Member Reviews
Far fetched, unbelievable and just too way out there for me.
Did not finish as I was just bored and just did not like this at all sorry not for me
I'm not really sure how I feel about this book :)
Overall the story is captivating, the characters really do grow on you. The storyline is unique enough to be intriguing with the action and hidden secrets twisting things every which way.
I felt like this should have almost been a book 2 since it jumps in and it takes the reader a little while to kind of catch up and understand what is going on. While there is a conclusion of sorts, the author left this story wide open for another book or two. The world created is intriguing enough to enjoy the book, the writing is decent if not a little long winded at times. The twists and turns are fascinating.
This is a debut novel by TS Teller this book has interesting world building with an a strong and unique MC.
The book has plenty of action and it kept me interested.
It was a decent first book.
I received this book from NetGalley and BHC Press for an honest review.
I enjoyed this book. I couldn’t help but love the characters and I enjoyed all the twists and turns. Looking forward to, what I’m guessing will happen, the next book in the series.
Hidden in Plain Sight has an interesting plot but I feel like it should have more explaining for me really to enjoy reading it.
Roberta Lake is a psychic and it let her being computer software and hardware specialist the same way she read someone's mind and she is a psychic assassin. She is complicated I'm not sure if I like her or not but I wanted her to be free. But I liked other side characters (Stu (her brother), Joy (her friend) and Magi (short name for Magellan). Generally written and interesting story but I had an issue with the plot and the way story end. About the plot what bothered me was everyone saying she was so strong that they can't be rival to her but always trying to protect her. Actually we now from the beginning she has some special power but we don't know what is exactly it is. In the story, we learn about her power but even now I'm not sure what so special about her power. I wanted her work together with Three Wise Men and at some point, she works one of them but it was short so my enjoyment was short too. The ending was a little short cut for me so I didn't like it. And some other part didn't feel like what she would do (I think she is more stubborn to do what she did). The story wasn't for me but it is worth giving a try if you find its plot interesting.
Thanks to #NetGalley and the BHC Press providing me a copy of the book in exchange for an unbiased review.
This is unfortunately my first DNF. I read 50% and just couldn't force myself through the rest as I simply did not enjoy it, and struggled to understand what was going on. What possibly could have had potential as a concept, needed better context descriptors and character development to help readers understand where the setting is and how the characters are feeling through body language. For this reason, I couldn't connect with characters and found their dialogue/behaviour strange or confusing. I also felt quite bored, and hoped it would pick up, but it was sort of fruitless action throughout, with nothing for the reader to grasp.
The main problem which I feel could easily be improved is to focus on the jumpiness of writing.
For instance "The colorful orbs danced in the early morning sunlight, high in the stillness of the lower atmosphere, startling soaring birds as they drifted on cold air currents. Of course! It was perfect. Who could resist a free prize, especially an adrenaline addict who took every dare offered?"
Breakdown: 1) Orbs - need better clarification, as I was imagining actual glowing balls... for a character who is psychic, my field of possibilities is a little larger so a narrowing and simplicity is needed. 2) The sudden jump from this serene scene to "of course!" didn't transfer well, and further complicated the scene. There were many more mashed together descriptions with thoughts or dialogue just like this.
Sorry I couldn't finish this, I really tried.
Thank you to Netgalley, the author and to BHC Press for supplying this free ARC for a review. All the opinions expressed her are my own.
I was not able to finish this book. I saw no warnings about graphic sexual content. When one of the sex scenes involved children who were being abused, I could not continue. This book needs a warning that it contains graphic descriptions of child sexual abuse.
I received a free copy of this book from Netgalley. My review is voluntary.
Roberta works on computers at the Brain Trust. Actually the company's real initiative is to be able to access people's brains and make them do what the trust commanded them to do.
Roberta and others at the Brain Trust have special abilities. The ability to control minds.
I enjoyed this book immensely. It has a lot of plot twists. It has strong main characters, and the sub characters all have interesting back stories.
I would recommend this book to readers. It has everything a novel needs to be entertaining and hold you through to the very end.
