Member Reviews

I love Port Snow and have been looking forward to Reid's story since I started this series. And Ms. Quinn has delivered with Reid and Eve's story.

Eve has always kind of been off limits to Reid because she's the twin sister of his best friend... but all that changes when there's a huge falling out and Reid finds himself back in Port Snow and with Eve on more than one occaision. And that ultimate crossing the line is inevitable.

The build up in this book is exactly what I love about Ms. Quinn's writing. There are so many laugh out loud moments as well as a sizzling chemistry that when they give in to it, had me getting out my fan!

I absolutely love the Knightly family especially the connection all the brothers have and how they're there for each other no matter what and when it comes to his relationship with Eve, Reid definitely needs to get some brotherly advice.

I loved Reid and Eve so much and from beginning to end I was completely captivated by their story. It's a perfect addition to a fabulous series!

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Apologies for the late notice, but I have decided not to review this title. While I am certain it's obvious by now, I wanted to also clear this off NetGalley, so it's not showing as open for either of us.


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I own and love all of the books in this series by Meghan Quinn (actually, I own most of her books). I noticed I had received a free review copy of this book on NetGalley, but I guess since I had purchased the book, I never went back and did my review. Sorry about that NetGalley, Meghan and Montlake Publishing. All of the Knightly brothers are awesome and I recommend this series. Is this my favorite of the series, no, but it is still really good.

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The Knightly brothers just get better and better! Not only is this a brother's best friend story, but both parties have harbored crushes for one another, unable to act on their wishes.

Meghan Quinn paints her stories so beautifully that you can't help but envision it as the storyline plays out. Such well-developed characters will have you enraptured from the very first page.

I love the dynamics between Reid and his brothers, it's refreshingly honest and I love seeing a strong sense of family on the page. Eve keeps Reid on his toes with her feistiness and I was unable to put this book down!

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I am chastising myself for not reading this sooner! My first Meghan Quinn book and it definitely won't be my last.

Meghan's writing is witty, fun, light-hearted and heartwarming. I laughed, I got emotional and I could not put this down. Did Reid get on my nerves? Yes. But good on Eve for standing her ground. Was the last scene super corny? Yes. But it's those moments that make me love rom-coms.

I love this small-town series and I definitely cannot wait to read Brig's story because he just cracked me up!

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Reid was a great guy, but he had some serious self esteem issues. He had a failure that defined him for too long. Eve was the perfect woman to help him get past it. She was more understanding than most woman would be. When Reid screwed up, he really screwed up and had to work to make it up to Eve. This book had the humor and love that Meghan Quinn is known for. I really enjoyed this book and loved seeing Reid’s brothers.

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Meghan Quinn does no wrong in my eyes and this series fully supports that! Reid and Eve's story was a long time coming but they both needed to made some mistakes and live a bit of life. Than factor in the Eve is the little sister to Reid's old best friend/business partner (failed business partner). It was never a good time for them to venture into what their hearts yearned for... but there's never a good time especially when you have a curse looming over you!

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2 stars
I find with Meghan Quinn's books, you either love them or they are meh. This one was meh. I find her characters to be immature. For adults, they seem to always act like horny teenagers. I am no prude, but sometimes their conversations and words they say make me cringe.

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I felt no real connection with any of the characters. I didn't feel as if I knew enough about any of them to picture them or get to place where I'd care about their story. Since this is book three I have to assume I would have gotten those details in previous books but I didn't care enough to want to read the previous books.

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3.5 stars. Sweet and funny, I enjoyed Reid and Eve's story. I do wish there were more details, though - we barely know what any of the characters look like (besides the Knightly's blue eyes), most of the supporting cast seem one-dimensional, and beyond the fact that Port Snow is a small coastal town in Maine, we don't know much about it either. Tell me more about the town, the residents, Reid and Eve and Eric's childhood.

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Reid is headed to the city with his brothers. Reid is drunk but feels like a witch just cast a broken love spell on him and his brothers. They are in New Orleans celebrating Brigs twenty first birthday.I really like the brothers and this is not my first book about them . I didn't like the cussing. Reid has a restaurant until it falls apart. Three years later he works as fisherman and at family business . He hates his new live. He is friends with eve. She also hates her life and wants her business degree. There is connection between them.

