting then putting it down and coming back to it. I was a little disappointed with the start of this. I was confused at times and would have to reread chapters. But as the story continued I am so glad I finished reading it.
Towards the end of the book the story really gets moving and things start to unravel. The truth behind Catalina's existence becomes clear. I am very curious to see where this story will continue and I really hope the next book in this series really takes us on a ride.

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I love Abbi’s books and normally can’t stop once I start. Unfortunately for me this one just didn’t hit that mark. It was hard to get into and I had to make myself finish it.

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I really enjoyed this- only complaint was it was too short! Would rather have had one finished story than 3 smaller cliffhangers, but I am definitely excited to read more! If you read and liked Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, you'll love Charmed Souls! 4.5 stars

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Let me first say, I really love Abbi Glines Rosemary Beach series and was looking forward to her take on a paranormal story.

Catalina Kamlock was born into a family of evil witches. The story had some serious Cinderella vibes with some Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Her mother and sisters could give Cinderella's a run for their money. The Kamlock women possess extraordinary beauty and power. They are gold diggers who love to marry rich men and then basically destroy their will to live. Cat strives to not be like them. Disgusted by their evil, Cat just wants to be, well, human. She hides her beauty and avoids relationships. But when a mysterious stranger comes into her life, everything that she thought she knew about her family and herself is about to change.

The first in the series, Charmed Souls is a lot of world building and establishing characters which left me with a lot of questions that I am still unsure if I care enough that they are answered. Cat spends so much time suppressing her powers, the story sort of repeats itself over and over again. She's beautiful but hates it, she doesn't want a relationship, her family is evil and don't care about her. Lather, rinse, repeat. The old cliche of the guy best friend obviously loves her but she doesn't know and the mysterious, sexy new guy who she should stay away from but doesn't. The characters all felt a bit flat to me.

The story definitely picks up when she finds out who the mysterious guy is and actually says screw it and uses her power but then it was over and I was left with a cliffhanger. All that aside, it was an okay read and I may pick it up once the last book releases. I liked the premise so I'm hoping now that we've gotten past the lack of actually using her powers, we can get to the good stuff.

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This was my first PNR book from Abbi Glines and wow, I loved every word. I kinda went into this book blind just excited that it was an Abbi Glines book and she didn't disappoint me.

I was completely charmed and enraptured from beginning to end. I loved this sassy witches. The suspense was everything and mixed in with the passion, love and so many other emotions Abbi has done a superb job with this one.

I can't wait to see what happens next with this series and I am extremely tempted to pick this book up and read it again!

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This was a great read , it has magic and there is mystery to keep your interest.

It's different from what I have read so far from Abbi Glines so I find it refreshing.This was a great start to a new series , I'm intrigued and now I need more!

"If he was something for me, it had to be the magic in my blood drawing him, not just me."

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4.5 Stars
After reading the synopsis months ago, I knew that I had wanted to read this book because up to reading this book, I had only read Abbi’s YA (and a couple of NA) contemporary/romance books, so I was very excited to read a book by her that’s outside of what she’s know for!

Cat Kamlock is a witch who doesn’t really fit in either the human part of the world or the sorcery part. Because of her mother’s genetics (and magic) she’s gorgeous, but the Kamlock beauty comes with a price of luring men in for a short time to inherit their value then disposing of them. Plus, she’s seen first hand the destruction that this life style brings from her mother and her older sister. Then to add to the to the list, Cat has powers that are unique to be putting it lightly. She’s able to do things that makes even her emotionally abusive family fear her powers.

One of the bright spot in Cat’s life is her friends Margo and Heath who help keep her grounded by being human even though they don’t know of her heritage. That is until Margo and Heath gets a new roommate, Rathe, who is sexy and isn’t at all affected by the spell that Cat placed on herself to make herself less noticeable to people attracted to her.

Rathe makes Cat want to be normal and have a relationship despite her destructive bloodline from mother dearest. Rathe wants to hang out with her because she tells him like it is, keeps him on his toes, and isn’t easily swayed by his looks. Cat wants to give this budding attraction a chance because he see more than her looks and keeps finding ways to talk to her. Cat has to decide if this attraction is worth the pain and heartache that is promised to follow.

I liked Cat because even though she has the ability and charms to get everything in life and to step on people, she goes against a huge part of herself by denying her charm to try and live the life that she wants to. But in turn she is also kind of holding back on the full extent of her powers for several different reasons.