The premise for this story is intriguing. Unfortunately, the execution is lacking. The writing is very disjointed and makes it difficult to track what is happening. The conversations between characters come across juvenile. While the characters are interesting, the story is too all over the place to allow the reader to become invested in them. This one had a lot of potential. For me it missed the mark. I was unable to read the whole book. I skipped many sections hoping it would get better. It just didn't.
Once I got through the story it made sense, quite often I felt confused. Suspending belief, the story works, and I can see so many other ways things could have been handled or plots developed.
A debut novel by TS Teller, Hidden in Plain Sight tells the story of Roberta Lake, someone with psychic abilities that allows her to wear two hats: computer genius and professional assassin hired by the CIA.
Though the idea of assassins having psychic abilities isn't new, the abilities that Roberta possesses along with the psyche of her character are ingenious, which makes for an intriguing read. She has all the hallmarks of a classic heroine: kind and giving, strong, smart, empathetic and morally upright, and the assassin aspect only adds depth.
Roberta goes to great lengths to conceal the true nature and depths of her abilities in order to prevent the development of less-honourable brain psychics who could be well-trained as CIA killing machines. However, she is not alone in this; she has three CIA handlers who are true to her and will protect her rights always, as well as her supportive family who are hiding a few secrets too.
I am intrigued by the world TS Teller has built around Roberta and I can't wait to find out more. There is so much more that could be explored in this world and I look forward to doing so. This book is an easy read, and I highly recommend it to those who like thrillers and suspense-type novels.
#HiddeninPlainSight #NetGalley
As always, I have received a free copy of this ebook and all opinions are my own.
The blurb and the title got me hooked on this book. But right off the bat I got confused. It took me several chapters to get a feel for the story and the characters. Roberta works for the CIA, but also holds a day job, when she does her mind tricks she is Bobbi. For a couple of chapters I had no idea they were the same person and Roberta was actually in control and protecting herself.
The story starts seemingly in the middle, and I guess that is what the whole book is all about, confuse you a little but entertain and captivate all at the same time. If someone were to tell me this is book 3 of a 4 book series I’d believe it too.
Doesn’t mean it wasn’t a nice read, it actually was, but it was just a bit too confusing at times and let’s say too fast, like skipping over some development in character and story fast. The ending really sets up for a second book, I am not 100% sure I will read it, but it might be interesting. Just too know how the story ends.
Hidden in Plain Sight is the first full fledged novel from poet and essayist T.S Teller. And for a debut novel, it is quite impressive.
Roberta Lake is an assassin for the CIA, although not in the conventional sense. She has psychic abilities, and use them to perform the tasks assigned to her by a black project (one could imagine is an offshoot of the old MK-ULTRA program). She’s not the only operative in this program, as we get to meet several others, each with specific skills, but none being near as powerful as Roberta.
Despite being a dark project, the purpose of Roberta’s employers seems quite benevolent. The people she is asked to dispatch more than deserve their fate.
To distance herself from the killings, Roberta built herself a second, cold, personality, Bobbi Waters. She invokes her when she has to work. At many points along the story, we are led to wonder if Bobbi is just a tool she’s using to cope, or if her mind ended up fracturing. Could the murderous Bobby one day take over (as the Hulk persona takes over Dr Banner in moments of great anger), and maybe permanently ?
Several other questions arise even earlier, from the very premise of the book. How do the « ungifted » supervisors of the program can assert control over such powerful individuals ? (And we indeed witness some tensions at the top management). Are there factions in the agency that would use her for more nefarious goals, and/or try to build an army of similar assassins ? Are there outside parties aware of the program, and eager to acquire similar powers ?
As a consequence of several events, Roberta comes to ask herself the same questions, and starts doubting who she can and should trust, thus sending the story on an enthralling path.
In spite of its supernatural premise, Hidden in Plain Sight mostly reads like a well crafted spy thriller. The final acts are fast paced and action packed. The first chapters captured my attention through curiosity and then, the sheer intensity held me captive for the reminder of the novel. I’ve read this book in one sitting, and this speaks for itself.
T.S Teller managed to build a very interesting universe and I, for one, wouldn’t mind to see more of it. A few clues let me think the author kept some doors open to return to this world at some point, and I would gladly jump aboard for the ride.
Thanks to BHC Press and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for this unbiased review.