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This was an entertaining read. The characters were likable and had good banter. This friends to lovers romance is set in a small town and left me happy and smiling.

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Have loved this series from Meghan Quinn! A good friends to lovers story as the characters grow and mature!

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I love friends to lovers stories and Ms. Quinn does an amazing job in That Secret Crush. Great book. Highly recommend.

Many thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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i have been a fan of Meghan since I first read the Virgin series. I really like her stories because they give you all the feels.

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In the third book of the Getting Lucky series, Meghan Quinn gives readers a sweet and satisfying friends-to-lovers story set in the small town of Port Snow, Maine. Readers will fall in love with Reid and Eve as they banter and fight their way to a happily ever after.

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I was not disappointed in this book. I have read anything from this author yet and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I laughed and 'felt'. It was a page turner, for me, and I could not turn it down. Reid is a cocky pain in the butt, but you can't help but root for him to get his stuff together. Eve is definitely one of my favorite characters. She is so strong and is so delicate too. She knows what she wants and is not afraid to speak her feelings. This is a great love story and great read.

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Broken curse or curse of the broken

The Knightly brothers have one for everyone...or if you are greedy like me...4 for you!

Each brother has his own demons, insecurities, or problems. They all seem to blame THE CURSE. What a curse!?!?! Goes to show New Orleans isn't quite as safe as they thought!

Broken by more than a curse, Reid clings to what he feels he deserves. Beaten down by failure, guilt, and the loss of his best friend and dream, he exists. However, there is a bright side to his eeyore lifestyle...Eve. Eve Roberts, the star in all his childhood fantasies and even his adult ones, is his new best friend...sort of. Taking up the mantle her brother shucked off, Eve is a support he never realized he needed. Together, they work. They are there for each other and well the intense chemistry is just a side effect ...until they let it consume them.

I am totally #TeamEve. Lol. You will be too. (For the haters, Team Eve doesn't we don't need her with Reid. It means she deserves the best!)

Are they broken or is the curse?

Poor Brig, looks like he's going to be in lonely town for a long time because Reid is taken. Port Snow's Hen Line is going to be hopping after that big declaration. Also, Walter...not cool dude, not cool.

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GAH this book! This series has been everything for me and I LOVED every word from Port Snow. Each story has their own backstory that will have you wondering what will happen next. I adore Quinn's words and this one did not disappoint! Great addition to the series!

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I did not read the previous books, so read it as a stand alone, but the author gave plenty of backstory so that this was not a problem.

This was a very amusing story about 3 friends that grew up together in a small Maine town, Port Snow. Eric and Eve Roberts are twins and Reid is Eric's best friend. Reid and Eve have crushed on each other for as long as they remember, not realizing that the other felt the same way, but there is Eric and the bro code that has kept them apart. Reid has 3 boisterous brothers and a sister, who provide lots of comedy to the story. Reid and Eris both learned to love cooking at the Knightly home kitchen, went off to culinary school together and opened a restaurant in Boston. But they needed someone to handle the business part of the restaurant, Bar 79, and hired Janelle, Eric's girlfriend as the business manager. The Knightly brothers went to New Orleans to celebrate Brig's 21 birthday and crossed a old palm reader, who they believe put a curse on them, about love. That same evening, Eric calls to tell Reid that Janelle had stolen all their money, had not been paying bills and empty all their bank accounts, but could not be prosecuted, because she was a partner. This part did not make sense, because why would the business manager be a partner and even if she was, she could still be prosecuted. But they had to close and both fell into despair.

Meanwhile, Eve had dreams of her own, but stayed at home taking care of her parents, working and slowly taking classes to finish her own degree in business management. Three years after Bar 79 closed, Reid has not done any cooking, is living in a boat catching lobster and feeling lost. But when the anniversary of the death of Mr Roberts and Eric does not come home, Reid is there for Eve. They slowly start secret dating, and they are good for each other. But when an opportunity arrives for the three of them to work together, Eric threatens to blow it up if Reid doesn't break it off with Eve.

I liked the characters and the story, as I especially like second chance stories. Great banter between the siblings and the various couples. But I felt that Reid and Eve's relationship was one in which he would have told Eve the truth and they would have handled Eric together. Also, half the book seemed to be sex scenes, which was a bit too much for me.

I read an ARC from this is my unbiased and voluntary review.

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