Then we have Rathe... he’s his own special person all together. Each time we get a glimpse of him and just a sliver off his life, he throws a curve ball making you rethink his character. He’s used to getting girls easily because of his looks and persona lures you in like a moth to a flame, but he isn’t sure how to take it when Cat all but gives him the cold shoulder when they first meet at a party. Sure he may be cocky at times and don’t seem to follow the rules, but there’s something about him that makes you want to be around him.

Charmed Souls is a fasted pace book that leaves you on the edge of your seat the whole time, but I warn you know that there’s huge secrets revealed and a major cliffhanger, so buckle up and get ready for the ride!

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Thank you Abbi for switching it up! Seriously I will read any book you write and I think Amanda and Preston will always be my favorite but, I Love you writing this genre again. Now please hurry and finish the next one.

Cat is a strong female character and I can’t wait to see where she goes. I had a feeling from the beginning Rathe was what he was, or at least something close, but that just made the finding out even better. Ready to find out where they go from here.

On a side note... I really which I had the ability to cast a spell to dress myself in my favorite insta fashions!
😂 🧙🏻‍♀️👖👠👜

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And Abbi has done it again! And with a supernatural book no less.

I enjoyed everything about this book! It captivated me from page one and I couldn’t put it down.

It might be a little overwhelming at first with all the information the story throws our way and a large quantity of characters. But give it a chance because it won’t disappoint you.

Cat is this strong witch that somehow is different from everyone in her family. She has no idea where her powers come from and what is the extent of them.
One thing she knows is she will never be like her mom and sisters, even if that means never falling in love.

That is until Rathe shows up in her life out of nowhere and he seems to be inmune to her powers.

But he also has a lot of secrets, and these could change everything.

A thrilling and captivating story, I can’t wait to read the next one!

You know a book is one of the good ones when you turn that last page you didn’t even know was the last and go ... what? Noooo!!!


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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4 STARS

It's been a while since I've read a paranormal romance, and I was intrigued with this one. I really enjoyed the chemistry between Rathe and Cat, both are characters I'd like to know more about. This book is the first in the Black Souls series and I can't wait to read the next instalment.

Charmed Souls by Abbi Glines is a MUST read and will join the ranks of the BIBLIO-ELITE!!!

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Holy crap! Amazing!!! But I need the rest. This book is the first in the black souls series and it will definitely need to be read before continuing on to Cursed Souls. I so cannot wait for book two. I must know what is going to happen. Cat just wants to be free of life that she was born into. She just wants to go to college, have a normal relationship with a man and just be normal. But that is really difficult to do when you’re born in the Kamlock bloodline. The Kemlock women are not known to be nice, quite the opposite. But with their beauty they tend to fool everyone around them. But Cat is working very hard to not let the evil fill her veins and to be nice. Tries to keep men away from her. That is until Rathe shows up. She can’t seem to stay away from him. She has tried everything but he still keeps showing up. The chemistry between these two is so strong. They’re drawn to one another in a way that can’t be explained. I loved this book and definitely recommend it!

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I was the evil they all should fear.

Charmed Souls was the type of book that was easily devoured. The characters were effortless to connect with, the story line was beyond addicting and I loved how magic floated through the pages. With friendship, a romance that had a forbidden feel to it and humor, Charmed Souls completely bewitched me and left me begging for more. If you love paranormal romance or new adult stories then definitely add this one to your tbr!

The darkness had always calmed me. Even as a child, nighttime was my favorite. The quiet, the beauty of the stars, the comfort of being alone.

I liked Catalina, aka Cat, right away. She stood up for herself, took care of her friends and worked her hardest to be good, since she was born into a toxic bloodline. Cat was a witch, who not only cast spells and enchantments, but could also control some of the elements and see ghosts. Her mother and sisters, oh my gosh you guys, they were trashy and mean. They used their siren abilities to control and use men. And take all of of their money. Cat's tumultuous relationship with them hurt my heart, but it was addicting to watch since she stood up to them. So Cat didn't let men get close to her, she would not be like her family. Until Rathe walked into her world.

His dark expression was exciting. “You are going to fucking destroy me, and I will relish every moment.”

Rathe moved in with Cat's best friends, Heath and Margo. And Cat tried her best to keep her distance. To act indifferent towards him. Yet Rathe enraptured us in his spell and I wanted to know all there was about him. He was kind, thoughtful and caring. Yet something simmered below the surface of him. It made his charm even more alluring. And while he was a player, I was intrigued that he seemed to only act as a friend towards Cat. Especially when he seamlessly embed himself into her life.

