Member Reviews

This was a very detailed book that I just couldn't get into. I had a hard time understanding some of the concepts the author writes about. I give it 3 stars since it is a genre I typically do not read.

Another "different" book on the brain, but this time it is about the way our brain shaped the world around us, plus some other interesting insights about AI and computers.This one is also a not so easy book, but even if you are not expert on the subject, the whole concepts are really well explained and gave me a lot of food for thoughts.
Un altro libro "diverso" sul cervello, che racconta il modo in cui il cervello stesso ha "forgiato" il mondo intorno a noi, piú alcuni interessanti insights sull'intelligenza artificiale e i supercomputer. Anche questo non é un libro facile, ma anche per i non esperti sull'argomento, i concetti sono ben spiegati e soprattutto fanno riflettere parecchio.