Member Reviews

I absolutely loved this book. It was so quick and easy. The graphics were beautiful and filled with diverse and inclusive folks.
When you really take it down this book is basically saying COMMUNICATE.
Such a helpful resource to have.

*I received an advance copy of this book from Netgalley in return for an honest review*

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This is an awesome resource for all people looking for a comprehensive guide on sex, something that can be seriously lacking for many in the US, especially those with disabilities - as this book mentions. Not only is this short book informative, it put a smile on my face the entire time I was reading it. By creating a graphic novel or a work of solely words, the author manages to make uncomfortable conversations come to life on the page and through seeing them happen through people, the reader is reassured of those conversations when they may come up in their own lives. This would be a wonderful book for a light but informative read, but also a great book that could be used in schools or with parents and children as this topic is navigated! I would love to see the graphics turned into an animation as well. Would recommend to anyone and will look forward to other works the author puts out.

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A Quick & Easy Guide to Sex & Disability is a perfect pair of art and writing that brings the two themes of disability and sex to the table for an honest, myth-busting, informative conversation. A definitive recommendation that explores everything from finding one's own pleasure points as a disabled person to incorporating it with the very normal sexual wanting. It even dwells into the importance of communication, discussions, and positivity around the focused topics.

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Caveat: I do not have a diagnosed legal disability. I have an illness-- still trying to find a diagnosis-- that has affected my health, stamina, energy, and physical abilities for 2 and 1/2 years. I'm doing better now, but I have had times of being essentially on bed rest when not at my desk job.

The illustrations are chaste and very inclusive-- different body types, different pairings, different ethnicities. I'm not sure why 100% of the characters have a dark black unibrow.

This book is appropriate for people who are coping with a recent disability and haven't previously read anything (at all ever) about sexual health, or for younger people with disabilities who are thinking about beginning sexual relationships. For people who have already read any general sexual health books, this volume doesn't add much. The advice, such as it is, is good-- communicate constantly, listen to your body, be open to alternatives-- but is unlikely to be helpful for most people. Because the author didn't focus on any single physical disability or situation, there are essentially no helpful tips for any person's particular challenge.

Not required for libraries.

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I received an ARC in change of a honest review, all opinions are my own.
Rating: 4.5
This comic was great! It debunked a few misconceptions and prejudice we may have against disabled people and how they "don't" or "can't" have an active sexual life.
The main point the author decided to focus on was, talking. You should always tell your partner how you feel, or your doctor if you're thinking about starting to be more active sexually and so on.
I did find interesting to know that exists props (harnesses) that could help a person with spasticity, joint pain or muscle weakness to enjoy more sex.
Overall I did find this short comic a must read. Because after you finish it you leave with more knowledge and less prejudice about disabled people, knowledge that you can pass on to others.

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Advanced Reader Copy received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Everyone needs to know about this comic.

In this quick and easy guide, A. Andrews explain in a good and short way very important concepts like gender and sexuality, disabilities, consent, comunication and self care, also quote medical affirmations about it.

I see this guide like an effective didactical instrument for teens and adults. Us, the teachers, are needing this tipe of reads for our sex education classes.

In my country, Argentina, we have a sex education law (we work with the students things like self care, respect, consent, security, gender, sex, and more) in every year of basic education, and this comic is very adaptable to our classes.
In our education system we want a citicen who can practice (or not) a consensual, respect and safe sexuality.

One of my favorite things is the representation of all tipe of bodies, skin colors, marks, and disabilities visible and unvisible.

I will recomend this to my fellows and profesors.