“Maybe I’m crazy!”I called out to him, as I walked, trying to break the tension that had unintentionally built.
“Or maybe you’re darker than you want to accept,” was his response.

Charmed Souls felt like an addicting reality tv show, with paranormal aspects splashed across the pages. This story was set during the college years and I loved watching the parties unfold. And while Cat lived at home with her family, I loved how she could escape to her friends apartments. Unfortunately I can't say much more about this story, because it's best discovering it for yourself, but I loved Cat's cousin, Duely. Be prepared for some TMI, but his heart was always in the right place. Duely, Margo and Heath loved Cat inside and out. It made my heart oh so happy since her home life didn't even have an inkling of that.

Things started clicking into place. Things I didn’t want to connect. Things that I wanted to be a lie.

I thought I knew exactly where this story was going. I even screamed outloud, I knew it! Twice. But there were some things that were twisted in a way that I didn't see coming. It was beyond exciting and now I'm desperately waiting for that next book! So yes, I definitely recommend Charmed Souls! If you love magic, drama, a strong heroine and an addictive book boyfriend then definitely put this one on your list!

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I was extremely excited when I saw that abbi was going to do another pnr series and I couldn't wait to read it,charmed souls is a really good start to a very promising new series!!!!

I will say the book starts out pretty slow and I did start to get a little worried,but wow stick with it just when you think you have it all worked out you realise you knew nothing and boom your hooked and glued to the pages .

If you are a lover of pnr and stories with plot twists that keep you hooked, of super hot Angel's demons witches and worlocks go grab this book you will not be disappointed .

This series is going to be amazing and I cannot wait to continue with book 2 in the soul series ......

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WOW! I absolutely loved Charmed Souls! I NEED MORE STAT! I forgot how well Abbi Glines does paranormal. This series is well on its way to becoming my favorite by her! I was entranced with this story from the start. It's unique and unlike any paranormal I have personally read before. The suspense really pulls you in. Every page kept my mind spinning and the questions turning. I love a good mystery and Charmed Souls definitely has me intrigued. I also enjoyed so many characters this story. With Duely and Margo are at the top of that list. Everyone can relate to having a crazy bestfriend and cousin. They added some much needed humor and spark to lighten the tension. I may or may not secretly be pulling for them so I'll be curious to see how things go!

Catalina is one of those heroines you instantly love. You just connect with her character right away. I admired her determination and mind set. She knew what she wanted in life and refused to settle for less. However Catalina was definitely naive at times. I felt she dismissed things to easily. I found myself wanting to shake her more than once. But really that's just me being picky I truly loved Catalina's sass and character.

Heath drew me in from the very start. Like a moth to flame I couldn't help being enthralled by his charm. He was the perfect combination of cocky, smooth and mysterious. He oozed charm and knew how to make you swoon. Heath's character knew just how to keep you on your toes. I desperately wanted to know all his secrets. I feel Heath's character is going to be one of the most complex yet.

Well earned, from characters to plot I enjoyed it all. Charmed Souls is going straight into my best reads of 2020 folder. I highly recommend reafing this book

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It has been a while since I've read pnr. That being said I was excited to read this one because I love Abbi Glines previous pnr books.

The first part of the book was very slow. That could be due to the introduction of the characters and the background. Catalina is born into a family of witches. The Kamlock women are heartless, selfish, unfeeling women who use their beauty to attract men and use them for everything they've got. Cat fights to be the exact opposite of her horrible Mother and two sisters. Cat goes to lengths to dissuade herself to men. She is happy with her life with her two close friends and her cousin.

Things change for Cat when Rathe moves in with her two best friends. Cat and Rathe have an immediate attraction but try very hard to just be friends. When that doesn't workout is when things start to pick up.

The end of the book is when things start to get exciting and the books ends with a cliffhanger and lots of unanswered questions. The end of this book sets up the next book to be be exciting and I'm definitely looking forward to it.

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I liked this book with all its magic and confusion. The story has me wondering if Rathe is truthful or just saying what Cat wants to hear. Is it true or is he calculating something, making “ Chess moves”? Rathe is definitely the one guy to watch out for, because he kind of has a duel personality, he was there for Cat when her father shows up but then vanishes when she needs answers from him. I can’t wait to find out what happens when he comes back in the second book, Also if Cat is stronger more confident in the second book. She knows more now about herself and her background so I’m excited to see how she handles things.

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