Member Reviews

I knew very little about Taiwan before picking this up. I am always fascinated by genealogy and history of people's families. I enjoy the discovery and the effects world events and the sense of place have on individuals and their families. Immigrant ancestors are always the most intriguing... The cover is beautiful. Thank you for the digital ARC.

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DNF around 60% - just don't have the time right now, but that being said - I will purchase this book.
This book was difficult to read because the formatting was not great in the e-book format. I would rather have a hard copy to enjoy.

Things I liked:
- The journey of her migrant family history, shown through her trips to Taiwan - the descriptive writing of the places, scenery and feelings allowed me to picture exactly where she was and how she felt in the moment.
- Seeing Taiwan though the eyes of the mother
- I thought the title of the book was very clever and well thought out
- Beautiful language throughout

Things I didn't like
- Format of the e-book
- Book can jump around a bit and I found myself having to go back some pages to pick up the story again

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