Spanish version

Copia adelantada para lectores recibida a cambio de una reseña honesta.
Este comic es todo lo que esta bien en el mundo. Deben leerlo si o si en algún momento
En esta guía, A. Andrews explica de manera clara y entretenida conceptos como el género y la sexualidad, cita investigaciones de organismos internacionales de la Salud y en secciones aborta temas como el cuidado personal, el consentimiento, dificultades físicas y mentales y la responsabilidad en el sexo.
Esta dirigido para un publico muy amplio, si bien no atraviesa los cambios que se sufren en la pubertad, si aborda el autoconocimiento, la exploración y la comunicación sobre lo que nos gusta o disgusta, entre muchas otras cosas
Una de las cosas más interesantes es que el autor no escatima al mostrar gran diversidad de cuerpos, colores de piel, cicatrices y dificultades visibles o no.
Para cerrar. ¿Por qué me parece importante esta lectura para TODOS?
Por si no lo saben, en Argentina rige una ley de Educación Sexual Integral, esta dice que los alumnos de cada nivel tienen el derecho de ser educados con el fin de que transiten su sexualidad de manera sana, responsable y consensual, y realmente me parece que este comic transmite un montón de contenido que los docentes deben conocer para poder cumplirla.
Como casi docente soy consciente de que tendré una gran diversidad de alumnos en un solo aula, y que al abrir espacios de conversación y debate estos temas serán recurrentes.
Voy a estar habilitada para trabajar en tres de las cátedras donde más se trabaja la ESI en el nivel secundario, y será todo un reto, así que toda información con la que me encuentre de es de gran ayuda alimentar mi conocimiento, y por lo tanto, incrementar la calidad de mis futuras clases.

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This was a really interesting and informative book for both those with disabilities and those without. It is very informative on how to broach the topic of sex for those with disabilities and also those in relationships with people with disabilities. The use of a comic book style in it helps alleviate some of the heaviness associated with the topic. Further, the fact it is written by a disabled person adds a layer of authenticity and also gives a real life understanding of how to deal with the topic. Very informative.

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Exactly what it says on the tin - a quick and easy guide to sex & disability! Tackles myths, communication, finding out what works for you and more. Worth a a read by everybody!

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A Quick & Easy Guide to Sex & Disability is an entertaining introduction to said topic. It includes a lot of very important points for both disabled and non-disabled readers, a lot of which are also applicable to non-disabled sex and easily overlooked in mainstream sex ed. This comic is full of facts and helpful tips and ideas. I especially enjoyed the activity page, making this an interactive read that immediately invites you to think about what you read.
The illustrations and general tone of the comic is great. It's consciously far from clinical and is sure to include different disabilities, body types and skin colours. The art style is very pleasant to look at, being neither clinical photorealistic sex scenes nor shying away from the fact that this is a comic about sex.

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This book is about navigating the world of sex, while experiencing a life with disabilities, in order to decrease the stigma around both sec and disabilities, and the capabilities of those with disabilities. It was well draw, and well researched, with plenty of facts from reliable sources. It walks through all the different stages of sex, to finding the best experience for you.

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We've been buying this series (A Quick & Easy Guide to They/Them Pronouns and A Quick & Easy Guide to Queer & Trans Identities) as Teen at my library, and I had a feeling that some people might balk at putting this book in the same location. In order to help other selectors make this decision: there is no visual depiction of genitals in the book, and when people are depicted in sexual positions they are typically wearing underwear (or the area below the waist is not shown). However, there are visual depictions of nipples and sex toys such as vibrators and dildos. The book is straightforward, reassuring, and not erotic in tone, which I think would make it as appropriate for teens as any other sex education book (and it covers ground that other sex ed books may not). I wouldn't say that it was *aimed* at teens, however, and it doesn't cover puberty / menstruation / burgeoning sexuality at all. The book provides a healthy emphasis on consent and verbal communication as well as some practical suggestions. The art is warmly colored and drawn in a visually appealing, cartoonish style. The people depicted vary widely in skin tone and body size, and there is also a variety of scars, body hair, stretch marks, and mobility devices. The writing style is very friendly and knowledgeable without being clinical. Overall, if your library stocks sex education books at all, I would recommend that you add this to the shelf.

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